Chapter 14(Re-Write)

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Starting re-writing on April 8th 2022

Apparently, I posted the original chapter when we learned what Katsuki's hero name is in the manga


With Hizashi gone for his homeroom training camp, Iruka would often find herself bouncing between Nemuri and the Midoriya's homes. Not often did she find herself in her own home. This was mostly due to Shouta cramming his education and both his into the summer. He had planned to get his teaching license as quickly as possible to be able to spend way more time with Hizashi and Iruka. Even their cats were at Nemuri's. Somehow even with her own homeroom class to care for she was much less bussy than Shouta.

Not like Iruka didn't see Shouta at all. He always made it a point to join them for every meal. It also helped that Shouta had all his classes and coursework online so although she didn't get to do fun stuff with him she still got to spend time with him whether that be by Shouta sitting in the living room as he does assignments or Iruka curling up by Shouta's side for a nap.

Nemuri typed away on her laptop; waiting for Shouta to return. She didn't hear any footsteps but some movement by the entryway caught her eye.

"Iruka sweetie what are you doing up? Did you have a nightmare?" She shook her head she continued to rub her eye.

"What you doing Aunt Nem?" Iruka stumbled towards Nemuri.

"Just doing some research for a special wedding. Want to come sit with me?" Iruka nodded and let Nemuri pick her up and place her on her lap.

"What's a wedding?"

"It's when 2 or more adults that love each other a lot decide to stay together for forever."

"Forever is a long long long time," Nemuri chuckled. "Are you getting a wedding?"

"Oh sweetie no. That's not something I'm ready to do yet.

"So why research?" Nezu had once told her a human researched when they didn't understand something. Nemuri wasn't even going to have a wedding so why research it?

"I wanted to do something for Shouta and Hizashi's wedding. They wouldn't do something too grand but I'm still going to try to find somewhere special to celebrate."

"What's grand?"

"Big and fancy,"

If it weren't for the sound of the door lock clicking, neither of them would've heard Shouta coming back from patrol. Iruka wiggled her way out of Nemuri's lap, running straight for Shouta.

"Woah kiddo hold on," Shouta holds out his hands to stop Iruka from running at him full force, Shouta paused, "Iruka what are you doing up?"

"Just wake up?"

"Iruka sweetie, why don't we let Shouta get cleaned up before we swarm him with cuddles?"

As Nemuri headed Iruka back to the living room she mouthed 'later' to Shouta who only sighs before making his way to the bathroom.


The low hum of the tv filled the room. Shouta slowly made his way back to the living room where he finds Nemuri and Iruka side by side on the couch, both with yarn in hand. Iruka's little twisted the yarn into a tangled mess.

"Auntie Nem this is unpossible,"

"Impossible sweetie, and it's really not if I can do it. You just need practice."

"You do also need sleep first though,"

"Dad! Look I'm crocheting!" Iruka held up her tangled yarn that hung between 2 hooks.

"Isn't crocheting done with 1 hook?" Nemuri helped Iruka shimmy over to her side; Shouta plopped himself onto the couch.

"Do you know how to crochet dad?"

"I know the basics," Iruka held up her ball of yarn, a silent request for Shouta to do it. With a nod, Shouta took it and slowly weaved and twisted the yarn around the finger and hook. Iruka looked at his work in awe, slowly leaning in closer for a better look. Shouta continued to work on nothing in particular; Nemuri worked quietly on her own project. In a matter of practically seconds, Iruka was found nuzzled into Shouta's side.

Let it be known that Shouta cussed Nemuri out the second she took out her phone.


Shouta stared at Hizashi. He'd do anything for the man. It was the only thing that went through his head when Hizashi came home when he crawled into bed together and he finally got to hold the man in his arms after a week of being apart (he'd never say it but if Shouta had his way he would hold his loved ones close and never let them go). Thoughts of their wedding came to him though. He hadn't had the chance to think about it (well that's not entirely true. They have a tendency to appear when not wanted and he has a tendency to shove it all away). They hadn't had the chance to even talk about it. With barely any time to themselves, the wedding had completely become an afterthought.

Iruka snuggled close to him. He let out a content sigh. He would do anything for either of them. He realised he would even have a grand wedding with the sparkliest outfit and loudest music if that's what Hizashi wanted. He's always been a practical man, always has been, always will be. A once in a lifetime experience, an experience he would share with another was worth any impracticality that would arise.

"Shouta?" Hizashi mumbled. His eyes drooped in his drowsiness.

"I love you," Shouta moved his hand to cup his fiance's face, "I love you like every planet love's its sun." Hizashi smiled and hummed.

"You're sweet tonight," He whispered.

"I've missed you," Shouta kissed his forehead. Hizashi fell back asleep and Shouta was more than content to sleep with his family by his side.


Hizashi practically danced around his husband whilst they work on breakfast together. Iruka diligently fed the cats. Music filled their home. He missed this. Waking up to his calming home. He loved his students dearly but even he had to admit they were a bit much, especially when he couldn't fall into Shouta's arms during an exhausting day.

