𖢻 Chapter Eight: Big Deal

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Jeno's phone suddenly goes off, making him pause on his task and glances at the phone screen to see who the caller was.

Answering the call, he was immediately greeted by Lia's voice. "Jen? Hey, are you at your office right now?" She asks straightforwardly.

The brunet boy raises a brow, as if his friend could even see it in the first place, he replies nonetheless.

"Yes I am, why? Is there anything you need?"

"Actually, I just called you to let you know I can't join you for lunch today. I have somewhere to be right now, hence why I'm calling because I'm driving." She states.

"Oh, well that's okay. I really don't mind, I can ask someone else or go alone today." Jeno replies wholeheartedly.

He elicits a chuckle from Lia, "if you say so." Pausing for a moment, Jeno could hear her mumbling something about the supposed traffic.

"Anyways, I apologize, again for this. I know it's not the first time, but it is also kind of our thing, you know?" Lia says.

"I promise, it's all okay, go do what you're supposed to do and we'll see each other around." Jeno reassures her with a small laugh.

"Hmm, all right. Enjoy your lunch!" She giggles at the end.

Not thinking much about it, he hums along, "same here, and drive safely." With a soft smile on his face, Jeno ends the call and then checks the time.

I should finish my task first.

But then again, I'm quite hungry now.

But... What if I can't finish them in time? I might get in trouble if I take too long.

Time management, Jeno... Come on, choose!

I should just–

Jeno blinks out of his stupor when someone knocks on his office door several times.

Standing up from his seat, he walks over to open it and was greeted by his boss's charming smile. "Hey, Jeno."

"Oh, good noon, Sir Na. What may I help you with?" Jeno politely asks with a kind smile.

The elder man stares at him for a second before asking, "would you like to have lunch with me, again?"

"Uhm... Is it a business type of lunch, Sir?" Jeno asks, confused about what Jaemin meant.

I mean, he needs to be presentable if it is business purposes. Besides not wanting to embarrass himself, he definitely can't embarrass his boss as he is the man's secretary.

Jaemin looks at him in amusement, raising a brow, he thinks for a second before replying. "It is not, but it's a different type of lunch."


"Would you care to join me for a lunch date, Jeno?"

The said man was left flustered for a hot moment, eyes wide as his cheeks slowly turn red.

Don't get your hopes up, fool. You're hearing things.

"U-uh..." He gulps nervously, he tries to get his senses back together and asks, "I'm sorry, Sir Na, but I think I might have heard that wrong."

"What did you hear, then?" Jaemin tilts his head to the side, clearly teasing his blushing secretary.

Jeno purses his lips, "that if I wanted to join you for a... Lunch... Date." He repeats what Jaemin had said earlier.

"But I could have also misunderstood that, is someone else joining us? Like, I'm there as your secretary, right?"

Surely, Mr. Na meant you'll join him having a lunch date with someone else and you're just there as his assistant.


Jaemin chuckles and shakes his head, then he stares back in to Jeno's dark brown eyes before replying in a low and seemingly serious tone.

"You will be there not as my secretary, but rather as my date."

And if Jeno wasn't flustered enough, he sure is now.

He can feel his heartbeat up to his throat, as if it's going to come out of his mouth. His legs feel a little wobbly and he tells himself to keep it together.

If he faints right in front of Mr. Na for something so simple and sweet, he will surely slap himself a bunch of times.


"If that's okay with you of course," when Jaemin smiles at him so sweetly after reassuring Jeno that there's no pressure; the choice is up to him as it is his consent.

Jeno feels like he's going to cry. In the most ridiculous yet happiest way possible.

You know what? Screw those files, you just needed to review them anyway.

This is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it this time or else Lia is actually going to scream at your stupidity later.

"That would be lovely, Sir Na." He shyly answers a beat later.

Such a simple and not to mention, very shy answer from the younger man, it still became a big deal for Jaemin.

So without further ado, the two men left for lunch with Jaemin obviously guiding them as a shy Jeno follows him.


"Thank you for the sweet lunch date, Sir Na. I had a great time," despite how currently shy Jeno is towards Jaemin, he was not lying.

He definitely did enjoy today's lunch date with his boss, which surprised him quite a bit.

He had expected he will back out last second, or at least cut it short midway.

However, he didn't. He spent the whole time with Jaemin and Jaemin alone.

He didn't even realize how much he had enjoyed it, how much he smiled and laughed along with the elder man, how much they've gotten to know each other.

And he didn't realize how they had held each other's hand on the way to Jaemin's car afterwards.

Jaemin was the first one to offer his hand, initially being a gentleman to help Jeno stand up from his chair.

However, neither of them had the want to pull away.

Neither of them even commented about it, just let it be as Jeno was all flushed while Jaemin was glancing at him with an amused smile.

For a moment, Jeno thought it was all a dream. Or it was a trick, where his boss was actually just joking around.

But it was all real.

He couldn't wait to tell Lia and go home just so he could scream out of happiness or do something ridiculous like he was 16 again.

Right now in front of him, Jaemin grins widely. "I'm glad we both enjoyed it then," he winks.

"However, this is the time we bid our short goodbyes," he then jokes about. "Hoping to see you more, Jeno-ssi."

Too overwhelmed to reply properly, all Jeno could do was nod before waving goodbye and then quickly enters his office.

Muffling his squeals behind his palms, he takes a deep breath and reminds himself he is still at work.

Taking out his phone, he sees a bunch of messages and miscalls from someone, remembering that his phone was on silent.

Sighing, he gnaws on his lower lip and checks his surroundings. With a huff, he contacts the person and walks over to his desk.

When can I have a day without stressing over this?


Thank Lia, everyone!

Again, share your thoughts! <3

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