The Marauders Together

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This chapter is dedicated to Gryffindor_Gal_ and Bjb2006 thnx so much for reading my story and singing hakuna matata... don't ask

Previously on Prongslet

James and Lily spoke through him which almost gave Sirius and Remus a heart attack

"Prongs?" Sirius asked with tears

"Lily Flower" Remus breathed out


"Why hello there Moony Padfoot," said James "are you awere that you look like your about to die? I thought I was the one who was dead"

Sirius recovered first and said while smirking "idiot Prongs, I see one of my best friends talk out of my godson's mouth and you make a joke"

"James this is not the time" Lily scolded then she changed her tone and said "What's wrong Remus? Dog got your tongue"

"HEY!!" James exclaimed

Remus just chuckled and said "You're as bad as Prongs Lils"

"I don't know why I married this idiot" she complained

"so how are you two holding up?" James asked

Sirius broke down and said "I am so sorry Prongs"

"what for?" He asked quite shocked

"For not being there for Harry, for letting him get abused by the Dursley's"

"Sirius Orion Black and Remus John Lupin," James said sternly "This is not your fault"

"Yea it was my sister who was a horrible monster," Lily said angrily

"We should have forced Dumbledore to give Harry to us," Remus said sadly

"How could you have known?" James asked gently "you thought you were doing what is best for Harry, I have said it before and I will say it again I don't regret making you both Harry's godfather"

Remus and Sirius just nodded quietly

"We just miss you both so bloody much" Sirius finally said what was on both of their minds

"We miss you too Sirius, Every single day, we can't change what happened but just know that we both are still here for you," Lily said softly

A groan erupted from Harry

"what's wrong with him?" Sirius asked frantically

"He's getting tired we should go now, remember both of you we are sure we made the right choice of appointing you as godfathers," Lily said and then her voice dissipated

"Bye Moony and Padfoot, oh one more thing Moony, you know how bad Padfoot is at speeches so don't give him a chance to give you your speech on how your not a horrible person because you are a werewolf," James said jokingly

Remus just chuckled and then James voice as well dissipated.

Harry who had been sitting up the whole time James and Lily were inside him was lying down fast asleep.

Sirius and Remus both decided to grab something to eat as well as something for Harry when he wakes up so they apparated to a nearby restaurant.

3 hours later (a/n I heard that in a sponge bob voice)

Sirius and Remus were both fast asleep on different chairs. There was Subway on a small table, 2 of the sandwiches were eaten but one of them was still closed and Remus had applied a spell that kept the sandwich warm.

Harry woke up and saw that the whole room was dark (it was evening). He began to breathe heavily since he thought that he was all alone. He remembered that he "saw" his parents and wondered if they talked to Sirius and Remus.

"Moony? Padfoot" Harry called out worriedly

Sirius was a deep sleeper but Remus immediately woke up because of his wolf senses and because he was a light sleeper.

"cub?" Remus asked and then performed Lumos since the room was so dark. Remus walked over to the door where the light switch was and turned the lights on

(a/n idk if they had electricity but lets pretend they did)

Remus saw that Harry was awake and he sat down on Harry's bed and cuddled him

"how are you feeling cub?" Remus asked

, "ok I guess, did my parents talk to you?" Harry asked nuzzling into Remus

"yea" Remus answered, "did they talk to you?"

Harry nodded and said "yea, it was after-after" but Harry didn't finish because he was scared to relive the experience

Remus just hugged Harry closer and whispered "its ok cub"

Harry then began sobbing and said "It hurt so-so bad, worse than the Dursley's, I was s-scared"

Remus was startled since Harry didn't really talk about the Dursley's willingly but said making Harry look at him "I know cub, you are so brave Harry, you are one of the bravest people I have ever met"

"really?" Harry asked and then Remus nodded.

"why is it so quiet?" Harry asked when he calmed down

"because Sirius is asleep" Remus laughed but unfortunately for him, Sirius awoke 5 minutes ago and was watching the scene unfold in front of him

"OI!!! Moony!!" Sirius grumbled

"speak of the devil" Remus groaned which caused Harry to giggle

"come on Prongslet its my turn to cuddle you," Sirius said taking Harry from Remus. Harry hugged Sirius and then Harry said: "are you serious?" When Remus handed him food

"1. Im Sirius, 2. Yes the food is for you, you haven't eaten anything all day"

Harry giggled at the pun and began eating

a/n SURPRISE... did you really think that I would give u such a short chapter when u guys have done so much for u. Here is another chapter that is normal sized and dun dun dun didn't end in a cliffhanger, ur welcome, anyways since I already bored u with an authors note before I wont talk much so


Ps fav subject at school


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