Darkness Rising Pt 1

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Cliffjumper: So there I am on a lookout when out of nowhere these high beams light up my rearview. And then it hits me I'm illegally parked!

Cliffjumper was out on the open road, boasting to Arcee over the comm about how he's been messing with the humans. Arcce was somewhere else far off. The Autobot's were all over different parts of the world on patrol.

Arcee: Another parking ticket?

Cliffjumper: Better. The boot.

Arcee: Big metal tire clamp, impossible to remove.

Cliffjumper; Bingo! The local police do that thing and get me all the way down by a block. That's when I kick up my new shiny shoe and BANG!

Arcee: New Yorks finest soil themselves.

Cliffjumper: You know me, Arcee. - Mess with Cliffjumper

Arcee: And you get the horns. Not sure how that complies with Autobot rule number one - 'Keep a low profile'?

Cliffjumper: What can I say? - Patrolling for energon out here is dull and gets me all on lonesome. Almost makes me miss the Decepticons.

Arcee: Like Jasper Nevada's a party? We're alone where ever we travel on this rock, Cliff.

However, Cliffjumper wasn't alone. Autobot Y/N was with him.

Y/N: Arcee, we are not alone we have each other. And lonesome? Really Cliffjumper? What am I? Scrap?

A police car drove right next to Cliffjumper. It was Y/N in vehicle form.

In Cliffjumper's defense, Y/N was not a very good conversation keeping autobot.

Cliffjumper: Sorry Y/N.

Suddenly, Cliffjumper and Y/N's scanners began to pick up something.

Cliffjumper: Wait, we're getting signals.

Arcee: Need backup?

Y/N: That would be greatly-

Cliffjumper: Relax Y/N. We can handle this ourselves.

Y/N: Cliffjumper, not to be judgmental or anything, but I really think we should call backup. We don't know what could be down there.

Cliffjumper. It's gonna be fine. In and out.

Cliffjumper took a sharp turn as he was heading straight for the signal. Y/N just sighed in annoyance.

"I'm missing time with my spark mate for this." Y/N sighed as he followed Cliffjumper. Y/N and Arcee were boyfriend and girlfriend. If a war doesn't bring two bots closer together, I don't know what will.

Cliffjumper: Wow. Y/N! Your gonna wanna see this!

Y/N parked right next to Cliffjumper and saw something surprising. An entire cavern filled with energon.

Y/N: Holy cow. Look at all this energon. There's gotta be at least...500 some pounds.

Y/N wasn't very good at figuring out pounds and weight. But he was learning. Y/N transformed into his robot form

"Look at all this. An entire engeron mine, completely undisturbed." Y/N said in surprise and disbelief.

Cliffjumper: I don't think undisturbed. Look up.

Cliffjumper said as a large ship appeared in the sky. It was the Decepticon ship known as The Nemesis.

The Nemesis was the mobile base and warship for the Decepticons. It moves anywhere, Megatron wishes to anywhere on Earth including the vastness of space. The Nemesis had a numerous amount of weapons built into it and had its own cloaking system, preventing Autobots from simply Ground Bridging into it.

One of the ships cannons opened fire upon the two Autobot's. Causing both to tumble into the mine.

Y/N: You ok?

Cliffjumper: Ya. Not even a scratch.

The two looked up at the ship. A small hole opened up and ten vehicons fell out and landed on the cliff above Y/N and Cliffjumper.

Y/N: What was that you were saying earlier? About us handling this ourselves?

If there was one thing Y/N was known for, it was his "I told you so." quotes.

Cliffjumper hated it when Y/N was right.

Cliffjumper: Arcee. About that backup?

Y/N aimed his blasters and rockets at the vehicons and proceeded to open fire. The vehicons fired back, but none hit Y/N or Cliffjumper.

Y/N: These guys and gals shoot like stormtroopers!

Cliffjumper: Well how about we put a few dents in them?

Like most Autobots, Cliffjumper is a loyal and determined soldier. However unlike most, Cliffjumper is rather cocky and often leap's into situations before looking. He also seems to think he could handle battle situations on his own. However, Cliffjumper is still a fun loving, jolly, and playful Autobot. He's quite the chatterbox.

Y/N however, saw this a reckless and irresponsible.

"Sure. We put a few dents in them and then they'll scrap us. Sound like a perfect....and he's gone." Y/N said as Cliffjumper transformed into vehicle mode and drove off and went to fight the Vehicons.

