◇ • THREE • ◇

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"You must not exit!"



"Bye Hyuka!" I waved to my very best friend, Huening Kai.

"Bye TaeTae! Have fun at old school!" He waved back.

"Hyuka, its high school, but have fun at young school!" I jokingly say to him as I flash a boxy smile.

"Noooo! Its primary school!" He whines.

"I know, we have to go to school, or we will be late!" I say to Huening Kai. "You don't wanna be late right?"

"No! Bye TaeTae!" Then he ran off. A grin stayed on my face.

I walked into the school and smiled. Today was going to be a great day. I skip into the school grounds, gripping my bag tightly. I heard a voice.

"Oh, hello Alien." The guy spat.

"Are you sure I look like an alien?" I bounced on the spot and looked up to him. "At least I don't have an ugly face. Do I?" Do I have an ugly face? I feel offended.

"Oh, bye Yeonjun! I got class!" I smiled and ran to the classroom I had.

"Ok class!" my teacher announced. "We are doing a memory quiz today!"

I looked around the class, looking at all the groaning children. Why are they groaning? Aren't memory tests fun? My mum told me that her generation had the greatest memory. I let out a whoop.

"Alien, we all know you are 'great' at memory stuff." Yeonjun put 'great' in quotation marks. "But you don't have to fucking tell it to everyone." He snaps to me.

"I know I don't have to tell it to everyone. But I feel like I want to! Plus, I never told anyone, I just let out a whoop." I smiled at him.

He glared at me and I frowned

"Yeonjun." The teacher gave a warning voice. "Stop being rude."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and mouthed a 'Fuck you'. I frowned, isn't that word a bad word?

"Yeonjun don't say bad words. It is bad!" I pout.

"Why do you even care Alien?" he spat.

"I just do!" I flashed my boxy grin. I looked around, the whole class was just staring at us, confused. Meh.

"Ok class, the memory test is going to start!" The teacher smiled at me. I smiled back.

This is going to be easy!

I looked at the sentence and scanned it. 'He was illegally smoking in the canteen, which might lead to a fine.' The sentence disappeared from my eyes and the countdown for writing the sentence started. I quickly jotted down the sentence. Smoking? Did that guy set the canteen on fire? Never mind.

There! I accidently place my pen down too violently. Done! I look around to see if anyone noticed the loud bang. I guess no one did!

"Class, hand it up to me and I can mark it, you can get your quizzes back at the end of this session."

Wow, the teacher can mark stuff very quickly! I placed my head into my cupped hands as I waited for the quiz to be returned.

A slap was heard on my desk. I abruptly shot up. What happened? Did the guy that set the canteen on fire set the room on fire? Oh wait! My quiz! I took the paper a little bit too aggressively and looked at the corner. 100%! I tried so hard not to let out a whoop, if I did, Yeonjun would say a bad word.

The bell rang into my ears, signalling us that class was finished.

"Class dismissed!" she exclaimed.

"Bye miss!" I shout out to her.

"Hah.." Yeonjun looked down on me. "I got 85%. I'm smarter than you, Alien." He spat, he literally spat. Eurgh, disgusting. But I got 100%!

"Yeonjun, I got 100%, I think that is more than you, right?" I tilted my head to the side. "I'm pretty sure it is." I smiled at a gaping Yeonjun. "And plus, this is a test on memory, not on your smartness, so... I guess I am smarter than you!" I smiled. He just glared at me then walked away. Heh. I smiled as I was about to walk out of the classroom.

"Mr Kim?" The teacher questioned.

I turned around quickly. "Yes? By the way, you don't have to call me Mr Kim, call me Taehyung."

"Um, you know Yeonjun?" She paused. "You might've hurt his feelings. By the way, I have to call you Mr Kim."

"Noooo, my mum always says that!!!" She said that to Joonie hyung yesterday! "WAIT I HURT YEONJUN'S FEELINGS?" I accidentally said a bit too loud. "Bye Miss, I've gotta go apologise!"

I dashed out of the classroom. Why did I hurt Yeonjun's feelings? I shouldn't have done that. I'm the worst person ever! I frown. My legs moved automatically as I look around if I can see Yeonjun. Suddenly my body collides into a figure. "OOPS! Sorry!" I look up to see Yeonjun.

