22 | Puzzle Pieces

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"Has he said anything?"

"No, but the Prewetts managed to bring in him and Malfoy, so that's two less Death Eaters roaming free."

Hermione groaned as her consciousness slowly came back to her. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt so incredibly heavy.


"I'm here," she mumbled, bringing a hand to her temple. What was wrong with her?

"Hi there," Lily said softly, coming to sit by her bed. "You took quite the hit back there."

"What happened?" she asked hoarsely.

"We're not really sure, exactly," Remus replied, standing next to Lily. "We were hoping you could tell us."

Hermione sat up slowly, feeling the hesitance in her own muscles. As far as she could see, there were no wounds on her body, or any particular injury she could detect. Yet her body felt weak and dreary, like the time she woke up from being petrified back in second year.

"I was immobilized... and then Bellatrix hit me with a curse. I honestly thought I was about to die- the curse was green."

This information seemed to give both her friends a pause as Remus and Lily glanced at each other in concern.

"Severus and Sirius must not have seen what hit you, they couldn't say. But you were incredibly weak when they brought you back here," Lily told her. "You've been recovering steadily, but we're not quite sure what she did to you, or what fixed you."

"Well I think I'm fine," Hermione thought aloud.

"Strange," Remus muttered.

"And the others?" Hermione asked suddenly. Are they safe?

"All fine," Lily assured. "Sirius and Severus brought you back, and the Prewetts brought in Pettigrew and Malfoy thanks to them."

"That's a relief," Hermione sighed, sagging back into her bed. At least they'd done what they set out to and gotten out with everyone intact.


~ Headquarters

It had barely been a day since their successful mission, and they were already gathered around the kitchen. Molly had insisted on coming to make sure Hermione was well fed and cared for- at least for the day. And where Molly went, her loyal family followed. The kitchen was alive with happy conversation and laughter from the little ones. Hermione and Lily had insisted Severus join them for breakfast, and the boys were actually managing to behave. It was the moment of peace that reminded them what they were fighting for. Hermione could almost forget they were in the middle of a war.

"Having fun without us, Molls? I'm insulted," a grinning Gideon asked as he and his twin made their way into the room.

"Gideon! Fabian!" Hermione exclaimed, running up to throw her arms around the pair of them. They chuckled fondly at her before they collectively lifted her off the ground in a bear hug between them.

"Sorry we couldn't get here sooner," Fabian apologized. "We've been helping Moody with the interrogations."

Ahh... Pettigrew and Malfoy. "Anything?"

"Not yet," Gideon sighed grimly. "But they'll break soon enough."

Hermione's skin prickled for a brief second, as if she were being watched. When she glanced back, she barely caught Sirius' head turning back to the other Marauders, and she wondered if she just imagined it.

Huh, must be her own nerves.

Before she could ponder on it, there was a sharp shift in the air followed by a loud crack. They were all baffled as a breathless raven-haired beauty stood in front of them, struggling to catch her breath. Lily was immediately out of her seat.

"Marlene! What's wrong?"

"My- my parents," she wheezed. "My home is under attack, I need help!" She cried, trying to pull herself back from the edge of hyperventilating.

"I'll go," Gideon said immediately.

"Of course," Fabian said, coming up to stand beside his brother.

Hermione could see Lily clenching her fists. She couldn't imagine how hard it would be to be in strict hiding and pregnant when your friends were in danger and needed help.

"I'll go," Hermione volunteered.

"No," a quick voice insisted. "I- I mean you're still recovering from yesterday, we can't risk they'll catch you in a vulnerable moment," Sirius clarified, slightly embarrassed.

"He's right," Remus insisted.

But Hermione couldn't help but feel a twinge on unease as she looked at the trio meant to leave. The Prewetts and the McKinnons all died in her timeline. And it was just too eerie that they'd managed to avoid all those deaths only for them to go into a potentially fatal mission together- not that every mission wasn't potentially fatal. But still, she couldn't help the irrational panic bubbling up within her.

