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Aphrodite POV

I watched the man I wanted.

No, it wasn't Ares or Hephaestus. Apparently I'm being to "unloyal" to them so they broke up with me.

By the way, if you ever break up with a love goddess, well no. 1 don't and no.2 ...

Your love life is gonna be pretty screwed up.

Anyways, I was watching him bring him a ring to the girl.

I wish I was that girl, I watched him bring the ring to her, he knelt down, and said the iconic words:

Will you marry me?

But I was surprised at her answer and let me tell you this,

It was a stupid answer.

And the answer was a simple "I'm sorry, but no."

He paled "why"he croaked. "my mother said I can become immortal if i accept, but that means I'm like Artemis, I can't date, Im sorry, but I can't, but can I see the ring?"

I gasped it was beautiful.

I summoned Hera She Gasped, soon every god and goddess were admiring and wanted to curse her for what she had done. Even Artemis was admiring it.

Suddenly I felt pain as I doubled over. It was bad. Suddenly it cleared when the sympathy kicked in. The twelve Olympians had sympathy for the young hero.

There was no storm not even waves at his pain of course I was surprised there was no storm. But then, when I was thinking he disappeared . After all the Olympians left I went out and searched for him.

I found him in Applebees. I turned into my 18 year old form

And got a table next to him, I saw him staring at his menu. "Is this seat taken?" I asked
He said no, so I hugged him and flashed to palace on Olympus. "Lady Aphrodite?" He asked" why am I here?" "Bescause I felt your heartbreak" he nodded and went to sleep.

It was hard, extremely hard not to get playful, the reason? He's to young he just turned 17 and is recovering as I said it's hard. But I am the the goddess of love so it's even harder. And I don't want the fates to make him do anything stupid much less become my play toy. Let me explain, gods have heros, right? Right, and the gods have the garden of me. Witch cause them mortals to fall in love. Fates can make heros paths different. and by playtoy, I mean slave. Sometimes the gods try to hide them form the fates, but that's hard. And the fates can do weird stuff to heros and make them fall completely in love over a god or goddess.... I've got it!! That's how I'll get him to love me.

But that might be hard, he was pretty strong against my scarf , maybe if I play beautiful? No nice? Both? Watched the man I wanted and loved. I wanted to curse the girl to never find true love for the rest of her life until she fades.

The boy I wanted Was Percy Jackson

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