Chapter 46

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"There. Your wounds shouldn't be a problem but I suggest changing the bandages out every other day."

"Thank you, doctor." Iruka had just gotten her wound properly looked at while the others were carted off somewhere since their wounds were much more severe. Iruka headed to the front desk to figure where her friends were. "Excuse me, what are Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and Tenya Iida's rooms?"

"243, 4th floor, all in the same room." Iruka gave her thanks before heading up.

When she entered, she saw her 3 classmates chatting about last night's events. She rushed over to Izuku first hugging him before doing the same with Tenya and Shoto. She walked back over to Tenya and knocked him on the head.

"That's for being an incoherent idiot Iida. What were you thinking going after the hero killer? To kill him? For revenge?" She questioned him but didn't leave room for an answer. "Did you even think about what would happen if you had miraculously succeeded at killing him? Or did you think you think you were going to die with him? Because frankly, that isn't any better."

"But Iru he-" Izuku tried to defend his friend. Nagging him now won't really do much.

"And you," She turned towards her best friend this time, "From what I understand you weren't even supposed to be near that alleyway. And don't even get me started on how recklessly we had to be tonight." Izuku winced. It's not often you see Iruka going on an entire nagging rampage. She went silent for a moment and let out a sigh. "But I am so glad you were there, both of you. Doesn't mean I'm not incredibly disappointed but I am glad because frankly, I don't intend on going to my classmate's funeral so soon." She joked

"Oh, so the idiots are up. And it seems like you're all here." Grand Torino spoke as 2 others walked in after him.

"Mr Manual..." Tenya said in a low voice.

"Unbelievable, I wanted to grumble my heart out... But it seems you four have a visitor. the chief of Hosu Police Precinct, Mr Tsuragamae Kenji."

"Tsuragamae?! Chief Tsuragame??" Izuku mumbled a little confused.

"Don't worry you can remain seated. I know you had it quite ruff." Tsuragamae spoke. Neither Shoto nor Iruka actually sat down. "So you're the ones that put a stop to the Hero Killer, you're UA kids alright." It was obvious that it was a jab at how UA had gotten into some trouble earlier that year. "Actually, regarding the Hero Killer... He sustained several burns, bone fractures and other serious injuries, and is presently undergoing treatment for them."

Iruka felt her breath hitch. She hadn't meant to take it that far. Sure they barely had a choice but surely they could've fought a little better. The chief of police then went to explain how the law was made for a reason. So that quirks would not be weaponized and so the public would not be in danger.

"Even if the opponent were, say, the Hero Killer himself, this is nevertheless a top-calibre violation of the rules. You four pups, and all the pro heroes which are to say, Endeavor, Grand Torino and Manual- You seven must all be handed down an adequately impartial punishment." Iruka could feel a shiver run down her spine. Sure she's broken the law by using her quirk, but she's never injured, anyone (not as severely at least).

"Wait hold on sir," It was Shoto who spoke up first. "If Iida hadn't moved in on him then Mr Native would've gotten killed. And if Midoriya hadn't arrived then both of them would've died. At the time no one had noticed the Hero Killer's presence yet sir." There was a pause, "So are you saying we should have followed the rules and let everyone die?! So if the end results turn out alright, we should just f-" Iruka finally moved in front of him.

"Shoto that's enough." She said stern before turning around to face the chief. She bowed her body down. " I am sorry for breaking the rules tonight and for Shoto's outburst. Yes, what we did was wrong and if there had been any other way to deal with the situation we would've done it. So, please let me take responsibility. Please don't punish the others."

"Iruka..." Her classmates said at once.

"Pup raise your head." She did, but she didn't look at anything in particular. "Well, that was my opinion as police. As for the rest of what I have to say, well at the end of the day, punishment of what have you is only meted upon official disclosure. A public announcement would invite the praise and admiration of the people for you but it would also necessitate punishment. If however, I were to fail to go public about the dirt of the affair, then it could be concluded for the Hero Killer's burns that Endeavor was the man of merit that took him down. Fortunately, the number of witnesses was extremely limited. What I'm saying is we can bury your violation like a bone in the dirt."

Iruka looked up at him in surprise. Burying the truth would mean no one could know about the actual incident. Not even their parents or teachers. They were given the choice but it was pretty obvious which they would choose. 

The four bowed to the chief as thanks. He too bowed in response. Although they would not get the credit they deserved but least the chief could do was thank them himself.

"Please let that out of the gate first next time." Shoto sighed. Soon enough the three adults left to leave them to rest. 

"I should be heading back to the agency," Iruka said as she picked herself up from the bed.

"You aren't going back to the agency tonight. My sister Fuyumi offered for you to stay over at home. She says she didn't want you to be alone for the night." Shoto explained he typed something on his phone.

"Oh no no it's fi-" Her phone rang before she finished the sentence. When she looked at who was calling her blood went cold and she became as white as snow

"Iru?" Izuku voiced concern.

"Here you answer it." She tossed her phone to him before scrambling into a corner as a cat. Izuku too went pale when he saw who was calling her.

"Moshi mosh," he said before holding the phone as far away from anybody's ears as he could manage.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS IRUKA!" It was Hizashi yelling through the phone. He didn't sound angry, in fact, he sounded terrified, but that didn't stop Iruka from completely freezing up, terrified as to what would happen next.

"Um hiding in the corner. Uncle 'zashi please don't yell we're in the hospital." Tenya looked at him confused.

"GIVE HER THE PHONE!" He ignored Izuku's request which in turn made Iruka flinch. She slowly crawled away from the corner and took the phone.

"I-Ir-Iruka sp-speaking."

"IRUKA AIZAWA-YAMADA WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Iruka almost dropped the phone as her papa yelled.

"Hizashi would you stop yelling." If Iruka could get any whiter she would've. If Shota was home that meant Hitoshi was too, which meant he heard everything.

"I-I... I d-didn't m-me-mean to..." She whimpered out. She felt so embarrassed as her classmates stared at her, but she was also terrified. Shota tensed and quickly glared at Hizashi.

"Iruka are you alright? Hurt anywhere?"

"N-no." She was shaking where she stood. What was he going to do? Is he going to come get me? What's he going to do when he does?

"Is Todoroki there with you?"


"Do me a favour and hand him the phone and go sit with Izuku alright." She did as she was told but she sort of ended up sitting on the other side of Izuku's bed.

"Iruka? Hey he isn't angry with you ok? Uncle Shota and Uncle 'zashi are never angry with you ok. They were just worried is all." Izuku scooted over to her trying to comfort her as Shoto talked on the phone. Tenya ended up walking over to comfort his friend as well. He pushed aside the questions he had swimming in his head.

After a while, Shoto finally got off the phone. "Iruka, Aizawa Sensei agreed that you should stay with Fuyumi at home. Is that alright with you?"

"But I really don't want to intrude-"

"You won't be intruding. I'm sure my sister would love to have some company."

"If it isn't too much trouble." Shoto shook his head and texted Fuyumi.


This was an odd chapter to read ngl.

I've had a hell of a month but it seeing people come back to read this story makes everything all the more worth it, so thank you all for coming back(♡˙︶˙♡).

Thank you so so so much for reading and if you enjoyed please leave a vote and/or comment.

Have a lovely day, night, weekend, whenever, wherever you are.

Stay safe, stay healthy, go hydrate.

Bye Lovies~

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