"Severus, would you please go with them?" Hermione pleaded.

He merely raised an eyebrow in surprise at her use of his given name.

"Please!" she cried, the panic beginning to seep into her voice.

"Very well," Severus said, eyeing her critically, going up to join the others.

"We'll be right back," Fabian assured her, astutely picking up on her panic.

"I know, and thank you," she said quietly to Severus as he passed her. She quickly pulled him into a brief hug. "Be safe, all of you."

"Be careful!" Molly exclaimed worriedly.

Hermione watched them disapparate on the spot with a sinking feeling. But within her anxiety and fear, she could also detect something displaced. Rage? When she glanced back at the remaining group, she caught Sirius quickly averting his eyes and looking down at his cup.


"Did something like this happen in your time?" Lily asked anxiously.

"I'm not sure," Hermione said uncertainly. "Not exactly like this because the twins would've already been gone... but I just didn't want to risk it. Some similarities are just too eerie."

"Thank you," Lily said softly, taking Hermione's arm and walking her back to the table to join the others.

Molly immediately began sending word to Dumbledore and Moody. No doubt, the rest of the Order would be swarming headquarters within the hour. It was quite different to be part of such a big team. Before in her own time, Hermione was always considered a child, despite being dubbed brightest witch of her age. Even when they were fully immersed in the war, it was just her, Harry, and Ron. No healers, no caretakers, no support. As much as Hermione missed her friends, she didn't feel nearly as desolate in this war.

"We actually have something we needed to speak to you about," Lily said shyly, looking to James.

"Is everything okay?" Hermione asked immediately.

"Fine," Lily shook her head reassuringly. "Pretty great, actually."

James gave his wife an adoring grin before turning his gaze on Hermione. "So I know Lily said you could think about it, but there's no one else we'd have as Harry's Godmother. So this is us officially telling you that you're part of the family."

"Oh," Hermione blushed, holding back a small laugh at James' bluntness. "I would've never refused; I just didn't say yes right away because I wasn't certain you were serious."

Lily smacked her husband softly. Clearly she hadn't anticipated having this conversation in such a manner. "And we'd also like to ask you if you'd be the Godmother for the next one," she said with a little smile. "It would've gone to Alice... but you've been such a godsend for us, I can't think of anyone I would trust more with my kids."

"I would be honored," Hermione cooed, happy that the couple had talked out their issues and were doing better now.

Amongst her own happiness, she detected a swell of adoration that didn't feel like it was entirely her own. When she glanced over, her eyes met Sirius', who was gazing at her softly. All of a sudden, she could hear her own heartbeats personified in her head. She smiled back hesitantly and as suddenly as she felt it, the ethereal sensation faded.


Maybe it's Harry's magic, Hermione thought.

"And of course, you'll have a smarter partner this time around. Moony will help you keep the troublemaker in check, won't you mate?" James winked at him.

"Me?" Remus asked in surprise.

"Of course, Remus!" Lily exclaimed.

"You didn't think we'd put all our eggs in that basket did you," James said nodding at Sirius. "Godric knows what he'd do to them all!"

"I resent that," Sirius said jokingly. "I would've trained them well."

"Yeah, trained them to wreak havoc in Hogwarts," Lily said dryly.

"You say that like it's a bad thing, love." James winked.


As it turns out, it took less than fifteen minutes for a large part of the Order to assemble, most people apparating in a rush straight from work. The group waited anxiously for the return of their comrades. They considered sending others, but Moody assured them the Prewetts would've called for backup if necessary. The hushed conversations were tense. But they didn't have to wait long. It had been a little over half an hour when they returned, a little worse for wear, but otherwise alive.

Marlene was holding onto both her parents as she apparated them into headquarters. Gideon looked absolutely horrible; the side of his head was bleeding and he looked entirely out of it. He was supported by Fabian and Severus, each taking one of his arms over their shoulders. They set him down on the sofa, and Hermione couldn't help but notice Severus was limping.

