Cursed Being [KnY] (Draft)

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-Abnormal Being's Sequel-

Because of carelessness, the peaceful world once again became a dreadful world. With lots of people resenting the well known Luminoso family, the twins who's supposed to be not Luminoso family member were targeted. Acting as a bait, Yokina enters the hideout and were hurt- resulting her fast regenaration known by the humans.

As a new leader rose, knowing the secret behind demons, once again brainless demons were born and starts spreading around Tokyo, revolving with Muzan's blood which resides in Yokina's vein. With their mission, Yokina and Yuutsuna had to act and does their mission well.


Takes place in the modern era (timeline is after chapter 205).
Could be read alone, but better if you have read the prequel.
I don't own Kimetsu no Yaiba. I only own my OCs and the plot.
Most likely OOCs since no spesific characteristic of the original characters were shown.
Mature content for strong language and also killing stuff such as blood and gore etc (slaying demons).


[I thought no more problem will occur.]

[Master.. Kiriya believed we can protect the humans..-]


[Who would've thought I'll be screwing up things again-?]

[They said Luminoso earlier..]

[Wait, do you think it's that Luminoso?]

[What? You think they're still alive?]

[But don't they.. fit the descriptions?]


[Heheh, let's make them pay.]

[I'm not allowed to be alive after all]

[I'm just a burden]

[And I'm cursed]

[I should have chosen to die rather to live.]


"Ah. Speaking of which, I think Yoshiteru got an idea of who I am." Yokina suddenly told, "his smell gave a bit of realisation smell earlier when I saw Yushiro's painting in his phone."

Yushiro pauses, "Huh?"

"Well he's the only one who actually reads Zenitsu's diary." Yokina shruggs with a huge grin.

"Wait no, that's not the problem you stupid!" Yushiro raised his voice as he glares Yokina. "If he knows of your identity, that means he knows your a demon!" He whispered-yelled towards Yokina.

"Oh that's right." Yokina exclaim, but then shrug it off. "But well no one will believe that in this generation. It'll be fine."

Yuutsuna sighs, "That's like a flag actually." She calmly replies.



"Emergency meeting. Come to our house as soon as possible." She told feeling bad. "It's regarding demons." She didn't gave time for Yushiro to respond.

" it." Was the reply she got before she went to her room as well for a rest.

Yokina on her room hugged her legs, pulling it to her chest as she starts crying softly. 'I did it again,' she silently thought. 'I messed up everything. I ruined the peaceful life.' She bit her lip. 'I will cause.. another fight between humans and demons..-' She gripped her clothes, curling deeper.

'I should've just chosen to die.'


Yokina bit her lip, "I.. accidently turn.." She trails off, gulping. "some people to demons."

This certainly caught Yushiro off guard. "W-What?" He held himself to not slam the door. "You, got hurt?"

Yokina nodded curtly, "Actually..-" Her head turns outside. "Someone's here." She changed the topic.

Yuutsuna nodded. "In a car, two."

"Gun powders.. A police?" Yokina mumble out. "Wait, they're..!"

The two polices didn't talk as one sips the tea.

"She looked.. similiar." The one with meaner eyes voiced out.

The one who looks nicer, but still mean nods, "She does.."

"But, who?"


"You reek of me." Yokina commented as her face became irritated.

The demon just struggles as it didn't say anything but screeches. "Damn, useless." Yokina hisses before slashing the demon's neck, easily detached it from it's body and resulting it to become ashes.

She cleaned her dagger by swinging it to the side, making the blood splatters on the ground, before sheathing it on her thights again. She starts walking towards her twin and the two, sighing as the two were Zenitsu's great-grandchildren.

Yoshiteru was the one who got injured, his hand was wounded by the demon's sharp nails, while Touko was protected by Yoshiteru resulting her safe, just trembling in fear and tears trailing out of her eyes. Yoshiteru himself did cry, but as he saw Yokina killing off the demon, his fear turn into an excitement feeling and admiration. "That was cool!" He commented, eyes sparkling.


"No worries! I've informed them that I'll stay overnight at my friend's house!" The male demon sighs, moving his attention elsewhere. Yoshiteru's shining eyes is not one he likes.

"Ah, you're planning to sleep here..?" Yokina trails off thinking of which room they should have. "I'll prepare the room. Do you need sepparate rooms?" She asks.

"We don't want to cause much trouble so.. we don't mind whether it's sepparate or same." Touko politely told.

Yuutsuna looked at her twin, "Should I prepare the room instead?" She asks earning a no.

"Nah, it's okay. You two can start explaining.." Yokina told before running off upstairs.

As she arrives on the storage room, which is just beside the stairs, her face shows pure hatred as she remembers the demon she killed off earlier. It reek of her, much to her dismay.


"Do you really think it's a good idea?"

The three glanced at each other, no one was sure on what to reply. Even if they are the descendant of Zenitsu and Nezuko, right now they are completely powerless.

"But they've known of the demons' existence-"

"And Touko's a marechi."

The two sighs as Yokina looks down, fidgetting. "Should I go fetch some wisteria flower as a charm?" She whisper out.

"Before that, we now are positive demons starts exploring Japan again." Yuutsuna pointed out, "Yushiro, can you still use your Demon Blood Technique?" She asks.

Yushiro grumbles, "What do you think? I never used it for the past decades. How should I know?" He replies.

"...I see.."

Sighing at the completely out of character Yokina, "I'll try it out tonight. Bring me to the patrol." Yushiro told. "There's no guarantee though."

"Alright, that's okay." Yuutsuna then turn to Yokina.


"It's nothing, yesterday sister was uhm, surprised by a cat's loud shriek- wait no, yesterday we saw a dead cat lying on the corner and she's traumatized!...?" He explains, well at least trying to sound convincing, which obviously failed.

Before their cousin could reply, Touko pulled Yoshiteru once again, "Sorry, I'm not feeling well. I'll see you two tomorrow then, bye!" She yelled out, running with Yoshiteru.

The two Kamados were left confused and clearly suspiscious of them.

"I know you're trying but that wasn't convincing! It just risen their suspiscious." Touko commented with a tired sigh. "Let's just go." She continued, seeing his brother's pout.

Still sulking Yoshiteru continues to pout.

Yoshiteru panics, "n-no! I don't mean to offend you or anything! I mean, I think they shouldn't criticise you so much since you're.. pretty..-" He stumbled on his words, getting embarrased.

"Eh? I'm a boy though.." The other one replied, still depressed. "But, thank you for the compliment." He gave a light smile.

Yoshiteru blushes up once again. "M-My name's Yoshiteru Agatsuma! Nice to meet you!" He stuttered out.

"I'm Aoba Hashibira. It's nice to meet you too, Agatsuma." With a light blush, Aoba told.

Touko who watched their interaction wanted to puke so much. 'What the hell is this first love like scene?!'

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