Chapter 3

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"Rosepaw, you'll be pairing up with me as there are no other apprentices available," Rosepaw's mentor declared before yowling, "Silverpaw and Nightpaw, please make your way to the arena!"

Rosepaw watched from her perch on the tree. The warrior assessment was one that the entire clan would come and watch, as long as you weren't a servant, of course. Not that Rosepaw usually minded, but she didn't want her every movement scrutinised by her clan's warriors. She watched Nightpaw and Silverpaw circle each other, both of them tense and expecting the other to attack at any moment. Suddenly, Nightpaw yowled and leaped forwards, smothering Silverpaw in a tight lock, biting her ears and giving fierce kicks to her flank. The silver tabby she-cat wasn't submissive however and fought like a rabid cat. Rosepaw watched, admiring her friend who was radiating thermonuclear energy and managed to get Nightpaw in the submissive position in a blink of an eye.

"Yield or else," she heard Silverpaw hiss menacingly into Nightpaw's ear.

"No," Nightpaw spat back with equal ferocity.

Silverpaw growled and unsheathed her claws before digging them deep into Nightpaw's left eye. The silver tabby slowly twisted her claws around inside of Nightpaw's eye and once she drew her claws out, they were slick with dark red blood.

"My eye! My eye! I can't see! It hurts! Some cat, help!" sobbed Nightpaw, rolling under Silverpaw with agony, blood seeping into his black fur. Already, a halo of blood had formed around his head on the ground and Silverpaw kicked him away with disgust, leaving him to squirm around on the training area and looked at Emberblaze for his judgement.

"Silverpaw has won and will now become a full warrior of GoldClan. Nightpaw has lost and with heavy hearts we must let him leave our ranks and he will now join the servants," Emberblaze sighed, his head dropped low as the healers quickly scrambled around Nightpaw and lifted him off to camp.

"Now our second and last battle of the day will commence and that is between me and Crown Heir Rosepaw," Emberblaze continued.

Rosepaw felt her paws move and saw herself getting closer towards Emberblaze.

"Are you ready, crown heir?" Emberblaze asked, tilting his head respectfully.

"Yes," Rosepaw felt her mouth move, her body tensing up as she watched Emberblaze closely.

"May the battle begin and we wish Rosepaw the best of luck!" Emberblaze yowled as he launched towards Rosepaw. She was frozen in shock and her paws were locked into place. She watched Emberblaze soar over her and as if lightning jolted her, she scuttled forwards and ducked out of the way.

Emberblaze landed on the dirt and shuffled slightly from the impact. Rosepaw yowled menacingly and charged at Emberblaze, headbutting him on his flank and unsheathing her claws as she pinned Emberblaze underneath her.

Rosepaw hissed and bared her teeth as she bit Emberblaze on the ear. She jerked back slightly to inflict more pain but she felt something warm, something that tasted coppery in her mouth and spat it out immediately, shuddering at the metallic taste. She saw an orange-coloured ear glowing in the sunlight and froze in shock. 

Emberblaze shakily stood up, blood matting the left side of his face, where his ear should be.

"Crown heir Rosepaw has won and we welcome her as a full warrior of GoldClan," Emberblaze called, his voice slightly muted and shaky, looking at Rosepaw.

Rosepaw, now that she had gotten over her initial shock, felt nothing, no guilt of what she had done to Emberblaze.

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