"Oh! Yeonjun! I've been searching for you! I wanted to say I am very very sorry for hurting your feelings before-"

"Oh hello." A voice was heard behind Yeonjun. Looking at the source of the voice, I saw a raven-haired boy. Huh, I've seen him around the school. "It's the alien Yeonjun always beats up. It's very nice to meet you." I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I pouted.

"You are being sarcastic, does that mean it is not very nice to meet me?" I innocently ask.

"Of course it is very not nice to meet an alien like you!" He looked at me weirdly. "You know what? Taehyun..." Wait did he just say my name? "Come here, beat this alien up." A red-haired boy walked up to me and raised a fist. Before I knew it, pain seared down my jaw. He has the same name as me! Wait, did he just dislocate my jaw? I looked up to see a fist. And to hear a familiar voice.

"STOP!" Joonie hyung? I turn my head to the side to see a blue-haired Joonie hyung.

Taehyun closed his eyes and turned around to Joonie hyung. "Namjoon hyung, I know you don't want people to get hurt, but just climb out of your comfort zone." I zoned out of Taehyun's lecture to Joonie hyung. I looked to Joonie hyung's finger, indicating me to go away. Or does he just have a cramp in his finger. I looked back to the group as I picked up speed, running away. Is Joonie hyung okay? Is Taehyun... hyung? Taehyun okay? I mean he punched me so hard, his fist might've hurt.

I walked out of my math class and walked into the cafeteria. YAY! I'm so hungry! I sat down at a random table and took out my packed lunch and was about to eat. Until I saw Yeonjun and his gang punching up a random girl.

OH MY GOD! I GOTTA GO SAVE HER! IS SHE OKAY? I left my seat as I dashed toward the bloody scene that played before my eyes.


I thought about the words Taehyun and Jungkook had said to me at break. I-. I should listen to them. I hate to say this, but I must listen to them. I'm such a huge disappointment to the gang, my only friends, and my c r u s h. I should-. I caught my eye on my other friend. Taehyung. I just wish I could go to him. I just wish. I tried to resist looking at him. Why did it hurt my heart?

"Hey Namjoon!" Lisa came up to me. You see that girl over there?"

No Lisa, not now. "Yes?"

"Good, now I want you to go up to her and beat the he- Oh! My buddies already did it for me!" She means JJK. Wow. I mentally slapped myself for acting like this towards the group. "Too bad you couldn't do it. Why are you even the vice leader anyways?" She poked out her tongue, flicked her hair then walked away to punch the girl. I just looked at the scene that played right before my eyes.


W h y .

That's when Taehyungie rapidly stands up. I would've fell flat on my face if it was not for Soobin holding me on the shoulders. Taehyungie dashes toward the scene. NO-. I look at Lisa. She was disappointed in me. Everyone is, no doubt. I should listen to them. I stood there.

Taehyungie walked up to the girl and carefully took her by the shoulders. "Why are you punching?" He asked so innocently. "It hurts people." He pouted. Is it just me, or does Taehyungie pout and smile too much. Meh.

Taehyun walked quite aggressively up to Taehyungie. "Huh, it's you again, Alien. But it's exactly our intention." He smirked. He raised a fist and started, let me explain, 'placing a fist quite harshly to Taehyungie's face that it will create a red liquid substance that is less dense than cordial'. I flinched at every move, covering my eyes so I don't have to face the pain of my friend being beaten up. My other friend. But I heard the most innocent sentence in my life.

"OH NO STOP TAEHYUN! YOU'RE GONNA GET HURT! See? There's blood on your hand! You must not be okay!" Taehyungie exclaimed.

I uncovered my eyes to see a very confused Taehyun being dragged by a very innocent and cute Taehyungie. I secretly followed the pair.

"So first," Taehyungie started off. "We gotta rinse your hand." He turned on the tap and pulled Taehyun's hand under the running water. The 'red liquid that is denser than cordial' satisfyingly disappeared by the force of the water. 

Taehyun looked at him confused. "Then, dry it," Taehyungie took some paper towels and wrapped it around Taehyun's wet hands. "Then you need to wrap it up in bandages, so it can heal!" Taehyung pulled out a first aid kit (and smiled), why does he even have it in his bag, and took out bandages. He wrapped it a bit too tightly around Taehyun's hand. "There you go! So, you won't be able to punch people for the next 2 days." He put up two fingers while acting like a professional doctor. "Okay? You can go now!"