"It seems pretty ironic that I survive a war, only to get killed by him." Y/N sighed as kept shooting at the Vehicons. He preferred fighting his enemies from a distance.

As he was firing his laser's at the vehicons, he began to realize at how many times they were misfiring at him and hitting the energon instead. Y/N was well aware that if shot at too many times, energon could explode.

Looking back up at Cliffjumper, Y/N decided to drive up and help him. Hand to hand combat was much better than getting yourself blown up.

Y/N transformed back into his vehicle mode and drove off to help Cliffjumper. He rammed into a few Vehicons, then transformed and kicked one in the face.

Cliffjumper: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Cliffjumper punched one in the face. If he was alone, he'd probably get his metal ass kicked, but since he had some help, it was much easier.

Y/N: Have you ever noticed that whenever we punched these guys or shot them, they always seem to remain in one piece?

Y/N asked Cliffjumper and body slammed one Vehicon.

Cliffjumper: I see what your saying. Either we're getting rusty or they're just getting harder to break.

The two were so busy fighting, that they didn't notice the silver and and purple jet watching them.

???: Time to open fire.

The Decepticon known as Skywrap proceeded to shoot a few rockets down upon the Autobot's.

By the time they had noticed, it was already too late. The duo were engulfed in burning hot flames and sent back down to the energon.

One of Cliffjumper's horns broke off and Y/N's glasses were shattered and both got dents and burns.

Cliffjumper: *Coughs* You ok?

Y/N: I just got blown up. Overall not bad.

Y/N looked up and saw Skywarp and twenty more Vehicons. Y/N knew that if backup didn't arrive, they'd be goners. He needed to think of something fast.

Y/N: Cliffjumper! I need you to get back to base! I need to to get the others and open a ground bridge here! I'll keep them busy!

Cliffjumper looked at Y/N as if he stepped on someone.

Cliffjumper: WHAT ARE YOU?!? Crazy?! You won't last! We should both go or stay! Better yet, you go and I'll hold them off!

Y/N: If we both stay, we both die! If we both go they'll follow us! It's obvious that nobody's coming. Everyone's too far from our base! Besides, it's better if one of use makes it out! Just go! NOW! GO NOW! YOUVE GOT YOUR ORDERS SOLIDER!

Cliffjumper: I'm not leaving you!

Y/N: Nows not the time!

Cliffjumper looked back at the upcoming Vehicons. It was obvious that backup wasn't coming soon, and if both ran off they'd lead the cons to their base.

Cliffjumper: I'll be back soon.

He said as he transformed and drove off, immediately regretting his decision. He made a mad dash towards the base. He didn't wanna leave Y/N, but Y/N made a good point. As a few Vehicons tried following Cliffjumper, Y/N began shooting at them.

The Vehicons and Skywarp attacked Y/N. Y/N threw everything he had at them. But he was outnumbered. He landed a few punches, they landed more punches. He shot them a few time, they shot him more.

Y/N used everything he had at them. Y/N still doesn't know who was responsible for what happened next, but the energon then exploded. Y/N was sent flying like a flaming top. He landed on the ground with a loud crash. He coughed and slowly tried getting up.

Everything in him felt broken. He tried getting up but was kicked in the face. He looked up and saw a very beaten and burnt Skywrap

And he looked pissed. He grabbed Y/N by the neck. "Y-your...lucky that I am weak from that explosion, otherwise I'd rip off your head. I'll let Megatron handle you." Skywarp said as a ground bridge opened up.

"Thank Cybertron." Y/N thought, only to see a few Vehicons walk out.

Skywrap: Salvage what you can!

Skywrap dragged Y/N into the ground bridge that lead into The Nemesis. Normally Y/N would fight back, but he was too hurt and too weak.

Y/N expected to see Megatron in the main room, only the find Starscream.

Y/N: Scream? Where's Megatron?

Starscream looked at him with hatred.

Starscream: Never mind him. I am my own master.

Starscream was about to stab Y/N, only to be stopped by Skywrap.

Skywrap: If anyones gonna kill him, it'll be me, or Megatron.

Starscream just growled

Starscream: Megatron is not coming back!

Skywarp: At least keep him alive. He's to valuable. He knows the Autobot's location and they'll more than likely come for him!

Starscream took this into consideration and smirked

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