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They say once in a lifetime, you'll find your fated one. They are right. But in a lifetime, you can also lose them.

Jessica is one of those people. Lucky enough to find her fated one, but unfortunate to lose it.

'Am I lucky enough to find it again and never let go?' A single thought had so many answers.

Jessica sat in her desk, typing on her laptop. She was in the middle of writing. Writing her story.

"Mom, I thought it over. You were right. How could I let Tiffany get in the way of my life? I've decided to marry someone rich." Jessica lied to please her mom.

Her mom smiled and nodded.

"I'm...going out for a bit now now..." Jessica left without hearing her mom's answer.

"Tiffany, I'm on my way. it doesn't matter what everyone thinks. I love you. We'll run away together. I hope you aren't waiting there too long. Please don't give up on me."

Jessica ran across the rode without looking. That was her mistake.

A black van was driving at full speed and didn't notice the sudden appearance of Jessica. The front of the vehicle collided with her hip making her body slide on the car. Her head smashed against the hood. She was knocked out.

Jessica never made it to meet Tiffany. She--

Jessica stopped typing. She didn't know what to write anymore. Her story was unfinished.

And it won't ever be finished until I find you again, Tiffany.

Chapter 1

Some Recommend songs (:

Sad Songs For Sad Moments ):

HwanHee - Because You're In My Heart

Show Lo - 愛不單行(Ai Bu Dan Xing)

FT Island - Don't Love

SNSD - Star Star Star (can't provide link on here, sorry (: )

Happy Songs For Good Moments (:

Park Bom - You And I

LOL Uhh, I don't have to many "Happy" Songs, so just yeahhh LOL ! I'm not a depressing person O_O

I recommend you listen to these, it creates the mood. esp. the first 4

3 Years Ago...

Jessica's POV

"Hey, hey, did you hear? There's a new transfer student." I heard a girl say as I was walking behind them.

'Gossipers...' I rolled my eyes but continued to listen.

"Oh really? Who is it?"

"I don't know yet. But I heard she's a looker, strangely though, even though she's hot, she's poor."

"Oh my god, really? How'd she get into this school then?"

"I heard she's been saving since her birth. If she really does turn out hot, we could do the usual." I heard the one who started the whole conversation say.

'God, this school is disgusting.'

Then I thought in irony.

'It's funny. The people who aren't in rich may think that rich people are refined and elegant. Yet, they're the opposite. They think about only few things. Sex, money, and reputation. That isn't really refined at all.'

My heels clicked as I stepped on a faltering tile. Crap.

"Did you hear something?" The other one shook her head.

I took a left quickly trying to avoid their finding eyes. I peered out the corner.

"I think I'm hearing things. Never mind, let's keep going." They disappeared from the hallway soon enough. I slowly backed away from the corner and walked away myself.

The bell rung as I began to walk.

"Great, I have class now. Dammit."


By the time I made it to class, I was already verbally abused.

"Hey! It's Sl*t-Sica!" I looked over even though I already knew the voice. Yuri. Gyuri's follower, or should I say one of Gyuri's MANY followers.

I turned my eyes over to Gyuri. As usual she didn't make fun of me, but she never liked me either.

I rolled my eyes and took my usual corner. There was always a space between me and the rest of my class, like that spot was left to me.

I could tell that Yuri was going to make another comment by the way she sucked in air.

"Alright, alright settle down class. I got exciting news!" Even though the sentence was very exciting, the way she said it was in monotone. Not exciting at all.

"We have a transfer student today. Treat her well." She sighed loudly. I could tell she hated her job. I mean, I would too if I had to work at an all girls university. Not only that, but majority of the people were stuck up and just plain rude.

"Come on in" she said after her sigh. She looked towards the door. Curious, I looked up and waited.

I don't know why, but I really wanted to see this girl.

The door quietly opened and the girl walked in. A lot of the girls gasped. I swallowed the sound I was going to make as I saw her.

She was gorgeous. Her long silky hair, her beautiful eyes, and god-like body. I felt my long dead heart beat again.

She stood in front of the class and gave a small that made her eyes disappear. God, she had a beautiful smile too.

"Hello! My name is Tiffany Hwang! Please take care of me!" That smile was blinding.

I heard the first questions fire at her.

"Are you American? You speak Korean so well though! Do you have a Korean name?" She smiled wider, if possible. She gave an angel like chuckle.

"Korea is my home land but I lived in California most of my life." She gave a mischievous grin.

"As for my Korean name, you'll have to find that out yourself because..." She started to pout. Oh jeeze, too cute.

"...I hate it." The whole class chuckled at her cuteness and looked at her again.

I swear, but I think even the teacher seemed to smile at her.

"Tiffany, please choose your seat." I saw her look around. There was a seat near Gyuri and her little gang. I expected her to sit there, because they're so pretty and all.

But she didn't.

For the first time, she stared right into my eyes. I didn't know what to do. So, I just gave her my cold stare. I thought she'd look away in fear and walk to a seat far from me, but once again, she didn't. I looked away in the other direction.

She smiled at me and began to walk towards me. She took a seat right in front of me.

'Is this girl crazy? Doesn't she fear of being hated?' I stared at her again. She gave me a blinding smile again. Oh my god, my eyes.

She began to whisper to me,

"Hi, I'm Tiffany Hwang." She re-introduced herself. She's...making me confused. I know I don't like her because I don't even know her, but no one has ever talked to me like she did.

"I don't care." My sharp and icy voice should drive her away.

"What's your name?" She didn't seem bothered by my coldness. Weird. Too weird. I didn't know if should answer her or not.

"Jessica Jung."

"Nice to meet you." She grinned and turned around and didn't look back for the rest of the class.


Tiffany's POV

I walked into the classroom and saw gorgeous people. But the only one that stood out was this girl that sat in the back corner. She had such a scary aura. Like she was the devil.

She wore all dark colors and had blond hair. She stood out indeed.

I walked in casually and gave my signature eye-smile.

"Hello! My name is Tiffany Hwang! Please take care of me!" I gave a quick bow and smiled at them.

A question was immediately asked.

"Are you American? You speak Korean so well though! Do you have a Korean name?" I looked at the asker.

I froze. I never thought about if they asked for my Korean name. I chuckled lightly.

"Korea is my home land but I lived in California most of my life."

Ah...what's my excuse for not saying my Korean name? I'm not prepared.

I gave a mischievous grin. I had no clue what I was doing, just so you know.

"As for my Korean name, you'll have to find that out yourself because..." I pouted because I didn't know what to say.

"...I hate it." There was uncertainty in my voice but it seemed like no one noticed. They all chuckled at me.

Just go with the flow, I thought to myself.

"Tiffany, please choose your seat." I looked at the teacher and nodded. I looked at the class again.

I should pick a seat that I'll like.

I saw a group of pretty girls. There was seat empty next to them. I stared at them. It looked like they expected me to sit there.

I smiled at them, but I'd pass on it. I kept looking again and found that different girl sitting in the back corner. She looked lonely, no matter how scary she seemed. There was a seat empty near her. I stared at her, as if I was asking permission to sit there.

Yeah...she glared at me. I was scared for a moment. But she looked...cute as she did that. I didn't want to show her I was scared so I smiled at her. A big smile.

She gave a weird look and then looked away. I took that as permission to sit. I began to walk towards her and took a sit right in front of her.

I turned around and found her staring at me. I smiled at her. I wanted to know her name.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany Hwang." I re-introduced myself. Stupid, I know, but I didn't really know what else to say either.

"I don't care." Ah, she's cold, but in a way, that's attractive.

I ignored it and continued.

"What's your name?" She seemed to hesitate to my question. She seemed to come to a decision.

"Jessica Jung."

An American name, she must be like me.

"Nice to meet you." I grinned and turned around. Mission accomplished. I didn't turn to talk to her anymore. I was too busy thinking of something else.

Chapter 2

Jessica's Pov

I couldn't stop staring at the back of Tiffany's head. I've been staring at it for the whole class!

'Just stop looking at the back of her head! You idiot! I said stop! Fine, fine, but when you get caught, it's not my fault.' I could hear my conscience scolding me, but I wouldn't listen.


