Dare 4

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Me: Ok we got two dares for one person. *giggles*

Richtofen: I vonder vho has to zhese two?

Me: It's you.

Richtofen: 0-0 Oh come on! *pouts*

I take out the Wrecking Ball Miley Cyrus costume out and the hammer.

Me: Ok TheNamesBlurryFace wants you to dress up as Miley Cyrus and.......

Wrecking ball comes out from the ceiling.

Me: and Mactofen1918 wants to see you on the WRECKING BALL.

Richtofen: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Few minutes later

Me: Ok Rikki, let's see you

Richtofen: I hate zhis!

Everyone exept Richtofen bursts out laughing

Me: Ok get on the Wrecking ball

Richtofen: Nein.....*climbs on it*

Me: Ok cue the music!

Tank turns on Wrecking ball from my phone

Miley Cyrus on my phone singing: I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!

Richtofen swings from the ball and hits the wall

Everyone except Richtofen bursts out laughing.

Me: Oh god, I am posting this on Youtube!

Richtofen: Nein!

Me: Too late. And look more views than Miley Cyrus' one.

Tank: Wait until the fangirls see this.

Me: Yep! Ask or dare us yall. ♥Bye♥

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