Chapter 42

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Four weeks after the USJ attack the students of class 1-A found themselves at the exact same spot.

When Shota had told the class they would be heading to an offsite facility again, Iruka felt as if her stomach wanted to leave her body. It became especially horrible when she found herself standing inside the USJ.

"Hey Iruka if you're not feeling alright you could stay in the bus." Izuku said when he noticed Iruka shaking slightly. Shota and some of her classmates had turned their heads to look at Iruka as well.

Shota himself had been a little, no scratch that, he was pretty against letting his class come back to the USJ so soon after the incident. He was more worried it would trigger the students more than he was of another villain attack.

"No no it's fine. I can't run from training like this if I want to be a hero." Iruka explained so that her classmates wouldn't worry.

The class headed towards almost an earthy area. There were landslides and sinkholes but the area they would be focusing on was a trench. Thirteen explained to them that there would be three students at the bottom, one who was unconscious, one who had their leg broken and one that was worried for the other two.

The first three that found themselves at the bottom of the chasm were Ochaco, Tenya and Izuku. The ones who were the rescuers were Iruka, Katsuki, Shoto and Momo.

At first Katsuki said they should just let him blow the hill up so it wouldn't be too steep to climb down but after Iruka knocked some sense into him, Shoto took the lead. He had Momo make a pulley system to make it easier to pull while Iruka would be sent down and himself and Katsuki would be the ones pulling.

Katsuki was pretty much ready to blow Shoto to bits for bossing him around but this time Momo was the one to knock some sense into them but this time with her words. Momo went to the edge of the chasm and assured the three below that it would be okay. She explained that if they wouldn't take the training seriously, would it really be considered training?

Once the pulley system was done, Iruka flew down with the stretcher while Momo went down with the rope. When she got down she noticed Ochaco was trying her best to not laugh at Tenya's rather dramatic acting.

"Sorry for the wait. I'll be taking Ochaco first since she's unconscious." Iruka explained. She changed her hands to that of a gorilla to make it easier to place her on the stretcher. Momo was beside Izuku making somewhat of a splinter to make sure he wouldn't damage his "broken" leg anymore. After placing Ochaco on the stretcher and tying the rope onto it, Iruka changed her hands again, this time into wings and her legs into bird feet.

She grabbed onto the stretcher to keep it even as she flew up and when she reached the top she slowly placed the stretcher on the ground. Once she was done she flew back down bringing the rope and stretcher with her.

The second time around Iruka had brought up Izuku in the stretcher while Momo helped Tenya out with the rope. Once their team was done with their turn another did the same, though not the entire class did this particular training.

Once that training was done they all headed towards the earthquake zone where there were fallen buildings everywhere. This time around their training was similar to hide and seek. 16 people would be hiding anywhere they desired, 8 of which would have to be silent, while 4 people would be the rescuers. This time around the rescuers were Ochaco, Katsuki, Izuku and Mineta.

Iruka and the other hiders were given 8 minutes to hide. Iruka decided to hide in one of the upper levels of a ruined building. She had been one of the silent ones which she thought would make it fun. There was a hole in one of the walls so she decided she would go sit near it.

After a while Iruka heard somewhat of an explosion and she brushed it off as Katsuki making an explosion for whatever reason. A little after that she heard something akin to walls crashing. She was tempted to check it out in case one of her classmates got hurt or worse a vil- No. She decided she would stay put and wait like she was supposed to. She was sure it was probably Izuku nearby, knocking off some rubble.

But what happens if it is a villain? It wouldn't be completely impossible. I mean they got in once didn't they? No don't be ridiculous, security has heightened. There's no way they got in the second time. Iruka tried to reason with herself and noticed how her hands were shaking. She was calming herself down when she heard voices from below. It was Ochaco and Kyoka.

She let herself listen to them talk as she waited for her turn to be found. Out of nowhere Tenya came rushing towards them which confused Iruka because he was supposed to be one of the hiders until she realised he was running from something or more accurately someone.

No way. No no no. You can't be serious. There shouldn't be villains here. Iruka's mind raced and before she could do anything the villain made a blast. She noticed now they had Shoto practically dangling like a doll in his hand. They were heading towards her classmates and she knew she had to act fast.