"Zashi?" He hummed and walked towards Shouta after setting down their morning drinks (coffee, tea and milo). His soon-to-be-husband cooked scrambled eggs on the stove.

"What kind of wedding would you like?" Hizashi couldn't help but feel giddy. His smile grew ever larger.

"I want something just for us. Nothing big or grand." He wrapped his arms around Shouta. "Just us and our loved ones."

"Nothing grand? Really?"

"You enjoy practical, don't you? A practical wedding sounds nice. We don't need that kind of stress on our shoulders." Shouta let out a sigh.

"And if I wanted something that wasn't practical?"

"Maybe I'd be questioning who I'm marrying," Hizashi joked. Shouta hummed. "Is that something you want Shou?"

"I'd do it if you wanted to. I'd do anything for you." Hizashi kissed his temple.

"I appreciate it Shou but you know, I've liked being practical, at least a little. I suppose I like it because I like you."

"What's practis-cal?"

Hizashi looked at Iruka. The container of cat kibble hugged close to her chest.

"Practical Lil Listener. You know how Shouta puts all the spices here?" He points to their spice rack that could be pulled down from their overhead cabinet. "Shouta decided this was the best place to put our spices because it would be easy when we cook. Being practical means to make our life easier."

"L-like how I-I put the ca-cat food here-here?" She points to the lower cabinet. One that has those simple baby lock clasps.


"Now it would be a practical time to eat," Shouta announced. Iruka helped Hizashi grab their plates (the plastic ones from Ikea) while Hizashi got their cutlery.

As they ate their breakfast Hizashi thought of the kind of wedding he would want. It's summer. They'd have the time to talk about it.


"Papa look how pretty this dress is!" Iruka pointed out a light grey dress. It had a stream of laced flowers that ran along its side.

They were on a shopping trip for home essentials. Shouta shooed them away so he could focus on grocery shopping (Shouta really just wanted to get ingredients for Hizashi's favourite dish) while Hizashi spent some time with Iruka wandering the mall.

"You shoul-should try it-it on Papa!" Iruka pulled him into the store. He was still in a daze at the mere sight of the dress. It was beautiful in every way.

"Well hello, how may I help you two?" Now Hizashi had always loved the look of dresses. Knows he's worn them at least once or twice when he was really small but recently it was never something he had an urge to do. He's all for doing what you want and not being shy about it but cut him some slack, he worries about what people would think of him in a dress.

He looks up at the store clerk. "Could I try that dress on?" He asked. He saw them absolutely glow.

"Of course- ah excuse me but how would you like me to refer to you?"

"Sir or Mx is fine. I don't really have a preference," Well really he never really thought of his gender identity. Never had a reason to.

"Well, Mx if you follow me to the changing area." Hizashi nodded. He and Iruka followed them to the back.

"Iruka mind holding onto this for a second?" He hands her his phone.


While he changes he hears his phone ring. Iruka's learned to recognise Shouta's contact name ("It's the one with a cat and a black heart,"). She asks the clerk what the name of the store is. He doesn't hear the reply, he looks at himself in awe. The dress fits him so well. It's comfortable. He feels confident. He stepped out of the changing room.

"Iruka what do you think?" He twirls in front of the couch he knows she's sitting on. He stops to face her. His eyes meet Shouta's.

"Wow," He breathes out. Iruka is happily squealing in her seat.

"You l-like a princess Papa!"

"He certainly is," The clerk says.

All at once, Hizashi realises what he's wearing. Who's looking his way.

"I- uh- What do you think Shou?" Shouta slowly walks over to him.

"You look stunning sunshine." He's wrapped in Shouta's arms.

"Wear it on your-your wedding!" Hizashi looks over Shouta's shoulder.

"Now who told you about that Lil Listener?"

"Auntie Nem did! She-she says you gonna h-have a wedding."

"I think it would lovely as a wedding dress sir," Hizashi looks back at Shouta.

"If you like it, you should definitely get it. Not that price would matter too much," Hizashi couldn't help but snort. Hizashi let go of Shouta so that he could get changed again. It didn't take long before they were out the door (he may or may not have made Shouta try on a few suits before he settled on a dark blue-ish grey that may or may not have had cat patterns on the inside).

Let it be known that Iruka also got her own grey suit dress. Hizashi couldn't just not let her match them.



Sorry this is a little late.

Did I finish writing this last week? Yes. Did I forget everything about this chapter until I started editing it before posting? Yes. I've always liked the headcanon of Hizashi being non binary or gender non-conforming but haven't decided if that's something I want to explore just yet so that's what I'm testing out here.

The outfit I imagine Iruka wearing is the same outfit Luz Noceda from The Owl House wore to grom where it's a suit on top and a skirt at the bottom.

I've been debating on starting to post on a different day since my Fridays now are so busy.

Anywaysss, thank you so so so much for reading. If you enjoyed drop a kudos and/or comment, makes me smile everytime.

Have a lovely day, night, weekend, whenever, wherever you are.

Stay safe,Bye Lovies~

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