I mentally cooed in my head. And slapped my face in real life. Wow. The tomato sauce was splattered all over my face again. I'd be okay if I cooed out loud and mentally slapped myself. But why did I coo?

"OH NOOOO JOONIE HYUNG!" He ran up to me and cupped my face. "ARE YOU OKAY? YOUR FACE IS RED! YOU SLAPPED YOURSELF!" Taehyungie exclaimed.

I sighed and smiled. He wouldn't understand that I was just blushing.

"So first, we have to rinse it." He cupped his hand and water fell into it. I felt the coldness of the water hit my cheeks. I looked at the JJK group, just eating their lunch and pretending nothing just happened.

"WAIT WHY IS IT NOT COMING OFF!" Taehyungie nearly screamed, nearly breaking my eardrums as he aggressively rubbed my cheek with water. I swear he could rub my skin off. I take it back. When I said that I would listen to Jungkook AND when I questioned why I cooed. There is a very obvious reason why. I smile very widely.

"It doesn't matter Taehyungie, I'm fine."

"BUT Y-" He protested.

"I'm not hurt, I am very fine." I looked at him. "I am very fine."

Leaving the school grounds, I looked around in search for Jungkook. Wait why am I even searching for him? My feet pound at every step I take on the floor as I take out my phone and place the earphones in my ear. Vibing to Yesterday, by 6TS, I look at pictures I took of Sana. Don't think wrong of me, she allowed me too. My brain was confused. If I leave JJK, I won't have friends anymore and Sana will have no chance of liking me. Taehyungie. The name popped up in my brain. He's my friend too.

I had a mental battle in my head about leaving and not leaving JJK, while looking at the picture of Sana. Suddenly I collided with a familiar guy.

"Namjoon?" a familiar voice asked me.

"Jungkook? I'm very sorry!" I nearly sounded like Taehyung.

"I'm sorry too- Wait..." he paused. I paused. That was the first time he has ever apologised to someone.

"Why are you even here?" I asked.

"I was going to Jisoo's house but she was busy." He explained. No, just not Jungkook.

He picked my phone and my earphones up. The bad thing was, the picture of Sana was on there.

"Wait, do you?" He smiles. "Like Sana?"

"N-no, who said that?" I stupidly stutter out.

"HAHAHA! I know when someone likes someone else!" He whooped. So you didn't notice after my 4 years of liking her? "Listen to me, I am very sure Sana likes you too!" He flashed a bunny smile. "Just go to her house, I am very sure!"

I reluctantly took a step forward. He nodded. "Go get your girl!"

My legs started to gain speed as I dashed to nowhere in particular, excitement rising in me. Wait. I halted as I mentally face palmed. I didn't ask for a location. Well, who cares actually? I get to see Sana! I ran to nowhere as my eyes ran across my surrounding. Then I saw a familiar guy.

The angel.

I curiously looked at the angel. He was talking to a blonde-haired guy. I looked at the building that they were next to. Woah. This was amazing! I reluctantly stepped into the mysterious grounds. I speculated every inch. Everything was so beautiful, the flowers, grass, the trees. I stepped more further. Then I accidently caught eye contact with a random guy. His hands automatically covered the entrance to the building.

"You must not exit!" The young looking boy exclaimed. I tilted my head in confusion.

His phone dinged. The mysterious black-haired boy took it out and read a message out.

"Beomgyu..." the said man paused. "It is enter, not exit. From Yoongi hyung. Ohhhhh!" He facepalmed.

"You must not enter!" he corrected himself.

Ohh. Yeah. "I'm sorry, but what is this building?" I asked while concentrating on my ears, slowly forming into cat ears underneath my blue hoodie. Everything I heard became louder.

"You must not know!" He shouted. Another ding. He read the message. "Let. The... Guy in. From Jin hyung. Okay!" He jumped. This guy was the same amount of cuteness compared to Taehyungie. Which equals 100/10.

"You can exit!" he opened the huge doors. "Oops, I mean you can enter! Welcome!"

I smiled and slightly nodded my head to him, I slowly walked in. Everything in this place was so immaculate. The carpet, the walls, the furniture. My legs brought me to a door. Should I go in? I placed my hand on the cold door handle and slowly turned it open. I walked into the... kitchen and looked around.

I caught eye contact with a very handsome looking guy. I forgot all about Sana.

That straight line turned into a circle.

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