The true feeling of everyone

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Kizka's POV

After settling some of the dumb issues this dumbasses couldn't do, i walked back to Boboiboy's room with some medication to wear off the effects he have from the alcohol.

I look to the medication. Nyx was the one who looked for this for me. And i have a feeling the reason Nyx called me and made up that dumb problem so he could give this medication to Boboiboy.

Nyx slowly showing he cares for boboiboy but do not want to overstep anymore.

I smile and i am at the corridor to Boboiboy's room.

Suddenly i hear a slap sound coming from boboiboy's room.

Ah! What happened?

I run towards the sound and as i exited the corner to Boboiboy's room i saw Pang slap  Boboiboy's hand. While Boboiboy is being so vulnerable towards Pang, looking up towards Pang with all his love in his eyes.

I started to lose my cool and wanted to sprint there.

Suddenly i hear from Boboiboy.

"Why is the fake Fang cared about me more than the real fang here?" I hear a sad voice breaking up as he said that.

Man the emotional roller coaster this boy gotta go through.

"What the fuck dose that even mean?!" pang scream with full hatred looking towards Boboiboy.

I sprinted push Pang to the side. And i look up to him and show how angry i am towards him.

"The fuck Kizka?" As he got push he says that.

Oh his losing himself his not even calling me captain.

"What the fuck did he just say? Fake me? What happen?" Pang confuse.

"I am not gonna ignore the part you lost respect to me by calling my name cadet!" I scream in anger. "Secondly, if you actually read the report of our logs maybe you would know. I am tolerating you bad behaviour so much!"

I scream and pull boboiboy in the room and lock the door. I put an combination on the lock so no one can enter.

I am so angry. Ergh.

I pull Boboiboy close to me and hug him. I slowly calm down and put my hand on his head.

What a mess..

"I am sorry for what happened—" as i feel so bad for what has happened.. suddenly i got pulled to the bed and i drop on the bed, laying on my back and i realised that Boboiboy pushed me to the bed and he climb on me and i can see he is struggling this.

He has the most lewded face and he huffing out hot air from his mouth.

"Kizka... help me me... touch me please.." his begging me.


I push boboiboy down to the bed and i climb on him. Showing to him i am the dominant with him.

I smile and caresses him. I take the medication and put the pill through his mouth.

Because his laying down the pill when down straight to his throat and he swolled it.

"W-what was that medication..?" Boboiboy curious.

"You'll know." I smile while giving him a calm voice.

Boboiboy starts to slowly close his eyes as his slowly calms down.

"Kiz..ka.. fang... outs—.. side." And he loses his consciousness and fell asleep.

"Why would you care for someone who doesn't care for you?" I slowly move away from boiboiboy and put him to sleep properly.

What a mess this few days—

I look towards the door and remembered Pang.

I am pissed.

I started sprinting to the door and i slam open the door and i see Pang reading the log and report of our last mission.

He looks at me and put down the holographic log.

"I am sorry Captain." He shows he is sorry towards me for disrespecting me and downplaying my status against him, knowing we are family.

"Me? You owe that boy more than apology." I look sharp at him.

"All due respect, captain. I am not obligated to do so. I do not have any personal feelings during this mission i have been assigned." Fang looks down as respect.

"Are you just gonna act like he never existed in your life?" I question him.

He remains quiet.

"We have one day off from the next mission we need to run. Tomorrow we will go to the fun park with everyone! And you are following." Pang looks shock and looks at me with annoyance. "You have been given direct order to take care of the man behind this door right?"

I look sassy towards Pang to show he has no choice.

"You are staying here tonight to safe guard Boboiboy?" I look up at Pang.

"No, Nyx said he will take today i will take tomorrow." He doesn't bother at all.

"Whatever it is you better take care of Boboiboy or anything happens to him. You and Nyx both at fault." As i say that i walk away from Pang.

I do not know how to help you Boboiboy.

Nyx's POV

After the day was over, there was no sign of Boboiboy being awake and i took the guarding job from Pang after i settled down and clean myself up.

I am walking towards Boboiboy's room and i heard small giggles.

As i walk towards the giggles i saw Pang giggling over the phone.

The shock it gave me shows how much he is incompetent of his current mission he was given.

Pang saw me and gave me a big smile.