Immediately Iruka changed her hands and legs once more and rushed towards the villain. She swooped down and in one quick motion she grabbed Shoto, wrapped him in her wings and braced for impact. I really need to learn how to land doing this.

"Iruka!" The three gasped surprised.

"Get Todoroki and everyone else out of here I'll hold him off." She said, the villain merely laughed as he stomped his foot. Debris and dust flew everywhere until it was revealed that Iruka and the villain were now in a giant crater.

A shiver ran down Iruka's spine as she realised just how powerful this villain was but she wasn't about to let that hold her back from fighting. Midnight had called out for them to run but Iruka knew that the villain could easily chase after them or merely just knock them out with a single punch.

Iruka bared her teeth and transformed into a lion as big as the villain itself and she rushed towards him. At the same time Katsuki rushed in from her left, sending explosions right at him.

"You run. I'll defeat him!" Katsuki yelled out. Both he and Iruka were pushed back but the villain didn't even use force.

"You have guts deciding something like that in such a moment." The villain scoffed back at Katsuki. As his attention was on Katsuki, Iruka once again ran towards the villain, this time aiming right at their torso and lower back.

Iruka aimed to knock him down as Katsuki once again rushed in and this time sent in rapid attacks. Iruka managed to knock him down but he managed to get up just as quick and it was as if Katsuki's explosions had no effect on him.

The villain tried to swing his hand at Iruka but she jumped out of the way as she changed into a hummingbird which allowed Katsuki an opening to send a bigger explosion.

"Hey! Go make those weaklings run away!" Katsuki yelled at Tenya.

"Why do you insult others?!" Tenya asked, poison dripping from each word.

"Hey Bakugo. Who are you calling weakling?" Eijiro asked from above.

"We are the 20 students of class 1-A." Momo started.

"And we will be heroes." Ochaco said.

The villain laughed. "How brave. However," The villain pushed the dirt, sending it flying towards the others. Thankfully they managed to destroy it all before it really injured anybody.

Kyoka used her earphone jacks to send out pulses of her heartbeat and distract the villain. This allowed Momo and Hanta to somewhat capture the villain. Some of the class including Iruka rushed in to give a final blow but all was in vain when the villain managed to get himself free and pushed everyone back with the wind.

The villain was about to say something when Katsuki emerged from the dust and started to attack the villain once more. Again he kept rapidly attacking but Iruka noticed that he was getting tired and so did the villain. She rushed in and decided to do what she would do: a rapid attack as well.

She changed back and forth between different animals trying to attack and maybe wear down the villain.

"Get out of the way!" Izuku yelled out and Iruka grabbed Katsuki and moved out of the way as Izuku sent a blast from his finger.

All that that did was knock the villain back, so when Katsuki saw this he went in for the final blow that sent the villain flying back all the way into a slab of concrete that had Mineta's sticky balls.

Katsuki was about to finish the villain off but All Might revealed himself to be the villain. At first he was about to give a speech about how proud he was of the class for fighting a villain but he immediately got beaten up for going very much overboard.

Iruka stood there in shock as she de-transformed. Her mind was blank but filled with a billion questions. Slowly she walked towards All Might and the rest of her classmates, her head hanging low. No one actually expected Iruka to do what she was about to do.


"Are you insane?!" She yelled at the older blond with tears running down her cheek. "I'm sure this felt like a joke to you but may I remind you that some of us thought we were going to have to see each other die that day! And out of all places you decided to be a fake villain it just had to be here! During classes nonetheless. I don't know how the hell you thought this was even anywhere close to a good idea!" Once she finally yelled out her frustration she turned around. "I'm waiting in the bus." Everyone went silent for a moment.

"You know All Might Iruka is right that wasn't a good idea. Even Deku injured his finger during this." Ochaco mentioned. Izuku wasn't listening to what had been said, he merely watched as Iruka walked away, not sure if he should follow or not.

As Iruka walked towards the edge of the crater she passed by Shoto.

