Chapter 21

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Chucks chicken nuggets at birdbrain who got his backstory revealed


"Hey, Little Listener,"

"Hmm?" They were playing a game of Babanuki and Iruka was too focused on her cards to look at her papa.

"Since you're literally a pro in English I was wondering if you were ok being placed in 3rd year English classes."

"Wait what!? Papa I don't want to be in class with 3rd years. I'll be all alone and won't that mess up my schedule?" Iruka protested, finally looking up from her cards.

"How 'bout this. You take English with one of the classes with the big 3 and I'll Have Nemuri keep you company during her subject."

"So I trade history with my classmates for English with the big 3. Ok I'll take it. I'm not about to listen to Kacchan complain about Izu's mumbling."

"YES! Come on Shota pay up." Shota glared at Hizashi before handing the money.

"What was the bet this time?" Somehow, it became a usual thing for the two to bet on their daughter's decision. Iruka didn't think much of it though, mostly because she did the same thing with her friends and she found it rather amusing.

"Shota thought I couldn't convince you to join one of my 3rd year classes."


"Ooo I'm so excited!"

"I'm a little nervous actually. I wonder what our classmates are going to be like."

"Won't matter what they're like, I'll just beat them to a pulp."

"You better not mean that literally Kacchan, if Dad were our homeroom teacher you'd be out of the school before you can say sports festival."

"Speaking of which, do you know who our homeroom teacher is Iruka?" Izuku asked her.

"Not a single clue. I do hope it's aunt Nemuri." She said with a cheeky smile.

"I hope it's Vlad King," Izuku replied.

"Let's make bets. 500 Yen each to the winner. My bets are on Uncle Shota." Katsuki had that scary smile of his.

"Dad, really? Huh, you're even confident. Ok, I'll join your betting game."

"Me too. But I still think Vlad King will be our homeroom teacher."

Katsuki let out a loud tch. The walk to the station was filled with Iruka and Izuku theorising as to what quirks their classmates would have or what kind of person they would be. Katsuki merely listened. They had learned trying to intrude would make the conversation more confusing. On the train, they continued their conversation while Katsuki fixed Iruka's hair.

After a bit more walking, they had finally reached the school gates. Izuku looked up in awe. The last time he went into the main building, he went in with severed broken bones.

"Come on you two," Iruka called out to her friends.

After a few lefts and rights and an elevator ride up later, they finally reached their classroom. Who in the world made this place a maze? Izuku thought. They now stood in front of the classroom door. Iruka sat there not believing she finally got to learn here.

"Oh come on Whiskers get inside." Katsuki huffed as he entered the class and walked towards one of the seats near the window. Izuku and Iruka walked up to their seats, Izuku behind Katsuki and Iruka next to Izuku.

"Iruka? Midoriya? You guys got in too." It was a familiar voice.

"Uraraka." Both said at the same time. "I'm glad you passed too." Iruka followed up.

"Woohoo! Another girl." It was a pink-haired girl with horns. Woah, is she pink from her quirk? Should ask her later. Iruka took note.

"Mina, you're being too loud." A girl with purple hair spoke next. Iruka could see she had some kind of earphone jacks hanging from her ears. Didn't look like earrings so Iruka thought it was most likely her quirk.

Ochaco giggled slightly. "That's Jirou," She pointed to the purple-haired girl. "And the pink one is Mina."

"Oh uh nice to meet you," Iruka said as she moved her hands. Iruka was about to ask a question before the door slammed open revealing a rather tired-looking man. Everyone rushed to their seats and went dead silent.

"That took you all of 12 seconds and in the hero world you don't have 12 seconds to think and take action." Shota started to write on the board. "My name is Aizawa Shota and I'm your homeroom teacher. Get changed and head to the field."

Everyone got up and shuffled out the door. "Where are the locker rooms again?" Izuku whispered. "2 floors down take 2 lefts and a right." Iruka whispered back.

They went into their separate locker rooms to get changed. Iruka started to feel self-conscious about herself. She still had scars that never healed properly and she didn't want her classmates to ask about it.

"Hey, Iruka aren't you going to change?" Ochaco asked. Iruka had been standing there like an idiot debating how she was going to change.

"You don't have to be insecure, I'm sure you look beautiful." A tall black-haired girl spoke up.

"Oh um, ok then." Iruka hesitated before she turned around not wanting to look at her classmates' reaction. When she pulled her blouse over her head, she was so ready to deal with the shocked faces and gasps but nothing ever came. Everyone was still chattering among themselves. They aren't looking?

After 10 minutes or so they all headed down to the fields where their teacher was waiting for them.

"Took you long enough. Now every year there's a ceremony but you aren't doing that. Today you'll be testing your quirk and physical strength." Iruka could've sworn he said "and mental strength" but she hoped she heard wrong. "Bakugo, " He tossed a softball towards the blond. "Throw this as far as you can with your quirk. Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle." Iruka flinched ever so slightly when her Dad said Katsuki's last name, he usually ever used their last names when they got in trouble. Guess it makes sense to do that here huh. He's our teacher after all.

Katsuki smirked before stretching his arms. "DIE!" He yelled as he used his quirk to throw the ball, sending it sky-high. Shota held up his phone, the meter on it said 705.2. He's gotten so much better but did he have to say die in a hero school. Iruka sighed.

"Not bad. Now you're all going to be doing 8 different tests and the person who comes in last gets expelled immediately." Shota smiled his creepy smile.

"Say your prayers," Iruka whispered to herself. She knew her dad wasn't joking. He's expelled entire classes before and she wasn't about to join that list of students.