Finally! The bell. Oh god, what's wrong with me?

I saw Tiffany walk out of class and I followed her. Great, now I'm a stalker. Wonderful.

She was walking perfectly until she tripped on a faulty tile causing her heel to break too. This school really needs to be fixed.

I ran up to her and she fell into my arms.

"Ah~ I'm so sorry. I'm really clumsy." She got out of my arms and bowed. I think I saw her pout too. So cute.

No, No, No. This is wrong.

I didn't answer her but I gave her a cold stare. In a way I felt bad, but she was just a new girl.

I began to walk away but I could see that she was limping. God, what should I do? I let out a big sigh and turned back for her.

I slid my hand around her waist and put her arm over my shoulder. I hope she doesn't talk.

"Thank you."

Dang it.


She was silent after that. I eventually reached the infirmary and set her down on a bed. I bent down and took a look at her ankle.

It was swelling at a quick rate.

I went through the cabinet for some stuff, silently feeling awkward.

'Let's see, I got the ice pack, the heat pack, and the wrap. I don't think I need to clean her ankle since there aren't any cuts.' Mentally going through a list of what I needed to help Tiffany, I could feel her stare on my back.

How distracting.

I tried my best ignoring it and walked back to her like I hadn't noticed.

I bent down again and began wrapping her ankle.

"You're very kind, despite how you look to everyone."

This moment felt very unfamiliar to me, it was then I realize something.

Tiffany, someone I don't really know, was slowly entering into my world and she just arrived less than an hour ago!

I should stop this before it got any further.

I finished wrapping her ankle and chucked the icepack and heat pack lightly onto her lap.

I got my bag and started to walk away.

"You should alternate between those two" was the last thing I said before I left her there.


Class is boring today. I looked out the window and took a look at the scenery. The clouds were turning gray along with the sky.

'It looks like it's going to rain today.' I sighed and continued to look at the front. My thoughts were disturbed when there was a knock on the door.

What surprised me was Tiffany was at the door.

'She's in this class too?'

"Ah~ Sorry for being late Mr. Park, I had a bit of an accident on the way here." Mr. Park nodded and she proceeded to walk towards me.

'Why does this girl constantly appear in front me?' She took a seat right in front of me once more.

"Ok class, this is our first assignment of the year. Please find a topic to discuss about and write an essay about it. Deadline will be at the end of this month. Please choose your partner right now."

'Damn, I hate projects like these. Working with someone else is beyond my comfort zone.'

I could see how Tiffany was struggling with this as well.

"Okay, everyone paired up? Who doesn't have a partner?" Stupid teacher and his methods.

I reluctantly raised my hand and Tiffany did the same. Oh god, please tell me that I won't be paired up with her.

"Perfect! You 2 will be working together. Class dismissed."

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid teacher!

"Uhm Jessica? when you do you want to start?"

You've got to be kidding me.

I sighed in frustration of having to deal with her.

"Seoul's Library, this Friday at 3 o'clock. If you're late, I'll beat you." I told her flat out and walked away.

I walked out to the parking lot and got into my car and sped off.

'I really need to clear my mind. This is going to drive me crazy.'

I've probably been driving for an hour now. Making my way back to the school, I passed by Tiffany.

She was walking all alone and her ankle made it difficult for her to walk.

"She's so careless; I should probably offer her a ride." Mumbling to myself, I began to notice how soft I was becoming to this girl. That was the last thing I wanted.

I was about to call out her name...but someone approached her.


Of course of all people.

From my car, I could hear what they were saying.

"Oh, are you okay? Here let me help you."

"Aha! Thank you but no thank you." Man, this girl has guts.

"No, it's okay, I have time." Gyuri must really want Tiffany. Not that I'm jealous or anything...

I saw Gyuri slide her arm around Tiffany's waist and support her and then Tiffany have Gyuri a big fat smile. That made me feel...grumpy.

Tiffany Hwang, what role are you trying to play in my life?


When I see you give that smile that belonged to me to someone else...I'm wondering...what have you left me?


Chapter 3.1

Tiffany's POV

"Um, thanks for helping me, but I'm fine here." Gyuri walked me all the way to my dorm. I slowly got out of her grasp and smiled.

"No problem."

"Uh...I'll be going now then. Bye."

'How awkward,' I thought.

"Wait, since you're new here and you may not know too many people, you should hang out with my friends and I, okay?" I looked at the way she flipped her hair and smiled.

"Oh thank you, I'll think about it." I looked her surprised face and closed the door.

"Talk about awkward much?" I walked over to my bed and jumped right on it.

'sigh..what a nice bed.'




I let out a big sigh and began to think...

'I wonder how my mom's doing now that I'm gone. I wonder if she even remembers me.' I closed my eyes and remembered how I left.


"Hwang Mi Young, you will do as I say! I won't let you throw your life away!"

"MY LIFE? MY LIFE? THIS IS YOUR LIFE! I DON'T WANT THIS!" Mi Young screamed at her mom as loud as she could. She gripped onto her luggage tighter until her knuckles turned white.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me! I'm doing this for your own good! Marrying the Kim family is a good thing! JaeJoong is a nice guy!" Mrs. Hwang was fuming. She just wanted her daughter to have the perfect life.

"SO WHAT? I DON'T LOVE HIM! I'M NOT EVEN STRAIGHT FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Mi Young was frustrated as well.

How could this even be possible? Marrying someone you don't love.

"Don't you dare say that! I refuse to have a...a LESBIAN for a daughter!" Mrs. Hwang could never accept the fact that her daughter preferred girls.

"Then I'm not your daughter. You're ashamed of me. That's probably one of the reasons why you wanted to marry me off. Why can't you just accept me?" Mi Young's voice finally calmed down. But now, it's was shaky.

Mrs. Hwang let out a big sigh as she calmed down.

"Mi Young, we own a big company. We're a wealthy family. You're the daughter of Hwang's corporation. Even if they haven't seen you, you still hold our family's name. You have to marry someone as our status. You being...how you are would bring shame on this family..." The fairly young looking woman looked at Mi Young with a pleading face.

Mi Young stared back and let out a final sigh.

"Mom, I refuse to live this way. They may know my name, but they don't know my story. I can't live this way." Mi Young began walking towards the door.

Mrs. Hwang knew what was going to happen. But she wouldn't let it.

"Don't you even try to run away. You know that you can't escape from this life." Mi Young paused as she turned the door knob but not opening the door.

"I won't be coming back this time. Goodbye forever, Mrs. Hwang." The last words that Mi Young said before walking out.

Tiffany clutched her bed sheets as tears began to trickle down her rosy cheeks.

Remembering that life is too much. I never want to go back and I'll never look back on it again.


I woke up around six o'clock and stretched. I let out a big yawn.

I felt and heard my own stomach growl loudly, it was kind of embarrassing even if I was alone.

"Looks like my tummy is hungry!" I let a big smile and headed for my wardrobe. I decided to wear something casual since I was just going to go eat.

"I think a simple long t-shirt, sweater, and skinny jeans should do it."

I walked out of my dorm, locked it, and began to make my way out.

"Lets see. I don't have a car...and I don't know what bus to take. Wonderful." I began mumbling to myself and began to walk off.

Walking wasn't that bad until you know, I couldn't find anything. I heard a car pull up to me and I began to get a bit scared.

'Please tell me it isn't a pervert. Please, Please, Please...' I was praying to god until I heard the owner of the car speak.

It was definitely not a pervert.

"Uh..Tiffany? Is that you?"

Jessica? I turned and smiled widely. It was!

"Jessica! Why are you here?"

I think that came out wrong.

"I'm driving around. Why are you walking aimlessly?" Such a cold voice. I slightly shivered.

"Well, I got hungry, but I don't have a car, and I don't know how to get around." I chuckled at my own embarrassment.

I heard her give out a long sigh and began to mumble something before she talked to me.

"Get in the car."


"Are you deaf or are you stupid? I said, get in the car." I didn't even bother asking anymore because she sounded a bit impatient.

The ride was silent. I didn't think it was awkward though. I took a secret glance at Jessica. She was gripping hard on the steering wheel and her face was solid hard.

