14. What do i say ?

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Lucy's POV

A week had past , my body was now stronger . I could run at full speed for hours , I could lend a more powerful Lucy kick and Lucy punch . I also enhanced my smelling and hearing abilities , and my treaty are as tough as a dragon's . My magic was stronger , for now I could summon 4 spirits at once without collapsing , in all I improved . And now it was time to start the real training , the celestial dragon slaying magic . As of now I'm still on Celeste's island , mom visits everyday to check on me . We talked and I apologized for not telling her about me starting training, she said she understood and will support me and help me if I need anything .

" ok it's time to start the real training . first you will start by eating stars " Celeste said , wait...

" EAT WHAT ??!! " eat stars ? What the hell !

" you heard me right , princess , here look it isn't that hard " she opened her mouth and then , she absorbed stars from the dark blue sky . " see ? Easy "

" easy for you " I sighted " h-how do I do it ? "

" hmmm , you just open your mouth and start inhaling air , but concentrate a little magic to pull the stars toward you . It's like...like....uhhh....like eating spaghetti or whatever you call that long white rope thingy...." she explained . I tried doing it but it wouldn't work , I sighted loudly " picture the earth and the gravity , you have to pull the stars toward you . You are the earth and the center of your magic is the gravity that pulls the stars toward you....."

I close my eyes and pictured the earth in my mind , I pictured the stars coming to my mouth , I open it and inhale deeply . A little while later I sensed something in my mouth , I opened my eyes and kept inhaling , or if you prefer eating stars ! Yes you heard me right ! I'm doing it ! After some time I stopped and swallowed , hmmm not bad , not bad at all , it's actually pretty good !! Just then I felt a pain in my stomach, I put my hand there and sat on the ground than laid there looking ahead of me in the direction of some trees .

" I-I think t-that wasn't a-a g-good idea...."

" oh no it was very good princess , you have done it ! and it took you almost no time to do it . You're a quick learner . As for the pain your feeling , it is natural . Your body isn't used to this , so it will fight . Your magic will take the stars and use them to be more powerful . That's what happens to all the dragon slayers . It's just this once , you won't feel any pain later when you do it again . " Celeste explained , but I didn't reply , it was really painful and I was bitting my lips so I won't scream . Celeste made a dog-like sad groan and curled up around me , my back to her .

After ages of agonizing pain , the pain finally started to subside , I sat up slowly and looked up to see Celeste looking at me with concerned eyes

" I'm fine Celeste , don't worry about me " I told her before leaning on her . She lowered her head so she was eye contact with me

" but you were in pain , princess " she said making that dog-like sad groan again . Her head was close enough for me to scratch behind her ear . As soon as I did that she started to purr like a cat . Awwwwww she looked so cute

" you like that , don't you ? " she purred more loudly , telling me her answer was yes . I continued doing what I was doing for a while , and then I stopped , removing my hands and putting them back on her stomach , closing my eyes for a bit . I felt something big nudge me , I opened my eyes to be met by Celeste's big head .

" you need to eat stars now , don't worry it won't be painful " she said , I sighted and did as I was told , soon enough stars penetrated my mouth and I swallowed , the good taste invading my mouth . It really tasted good , now I understand how gajeel and Natsu eats so much of iron and fire without getting tired of it . The good thing is , there was no pain this time.....yay !!!

" very good , princess . Now it's time for you to try the celestial dragon roar . Stand firmly on your ground , separate your legs from one another by about 5 centimeters , inhale deeply , concentrate your magic to your mouth . instead of the gravity pulling the stars toward you , this time you have to throw them away....like....like....uhh....like a bomb or some explosion or something . When you feel it's time to release the magic inside your mouth , arch your back a little so you won't fly away from the pressure of the attack . Got it ? "

" I think..." I said as I stood up and went a little far from Celeste to have some space

" I know you can do it , just try " Celeste said with hopeful eyes

" okay I'll do my best " I'm not going to disappoint you Celeste....

I closed my eyes , separated my legs and applied some pressure to my feet. Then I concentrate magic to my mouth , I kept adding more and more until I felt like my mouth was full . I arched my back a little and yelled

" celestial dragon......ROAR !!! " a dark blue beam with stars went from my mouth , but it didn't reach far before it vanished

" incredible ! Just like your mother ! You did it from the first try , of course it needs more power and all , but for a first timer you are doing awesome princess! " Celeste beamed happily, I was happy too , I smiled at her . And continued practicing . In the end of the day I did it . It wasn't perfect but it still did some damage , it even destroyed a big rock !
At the end of the day I was exhausted , I sat at the table in Celeste's house and ate dinner with Her . Today she prepared some kind of soup

" hey , Celeste ? " I called her and putted my spoon in the empty bole

" yes princess ? " she asked looking at me smiling

" do you have a paper and a pencil ? "

" yes why ? " she titled her head to the side , on her face a confused look

" I want to wright a letter to master makarov " she nodded and got me what I wanted , while she cleaned the dishes I wrote the letter .

" open gate of the lion....Leo !! " Loki appeared before me in a flash of golden lights

" why hello beautiful " he said winking at me

" quit flirting with me Loki " I told him with an amused smiled on my face

" but my love , your beauty is to much that I couldn't resist " he said I laughed and shook my head

" I'm not THAT beautiful Loki , your exaggerating "

" I can assure you , you're beautiful on the inside and on the outside " he winked my way and I mumbled a small thanks . " anyway....what can I help you with princess ? "

" oh right.... I need you to give makarov this letter please , only him . I trust you in this Loki " he nodded , took the letter and disappeared

" come on princess ! Time for bed , tomorrow will be a tough day ! " Celeste shouted from the kitchen I think

" coming ! "

******** ( I'm too lazy to do math so I'm gonna assume the time from now on , it isn't accurate , maybe someday when I edit I'll fix it but for now it will be random )

At the guild

It was now dark , and Lucy hasn't returned yet her friends were worried that something happened to her .

