Chapter 35

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They were in a hallway. Izuku and Shoto. Shoto had just explained practically his entire childhood, or lack thereof.

Nothing about what happened to Shoto sat right with Izuku. He felt rather helpless at the moment. It was how he felt when he found out what happened to Iruka before she met Shota. But this time he didn't know what to do. At least with Iruka he knows how to comfort her, but even then it took a few years to figure it out.

"Todoroki-kun, that isn't something you should keep silent." Izuku tried to voice out his worry but the dual haired boy didn't seem to want to listen.

"It doesn't matter if I keep what happened silent or not. It doesn't matter when I reach number 1 without that old man's quirk." Shoto started to head out.

"I'm standing here because I've always had help." Shoto stopped dead in his tracks. "Being number 1 doesn't always mean being strong, it also means being able to help others. I don't know what else has happened to you Todoroki-kun but you can always ask for help when needed." Izuku looked up. Shoto still had his back towards him and after a moment he walked away.

Izuku let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. What happened to him is insane. Should I tell Uncle Shota? Should I even be telling someone? That's Todoroki's private life though. Izuku had so many questions as he headed towards the cafeteria. He had a good 40 or so minutes till break was over.

When he finally sat down with Iruka and the others he pretty much got interrogated, of course mostly by Iruka herself but there were some curious questions from Ochaco as well.

Once lunch was over they all headed back to the stadium. Mineta and Denki had tried to convince the girls they were to join some kind of cheerleading thing but thanks to Iruka that didn't happen.

"Alright everyone, now since Ito's team had only 3 members there is an uneven amount of people so one of the members from team 5 will be joining." Midnight explained. After a few moments it was decided that Shiozaki Ibara from 1-B would be joining in the last event.

After pulling out lots to determine the matches here were the results,

1.Ururaka vs Bakugo

2. Ashido vs Kirishima

3. Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

4. Iida vs Hatsume

5.Shinso vs Midoriya

6. Todoroki vs Sero

7. Asui vs Kaminari

8. Ito vs Shiozaki

"Now that the match ups have been made, we'll be starting some recreational activities and the 16 of you can decide whether you'd like to join or not but I'm sure you'd want to reserve your energy. Now let the fun begin!"

Everyone who wasn't part of the games headed up to the stand where they had reserved seats based on their classes, of course those who were part of the one-on-one fights were wandering around waiting for their time to compete.

Some were training while others were letting off steam and calming their nerves. Iruka was sitting in the stand with Izuku once again talking about quirks and strategy. It was difficult for Iruka to only talk to Izuku when Hitoshi was the one against him but their battle was a long time away enough for her to help Hitoshi about it later.

"Going up against Shinso won't be so bad. I mean all I have to do is not answer him and I'll be fine, right?" Izuku asked nervously.

"Don't forget he is good at close combat." She flipped through her notebook and was writing something down. She noticed Izuku was staring. "No I'm not giving you any pointers, that just gives Shinso a disadvantage. Check your own notebook for pointers." Iruka laughed as she continued to write in her notebook. She took note to find Hitoshi in a few minutes.

When the extra activities had finished Iruka decided it was time to find Hitoshi. Luckily he hadn't left the stand so she dragged him out into the hallway.

"So the reason you pulled me out is because?"

"I want to help you against Izu, we both know you are at a crazy disadvantage because he knows your quirk but I may have a little trick that might help." She smiled.

"Don't you always? So sensei have any pointers?" Hitoshi jokes.

"We're going to use sign language to catch Izu off guard, if he asks, say you don't know and I never taught you the meaning."

"Wait, I thought we established it has to be vocal?"

"It does, that's why I won't be teaching you what they mean so it'll be easier for you to sign as you talk." Iruka tried her best to quickly teach Hitoshi sign language. She knew this isn't the best idea she's ever had but no one in the crowd would know without context and even then they wouldn't make a fuss about it.

"ARE YOU READY EVERYBODYYY!!!" Present Mic shouted, making her and Hitoshi regret not wearing their earplugs. They both headed towards 1-A's viewing area. It wasn't a big deal since Mezo was there as well.

Iruka looked down to see Ochaco and Katsuki emerging onto the field. "For our first round we have Katsuki Bakugo from 1-A versus Ochaco Uraraka also from class 1-A. Now the rules are simple, this is a scuffle won by either ringing out your opponent, rendering them unable to move or getting them to say "I give"! Feel free to wound, we have Recovery Girl waiting in the wings!! Hope you left your sense of decency and morals out the door."

Iruka facepalmed so hard you could've heard it from the other side of the stadium. Present Mic was damn lucky Katsuki wasn't the kind of person to just toss his moral's out the door because Iruka would've smacked him right then and there.

"Let's get this over with round face." As the beginning of the fight was announced, Ochaco rushed towards Katsuki. She seemed to try and move fast to touch him but Katsuki stood his ground and was going in with his usual right swing and blasted his quirk right on Ochaco's face, full blast.

Part of the crowd was whispering wondering if Katsuki should've fought so harshly against her. Iruka thought it was stupid that he had to hold back against anybody.

Once the smoke cleared you could see Katsuki was holding Ochaco's jersey while Ochaco had emerged behind him. Once again she tried to touch Katsuki but he just sent her flying back with another explosion. It was pretty obvious Katsuki had incredible speed which made everyone think the odds were stacked against Ochaco.

Ochaco still didn't change her strategy of just pushing through but the more times she was pushed back the lower she got to the ground. The crowd soon started to boo Katsuki for toying with a girl which started to really annoy Iruka.

"Who's the one who said he was toying with her? You a Pro? How many years? If you said that in your right mind, then there isn't a point at you watching. You aren't given the easy way out when you go pro. He obviously recognises the strength his opponent has after coming so far." Shota announced. He sounded more irritated than usual. The crowd went silent. Iruka ran towards the railing.

"GO KACCHAN! GO OCHACO-CHAN!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She made damn sure everyone could hear her. Soon her classmates were also cheering for the two equally.

Katsuki was about to attack until he saw Ochaco put her fingers together. She had stayed low to touch all the rubble Katsuki had created using his explosions and was now sending them down like a meteor shower in hopes of at least tiring Katsuki out.

Ochaco didn't think he'd be able to destroy all of them but he proved her wrong. Katsuki managed to destroy every single one of them with only one explosion.

No! I'll fight. I'll fight and move on. I have to. Ochaco thought. Katsuki was ready to finally finish the fight off but was both shocked and worried when Ochaco started to fall to the ground. Midnight had rushed over to check on her and announced that Katsuki would move onto the next round because Ochaco could no longer move.


Not gonna lie their fight was one of my favourites.

Who's fight are you looking to most?

Hope you lovies liked reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Leave a vote and/or comment if you did.

I'll see you all in the 5k special,

Bye Lovies~

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