A red stop-light came and we came to a halt. About 10 seconds after, I wanted to talk to Jessica.

"Jess--?" I was cut off.

"Don't talk." She must really hate me for some reason. I frowned a bit. She looked over at and I swear, I saw some emotion in her eyes.

"You...make me unable to focus." She whispered to me. I looked deep into her eyes, hoping to find a bit more.

"Is that a bad thing?" I whispered back to her. She didn't answer for a moment.

"I don't know." She sounded really honest about that.

"Do you not like it?" Maybe asking something different would be better.

"No, I like when you focus on me." I blushed lightly. Thank god that it was dark in her car.

"But don't misunderstand; I'm not interested in friends. So don't bother me." I didn't say anything after because I didn't know what to say.

What a contradicting girl.

"Wouldn't you be lonely then?" It was a mere whisper but I'm sure she heard it because she got tense.

"No." The conversation died right there. Scary. She can make it quiet instantly, I'm going to call that the sica-effect.


"We're here." Jessica got out of the car and I followed her manner.

"Uhm, so where is this?" I looked at the huge restaurant.

"I guess you wouldn't know since you're poor. It's Seoul's best restaurant."

"I'm poor...? OH! Yeah, I'm SO poor, I can't afford anything!" I felt stupid because I forgot about my own lie. How sad is that? Really if you ask me.

Jessica gave me a weird look and shook her head as she walked into the restaurant. I let out a sigh of relief and followed her.

We sat in a two chaired table in a corner.

"Order what you want, I'll pay." Oh god, I'm starting to feel guilty.

"I can't do that though, I'll feel bad. I'll repay you though, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, just order." She signaled the waiter over and I took a look at the menu.

"Uhm, I'll have Ddeok-boggi*."

"I'll have what she's having." Jessica nodded off the waiter and looked at me.

"You sure have a simple taste." I looked up at her.

"Uh..yeah...because I'm poor?"

Truth was I just like simple things. It makes life more beautiful. If things get to complicated, you turn blind and you can't see the beauty of it.

"I guess, but I was thinking you'd choose the most expensive dish on the menu since you aren't paying." I kind of felt offended. If I really was poor, did she think I was like that?

"I'm not like that. Poor people may not have a lot, but they still have a sense of taste." She looked surprised. For the first time, she grinned at me, which made me smile back.

"I think you should smile more often, you look more beautiful." It just slipped out of my mouth. But she didn't have time to respond as the food came.

We didn't speak anymore as we were eating. I thought it was kind of a rip off though. There was practically nothing on the dish and Jessica was paying about $30 dollars per dish for this?

When we finished eating, I asked Jessica if we could walk around.

"You're so needy, but okay. Nothing to do anyways." I smiled at her. I liked that she'd just give in to me sometimes.

We walked around a near by park and sat on a set of swings. The quietness made me feel a bit uneasy.

"Why did you come to this school?" Jessica's sudden question startled me. She was never the one to start a conversation.

"I don't know. I just...wanted to get a good education so I could get a job?" I knew clearly why I was here, but obviously I wanted it to be a secret. I looked over at her.

"Why are you here?" I thought it was stupid question. I mean, she's rich right? She'd obviously attend here.

"Because my mom wants me here." Oh, I never really thought of that.


My stomach suddenly growled. How embarrassing. She looked at me and began laughing.

I felt my cheeks turning hotter and I began to stutter.

"W-what? I don't like eating at high-class places. I think it's stupid. You know how they give you pretty much nothing on your plate and then you pay a ridiculous amount for it?" She nodded and agreed.

"Fine, I know a nearby fast food place. Do you want to go?" She began to stand up.

"AMERICAN FOOD? I'M IN!" I smiled like a happy little girl and grabbed Jessica's hand. I just really wanted American food, I miss it. I began to run but stopped.

I turned to Jessica and her ears were all red.

"Jessica...? I don't know where I'm going. Can you lead?" She didn't answer and began pushing her hair to cover her ears and walked in front of me, but never letting go of my hand.

We entered the fast food restaurant and surprisingly. It was kind of empty, but people were still eating.

Jessica began to walk to the counter, and probably paying, but I pulled her back.

She turned to me and had that blank face on.

"You already paid for the other restaurant. I'll pay this time. Yeah, yeah, you think I'm poor. I am, but I can still buy food you know." I grinned at her and she grinned back. Twice today she smiled.

"Find a seat okay? I'll order." She told me what she wanted and I went off to order.

I walked up to the counter and placed my order. The worker walked off and I began to wait.

But then my phone began to vibrate against me. I pulled it out quickly because it tickled.

I looked the number and recognized it right away. Mom. I carefully opened text and began to read.

Mi Young, if you don't return soon, don't expect to return at all.

- Mom

I kept my face indifferent. What kind of a 'mother' texts their daughter implying that she'd be disowned?

I can't believe she just did that. Disowned? Well, it didn't matter to me, because I already knew I could make it in this world.

Since I've been planning to run away at the age of 14, I've been saving up. I could get a job after graduation with ease. My grade were high and I'm a intelligent and clever girl.

I hurriedly deleted the text as the worker came back with the food. I walked over to Jessica and noticed that she was in space. So blank.

I chuckled and took a seat down. She didn't even notice. I continued to stare and then suddenly, she face-palmed her forehead and called herself stupid.

I began to laugh and then she noticed me.

"Yah, what are you laughing at?" She gave me one of her cold stares. I shook my head and held my laughter in.

"N-Nothing...hah...food's ready." I held my burger and smiled happily.

"This is what I called FOOD." I took my nice bite and chewed with bliss. Jessica did the same thing. She looked like she enjoyed it too.

This is probably second time spending time with her. The first being her helping my ankle. Then it hit me like a truck.

My ankle...it stopped hurting.

What the heck? Not that I'm complaining.


Jessica gave me a ride back to my dorm and walked me there.

We reached my dorm in a matter of minutes. I turned to her and gave my signature smile.

"Thanks for today, Jessica!" She glared at me and began to walk away.

"Don't look into it too much. I'm not looking for friends. So don't bother me too much." With that, she walked away.

"So mean, but whatever, I had a nice dinner." I mumbled to myself and walked into my room.

I'm in bliss because I get this room to myself. I jumped flat on my bed and slept like baby.


My first experiences, I'm glad I get to share them with you...


Chapter 3.2

Jessica's POV

[The next day]

I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. Every time I saw Tiffany, I got these weird feelings. Like being annoyed and happy at the same time.

I don't even know what that dinner thing was about either. I just wanted to give her a ride to where ever and call her a cab for her way back and then ditch.

But...I ended up having dinner with her. I even smiled more than once today with her. I haven't smiled since that happened.

"I must be going crazy. I need to get out of this house." I took my keys from my desk and began to trot down the stairs. I was just about to reach the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I hated that voice. I sighed loudly and turned towards the voice. It's rare for her to be here.




"Why aren't you doing your homework?" This nagging being actually cares?

"Because I don't have any." The woman laughed to herself.

"Right. You probably do, but you can't do it right? Why do I have such a failure daughter? This is why mom and dad never show up." I gritted my teeth. I'll never forget that.

I didn't say anything and left; making sure I slammed the door as hard as I could.

I was driving at a dangerous speed to vent my frustration, drifting as I turned sharp corners.

I slammed my fist down onto the steering wheel. I just felt so stressed inside.

I reached my favorite cafe and slammed my car door shut as I got out.

I walked through the side entrance because no one usually looks when you enter.

I took my seat and let a waitress approach me.

"What will it be?"

"Strawberry and banana rock candy." I gave the waitress the money and she left.

I actually come here a lot. But only usually if I'm stressed out or angry.

Today, I'm stressed out.

Stupid Tiffany and her way of making me feel emotions. Stupid parents.

I sat there quietly thinking about that stupid girl who wouldn't leave mind.

"Uhm, why are we exactly here?"

I'm I hearing things now? I think I'm going crazy. I swear, I just heard Tiffany.

I turned my head slowly and I'm not going crazy! It is Tiffany...

...with Gyuri and her cult. Joy.