One by one, everyone did the test. Izuku broke his finger throwing the ball. He didn't quite explain what was up with him having a quirk and all, but he chopped it up to it manifesting way too late. Though unsatisfied, Iruka didn't push for any more of an explanation. Sadly, Katsuki wasn't the same, pushing for a better explanation he never got. Ochaco had gotten infinity. Considering what her quirk was, it isn't that surprising to Iruka.

"Ito you next." Iruka walked towards the circle, getting confused looks from Izuku and Katsuki. "Am I allowed to be above ground?" She asked awkwardly.

"Do as you like as long as you stay in the circle." Iruka nodded, before tossing the ball up into the air and changing into a hawk, getting 'oohs' and 'aahs' from her classmates. She flew higher and higher, before finally throwing it as far as she could.

When Iruka reached the ground she looked at the score. It was 1000m. Holy shit that's far. She looked at her dad slightly and he gave a somewhat approving nod.

"Not bad whiskers. You still haven't paid up for that bet though." Katsuki said as she walked towards her classmates.

"What do you mean not bad? That was really good. I even beat you."

"It's only been 1 test Whiskers."

"Pfft, whatever."

After that, they did a few other tests, one of which was a race. Iruka went up against Izuku, Katsuki and a blue-haired boy with engines on his legs. When Shota blew the whistle, Izuku and the blue-haired boy ran while Katsuki ran as he pushed himself with his quirk, but Iruka changed into a giant albatross, almost as big as the track itself and in two flaps she reached the end. She and the blue-haired boy almost tied while Katsuki came in third and Izuku followed behind.


"Don't celebrate too soon Whiskers. For all you know you might be last." Katsuki teased. Iruka practically froze up on the spot.

"Kacchan that isn't something to joke about damnit." She gave the blond a good punch on the shoulder.

By the end of the day, everyone was exhausted. When Shota called for them, everyone shimmied over as the scoreboard appeared by the edge of the field. Everyone checked their score, praying they weren't last.

When Iruka checked, she had gotten top 5. To her relief, she wasn't about to be expelled. Her eyes slowly panned towards the 20th spot. It was a boy called Minoru Mineta. Everyone gave their sorry's and "tough luck" to the boy.

"The tests today should give you a good idea what the limit of your quirk is." Shota turned towards the class and at this point, Mineta looked like he was about to piss his pants. "And no one is going home, that was a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all. Now get changed and get back to class." Everyone had their mouths wide open, especially Mineta who basically had his entire education threatened.

After the initial shock, everyone finally got changed. When they headed to class, everyone was much more chatty now, well, almost everyone. Iruka took a mental note of how anti-social a dual haired boy in her class was.

"Midoriya hand these out to everyone." Shota gave the boy some papers. "That's your timetable, don't lose it. I'm not going to give you a new one. Ito yours isn't that one, here."

Iruka got up from her seat and took her timetable. She had forgotten her schedule would be different.

"Is your time table different Iru-Chan?" Ochaco asked her.

"Oh uh ya. I'm taking English with the third years."

"Why didn't I know that?" Izuku sat back down on his chair.

"Didn't have the chance to tell you sorry Izu." Iruka looked towards her timetable. "Looks like I have English tomorrow."

"You must be having it during history." Ochaco pointed out.

"Seems that way. Says here I'll be having history with 1-C."

"That sounds really cool Iru."

The bell chimed and the first day of school was finally over. Iruka shoved her schedule into her bag and got up.

"Do you two walk home together?" Ochaco asked. They had been chatting to the school gates and Iruka didn't even realise it.

"Ya I usually walk Izuku and Kacchan home or they walk me home usually depends."

"Hey, Kacchan's over there." Izuku pointed out. Katsuki was walking with Eijiro Kirishima. A very enthusiastic red-head who's often referred to cool things as manly.

"Stop calling me that Deku!" Katsuki yelled out.

"Only when you stop calling me Deku."

"Well fuck that." Katsuki huffed and walked away.

"I think Deku sounds nice. It could be a good hero name."

"Deku it is!" Izuku said, blushing ever so slightly as Eijiro and Iruka held in their laughter.

"Let's all head to the station together."

When they reached their stop, the three friends said their goodbyes and walked home.

"Say Iru I'm curious. Why the name change?"

"Ya I'm curious too."

"Well, Papa and Dad never really announced that they were ever a thing and if someone found out I shared both their last names I think it would be suspicious and I don't want them to get any backlash. I only changed it now since they're our teachers."

" I feel like that only makes a little sense Whiskers."

"Maybe, but it isn't the worst precaution, besides it's not like Ito is any of my official documents, it's just what the teachers call me."

"Why Ito though?"

"Why would you want her to take your name Deku?" Katsuki joked.

"Wha-What no."

Iruka laughed, "I only chose it 'cause it reminds me of an old friend of mine."


Iruka walked in to be greeted with the sweet smell of curry.

"Tadaima." She called out.

"Hokairi. How was your first day of school sweety?" Hizashi asked from the kitchen.

"I don't know why don't you go ask your husband. I'm sure he'd love to tell you." Iruka huffed and sat on the couch next to her dad.

"So what did Shota do this time? He said he was making you guys do quirk tests."

"Oh, he did and then he threatened to expel us." She glared at her dad who had an innocent look on his face.

"Don't be so mad Iru, I was confident you were going to do well," Shota said, calmly facing the tv.

"That's not really the reason why you didn't expel anyone did you?"

"No Nezu just took away my expelling privileges for the first month of school." Shota scoffed. 


Another week, another chapter.

Our trio is finally in UA. It only took 20 fricking chapters.

If you haven't noticed this is a pretty slow paced book and I'm mostly following the main story. So sorry if it gets boring along the way.

I do hope if you enjoyed reading, leaving a vote and comment.

Of course thank to our lovely editor elenaito

Have a lovely day, night, weekend. Whenever, wherever you are.

Bye Lovies~

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