Decimo's Daughter

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■A year later■

"Japan.. Namimori.. I found him!" She exclaims with happiness beaming.

"I've learned a few Japanese words with Ginger before so.. I only need to go to Japan now!" She mutter out, booking a ticket to Namimori.

After she had successfully booked a flight for that night, she fastly packed up a few clothes in a small backpack. Of course not forgetting her phone and laptop and money.

She quickly ordered a taxi to go to the airport and checked in.

"Stop right there, young girl. Where are your mother and father?" The officer just had to stop her.

She fidget a bit, "Mommy is somewhere far.. While I just found my father in Japan.. I um, He bought me ticket to Japan so I can go there because he's.. sick?" She answers, half lying and half telling the truth. She then show the officer her ticket. "This is the ticket! And passport!" She exclaim, showing them both.

Where would she get a passport? She's a hacker duh. Nah, actually Ginger made it for her just in case of emergency.

The officer sighed, "Don't you have any.. caretaker or such person?"

She looks down, slowly crying. "G-Ginger died last year.." She sobbed out.

This made the officer freaks out, "Okay okay, don't cry! I'm sorry for your lost.. You can go on."

~Time skip~

She finally arrived at Japan.


It's currently night time so there's no way she could just go and run like a crazy girl and searchs for her father right? And she doesn't even know how her father looks like!

She isn't a top notch hacker, she just got lucky and somehow got the information that someone named Tsunayoshi Sawada is at Namimori.

And then again, she don't know which part of Namimori he is living at nor which part of Namimori she is currently at.

She sighs miserably

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