Chapter 36

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When Katsuki got to the stand his classmates all congratulated him.

"Damn Bakugo you didn't have to blast a fragile girl like that." Denki commented.

"Where do you see fragile?" Katsuki whispered under his breath as he took a seat in front of Iruka.

"Ochaco isn't fragile in the slightest and if you think she is, I'll show you real fragile Kaminari." Iruka said, getting up from her seat. "I'm headed to check on her real quick. I'll be back before the next round but if I don't give me all the details."

Iruka headed towards the hospital wing but noticed Ochaco entering the waiting room. Recovery Girl works fast.

"Hey Ochaco-chan." Iruka greeted her, entering the waiting room. She saw Ochaco sitting at the tables fidgeting with her jersey.

"Oh hey Iruka. I thought I'd be able to finish him off but I guess I overestimated myself." She laughed. That's a rather hollow laugh.

"Are you ok?"

"Oh ya. Recovery went easy with the healing so I wouldn't lose too much stamina so I'm fine. I'm actually surprised at how fine I am." She smiled.

"Are you ok here?" She asked, pointing towards her head. Iruka knew a loss like that could demotivate anyone.

"Hmm? Ya, it's just I wish I could've done better. I can't stand to lose anymore." She expressed. She didn't look as happy as she did before.

"You know you did really well against Kacchan. He even praised you, in his own way, but he acknowledged that you aren't just some random person he fought. So don't get too down alright. There are so many other opportunities and you did your very best."

"Thanks Iruka." Ochaco smiled a genuine smile this time which made Iruka glad.

"Want to head back to the stand to see the next match?" Ochaco shook her head. "Well alright. If you want to talk about this some more you know where I'll be." Iruka walked out the door and waited a moment. She shouldn't have eavesdropped but she couldn't help it. I have to think of something to make her feel better later. Iruka sighed and headed back up.

When she arrived she noticed the fight between Mina and Eijiro had already started.

"What did I miss?"

"Nothing much, they just started. Who do you think is going to win?" Hitoshi asked.

"It's a pretty good 50/50. If Kirishima can withstand Mina's acid then he'd win for sure." Everyone was watching.

Mina was sliding around Eijiro using her acid. Eijiro did his best to avoid the acid but it became rather difficult as she circled closer to him but doing so gave Eijiro an advantage. The entire time Mina was circling him she had only used the acid from her feet and barely used any from her hands so once she got close enough, right before she sent out a shot of acid, Eijiro grabbed her by the hands and tried to slide her out of bounds using her own acid.

Mina didn't know how to stop so Eijiro's plan had worked and allowed him to move to the next stage.

The next round was between Momo and Fumikage. This too was a pretty short fight since Fumikage struck first and kept going, not leaving any room for Momo to use any of the things she was making. The only thing she managed to use was a shield but this only allowed Dark Shadow to push Momo out of bounds easier.

After the fight between Mei and Tenya, which was mostly a game of cat and mouse where Mei spent almost 10 minutes explaining her "Babies"(I'll spare you the pain Tenya felt during that fight), it was time for Shoto and Hanta to fight and this was a fight a lot of people were waiting for.

"Next up we have these two from the heroics department. He's turned in an excellent performance to make it this far and yet what's with that plain jane expression?! Does it ever come off!?? Sero Hanta! Versus you who stand at the top of the top! The one who is too damn strong, Todoroki Shoto." With that the battle began.

Immediately Hanta used tape to grab hold of Shoto and tried to throw him out of bounds but as he was only halfway across the field Shoto shot out a humongous iceberg that froze Hanta and a quarter of the stadium.

"I-isn't this a lit-little to much?" Hanta tried to say, shivering from the cold. When asked if he could move Hanta obviously said no which gave Shoto the win. Iruka wondered if what had happened was Shoto losing his calm or merely a display of power, a warning to his other opponents.

"Well I suppose it's our turn Midoriya." Hitoshi said standing up. Izuku had still been at a loss of words from what had just happened but he nodded and followed Hitoshi.

"Goodluck you guys. I'll be cheering you guys on. Oh Shinso you remember right?"

" Ya I do. Thanks." Hitoshi waved before heading down to the arena.

"What did you teach him?" Katsuki questioned.

"You'll see." Iruka returned her attention to the arena that had been cleared of the ice.

"After that incredible display of power lets see what our next contestants have in store. First we have the man who's surprised us all day Midoriya Izuku from Heroics department versus Shinso Hitoshi from General studies!" As Present Mic was announcing, Iruka saw that Hitoshi was already trying to get Izuku to talk but the broccoli boy would only reply in sign which frustrated Hitoshi.

When the fight first started neither of the boys moved. But after a few seconds Hitoshi started to move his hands, he started to sign. At first Izuku didn't pay much attention to it and started to run towards Hitoshi.

"Hey Midoriya! Shall we get a snack after I win?" It was a random question but it didn't matter what he asked because all he needed was an answer. Izuku had finally noticed what Hitoshi was signing and looked almost scared.

"How do you-" Hitoshi grinned.

"Gotcha. Now turn around and walk out of bounds." Izuku did and started to walk towards the edge without a complaint.

In the stands Iruka was both shocked and absolutely terrified. Shocked because wow that actually worked but terrified because she felt like Izuku would've killed her. The crowd watched as Izuku walked towards the edge but right near the edge there was a burst of wind that must've made him snap out of it because he turned around and lunged towards Hitoshi.

Izuku wasn't using his quirk to fight so Hitoshi took this to an advantage and tried to fight him head on. At first it went well throwing punches and kicks at each other until Izuku managed to grab Hitoshi's hand and did an overhead throw knocking Hitoshi to the ground. They had been close to the edge and Hitoshi's foot made it out of bounds which led to Izuku's victory.

Izuku extended his hand out and helped Hitoshi up off the ground.

"Damn almost had you there. Mind teaching me that overhead throw some time?" Hitoshi asked, rubbing the back of his head. Damn that was a good throw it aches.

"Sure. Say Shinso how did you know that? Not the sign language but signing in that particular order?" Izuku didn't particularly sound fond of his victory, more like worried.

"Iruka taught me. Don't worry the only words I got out of that was What, he/she, why, say and sorry. Iruka said it'd catch you off guard enough to get you to talk and I suppose it worked." Izuku sighed in relief. Doesn't seem like he knows. Iruka has a lot of explaining to do though.

Up in the stands Iruka was getting scolded by Katsuki.

"Why would you teach him that? What about all the other people that know sign language?" Katsuki scolded.

"He doesn't know what it means and if anyone else knows sign language they wouldn't get it unless they know the song." Iruka tried to argue.

"It doesn't take a smartass to figure it out." Katsuki huffed.

"Iruka what exactly was Shinso signing and why is Bakugo getting so heated about it?" Ochaco asked. She had gotten back to the stands shortly after Eijiro and Mina's fight.

"I'll tell you another time ok? And please don't pester Izuku about it either." Iruka advised. One more round and it was her turn to fight. The next fight was between Tsuyu and Denki.


Can you guess what he signed?

I hope you lovies liked this chapter and if you did leave a vote and/or comment to let me know.

I'm glad to see so many new people enjoying my work and I appreciate you all.

Many thanks of course to elenaito the faithful editor she is.

Have a lovely day, night, weekend, whenever wherever you are.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay out of trouble.

Bye Lovies~

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