72. Forever

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"Ah, d-don't.." yoongi stopped midway when he heard jimin's voice.

"Did I hurt you, baby?" He suddenly searched for jimin's face to see if he was hurt.

"No, I mean... don't stop." Jimin stuttered the words out, looking away from yoongi's heated gaze.

"Oh, I thought I hurted you somewhere, got me worried for nothing." Yoongi chuckled and jimin looked back at him.

"Stop talking already-" He yanked yoongi's face closer, capturing his lips as yoongi hissed at the sudden contact but soon closed his eyes feeling the touch and continued to thrust slowly but steadily.

Jimin kept his hands on the bedsheet, clutching onto it dearly as he bit onto his lips, arching his back while yoongi kept his head hidden in the nook of jimin's neck. The way his tongue would brush along the skin of jimin's neck now and then had jimin rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

He finally sighed, relieved and tired as well. Yoongi left a soft peck on his forehead and slid down on the bed beside him as jimin quickly hugged him, nuzzling his nose on yoongi's neck.

"Do you think we can stay together till the end..?" Jimin's tired voice reached yoongi's ears and he gently started stroking his back.

"You know that I don't like to exaggerate things and I like to make it clear. There is always an uncertainty for the future, not just for you and me... but every person living on this earth lives with the thought of some type of uncertainty." Jimin looked up at him, resting his head on his chest.

"I'd rather tell you the truth than feeding you feeble lies, right?" Yoongi smiled but jimin frowned.

"What? You're scaring me..." Jimin pouted as yoongi laughed, pinching his nose.

"Okay okay. As I said, the future is uncertain and anything can happen but if you're ready to deal with any obstacle coming our way, while standing by my side, I promise to never let you go." He finished with a larger smile, the one that makes him Min yoongi, the man of his words.

Jimin couldn't help but smile, too. He sighed in contentment, snuggling more into his boyfriend's chest.

"You've been working out secretly, aren't you?" Jimin asked yoongi, touching his shoulders and chest playfully.

"Nope, who said so? I didn't go to gym at all. Because..." He stared at jimin for a while.

"Because...?" Jimin waited for him to continue.

"Whenever I feel like working out... all I have to do is... you." He finished with a playful grin.

Jimin was dumbfounded for a while but looking at yoongi's expressions he understood what he meant.

"What? That doesn't even make sense anymore." Jimin smacked him gently as yoongi chuckled, pulling jimin closer.

"It does make sense. I'm working hard everytime, you know?!" Yoongi only laughed more when jimin's face went red.

"Shut up!" Jimin whined burying his face in yoongi's arms but it only got chaotic as yoongi kept teasing him and they both ended up laughing out loud.

"Jimin..." yoongi said in a small voice as jimin hummed. "I really love you a lot." He said as jimin smiled, looking up at him.

"I love you more, Mr Min." His words only made yoongi's smile bigger.

Maybe their love doesn't need the confirmation of future, all they need is each other by their sides to keep living happily.

"Do you feel cold?" Jungkook asked, glancing at you as you walked by his side.

"Not really. I'm fine." He nodded his head, slowly swinging your intertwined hands.

"The school will start soon, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a couple of days left and I already miss you." He giggled at your words.

"I'll miss you too when the semester will start and I'll have to go to university." You sighed, nodding a little.

"Lemme ask you a question." You said and he replied with an 'okay'.

"What if you go to university... and find someone prettier than me?" He stopped on his tracks, looking at you with frowned eyebrows.

"Why would you even think about that, noona? In my eyes, you're the prettiest." He said making you smile.

"...and if there's someone prettier I'll close my eyes. Simple!" He said, smiling again.

"Hah?! Seriously?" You smacked him on the shoulder as he hissed a little, still snickering.

"I'm just kidding, noona. You know how I am. You can rest assured about me because I will never look at anyone other than you. After all, I've worked hard to make you my girlfriend." He said proudly and started walking again. His words made you feel reassured.

He had a small smile on his face as he looked around the park. Autumn was approaching, making the atmosphere a little colder than before. As night falls, the temperatures falls as well but today it was bearable and not that cold.

The wind was strong but not to the extent where you have to worry about it. While the dry leaves rustled on the ground because of the wind, the place was calm and not crowded.

You couldn't help but stare at the little curl of his hair above his eyes as it kept fluttering in the wind but he paid no mind to it, probably already used to it.

"Do you sometimes feel insecure about my age?" You didn't realise but you had spoken it out loud and he heard it clearly.

"I never did. In fact, your age was something that made me fall for you more. I found it so hot, you know?" He chuckled glancing at you from the side of his eyes.

"Can you ever be serious?" You asked, laughing as well.

"Not in this life. Not until you're with me, smiling like this. What do you think I live for?" He looked at you. "To make you feel happy, of course. That's why I love it when you laugh at my silly tactics and jokes." He smiled so beautifully that you almost lost words.

"You have a really beautiful smile, Kook. Don't ever stop smiling." He stopped to look at your eyes.

As if it was an unspoken demand, he leaned in, gently kissing your lips.

"But, don't smile like that in front of just anyone, okay? You're already so irresistible as it is." You said when he pulled back.

"Are you that jealous, noona?" He asked.

"I don't know." You turned away from him but he made you turn around.

"Come on! Tell me." He laughed.

"I mean, don't you realise or notice all those eyes on you every time you go out? It's like they wanna eat you up, it sends a shiver down my spine." You said, looking down.

"Woah!" He smiled like he was so surprised.

"Then... do you wanna lock me away somewhere only you know? Or hide me inside your closet?" The smirk in his lips was evil.

"Yaah! What do you think I am? Why would I do that?" You chuckled.

"Don't worry." He put his hand on your head, slowly patting your hair. "I'm all yours and only yours." And smiled like before. So beautiful!

You were taken aback because he has never done this and his voice was so genuine that it made you feel like your life was complete now.

You smiled and hugged him tightly as he hugged back, stroking your back with care.

"I love you so much, kook. Thank you for everything" You said not being able to hold back.

"Uh huh! I should be the one to thank you. I'll never stop loving you. You're the only one for me, noona." He pecks the top of your head as you snuggle more into him.

When the feeling makes you forget about all your sadness, makes you want to keep feeling it and stay in the moment forever, we just call it love.

Love is a big word. You have to be really lucky to experience the real feeling of love.

While the night approaches, you both walk side by side, without caring about the eyes of people or the insecurities buried deep inside. If you only have him by your side, anything is okay. everything will become bearable and happy.

The person who you thought was just a rich brat would become someone so special to you. Who would have thought?

Who would have thought you were even able to find someone as perfect as him.

Nothing matters anymore. You have him now and he has you. Forever.

Yes, the last chapter.
I'll have to make a separate chapter to thank y'all. ;-;
For now, I bid farewell to punishment with a heavy heart.
(That became a lil too dramatic)

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