"Sorry." He said, his head lowered. Iruka said nothing and continued walking. She didn't say a word either when she passed her other teachers. She wasn't sure if she was frustrated or angry at them for letting All Might do something so stupid.

Once in the bus Iruka took the seat at the very back and just curled into a ball and cried. She didn't know what else to do with herself and she'd rather cry now than when her friends were on the bus with her. When she heard the others coming, she wiped her tears but she stayed curled up.

"Iruka are you alright?" Iruka was genuinely surprised to see it was her dad asking her.

"Y-ya fine. I'll j-just stay like th-this until we get back t-to school thanks." Iruka said, not quite making eye contact. She heard Shota sigh.

"Midoriya keep an eye on her. Everyone else take a seat we're heading back to school." Shota announced.

"Yes sir." Everyone responded.

"Iruka are you sure you're alright?" Izuku asked this time.

"I'm fine really. Just worked up is all. Though I still think All Might was irresponsible." Iruka mumbled the last part.

When the final bell rang Iruka was about to head out but was stopped.

"Ito could you please give these papers to Aizawa Sensei?" Tenya asked. He seemed to be in a hurry.

"Sure thing Iida and I've told you to call me Iruka. Izu, Kacchan you can go home I might be a little late." Iruka told the two before heading out, not really waiting for a reply.

Classes had only just finished so Iruka was hoping Shota was in the lounge but to her surprise, him and his sleeping bag were nowhere to be seen.

When she got there, Mic told her that Shota was out training Hitoshi. She didn't think much of it, she just left the papers and before she headed out she was stopped by All Might. He wanted to properly apologise for the stunt he pulled.

Iruka waved him off telling him it was training and that she had to learn not to get panicky if and when a villain were to attack. After that interaction Iruka headed towards where Hitoshi would usually train. I hope dad isn't beating the absolute crap out of him again. Poor Hitoshi.

Iruka laughed when she heard Hitoshi's audible sounds of frustration. Hitoshi was tangled up in what looked to be his very own capture gear on the floor.

"You know it looks like a cat all tangled up like this." She giggled.

"I-Iruka what're you doing here?" Iruka bent down and helped Hitoshi get untangled.

"Well I was only going to tell Aizawa Sensei that our applications for internships are on his table but maybe I could help you out as well."

"Help?" Hitoshi raised an eyebrow.

"Put your capture gear on and hold it like this." Iruka held her capture gear in hand. "Now close your eyes and imagine the object you'd like to catch."

"But that's what I've been doing." Hitoshi whined. The entire time Shota was merely watching curiously.

"You're trying to imagine it and its surroundings not just the object itself. Close your eyes and imagine that tree in front of you." Hitoshi complied and closed his eyes thinking of the tree in front of him. "Now imagine grabbing that tree with an imaginary hand. When you open your eyes grab it."

Iruka had walked back to stand next to Shota to give Hitoshi some space. When Hitoshi finally opened his eyes his capture gear wrapped around the tree trunk a little loosely.

"Woah I actually got it." Hitoshi said, flabbergasted.

"There you go. Now do it 200 more times and you might get as good as Aizawa Sensei." Iruka said.

"You know you're pretty good yourself. A good teacher too." Hitoshi teased.

"Haha very funny. Anyways I should get going, see you tomorrow Toshi. See you too Aizawa Sensei." Iruka waved as she headed towards the school gates where Katsuki and Izuku were waiting.

Shota thought for a moment before he turned to the student in front of him.

"Shinso how would you feel about going for internships?" He asked.

"Internships? Aren't those just for the hero course? Besides who'll take me?"

"Well you want to join the hero course don't you? Why don't you intern under me? You'll do patrols with me after school and occasionally at night." Shota stated.

"Wait you're not kidding? Can I really?" Hitoshi asked excitedly and Shota nodded.

"You won't be completely off from school like the others but I'll let you have free days on the days after a night patrol. If you're interested I'll give a parental permission slip tomorrow after school."

"Yes sir." Hitoshi chimed.


Not much from me I just hope you all enjoyed this week's chapter and if you did leave a vote and/or comment.

Have a lovely day, night, weekend, whenever wherever you are.

Stay safe, stay healthy and go drink water.

Bye Lovies~

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