I slid further into my seat thankful that there was a plant between us, so they can't see me.

"No reason. We just wanted to talk to you."

Talk, talk?! I wanted to laugh out loud at that. I held it in though.

The last time they talked to a girl ended up taking her to their hide out and doing things that are too dirty for you to know.

"And what would you like to talk to me about?" I couldn't help but feel A LITTLE happy that Tiffany sounded like she didn't want to be there with them.

"Well, Yuri here says she has seen you yesterday with Jessica." I could so tell that that was Gyuri's voice.

"Yes, I was. Your point?"

I've got to give some credit to this girl. Underneath her bubbly attitude, is some cold ice.

"Well, we'd like you to know that Jessica is a bad girl, you shouldn't be hanging out with her."

Huh, go figures. Of course.

I was waiting for Tiffany to gossip like any other girl and ditch me soon. But I was in for a surprise.

"Since when was it your right to decide who I can hang out with and who I can't?"

I could feel my face shifting. Oh man, I was smiling again! I had to face myself with this. I felt something when Tiffany defended me.

I could tell they were shocked because they couldn't answer.

"Please don't misunderstand us. We're only saying this for your own good,"

Tiffany sounded really pissed when they said this.

"Don't tell me what's good for me if you don't know me. If you're going to say you care, save it. You don't understand who I am." I could feel the heat from her voice.

I knew I was scary, but sh*t, I wouldn't want to mess with Tiffany if she was mad.

I could tell Gyuri and Yuri was surprised for sure. No one has spoken to them like that, never less a poor person.

"You don't understand, Jessica really is a bad person. She doesn't care for anyone, and she does bad things." I heard Gyuri say.

"Yes, in middle school, I was in Jessica's school and she did something horrible to me." Yuri said. Oh jeeze, here she goes again.

"Back in middle school, I was on the soccer team with Jessica. Everyone knew that was going to be the captain. But I wasn't, do you know why?" Yuri hinted Tiffany to the reason that wasn't even true.

I waited for Tiffany's answer.

"Because you weren't captain material?" I almost knocked my knee underneath the table trying to contain my laughter.

"Huh? NO! Because Jessica stole it from me! She went and paid the coach to place her as captain. Jessica is willing to scoop low to get what she wants."

Tiffany was quiet for a moment. Was she going to believe what Yuri said?

"I think you're wrong."

This made me really angry for some reason. Why does she insist on defending me?

"Why? The facts were laid out right in front of me. Jessica asked the coach to talk to her later. When she came back, the coach announced that she was the team's captain. She acted all surprised when everybody already knew that she paid him."

"I think you misunderstood her." I just wanted to pop up to their table to shout at Tiffany to just believe what their saying before she got herself hated.

"Why do you insist on defending Jessica when you know she isn't well liked? You know there would have to be a reason on why people dislike her. Even her parents hate her. They didn't even show up when she got in trouble. Why won't you listen to us?"

I gritted my teeth. I'll never forget that my parents abandoned me. Never.


"Coach?" Jessica went up to Coach Park slightly panting.

"What is it?"

"About the team captain, I think that Yuri should get the position since she works the hardest out of all of us." Coach Park eyed her carefully and nodded.

"I'll think about it."

Moments later, he called everyone for a group meeting circle.

"Okay, I've decided. The soccer team Captain this year is Jessica Jung." Jessica turned head sharply and eyed him.

"Being a team leader means to know what's best for the group and not be selfish. Jessica deserves it." People around her clapped lightly, all but Yuri. Her face was stone cold hard. Jessica could feel her glaring on my back.

A week later, rumors went around that Jessica paid Coach Park to place her as Captain. When things got serious, she was called down the principal's office.

Jessica waited in the hallway while the principal made his way down to see her.

"Jessica, there are rumors going around that you've paid Coach Park to place you as soccer captain. You know that that kind of stuff isn't appreciated here. I need to speak with your parents. Tell them to come tomorrow, understand?" Jessica didn't nod or give any sign of an answer.

When he was gone, she looked up with her dull eyes and shrugged. She'll let people misunderstand; they won't listen to her explanation anyway.

Her parents will show up too to clear this all up. They would.

The next day, the principal asked where were her parents. Jessica tried to call them on their number, but no one picked up.

"I'm sorry, Jessica. But since you're parents didn't show up, I have no choice but to suspend you for a week and have you do community service during your time." The principal said somewhat half sincere.

Jessica couldn't believe it. They said they'd show...but they aren't here. They just abandoned her. Everyone began to whisper nasty things to each other and began to walk away.

Slowly sinking to the ground, Jessica felt left alone. Her parents abandoned her and her friends left her due to her new social status.

She didn't have much left. She wanted to save any part of her and lock it away.

End of Flackback

I shook my head; I didn't want to remember that again. I refocused at the other group and listened quietly.

I could tell that Gyuri was getting frustrated with Tiffany, but I think Tiffany was angrier about what Gyuri said.

"Why do I have to listen to you?! Who do you think you are?! You may have known Jessica longer than me, but if think for a second that I'll just follow whatever you say, you better get a reality check, because I won't!" With that I heard Tiffany stand up roughly, knocking the chair over and stomping out.

This was bugging me. I had to find out why Tiffany was so angry. I got up silently, not even eating my strawberry and banana rock candy and left through the side door.

Gyuri's POV

Right after Tiffany stomped out; I was left in a shocked state. Yuri nudged me and I looked over to her.

"Tiffany is surely different. Any other girl would've ditched Jessica by now. This is even stranger because Tiffany is poor. Shouldn't she feel scared? But she practically bit our heads off." I nodded. Tiffany was indeed different.

I want her.

"Gyuri-ah, what should we do? Jessica's going to have Tiffany on her side very soon," Yuri complaint went on and on. I droned out though.

This new girl, Tiffany. Who exactly is she?

It didn't matter much. If she could resist me like that. I want her, and I won't let Jessica have her.

Jessica's POV

I began to follow Tiffany to where ever she was going. She seemed to be blowing off some steam by the way she was walking, more like stomping but you know what I mean.

Eventually we reached a park with a huge fountain. The park was kind of empty. The only people here were children and old people.

I remember this fountain; it's where the sun always shines. It was near 6 o'clock, so the sun was about to set, but not yet. The position of the sun gave everything a yellow look, I could feel the sun's warmth on my skin. I wonder if Tiffany could feel what I felt.

Tiffany faced the fountain and stopped. There was a long pause before I could see her shoulders heaving a bit.




Was she crying?

I couldn't explain the feeling inside of me. I felt all panicky and unsure because I don't know how to comfort a crying person.

I slowly walked up behind her and stopped a few steps from her. I could hear her sniffing slightly and breathing a bit heavy. She was trying to hold it in.

Why? Why does this make me feel so angry to see her like this? I shouldn't care. I shouldn't at all.

"Tiffany," I called her name. It was like an unsure call, but like I was telling her something.

She stopped for a moment and turned to face me.

I saw it, I saw it all...her tears, streaming down her face angel carved face. Her eyes were starting to swell up. Despite that all, I couldn't help but think she was still beautiful.

"J-Jessica?" She managed to say between breaths.

I didn't say anything, but I stared into her eyes. Without warning, she leaped towards me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders and cried whatever she was holding in onto me.

I was shocked and bewildered to my limit. I didn't understand her, why was she crying so hard? Was it because of Gyuri?

I knew I wouldn't get the answer now or anytime soon.

Tiffany's tears soaked through my thin layers of clothing, but strangely, I didn't care.

She began to say something to me.

"I-I'm sorry, I know you don't l-like me and you don't want friends, b-but...hiccup."

I think it was on impulse, but I wrapped my arms around her mid-back and held her tight.

"Don't be stupid," I said coldly, but then I softened up again.

"Who said I didn't like you? Yeah, you annoy me most of the time and sometime I just want to hit you for being so stupid...but I never said I didn't like you."

After hearing that, she cried even harder and held me tighter.

We sat on the fountain and I let her cry on me until she fell asleep crying.

After checking if she really fell asleep, I let out a big sigh. I'll just have to let her stay at my place for tonight. Not like my folks are usually home anyways.

