My Alpha's Luna 4/5

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    "Y/n! What are you doing here?" Jungkook's voice echoed with confusion as Y/n maintained her protective position, eyes firmly closed.

     "I have a feeling that I need to protect you," she responded, the words lingering in the air as she prepared for a confrontation that never materialized. Instead, a familiar voice broke the tension.

"Y/n! Finally, we found you."

Opening her eyes, Y/n discovered her mom and dad standing nearby.

     "Mom, dad? Where is that wolf?" Y/n scanned her surroundings, seeking any signs of the elusive creature.

"Oh, honey. We've been searching for you for a week. Where were you?" her mom inquired.

     "I'm sorry, Mom, that I ran away. But I couldn't handle it anymore with both of you locking me up. I wanted to see the world," Y/n confessed.

"Mom, dad?" Jungkook interjected, prompting Y/n to introduce him.

"Yes, these are my parents," she confirmed.

     Dad's stern voice cut through the moment, "Y/n, come here, right now! Stay away from him. He's dangerous."

     "Why would he be dangerous? I've been living with him, and he didn't hurt me," Y/n staunchly defended.

"What?! Honey, please come here, so we can go home," her mom pleaded.

     Reluctantly, Y/n obeyed, walking over to her mom and embracing her. "I'm sorry, Mom, but this is my home now."

     Glancing at her dad, who wore a stern expression, clearly displeased with Jungkook, the atmosphere tensed.

"Attack!" her dad abruptly commanded, and Y/n questioned the unexpected order.

     A swift movement passed by her, and as she looked toward Jungkook, a sight unfolded: wolves, including Taehyung and others, converging on him.

"No!" Y/n cried out.

Jungkook met her gaze, his mind echoing, "I'm sorry, Y/n."

      Confused, she pondered his apology as Jungkook transformed into a large black wolf with yellow eyes, the same creature she had encountered a week ago.

      The forest transformed into a chaotic battleground of clashing wolves, captivating Y/n, her mom, and dad in astonishment.

     "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't want you to know our secret like this," her dad confessed, transforming into a grey wolf and joining the fray. As he attacked Jungkook, Y/n pleaded for him to stop.

     "Come, honey, let's go," her mom urged, pulling Y/n away. Resisting, Y/n fixated on Jungkook. When she heard him whine, a surge of rage overcame her, compelling her to run back toward Jungkook and her dad. With a forceful push, she separated them, standing resolutely in front of Jungkook, determined to protect him.

In the recesses of Jungkook's mind, a question lingered—Y/n?

     "Don't worry, Jungkook. I will protect you even if it's against my own dad," Y/n assured, a resolve evident in her voice.

     Anticipating another attack from her father, Y/n braced herself, only to witness an unexpected transformation. Her father, once a menacing figure, reverted to his human form. A smile played on his lips, even as he held his chest where Y/n had struck him.

     Do you love him so much that you even transformed yourself for the first time to protect him?" her dad inquired, a hint of amusement in his tone.

     Y/n, still processing her newfound reality, realized her own transformation into a wolf. The realization struck her, prompting her to voice her astonishment.

"Wait? I am a wolf too. When did I transform?"

     Her dad offered an explanation, suggesting that her inner wolf had surfaced in response to her distress over Jungkook's injury.

As Jungkook tended to his wound, Y/n, now in human form, expressed concern.

"Are you okay?"

Turning the focus back to her father, Y/n sought answers to the brewing conflict.

"Dad? Why are you guys fighting? And why didn't you say I was a wolf?"

     He confessed, revealing that Jungkook had resisted surrendering Y/n to them, and he had kept her true nature hidden to protect her. A revelation that left Y/n perplexed and Jungkook defensive.

     "My mistake, but it turns out, you found your soulmate, Y/n," her dad conceded, hinting at a profound connection between Y/n and Jungkook.

"Soulmate?" Y/n questioned, seeking clarity.

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