Atsuko Tsunayuuki (Draft)

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In Vongola Kingdom, lives the king with his guardians who are very loyal. Sawada Tsunayoshi. He live with 7 other people who are also called guardians.

Tsunayoshi created an academy to teach things about mafiosos, for the good one. But one day, he disappear. No one knows where he gone. And his guardians currently filling for him.

Cielo Academy, a brunette girl, Atsuko (this is f/n) Tsunayuuki go to that academy for her college. On her dream, she met a teenage around her age or maybe older and look like her. She call him 'Tsuna onii sama'. But that is only when her 'other' self take over.

Yamamoto Takeshi, Tsunayoshi's rain guardian bump into Atsuko infront of Vongola Castle and drag her in. Forceful i must say.

(Supporting charas are taken from other animes~)


A fine morning pass by at the castle at Vongola Kingdom. Everyone is very happy, cheerful. Their boss, their sky, their king is as lively as ever.

"Ohayou, minna~!" The young king greet everyone who are at the dining room.

"Ohayou / gozaimasu." His guardians greet back.

But those peacefull day gone upside down the next day. Tsunayoshi disappear without any information.

~2 weeks later

A new semester has begun at Cielo Academy, a brunette girl walk pass the gate of Cielo Academy. She is walking toward her new dorm and new room.

Her eyes glow blazing orange, "So this is where Tsuna onii sama is.." But then, her eyes turn to doe big brown eyes.

She blinks for a while before looking at the scene. "This is more than i expected.. I hope i'll get new friends.."

Atsuko walk through the garden and finally reach her dorm. Her new roommate name is Merleawe. In room number 27.

"Etto.. Over here.. Excuse me." Atsuko say entering her new room.

"Ah! Are you Atsuko? My name is Merleawe! You can call me Mel with bo honorifics!" A silverette (?) exclaim happily.

The brunette girl stop and smile at Mel. "Nice to meet you, Mel." She say.

"Uwaah, you're so cute~" Mel cooed.


"Hee, we're in the same class. I'm so glad.." Mel say.

"Uhn! I hope we got new friends again ne?" Atsuko say with a smile.

"Etto, twenty six students plus one teacher, Terada-sensei.. That means we have twenty seven person!" The silverette say.

Atsuko's eye flash orange for 10 second while muttering, "That's so like Nii-sama.." giggling a little before turning back to normal.

"Homeroom is starting. Everyone, take a seat." Terada sensei say.

"Hai!" The students say.

~PE class (In the first day? No, not really PE, just for the future studying..)~

"Everyone, try this ring. There are seven types of rings, orange for sky, red for storm, blue for rain, yellow for sun, purple for cloud, and indigo for mist. Try each of it except this sky." Terada sensei intructed.

"Eh, too bad.. I like orange more.." Atsuko say sighing as disappointment.

"Ah! Perfect fit! I like red!" Mel say as red flames appear from Mel's ring.

"Uwah, sugoi.. I should try it too.." The brunette girl mutter.


"Nothing.. It's not going out.." Atsuko sigh.

"What's wrong, Tsunayuuki-san?" Terada sensei ask.

"Etto, the flames are not coming out.." The brunette girl say looking down.

"That is not possible.. Why don't you try again and if it really can't you come to me." Terada sensei say, the brunette girl nod.

She then try again but it's no use. "Sensei.." Atsuko say sighing.

"Why don't you try this one then?" Terada sensei seem hessitated for a second.

"Wah! The orange one!" Atsuko's eyes glimerring in delightment.

She then put it on her finger and try to lit. That is when orange flames appear above the diamond. "Pretty.." She mutter smiling to herself.

"As i thought, Sky flames.. I have to contact the kingdom." Terada sensei mutter.


"Mel, i'm going to buy some more books okay, i think i need some more." Atsuko say getting ready in the mirror.

"Okay~ Come back before the dorm is closed!" Mel answer waving at the walking Atsuko. She --Atsuko-- just smile back.

Atsuko POV

"Thank you very much!" The cashier woman said to me. I smile a wide smile and walk out.

Etto.. Walk straight forward pass the Kingdom.. Kingdom huh.. I stop infront of the gate, i can see the garden.

"Tomorrow i have to go here.. I'm getting nervous!" I say shivering a bit.

*slap**slap* I slap my cheeks not too hard, "Don't think about it! Etto.. Uwaah! 15 more minutes until the dorm is locked! Dash!!" I started to run and fail to notice until i bump into someone.

"Itte.." We both say. I quickly stand up, "I-I'm really sorry!" I bow down.

"No, it's also my fault." It's a teenager? Or adult?

"Well, if you excuse me, i need to get into my dorm. Once agai--" "Tsuna?"

I just stare weirdly at him. "Pardon me, do i know you?" Now it's his time who stare at me wierdly.

"Haha.. Did you hit your head, Tsuna?" He laugh wryly.

Then he look at the seriousness in Atsuko's eyes. In the other person, Atsuko is just staring, but then she collect her books.

"Well, if you excuse me.." Atsuko mutter and walk pass Yamamoto.

She look at the time, 'What!? I'm la--' She was cutted by someone who drag her.

She is now entering the kingdom's grounds, "Hey..!! Let me.. go!!" Atsuko stranggle.

Yamamoto grinned, "I've decided! You are gonna stay here for the mean time~!" He exclaim.


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