I hauled her onto my back and began to piggy back her back to my car. Halfway through, she began murmuring something to me.

"Jessi...ca," she began sleepily.

"Hm?" I said blankly.

"Does...this mean...we can be...friends?" I heard her mumble, she was about to fall asleep again any moment now.

I thought it through, a friend? I really wasn't looking for one, because usually everyone is that same towards me.

But Tiffany...I'll make an exception for her. Just for her.

I looked back her.

"Yeah." I whispered to her. She held on tighter to me as she smiled and went to sleep again.

I placed her into my car gentle and buckled her up, turning on the engine and drove off.

I looked over at Tiffany sleeping and stared at her for a moment before focusing on the rode again

We're friends Tiffany, but I won't let you too close to me...


I push you away, but deep down, I want you to be the closest.


Chapter 4

Jessica's POV

Tiffany was lighter than I thought. After carrying her all the way to my car and then carrying her up my stairs wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

You ask why am I carrying her all the way up my stairs? Because this silly girl fell asleep crying while I held her, that's why.

I slowly opened the door to my room and gently set her on the bed. I checked out what she was wearing. It looked uncomfortable. I was about to change her, but I turned red from the thought of me strippring her.

'I should call the maid to do this.'

I quietly ran out the room in search of a maid.


After the maid finished the job I was too embarrassed to do, I pulled the covers over Tiffany and went to change myself. Inside the washroom, I began to think while I took of my jacket and everything else.

'Should I sleep on the bed? No, I can't, that's too awkward. Plus, if Tiffany woke up to find me next to her...she'll definitely scream. I guess it's the couch then...'

I frowned at the thought of having to sleep on a couch instead of my own soft bed. After getting into my tank top and pajama bottoms, I lazily walked over to my closet and grabbed a spare pillow and blanket.

After a long day, the couch actually didn't feel that bad. It may not be my imported bed from Spain, but it'll do.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I remembered that the couch was a few meters away from Tiffany. I propped myself on my elbows to see how she was doing.

"Sleeping like a rock I see." I muttered quietly. I let out a tired sigh and laid back down. Pulling the covers over me, I let my eye lids slowly get heavy.


Around dawn, I woke up to some whining noise. I tried my best to ignore it, but it kept repeating.

What the heck is that noise? I was extremely irked because I hate waking up from my sleep. But then my eyes shot open as I remembered that I brought Tiffany home. I sat up instantly and looked at her.

She was tossing and turning nosily and making weird sounds, the sounds that woke me up. I got up slowly and walked over to the bed. I peered over and observed Tiffany. She was mumbling something I couldn't comprehend and had a troubled look on her face.

"Why...why does it have to be like this?" I heard her more clearly as she turned towards me. A nightmare probably. I sighed and turned around.

'Don't let your emotions take over.'

I repeated the phrase in my head. I began to walk back to my couch when I sudden hand caught my wrist and held me back. I turned my head sharply and saw Tiffany holding tightly to my wrist with an expression that made my chest ache painfully.

"Please..." I heard her say in a quiet begging tone. I hope she really is asleep.

"Don't go." These two words affected me greatly. I never heard these words and it made my heart swell.

I tried to suppress the feelings that were surfacing. I knew these words can't be towards me, she was having a nightmare. I stared at Tiffany for another moment and watched her struggle.

She really looked scared. From her closed eyes, I saw a single tear drop. I let out my third sigh for tonight and gently pushed her hand off my wrist. Dragging my feet around to the other side of the bed, I slowly slid under the covers next to Tiffany. She turned the other way, facing me. Even when she's sleeping, she's beautiful. She looked relaxed and peaceful.

She must've felt me shift the bed when I got in because she moved closer to me and pressed her body against mine. I let out a quiet gasp at the feeling of someone else's warm body pressed against my own.

She slowly slid her arms underneath my arms and around my stomach and held me slightly closer. Her face was completely hidden in my neck; I could feel her soft lip pressed against it and her breath trickling on my neck.

My whole body stiffened, I never had this kind of physical contact with anyone. Heck, I never had physical contact with anyone at all. Hearing Tiffany's soft breathing relaxed the tension in me after a few good mintues.

I moved my left arm underneath my head to rest on it and my right slowly hugged Tiffany back. It's all so unfamiliar.

These feelings I can't explain, it's getting harder and harder to hide them

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I told myself not to let myself get to close to her, but here I am, not more then a mere inch from her. The irony.

"Tiffany, what have you done to me?" I whispered in her ear. She stirred slightly and snuggled closer. I brushed the strands away from her face and kept whispering.

"First you appear every where I go, then you end up being my partner for an assignment, then you choose me over Gyuri's words, afterwards you end up crying in my arms which forces me to piggyback you here and now, you're sleeping on my bed next to me."

She seemed to be unaffected from my words as she kept on sleeping and slightly snoring occasionally. I whispered one more thing to her before I slept that night.

"I don't know if I can keep labeling you as a friend for long."

Tiffany's POV

I woke up slightly feeling extremely drowsy. My eyes were still closed as I was still thinking about yesterday with Gyuri.

I was so angry. I felt my past resurface as she and Yuri kept talking.

Telling me that I should listen to them and they were just telling me what's best me. Inside I felt that that was a bunch of bullsh*t. They know my name, but not my story. What made them think they knew what was best for me?

That made me realize how much I kind of missed home. But then again, it was never home. It never felt a home. Dad left us for another woman and mom had it hard since then.

She was never home and constantly worked until she had the largest most-successful company. She lost her heart and the care she once had for me.

All of this had me remembering my nightmare last night. The one that actually happened years ago.

I was four again and dad was leaving. Mom was trying to tell him that she could change and be better, but he didn't believe it for a minute.

I tried holding onto him and begging him not to leave us. I remember saying,

"Please, don't go." He looked at me with a gentle face and said he'd come back for me...but all these years, he never called, wrote letters or visited me.

But then, I felt good all of a sudden. I felt as if someone was holding me and whispering away my nightmare. That's new.

I sighed through my nose and cringed at my morning breath. I should get up and brush my teeth. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

I looked at the couch beside the bed.

Wait...that wasn't there before?!

I shot up and looked around. The surroundings were so unfamiliar.


I began to panic and then I saw a note beside me. I pick it up and read it a loud.

'Hey mushroom. Don't remember yesterday? Sucks to be you! Go brush your teeth and come downstairs for breakfast. -Jessica'

"Jessica?" I looked up in thought.

"Why am I at Jessica's?"


I remember, after I stood up to Gyuri, I cried so hard and Jessica found me. I think I might've cried myself to sleep, and she carried me all the back? I feel so embarrassed. And where'd she get mushroom from?! I don't look like a mushroom!

I went into the washroom slowly and found all the things I needed.


I walked into the kitchen to see Jessica there cooking breakfast. She can cook? Hm, I heard gossip saying that if she's in a kitchen, everything will burn down. I stood at the edge of the corner to prevent her from seeing me.

"Don't just stand there, take the seat."

She must have eyes at the back of her head.

I slowly took a seat at the counter and stared at her. She finished up cooking and set a bunch of plates in front of me.

So many choices! It was all American food too.

"I figured you'd miss these types of food." She muttered quietly and took a sit as well.

"You're right! I do miss these foods! Thanks Jessi!" I said happily and began to eat.

"It's delicious!" I gave her my eye smile and ate happily. I noticed that she grinned as well.


Jessica's POV

"Thanks Jessi!" I looked at her while she happily ate her food.

Did she just call me Jessi?

The sudden nickname felt new to me. Everyone around me would call me Sica, but now, I felt better because I knew that only Tiffany would call me Jessi.

She suddenly looked up at me and gave me a questioning look.

"Aren't you going to eat too?" She asked innocently. I nodded and picked up my bowl.

We ate in comfortable silence, but Tiffany decided to ruin it.

"Jessica, can you take me back to my dorm after? I think it'd be better for me to stop bothering you like this."

She gave a light chuckle and resumed eating as she waited for my answer.

I put down my bowl and looked at her.

"You aren't bothering me. But sure, I can take you to your dorm. I don't have anything to do and class starts at one o'clock anyways."