"My best friend! Nyx!" He came and gave me the most manly hug you can get.

"What happened to just now and now?" I gave a poker face while being curious.

"You know how i am. Seeing him pissed me off." Pang is just making himself look like a jerk even more. Pang turns off the call he made.

"He pisses you off still until today?" I asked.

"Of course. Annoying as ever. Like I can't look at him" Pang looks to the side and cross his arms.

Sigh, those are signs of someone not moving on.

"I think you better leave before Capt Kizka starts to come around." I tell straight to his face.

"Oh shit! Yeah- see you tomorrow at that dumb Fun Park!" Pang just runs off.

The more i see things clearly. The more I understand how Pang is being a big douche and a jerk bag.

And somehow, Pang still have feelings for Boboiboy and he doesn't want to admit to it.

I clench my hand. Somehow this pisses me off. Boboiboy doesn't deserve this dick.

I pat on my uniform and stand guard infront of Boboiboy's room.

As i pat my cloth and straighten it up, suddenly i felt my heart aches alot. Am i feeling a fraction of what Boboiboy feels. I turn around and look at the door that keeping me and boboiboy see each other faces. I put my hand on my chest. It feels suffocating. I took a deep breath and continue guarding.

It's been an hour, now I remembered how tiring Guarding job. But i keep my stand and keep guarding.

Suddenly i hear the door behind me slides open.

I was shock and turned around.

I saw Boboiboy with the most messy hair and a little bit of drool on his cheeks.

He looks so cute! I am so happy to see him here!

"Erghh." He moans as he brushes his head. "Where am i..?"

Boboiboy open his beautiful eyes towards me.

"In your own chambers." I said softly.

"Oh.. it's slowly coming" Boboiboy can't remember what has happened i believe.

"You don't remember what has happened for the past hours and a day ago?" I ask him.

"Oh my god!" Boboiboy scream and look at me. "I actually met Fang!?"

My eyes widened and i forgot that he was drunk from drinking. Is he gonna be sad of what happened between them and how of a jerk Pang was.

Boboiboy sits back on the bed and trying to recall everything that has happened, while holding on to his head.

Now i am worried for him, i believe he is gonna be even more sad than he is already. I want to give him a hug so much right now. He looks to the side and looks down throwing a sigh at the end of it. I bring out my hand to him wanting to comfort him.

Suddenly, he jumps out of the bed. I was shock and he looks at me.

"Why is Fang such a dickhead!?" Boboiboy scream his lung out and he has the most annoyed face he can give right now.

I do not why i actually want to laugh at this, i thought he was gonna be sad and start crying. But this reaction made it so much better.

I smile and came to him, and gave him a hug.

"Cute." I whisper and i come near him and kiss his forehead.

Boboiboy straight away blush but didn't push ne away as i believe he got stunned.

"You are so precious to me." I told him that and he justl ooks up to me with a shock face. "And i am one person who can't lie how i feel because of my powers."

I smile and he bluses off. He covers himself with a pillow.

"S-stop making me feel embarrassed! I can't stand the feeling!" I can see his ear burning red.

I reach out to his ear and swipe it slowly. I was startled with what i did making him pull down the pillow looking at me.

His reaction made me step back and stand up from the bed.

He was blushing too hard and he reacted ro the touch with a small moan.

I can't hold it back anymore.. i want him.. i want to pull away that pillow and see his full face. Being on top of him. Full control of him.

Then i snap.

"S-sorry— this is inappropriate for me to do to you! I am so sorry!" I turn around and just gush out the door.

I close his door and I cover half of my face while i blush so hard.

Fuck— i cant hold myself looking at him-

Boboiboy's POV

After Nyx touching my ear, i realised i gave him a moan with a lewd face. And i realised how stupid it was.

I lay on the bed and took the pillow to cover my face and i scream in the pillow.

Why did i do that! He must find me weird now-

Weird—? But he did tell me he likes me. And I don't know how but i am actually fond of how he treats me. Like it's sweet and kind. It's different from Pang.

Pang has always been.. impulsive kind of relationship. It's far from soft love. Immature is another word for the relationship.

Nyx is.. a breeze of fresh air.

I touch my face that i realised that i am blushing and my heart is beating fast for him.

I think.. i like Nyx..

To be continued..

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