"We took care of it, but it was a close one," Fabian called out. "Gideon was hit by a collapsing wall, he probably has a concussion."

Hermione's heart dropped. These similarities were much too eerie. The fact that Gideon shared a similar fate to that of his future nephew unarmed her.

"I've got him," Lily said, immediately stepping forward.

"Snape broke his ankle and has multiple lacerations," Fabian continued down the list.

"I'm fine," Severus said stiffly, lowering himself to a chair a little further away from the circling crowd.

Marlene ran to Gideon as soon as she had her parents situated. "Oh please tell me he's going to be alright, Lily!" She cried out, entirely distraught.

"He's got some deep injuries in his skull," Lily said worriedly, working over him diligently. "But I think he'll be okay."

"Oh Godric," she whispered, dropping to her knees beside the couch. "It was because of me! McNair was aiming for me, and Gideon shoved me out of the way. But the curse rebounded off the wall and he was hit trying to cover me from the rubble."

"He'll be okay," Fabian assured her, stubborn determination etched in his face. He dropped his hand to her shoulder comfortingly. "He would much rather it be him like this right now than you."

When Hermione was sure Lily had control over Gideon's condition, she turned her attention to Snape only to find that Mary McDonald was already at his side. She could hear Severus muttering that he was perfectly capable of healing himself, and Mary patiently saying that they were here so he didn't need to do it all himself as she murmured healing spells over the stray slicing hexes that'd cut into his skin.

"Thank you for going," Hermione spoke to Severus as she approached the pair.

"Well someone had to," he said stiffly.

"No really," Fabian said looking over at them. "Snape was invaluable."

Practically everyone in the room raised their eyebrows in disbelief.

"It was brilliant! Gideon and Marlene were buried under rubble, and I was defending the McKinnons. Snape took down Goyle, Crabbe, and McNair all in one go!"

"Are they still alive?" Moody asked gruffly.

"Probably not." Severus said.

While some people's hackles rose at his indifference, Fabian went on to clarify.

"They were hit by slicing hexes and were bleeding out when we left. We didn't have the time to bring them in, just in case more of them came. They're probably dead by now if no one's gotten to them."

A buzz of conversation filled the room as the details of the mission were revealed.

"I knew you had it in you," Hermione smirked at Snape.

"Had it in me to brutally massacre three wizards?" Snape scoffed dryly. "Yes, someone should give me an Order of Merlin."

"You defended your team when they were vulnerable," Hermione clarified, not letting his sarcasm get the better of her.

The corner of Snape's mouth tilted upwards. It was the closest she'd seen to an actual smile from him. A sudden hot feeling began swirling in her stomach, something she could identify from her own past. It was the restless sinking feeling of pure jealousy. But it wasn't her own. Who did she have to be jealous of? Mary? She quite liked the girl, and besides it wasn't as if she was remotely interested in Severus.

For some reason, her eyes instinctively flew to Sirius, who had already been watching her with a pinning stare. Caught off guard by her sudden questioning gaze, he immediately turned and whisked out of the room. Snape watched their interaction with a careful gaze. He knew Granger was sharp, and it looked like she was already onto Black, even if she had no idea what she was looking for. After all, Snape himself saw the raw displeasure in Black's stare even before Hermione turned around. But with her back to him, she had no way of knowing that when she turned right to him... unless she was already feeling the effects of the bond.

"I'm glad you'll be okay," she said to Severus absentmindedly. "Excuse me," she said distractedly, following after Sirius' tracks.

"You know something," Mary immediately observed knowingly, not looking up from her healing

"I beg your pardon?" Severus' eyes flew to her, but he maintained his obliviousness.

"You know something," she simply repeated, looking up at him. "About whatever is going on with Hermione and Sirius."

Severus Snape was speechless.

"Why aren't you telling her?" Mary asked.

