Hello There

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oops forgot (F/C) = favorite color and (S/F/C) = second favorite color plus imagine Sans as Frisk in the video and Chara as Dust

          I groaned as I got out of bed and dressed in my (F/C) shirt and jeans before putting on my (S/F/C) shoes and socks. I walked out of my room only to be greeted by my parents's angry faces, but I knew how to handle them, after all, I've lived with one all my life and the other most of it, "Look I've been locked up in this place for two days, if I stay here any longer for your twisted amusement, then everyone who knows me will get suspicious." My step-father rolled his eyes, "Leave, I don't care, it just gives me more time to fuck your mother. Just be back in time to do your chores or I'll give your back another shredding." I inwardly groaned and quickly left the house, making sure to slam the door behind me.

          Harsh sunlight blinded me instantly, causing me to raise a hand to my face. After blinking a couple of times my eyes had adjusted and I was able to drink in the sight of the worst neighborhood in the city, but oh well. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jeans and began to walk. My job wasn't to far from here, just about two miles, so I didn't worry too much. I was worried about being attacked, I hadn't eaten much in the past week, so I was drained of energy.

          I ignored the sound of cars passing by, and instead concentrated on my excuse for my boss. I was about halfway there when the sound of a child's scream pierced my ears. I froze and looked at a nearby alleyway. What the fuck was going on? And why was a child screaming? I took a couple of cautious steps towards the alleyway and peered inside. Someone inside a dark blue hoodie was holding a child with shoulder length brown hair up by their through as they  pulled a knife from their pocket.

          "What the actual fuck do you think you're doing!?" I snapped drawing the person's attention to me. The assaulter was a skeleton? Wait didn't someone just escape MT. Ebott? Did a monster follow them up? Inside the skeleton's eye sockets were two glowing eyes. One was red with a black pupil inside, while the other was red with blue inside and another black pupil. A mocking grin spread across the monster's face, "Why don't you mind your own business girly." It was a threat not a question. The skeleton tilted his head to the side, "It's personal, you'll understand, right?" I shook my head, "Sorry, but I'm the nosy type." My voice showed way more courage then what I felt.

          The skeleton's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to say something when I dashed towards him and knocked him to the ground. The child muttered a small "thank you" before sprinting off. the skeleton rose to his feet, "You just lost me my catch, you're going to have to pay for that human." I suddenly felt a force push me into the wall behind me, causing the air to leave my lungs. I struggled but it was pointless as the skeleton approached me slowly, "You really are a stupid human." I narrowed my (E/C) eyes and smirked, "Not as stupid as you might think, Skele." I pulled my knees up to my chest and quickly drove my feet into his chest, causing him to fall again, and the force to loosen it's grip.

          I hated running from fights, but I sure as hell wasn't in good enough shape to fight a monster. I turned to my left and sprinted as fast as I could down the connected alleyway. I heard curses from behind me and a bone slammed into the ground right in beside me. Fuck, this skeleton could throw magical and deadly bones!? I spotted a corner and changed my footing so that I could accelerate around it, barely missing a bright purple laser. "And lasers!" I shouted. I gulped, "Come'on, just throw me a bone and let my escape," I called over my shoulder. 

          I turned another corner to find myself as a dead end between two houses. I cursed under my breath and leaped onto the wall of a building. I used my momentum to bounce off onto the other building until I got to the top. I quickly hid under the roof's wall and watched as the skeleton teleported into the alley. I tried to quiet down my panting as the skeleton scanned the area. He grumbled when he didn't find anything and left the area. 

          I let out a sigh of relief and crumpled onto the floor. "Found you~" I yelped and dove out of the was as a very sharp bone hit the place my head had just been. I rushed to my feet as the skeleton smiled wickedly at me, "Now as much as I enjoy a good game of hide and seek, I have other things to do and you're just in my way." I glared at him, "Well I sure as hell am not going down without a fight." Something seemed to flash in the skeleton's eyes but it vanished almost immediately. Two dragon heads appeared at either side and me and shot out more of those purple blasts. I ducked just in time to allow the them to pass over my head. The skeleton looked me up and down, "I never understood why no one uses their strongest attack first."

          "Why do you say that?" I panted, trying to buy myself some time. He shrugged, "It get's them out of your way quicker." I looked at him, confused, "I say store your strongest attack. Wear them down with your other attacks, it makes your strongest attack more satisfying, but if you could do that without killing that would be great." The skeleton's smile widened as he vanished and appeared right behind me, "Why hello there." I felt him hit me with something causing everything to go black.

(heya Author~kun here hope you liked the chapter and I hope to update soon but until then stay MAD my friends)

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