" I've had enough !! " Natsu yelled standing up , and smashing his hand on the table . " I'm going to search for her , as he was about to run from the guild door , he was grabbed by his shirt and lifted in the air .

" hey leave me be !!! I need to find Lucy !! "

" you better calm down , or I'm going to kill you !! " red menacing eyes glared his way

" e-e-erza ! "

" you aren't the only one worried here , but think about it.... It's dark outside , it would be best to go tomorrow morning if she doesn't come back "

" Ezra's right , maybe she's sleeping at an hotel , and she'll come tomorrow ? " levy suggested

" shrimp is right . Bunny girl could be sleeping peacefully at an hotel or something " gajeel who was quite all this time butt in

" bu-" Natsu was going to protest when suddenly Loki appeared

" Loki ! " everyone screamed and bombarded him with questions

" enoughhhhhhh !!!!! " an elderly voice beamed in the guild , making everyone shut up . " Loki to my office now ! " as makarov made his way to his office , Loki followed

" I would like to know what the hell is going on ! This is the second time Loki comes here today ! " grey screamed annoyed

" for once I agree with ice freak " Natsu said but grey just ignored his comment , there were more important issues at hand

"We all want to know , but all we can do now is wait for master " erza said

" but who knows if he's going to tell us or not " Wendy injected , and everyone sighted , they just had to wait and find out


At the makarov 's office Loki handed him the letter and waited for him to read it , the master opened it and started reading it

Dear master makarov...

How's it been in earthland ? For me it's been great in the dragon world , I started training a week ago and I can already do a celestial dragon roar , it isn't perfect but well..... I really miss everyone, how are they doing ? I don't think It has been that long since I left for you , but for me it has been 2 weeks . Anyway I'll be back in a month like I said in the previous letter . I hope no one found out about my secret . Take care master ,

Proud member of fairy tail , Lucy heartfilia

After reading the letter makarov looked at Loki , he was about to go back to his world when

" wait Loki ! "

" hum ? Yes ? " Loki stayed waiting for the master's instructions, what could he want from him ?

" I want to send her a letter could you deliver it please ? "

" yes of course " after writhing his letter , Loki took it and disappeared


Lucy's POV

Loki came back after a couple hours , I was just about to travel to dream land ! But when I saw the letter in his hand I thanked him and told him to wait for me to read it . Celeste was asleep so we went to the kitchen and sat on the stools . I opened the letter and it read

Dear child

We're all doing great here , and you were right not much has passed , the day isn't even over . Everyone is worried about you and they're waiting for you to come back . I seriously don't know what to tell them , please send back another letter telling me what to do , I'll be waiting for Loki in my office . Please take care my child , don't hurt yourself . Even though just a couple hours has passed , everyone misses you even me . The guild isn't the same without you , I don't know what they'll do if they found out you aren't coming for a whole month . Be safe..

Fairy tail master , makarov drayer

I looked at Loki and then I panicked , what do I say ?! What do I say ?! I sat there for a while thinking . As soon as an idea popped into my head I hurried and wrote a letter and gave it to loki to deliver it to the master

" you know ? I'm a lion , not a messenger or something " he said kinda annoyed

" I know Loki and I'm sorry for that , but please....." I made my puppy dog face

" uhhh....fine....just don't do that face . Anything for you my love ! " he said winking at the end , and then he disappeared . I sweet dropped , seriously ? I went back to bed and fell asleep , if there was another letter I'll just read it tomorrow

**** (sorry about that )

Back at the guild

Loki appeared in makarov's office and gave him the letter he read it , thanked Loki who later disappeared back to his world and went down stairs

" what's taking them so long ?! " Natsu complained

" stop complaining fire breath or I swear I'll kill you ! " grey shouted annoyed to the fullest , he grew tired of hearing him complaining

" what did you say ice freak ? " Natsu asked clashing his head with grey

" you heard me ash breath ! "

" you wanna fight Popsicle ? "

" bring it on grilled brain !! " and here we go , they started fighting.....again . The whole guild started fighting because of the 2 , erza who was trying to pass the time by savoring a strawberry cake had to knock some guild members , because someone accidentally threw a couple tables on her not to mention that unlucky guild member who stepped on her cake.....oh dear.....

" LISTEN UP BRATS !! " as the mater shouted that , everyone stopped dead in there tracks and looked his way listening closely to what he was going to say

" as some of you know , Lucy heartfilia , one of our guild member isn't back yet ." Some of the guild member nodded " I just received a letter from her telling me she met up with some of the staff who worked at her house before , and that they insisted on passing time with her . She couldn't refuse so she accepted , she will rejoin us after a month. "

" a month !!!???? " Natsu shouted surprised

" a whole month " the master confirmed " I don't want anyone to go after her , you will all wait a month till her return "

" b-but gramps - " Natsu protested

" am I clear ? " the master said glaring at him

" but- " Natsu tried to protest again

" I SAID ! AM I CLEAR ? " the master shouted with a scary face

" y-yes gramps " he said lowering his head to the ground

" that goes to all of you too , let the girl have some fun . They lived with her mother and know her well , maybe they will tell her things about her . So leave her be , you will see her when she returns......after a month . " and with that the master went home and laid in his bed thinking

Nice cover up my child , really genius.......

Okayyyyy , here you go . Sorry at the end I had to switch between Lucy and the guild a lot . Hope you enjoyed


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