She smiled greatly at me and finished up eating.

We got up and walked into my living room.

"Just sit here for a moment while I get changed, okay?" She nodded with joy and sat down with a bounce and looked at me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her and hopped up the stairs.

I ran cross the hallways and rushed into my room. I wanted to see Tiffany's dorm myself.

Rushing to change, I hurriedly stripped and threw on some average clothing. Just as I was about done, I heard my front door downstairs open.

Oh f*ck, that must be mom. She's home so early!

I began dashing down the hallways because I knew Tiffany was down there. That last person I want Tiffany to meet is her. How I despise her.

I was too late though...damn it.

"Who are you?"

She's so welcoming, isn't she?

"Hi, I'm Tiffany Hwang. You must be Ms. Jung, right? Such a beautiful house suits such a beautiful lady." Even for a poor person, Tiffany knows her manners.

Almost like a rich person. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Tiffany was sucking up to my mother.

I didn't want to hear anymore. I ran down the stairs and stood in front of Tiffany.

"Oh Jessica, you are home. I thought you'd be at a bar or something." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You brought a friend home too. She's very nice and polite. You should learn from her."

I grimaced at her and grabbed Tiffany's wrist and dragged her out the door.

"U-uh, have a nice day Ms. Jung!" Tiffany shouted before I completely got her out.

I let out a sight of relief through my nose and began to drag Tiffany again towards my car.

"J-Jessica?" Tiffany stuttered as I opened my car door and gestured for her to get in. She didn't ask any questions, which I'm thankful about, and got in.

I ran around to the other side and opened the door for myself. Before I got in though, I took one last look at my house.

I could see my mom looking through the window curtains at us. I gave her a smirk and got in to drive off.

Halfway through the ride, I took a look at Tiffany out of curiosity. I could tell that she was confused about what just happened.

"We're going to your dorm," I said, breaking the silence. She smiled at me and nodded gratefully, I could tell she was still confused.

"I don't get along with my parents." I explained to her. This is my first time explaining myself to anyone, but I wanted Tiffany to understand me.

I tried my best saying that sentence without any emotion. I thought I did well, but I guess Tiffany heard the small emotion behind it.

Her hand traveled over to my side and was gently placed on my hand that was on the gearshift. I felt an electric wave spread down my spine. I looked over at her with the coldest look I had but immediately soften when I saw her face.

A face like she understood how I felt. She firmly held my hand and whispered the five words that made me weak,

"It's okay, you have me."

I stared at her for another second before looking back at the road grinning. I stepped on the gas pedal making us speeding now to vent the exciting feeling I felt.


We reached Soshi Generation University faster than I thought we would. I think what surprised me more was that we didn't get a speeding ticket.

I walked over to Tiffany after locking the car and stared at her. She stared back.

"What are you staring at? Are you expecting me to find your dorm? I don't know where it is." I playfully rolled my eyes at her and she laughed and nodded.

She gently slipped her fingers through mine before taking full grasp of my hand. I'm just saying, but she has really soft and smooth hands. Very slender too.

I could feel all my blood running up towards my easrs and I wish I was imagining it. I used my hand that wasn't occupied to brush my hair with my fingers to cover my reddening ears.

I like the feeling of Tiffany's palm pressed against my own. It was a perfect fit.

I'm not sure if it's a strength or a weakness, but I'm coming to realize that this girl, with a ridiculously beautiful eye smile, was breaking down my walls and entering my heart. It was a slow process, but I'm surprised she's making any progress at all.

I was scared beyond belief. Scared knowing that she made me vulnerable.

I have to keep distance. We're only going to be friends.

Friends hold hands, right?

"Tiffany?" My thoughts were broken as I came back to reality. I looked at who just called Tiffany's name.

Gyuri and Yuri. Yay.

I felt Tiffany grip my hand a little.

They looked at our hands and their brows met in angry.

"What are you doing, Jessica?" Yuri sharp voice didn't scare me at all. I rolled my eyes at her and gave her an obvious look.

"Let go of Tiffany, you leech." I narrowed my eyes at her and was about to speak back to her but Tiffany beat me to it.

"Yah! Don't call her nasty things. For your information, I held Jessica's hand first!" I used my eyes to look at Tiffany without moving my head. She was glaring!

They were speechless!

'Hold it in, Jessica. Don't laugh.'

Yuri began to speak again.

"I see you aren't going to take heed to our words." Oh wow, I think Yuri was asking for another lecture from Tiffany.

"What the-- Did you REALLY think I was going listen? Are you crazy? I think you should get it straight through your thick heads that, I. Won't. Ever. Listen. To. You." Tiffany said that last few words sharply and began walking off coolly, taking me with her.

Gyuri's voice stopped us in your tracks though.

"Why are you choosing Jessica over us? Everyone hates her." My eye slightly twitched when I heard it. She's right.

I began to loosing my hold on Tiffany's hand, but Tiffany held it back firmly and looked at me. She then looked back at the two with a glare.

"Because no one takes the time to understand Jessica. Because I realize that she's worth it and until she doesn't want me to be friends with her anymore, I'll never leave her."

I stopped breathing for a moment. She thinks I'm worth it. My chest is swelling heavily and I can't stop myself from grinning like a fool. I held tighter onto Tiffany's hand and smiled at her.

"Well if you have nothing to say, Jessica and I are going now." Tiffany and I resumed walking toward her dorm leaving them speechless.


Gyuri's POV

"Gyuri," I looked over to Yuri whining my name.

"Tiffany did it again! She totally bit off our heads!" Yuri shivered as she remembered the way Tiffany glared at them. I looked towards them walking away.

"Yuri," I looked over to her.

"I want Tiffany and it bugs me to have Jessica near her. I don't like it. Find a way to break them apart." I began walking with Yuri to class.

"What should we do though?"

"I don't care, just find a way."

She nodded slowly and began to think of ways.

'Watch out Jessica, be prepared to lose Tiffany to me.'


Tiffany's POV

Jessica and I silently walked to my dorm. I wonder what Jessica's thinking about, she hasn't spoken a word to me after that incident.

Is she mad at me?

We stopped in front of my dorm and I let go of Jessica's hand to get the key from my pocket.

When I looked back up, Jessica seemed a little disappointed. I turned away from her and opened my door and let her in first.

I looked around my room, it looked kind of messy. It was cluttered with all my belongings. Well, at least I can still see my floor.

Jessica was inspecting my room and suddenly sharply turned to face me.

"You have a lot of stuff for a poor person." Oh crap. I chuckled awkwardly and shrugged.

"I am poor you know, but I can still afford things. You make it seem like I'm a hobo." Jessica looked away embarrassed and ashamed.

"Sorry." She muttered. I laughed at her and waved it off.

"It's okay, besides, I didn't buy most of these things. They were gifts." It was true; my friends were wonderful to me and supportive of my decisions. Before I left, they gave me all these things to remember them buy.

"Really? From who?"

A new side of Jessica! She's a curious being.

"Well half the stuff was from friends and another half was from ex-boyfriends and girlfriends." I said casually. I wonder if she'll hate me if she finds out I'm pretty much a lesbian.

She brushed her bangs and looked like she was...jealous?

"Really? You're still close with them?"

The curious her was cute and I couldn't help but smirk at her.

"Well yeah with my ex-boyfriends. When I found out that I preferred women, they were cool with it and stayed friends with me. For the ex-girlfriends, the gifts were from the ones that weren't so obsessive and clingy."

That was true too. I remember my ex-girlfriend, Sunny. She was really obsessive. Couldn't bear to let me go. She was kind of creepy.

Jessica went up to me and frowned.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Do you still like any of them?" I smiled at her, she sounded so serious.

"Nope. Don't like any one of them more than a friend." Jessica suddenly smiled and walked off looking around again.

I wonder what that was all about.

"Hey Fany-ah," she called me with a new nickname. Sounded cute, so I let her call me that.

"What is it?" I sat on the bed with a bounce.

"Is your favorite color pink?"

I looked at her confused.

"How'd you know?"

"Half of your clothes are pink."

I blink for a moment and started to laugh.