This was the second time someone had managed to surprise him, and Severus Snape did not enjoy that feeling; he hated surprises.

Mary smiled at him knowingly. "Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I don't notice what's happening around me. You know, you seem to keep everyone's secrets, yet you never share your own."

"Scared I'll use it against you all?" Snape accused bitingly, knowing people didn't trust him yet, even with his supposed heroics today.

"No," she said confidently. "But you have no one to share your burden, it's really quite sad."

With one last spell, Mary finished her work and walked back to the rest of the Order members, disappearing into the crowd. For his life, Snape could not calm the way his heart was palpitating. It was one thing when Granger tried to call him out, but even that he could justify because she knew the bloody future and had apparently known him for the better part of a decade. Yet now this little slip of a woman, who had absolutely no reason to trust him or believe him, seemed to see right into his very being.

The Order was not very good for Severus' way of life. He'd grown up living in the shadows, never truly trusting anyone- especially after Lily. After a certain point, people stopped bothering to ask. That's the way he liked it, or at least he thought he did.


As Hermione hurried after Sirius, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off. No matter how hard she tried to write it off, part of her knew there was something afoot. She caught up to him in the hallway upstairs, where all the spare bedrooms were.

"Sirius! Wait!"

He halted in his footsteps but didn't turn around to face her.

"Is everything alright?" She asked hesitantly, slightly flustered. What was she supposed to say? Am I feeling your emotions? Why do I get goosebumps every time you happen to glance in my direction?

"Fine," he bit out, still not turning. "You should go rejoin everyone downstairs, Hermione."

His posture was taught, as if holding himself together by a string. From what, though? Hermione could only guess. She cautiously stepped up to him.

"Something's different," she said, at a loss for how to describe what she'd been noticing. She'd sound like a lunatic if she tried to tell him what'd actually been happening. When he didn't say anything, she gently laid a hand on his shoulder. "I'm worried about you."

It was as if her touch had opened the floodgates- she was swept into a rush of intense need, and she couldn't tell if it was all her own. She could feel the charge in the air seconds before he turned and rushed her backwards. His gaze seemed desperate as he backed her against the hall wall.

"Tell me to leave," he told her. When she said nothing he cupped her jaws, forcing her head up to his. "Hermione, tell me to go."

And in the dim hall with his warm body barely an inch away from hers, she could only find one answer. "I don't want you to."

His eyes flickered back and forth from her eyes to her lips, and even with her limited experience, she could tell what he wanted. Yet, he hesitated, at odds with himself. So Hermione gathered all of her Gryffindor wits and pushed herself onto her toes, bringing her lips to meet his. Sirius stiffened under her hesitant hold, and for a second she feared she'd made a horrible mistake.

Just because he ended things with Marlene doesn't mean he suddenly wants you.

Before she could pull back and run off, Sirius groaned against her lips, sending shivers down her spine. She'd never gotten that reaction out of a kiss, not even Krum was that affected. Sirius wrapped his arms around her, hauling her flush against him. His fingers were splayed on her back, running down to her waist and lower back as if he were trying to feel all of her at once. Her hands flew to his long locks, returning his enthusiasm.

When he reluctantly parted from her, her lips almost followed him. She didn't want this to end.

"Fuck Hermione... I'm not supposed to be doing this to you, I'm sorry," he whispered, their foreheads touching as they breathed together.

"What are you talking about?" She was confused. "I wanted this, I still want this."

She tried to reach for him but he gently caught a hold of her hands as he stepped back.

"You deserve so much better than me," he said, sadly gazing at her flushed face as he tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ear.

Before he could change his mind and give in to his own selfish desires, he turned on his heel and left. Hermione stood in the hall, still catching her breath. This kiss was everything she'd been wanting but refused to admit. In all her show of being strong and putting the mission and all their futures first, she'd buried her own hopes and desires deep in the sand with her own past. Yet now that the complications were behind them, she couldn't help but hope there was more to Sirius' kiss than passing interest. 

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