𖢻 Chapter Twelve: Another Step

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Jaemin flashes his client a practiced smile that is way too believable and charming for him to be a suspicious person.

On cue, his client smiles back, rambling how thankful he is for this granted meeting as he hopes they can work together in the near future, promising him a big revenue when they can.

But Jaemin doubts that.

With a money-hungry old man like him, he would not accept his offers even if it is a pretty good one. No matter how profitable and great it sounds, he wouldn't be convinced.

He is used to people like this, always praising him for his hard works and great leadership with a sharp mind and good looks, doing anything they can for Jaemin to accept their dumb ideas.

But through these years, Jaemin learns his lesson each day. Thanks to his amazing father training him for this kind of lifestyle, he is cautious around money hungry bastards.

He tries his very best to not let– not only his, but his employees' career and lives in jeopardy.

So without further ado, he shakes his client's hand with a brief thanks for coming, politely telling Lia if she could escort him on the way out.

The ravenette lady was just as annoyed as him.

Rolling her eyes behind the client's back every few seconds whenever the latter said something so cringy, pretending to be a kind person.

She thinks she could have lost her eyeballs by then if it weren't for Jeno beside her.

Seems like he has more patience than her, which she is thankful for. Who else would stop her from lashing out on someone?

If you think Jaemin is fake towards his client, Lia would think otherwise.

"How did you manage to sit through that, Sir Na? I always wonder how you restrain yourself from telling those kinds of people off in these meetings." She said once she comes back.

Jaemin lets out a calm laugh, "practice, I suppose. And patience is the main key."

"Trust me, I had lost my patience the moment that man spoke." Lia retorts. "He was rude when he asked me about your whereabouts so you can start the meeting."

"And the things he has said were plain low. Not only to you." She was irritated, very much so.

How could she not when the client blurted out things that shouldn't have been said? But he did. And they all know he meant it.

Attacking other people randomly, even his own employees. Lia wanted to record it all– oh wait, she did.

"If you asked me, Jisu-ssi, I personally think Jeno-ssi has more patience than me." Jaemin says with a knowing look.

Lia raises a brow, a teasing glint in her eyes. Now that she thinks about it, the client was a creep.

A cold-hearted and disgusting creep who kept looking at Jeno weirdly and said a few things that obviously didn't sit well with any of them in the room besides the old man.

The brunet man hands Jaemin his cup of coffee, shrugging his shoulders at the topic. "I've dealt with worse."

He thought it would be the end of that topic or they would simply brush it off, however, his words caught their full attention.

"Ha?" Lia informally asks with a weird look as Jaemin eyes Jeno intently. Quietly asking for him to speak up more.

"Just saying, there are others who are worse out there." The brunet man replies with a calm yet off tone.

Lia keeps giving him that look as Jaemin was quiet, observing if he should pry about it like the ravenette lady or not.

But Jeno brushes it off with a shrug, pursing his lips as he glances at his cheap silver watch. "It is almost 4:30, do you need any help, Mr. Na?"

Fortunately for him, his boss understood his slight discomfort and shook his head in response, pushing the topic aside. "Ah, no it's okay, Jeno-yah. I can take care of it."

"Jeez, I'm here too." Lia quips, crossing her arms which is wrinkling her dress shirt. "But don't ask me, Sir. I actually have other stuff to do."

"Don't forget to review the file I sent you." Jaemin calls out as the ravenette lady was already by the door, taking her leave.

He hears a faint response which makes him chuckle; Lia is somewhat close to him, like a sister. She pesters him and often forgets to be professional around him.

She gets scolded about it several times, especially on meetings. She took care of it later on, unless if they're alone or socialize outside of work.

Jeno had gotten used to her antics, although attempting to not follow her as he isn't that close with Jaemin.

Well, for now at least. He is still considered as a newbie here, all right?

As Jeno was about to excuse himself so he could pack up to head home, Jaemin stops him by grabbing his wrist.

The grip gentle and warm, it makes Jeno's heart beat fast again. The all too familiar feeling whenever he is with his love interest, which is (embarrassingly) his boss.

Turning to look at him, the blue haired man smiles charmingly. Pearly whites showing as his cheeks were lifted up, it has Jeno wanting to scream as if he was sixteen again.

"Jeno-yah, will you be taking a taxi to head home?" He asks, every so kindly as if Jeno deserves his kindness.

Jeno doubts he does. What did he do to deserve it anyway? He low-key thinks Jaemin will find something in him that makes him change his mind.

"Uhm, yes, Sir Na... Why?"

"Well, how about I drive you home instead?" Jaemin offers, all too sudden that he doesn't even wait for Jeno's words as he continues to persuade him.

"It's a busy day today, and I wanted to have a bit of extra time with you, if you want?"

Jeno couldn't think properly as he subconsciously nods instead, beginning to sweat due to this fluttering feeling.

And then Jaemin smiles, so widely that Jeno feels guilty of. He doesn't deserve a smile like that from his crush.


"Before you go," Jeno pauses, hand ready to open the door as he slowly looks back at the elder man, leaning back a bit to face him properly.

"I had been thinking about what Lia said."

No way.

"And I was wondering if I could take you out for a small date this Sunday?"

What the fu–

"Aren't you busy, Sir? I don't want to bother you–"

"Trust me, Jeno-yah. I make sure my schedule is clear when I plan on spending time with someone." Jaemin answers him, knowingly so.

Jeno ponders in thought, a small part of him was doubting this. The usual hopeless side of him that Lia is against with.

But thankfully for today, the bigger part of him is the optimistic side. Making him think more positively than usual.

So he nods, shy yet it confirms Jaemin's question very clearly. The blue haired man grinning as he reaches to grab Jeno's free hand.

And dear Lord does Jeno want to scream right now.

Jaemin lifts his hand to his lips and plants a gentle kiss on his knuckles, thumb rubbing in circles so gently, Jeno feels like he is going to faint.

You fool. You're not sixteen anymore!

But he ignores that voice in his head, too busy sharing a small smile with Jaemin as his cheeks heat up.




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