"Don't judge me. Pink is BEAUTIFUL." I walked to my closet with her and began picking new clothes.

"I should change so we can go to class soon."

I scanned through my closet. Hm, it was kind of warm earlier.

I took out a low V-cut t-shirt with a long cotton vest.

What to wear for the bottom? I thought for moment.

I picked out some short shorts and was about to walk into the washroom but Jessica stopped me.

"What is it, Jessi?" I looked at her for moment. She looked serious.

"No." She finally said.

"Huh?" I crooked my head to the side.

"You are not wearing that." I pouted.

"Why?" I whined like a child. She glared at me.

"Shows too much. Go pick another pair of pants." I thought that was ridiculous, but I didn't want to make Jessica mad so I went to find another pair.

Skinny jeans it is.

"Better?" I showed her. She smiled and nodded in approval and waved me off to the bathroom.

After changing, we walked off to class together talking about unrelated things.

We took seats near the back as I figured out that Jessica doesn't like the front.

"Class has started, settle down everyone."

Ah, it's the one toned teacher, Ms. Park.

"As you all know, you're paper essay is due tomorrow. You all better get it done."

The words hit me like a thousand bricks. I could feel the panic settling onto my chest.

Oh f*ck, Jessica and I haven't even started!

I ripped out a piece of paper from my organizer and began scribbling words down. I crumpled it up and threw it to Jessica. Her head was down. Is she seriously sleeping?!

My flying crumpled paper hit Jessica square in the head. She groaned as she began to wake up. She took my piece of paper in her hands and un-crumpled it and read it slowly.

'Jessica! We haven't even started on our paper!@#$%^& D: Library. Today. NO BUTTS. -Fany'

Jessica looked over at me sleepily and nodded before passing out on the desk again. I shook my head and waited for class to be over.


"Jessica! Wake up! Class is over. We have to go over to the library." I shook her as hard as I could. This girl sleeps like a rock! I sighed out of frustration and looked at her. I bent down and stared at her.

She has an angelic face. When she's asleep, she looks totally harmless and innocent. I brushed the offending hair from her face and took a good look at her complexion.

I felt bad that I had to wake her up, but it needed to be done. I looked around to see if anyone was here.

No one.

I bent back down and slowly brought my lips towards her. I felt my heart pounded against my chest hard.

I could practically smell her now. She smelled like Kiwis.

Just as my lips were about to touch her forehead, she woke up. She groaned unhappily and looked at me.

"What are you doing Tiffany?" She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. I snapped back up and laughed uncomfortably.

"Nothing, nothing! Haha, we should go to the library." I turned away before she could see my red face.

What was I doing?


Jessica's POV

"Jessica! Wake up! Class is over. We have to go over to the library."

I could hear Tiffany calling me, but I ignored her. I wanted to sleep, and I figured that she'd leave me alone if I didn't respond. I heard her give out a sigh as she sounded very frustrated. I smiled inwardly as I thought that I had won.

But I could feel Tiffany coming closer to me, I could practically feel her breath on my face! What is she doing?

My heart was pounding hard and I thought Tiffany might have heard it too.

She was so close now. I feel scent invading my nose.

I can't take this, I'm going to go crazy if this continues.

I pretended to wake up and groaned unhappily because now I was curious what Tiffany was going to do. Too late now. I looked at her and saw how close she actually was.

If I even move one inch closer, we'd be kissing.


No, no. Tiffany wouldn't do that.

"What are you doing Tiffany?" I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes to feign that I was tired. She suddenly snapped back up away from me and laughed uncomfortably.

"Nothing, nothing! Haha, we should go to the library." She turned away quickly leaving me curious.


"Okay, get in the car." She looked at me and pouted.

"What now?" I hated it when she pouted. It made me give in to whatever she wanted.

"Can we take the city bus instead?" She smiled happily at the idea.

I don't know how to take a city bus though...

"No." She pouted again though.

Don't give in, don't give in.

"Please Jessi?"

Now she's using aygeo on me?! This is such a lethal combination.

She continued to pout at me and gave me pleading looks.

"Fine. But no more using that on me." She gave me a mischievous smile.

"I make no promises!" And she hopped away to the bus station.

"So Jessica, do you know which bus takes us to Seoul Library?" Tiffany asked as she got out some pocket change.

I felt so embarrassed. If I didn't know how to take a bus, I wouldn't know which bus took us where.

"No." I said icily, trying to cover my embarrassment. She chuckled.

"I figured rich people didn't know how to take a city bus. It's all good, I know how." She smiled at me which made me feel a bit better.

The bus arrived shortly and we got on quickly.

Holy crap! It was packed! We walked through people to a middle section after paying the driver.

She let me sit down while she stood and held onto these rings above her. Despite this all, she seemed happy.

She smiled at me and that smile forced my face to smile back.

The bus soon stopped again and we looked to who was getting on.

It was a pregnant lady.

"Jessica," Tiffany nudged me. I looked up at her questionably.

"Get up." she said gently. I didn't ask why and got up instantly. The pregnant lady walked over to us and thanked us as she sat down.

Tiffany nodded and smiled at me. I took this down mentally and asked her,

"You have to get up for pregnant people to sit?"

"Well yes, they have a baby in them. It's dangerous if they stand up on a bus." I nodded thoughtfully and thought about how Tiffany was so caring, even to strangers.

The bus suddenly took off and I was about to fall over because I wasn't holding on to anything.

I didn't meet the floor though.

My body stumbled onto Tiffany's soft body. She held me close and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked gently. I could feel all the curves on her body.

Oh god, I need to calm my teenager hormones. I nodded and tried to stand up again but Tiffany held me closer.

"I think we should just stay like this, you might fall over again if you stand." She teased. I didn't say anything and just listened to her.

Tiffany's body is soft. So curvy...

My head was on her chest so I felt that too.

So soft...

Oh jeeze. What am I thinking?!

'Awkward' I thought to myself.

I looked around and saw that everyone was staring at us. Tiffany didn't seem to notice though.

The bus soon stopped and Tiffany nudged me slightly telling me that this was our stop.

I had to leave Tiffany's soft body and get off.

I kind of missed the warmth.

I didn't feel as disappointed as Tiffany held my hand again and lead me into the library.

"Okay, we should start doing work. Hardcore. It's due tomorrow." She led me to a corner in the library and took a seat.

"What do you want our topic to be about?" She asked me. I thought about it for a moment. Might as well pick something simple since it's due tomorrow.

"Cell phones because it's simple."

She nodded and got up and prodded around the library. When she came back, she had a whole stack of books. She dropped them in front of me and took one of the books.

"Start researching and writing, we'll edit it on the computer when we finish researching."

I gulped; this is going to be the hardest working day in my life. I nodded and took a book out.

I started reading and scribbling down all the information I had read about. I looked over at Tiffany and saw her as serious as ever. So cute. She was scribbling down notes like a maniac and reading as quick as she could. She was already on her second book?! She's so serious...and professional...

I shrugged it off and began to go back to work.

5 hours later.

I sighed as I finished my last book. I looked out the window and saw it beginning to set. We've been here a long time. Tiffany finished a few minutes before me and was stretching her back and fingers.

She let out a big sigh and took all the paper in her hand and asked for mine.

"I'll type it up."

"No, I can do it." I argued.

"It's okay Jessica; it'll be faster if I type it up." She smiled. How fast can she be? We have over 50 pages of notes. She was hard headed though and I had no choice to give in.

"Fine, but is there anything I can do?"

I still want to help, after all, it's both our project.

She seemed to be thinking thougtfully for a moment before answering.

"Hm, you can sit beside me and keep me company!" She eye-smiled at me. I nodded; I can at least keep her company.

We walked over to the computers and sat down once again.

She opened Microsoft word and set down the papers beside her. She stretched her fingers slowly once again and placed her fingers over the keyboard gracefully. Before I knew it, her fingers were pretty much raping the keyboard.

I stared at her in amazement. This is the fastest typing I've seen in my life. Her fingers were moving all over the keyboard as she processed the notes into proper paragraphs. She only paused to turn to the next page.

My god, she is the weirdest poor person I met. This is better than how a professional company works.

