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"You found your killer already?!"

Yoongi's voice alerted basically every other spirit in the household. It wasn't very common for a murder victim to find their killer so soon.

Jimin found his in just over a week.

Aware of all of the eyes on him, Jimin sighed and nodded.

"More like he found me. I went to one of my favourite cafés just to reminisce you know? When he walks up to me and hands me a drink on the house because I "looked kind of sad". You'd think the boy would remember the face of somebody he killed wouldn't you?" Jimin huffed and crossed his arms. "He looks so young too. Can't possibly be older than I was. If he gets caught, that's his entire life gone."

Mark scoffed and shook his head.

"He deserves it. Your entire life is literally gone because of him. I don't care if he's nineteen or ninety. He deserves to be locked up." He grumbled, Jimin nodding and leaning against the wall.

"I followed him home from the café yesterday, so I plan to basically move in there and annoy the hell out of him. Because of this, I might not see you guys for a bit."

Yoongi sighed and walked over to give Jimin a hug, patting his back.

"I wish I could do that to my killer. Good luck kid, best to you." He smiled, Jimin nodded and chuckling as he ruffled his hair.

"Are you leaving now?" Mark asked, Jimin nodding in response. "It's fine if you don't visit us, torment the hell out of that murderer alright?"

The orange haired male chuckled and huffed Mark softly.

"I will, don't worry."


"So is killing a hobby for you or?"

Jungkook scribbled down school notes nervously, attempting to ignore Jimin, who sat perched atop the desk chair in his room. "I would've really preferred not dying you know. It hurt a lot."

Jungkook tightened his grip around his pencil and sighed.

"I bet it did." He mumbled, looking back at his laptop.

"Oh so it speaks." Jimin huffed. "Have you killed before Jungkook? Or was I your first?"

"You seem awfully calm talking to the person who took your life." Jungkook stated, turning around to face the spirit.

"And you seem pretty calm talking to the ghost of a person you killed." The spirit retorted, standing up and walking closer to Jungkook. "But I suppose I should act different shouldn't I? Maybe do this?"

The raven haired boy couldn't say he was expecting it when the back of Jimin's hand collided with the side of his face, causing a stinging sensation to take over the skin there.

"Fair enoug-"

Jungkook was cut off by Jimin's fist this time, his knuckles cracking off of Jungkook's jaw and making the other groan in pain.

"I wasn't sure if that would work since I can't touch other living people, but I'm glad it did." Jimin sneered. "What's the point hm? If you get caught that's your entire life down the drain."

He watched as Jungkook rubbed the reddened skin of his sore face, suppressing the desire to punch the boy once more.

"It's the thrill Jimin." Jungkook chuckled, standing up and looking down at the spirit. "You'll never understand the true adrenaline rush taking somebody's life will give you."

"I won't." Jimin nodded. "I couldn't even if I wanted to, because in order to do so I would need to be alive."

"It's not like I planned to kill you Jimin." Jungkook sat back down on his bed and looked back to the online course he was taking. "It could've been anyone really. If you didn't walk down that alley, you'd probably be having dinner with your parents right now."

Jimin struck Jungkook's face once more and narrowed his eyes.

"You make it sound like you're trying to blame the murder on the victim. You  piece of shit." He spat, Jungkook wincing and sighing.

"Can you stop that? If I get a bruise tomorrow I won't know how to explain it." He groaned, crying out as Jimin kicked his shin before sitting back in the desk chair.

"You have no right to ask favours from me. I don't care if I cause you a few inconveniences, you deserve to live with consequences." He spoke, words laced with venom in a way that nearly had Jungkook nervous.

He shrugged and turned his back on the spirit.

"I may deserve to live with them, but I don't really want to. So don't count on me turning myself in anytime soon. It's not on my to do list."

Jimin stared at the back of Jungkook with hatred. He got up and pushed open Jungkook's door, having realized quickly that he can interact with his killer's possessions as well.

How fun.

"Jimin don't touch anything."

Jimin rolled his eyes at the request from the murderer in the house hold, walking throughout the house and knocking over a few things if he felt like it (that picture frame didn't look that important anyway).

Walking now into the kitchen, Jimin frowned. Spirits don't eat do they? He huffed, glaring in the direction of Jungkook's bedroom and looking around nonetheless. He noticed the apron of a familiar café thrown onto the kitchen counter and Jimin scrunched up his eyebrows, instinctively picking it up and folding it before setting it back down.

He continued his trip of nosiness, rummaging through the boy's drawers (although he didn't think he would find anything interesting considering that this was a kitchen).

In the third drawer however, he did find something.

"Jimin I heard something smash and I would really appreciate it if you don't trash my- oh shit." Jungkook's voice started out loud as he called for the spirit from down the hallway, quickly quieting when he noticed the object in his hand.

It was something the both of them were a bit too familiar with. "Jimin, put the knife down."

Jimin stared at the sharp metal, his expression a mixture of shock and fright.

"So it is just a hobby to you isn't it?" His voice was soft as he stared at the very blade that ended his life. "Just wash it off and pretend nothing ever happened hm?"

Jungkook backed away as Jimin approached him, trying to think rationally about the situation.

The last thing he needed was to live with a murderous ghost.

"Jimin c'mon, just put it down-"

Jungkook held his breath as he watched the spirit drive the blade into the side of his kitchen counter, the wood cracking around it.

"You really thought I was going to kill you didn't you?" Jimin sneered, beginning to walk off to another part of Jungkook's house. "I may be dead, but I'm still a better person than you'll ever be."

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