I feel a bit suspicious about her. She wears very nice clothes all the time and has over a bunch of expensive things in her room. She had so much clothes in her closet that I find it hard to believe she can fit them in there. Can they ALL be gifts from friends? Does that mean she has rich friends?

I was so lost in thought that Tiffany coughed and got my attention.

"I'm done." What?! Already?!

I looked at the clock and another two hours and a half have gone by. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the time.

What surprised me more was that Tiffany was done all our notes in two hours and a half. I looked at the monitor and looked at the page number.

55 pages?! In 2 hours and a half? She's a beast.

"Jessi," she suddenly called me. I looked over.

"Can you pay for the papers printed? I left my wallet at home. I only brought bus change." I nodded. It's the least I could do anyways.

We got the papers printed and I paid $5.50 for them.

"Thanks Jessi! I'll pay you back later." I shook my head.

"It's okay. You typed out the paper. So it's fair." She nodded happily at me and we went back to the corner.

She placed the papers in a duo tang and put it into her bag.

"Let's put the books back!" She grabbed half the pile and I grabbed the other half. We both left and put the books in appropriate places together.



"Yuri? Yeah, they've finished. I'll do it quickly. Okay, bye." The unknown stranger quietly ran over to Tiffany's bag and rummaged through it for the duo tang.

"Bingo." Her voice had a sense of evil to it.

"Let's go home Jessica. I'm super beat!" Tiffany's voice could be heard a few meters away.

"Crap." The stranger whispered and booked it.

Once outside, she sighed in relief.

"Phew, time to go report back to Yuri." The stranger got in her car and left without a clue left behind.


"Did you get it?"

"Yes I did Yuri! Proud?" The stranger smirked at her and handed Yuri the duo tang.

"Good job HaRa." Yuri Took the duo tang in her hands and smiled at the other girl.

"What are you planning to do with it?" HaRa took a seat in Yuri's and Gyuri's hideout.

"Nothing, just hold onto it." Yuri shrugged and skimmed through the work.

"Wow, you're so evil" laughed Hara.

"Shut it, I can be mean if i want." Yuri was impressed about the amount of work that was done in a day.

"Impressive" she muttered to herself.

"Did you say something?" HaRa leaned closer and waited to hear it again.

Yuri sighed and cleared her throat.

"I said, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?! GO HOME!" The loud voice boomed into HaRa's ear and she squeaked.

"Okay, okay! Chillax!" HaRa picked at her ear and got up to leave.

"Cranky pants." She yelled at Yuri before running for her life.

Yuri rolled her eyes and eyed the paper work once more.

"Let's see how well you handle this, Sica."


Jessica's POV

"Let's go home Jessica. I'm super beat!" Tiffany complained as she took hold of her bag and walked out.

"Okay, get in the car." She looked at me weird.

"How'd your car get here?"

I shrugged.

"I called a maid to bring it over." She nodded in understanding and happily got in.

"I'm glad you did that. City busing is fun, but I'm beat." She giggled and leaned back into the seat.

"You used up all your mushroom energy." I teased her. She shot up and pouted.

"Where the heck did you get mushroom from?! I don't even look like one! Plus, I'm taller than you!" I laughed her childish behavior.

"When I saw you, it screamed mushroom to me. And you aren't taller than me. We're the same height. Your heels just give you the massive height." She leaned back and pouted adorably knowing that she was defeated.

I grinned in victory and drove off.

The ride was silent since we were both tired.

I stopped in front of her dorm apartment and waited for her to reach the door.

She turned around and smiled brightly at me.

"Thanks for today Jessi! I'll see you tomorrow!" she waved and I smiled as she left.

See you tomorrow, Fany-ah.


[The next day]

Ding Ding ~

I groggily walked my way to class. I was so tired. I slept like rock last night, but still need a lot of sleep.

I sat down with a bump on to my seat. I rested my head into my folded arms and relaxed.

"Yes, it's a wonderful day today."

Tiffany's here! I sat back up and looked at her.

She was talking to a classmate and looked at me. She smiled and said something to the other girl and walked towards me.

"Morning Jess!" She said happily and sat down beside.

"Morning Fany."

"You look tired. Still sleepy?" She chuckled. I chuckled too and nodded.

"Very sleepy." I yawned.

"You're such a sleeping princess." She laughed at her own comment. This dope. I chuckled lightly too.

I could tell the whole class was staring at us. I usually never converse with anyone. It must be shocking them.

Ms. Park walked in and tapped her table loudly.

"Quiet down, class is beginning."

Everyone went silent. Ms. Park let out a big sigh.

"Okay hand in your homework." I could hear Tiffany rummaging through her bag frantically. I looked over at her.

"What's the matter?" I whispered.

"I can't find it." This can't be happening.

"Did you leave it at home?"

"No, I didn't touch my bag when I got back to my dorm."

"How can this happen? I saw you put it into your bag yesterday though!"

What's going on? Where'd it go?

"Jessica? Tiffany? Where is your work?"

Tiffany looked up and sighed.

"I can't find it." She admitted. The teacher raised an eyebrow.

"Can't find it or didn't do it?" I heard some snickering in the background and looked to see who dared to laugh.


She must've done something. F*ck.

"We did do it Ms. Park. But it's missing now." Tiffany pouted.

"I see. Well from Jessica's records, she hasn't been handing anything in and her grades are ridiculously low. This assignment was going to save her mark tremendously. Seeing that she hasn't taken this opportunity, it shows that she is irresponsible and that she doesn't have the potential to be here. The school can't handle this behavior, I'm afraid this is her last strike, she's going to be expelled." I heard Tiffany gasp. I wasn't surprised, it was bound to happen sometime.

"You can't do that!" Tiffany bursted.

I looked up at her in surprise. Everyone else looked at her too.

"Jessica didn't do anything! I lost the paper work myself. I wasn't careful and dropped it on the road yesterday. You can't blame Jessica."

That was total crap! What is she doing?!

"Tiffany," I hissed at her.

"What are you doing? Don't lie, its okay." It was okay. My mom would be able to get me into another school anyways.

She shook her head though.

Ms. Park sighed.

"I see, Tiffany, I'm sorry to say that you have to be suspended. This was a very important assignment. You being careless has to have a punishment."

I stood up right away and bursted.

"No! Tiffany's lying. I didn't do the assignment. Tiffany already did her part and gave it to me. But I didn't do my part and lost her half as well." Tiffany grabbed onto my sleeve and stared at me.

"No! Jessica's lying!"

"Shut up, Tiffany." I glared at her. I still have chances at school. She might not.

Yuri suddenly stood up.

"Yeah Ms. Park! Tiffany was just under the bad influence of Jessica! Don't punish her for that."

Everyone began chattering and Ms. Park was getting frustrated.

"ENOUGH!" She screamed. Everyone went silent.

"Jessica, Tiffany. Office. Now." We both got up and walked silently with her.

"Wait!" I looked to the voice.


What now?

"Ms. Park. Don't punish them. I have their paper work. I was at the library yesterday and Tiffany accidentally dropped her paper work from her bag. I was just looking for it."

I eyed her. What exactly did she really do?

"Oh, then hand it in for them please. Tiffany, you should learn to be more careful, you were lucky that Gyuri was there." Tiffany nodded silently. I could tell she was suspicious too.

The class passed painfully slow.

The bell rang at last!

"Class dismissed."

Tiffany walked out of class quickly and I followed her.

"Tiffany!" I called out for her. I caught up with her and stared.

"What are you doing? Why would you do that? You should've just let me get expelled!" Tiffany shook her head.

"You should speak up so people don't misunderstand you!" She fired back.

"Just let them misunderstand! I don't need to explain myself to anyone!"

We were having a heated argument, our first one ever too.

"If you don't say anything, how will you get heard? You have a voice Jessica, use it." Tiffany said gently and hugged me.

"I don't want you to leave if it's my fault." Her voice was muffled due to her mouth on my shoulder. I patted her back.

"Stupid it wasn't your fault. I know that."

"Ahem." We stopped our hug and looked at the intruder.

"Oh Gyuri."

Tiffany bowed to them.

What is she doing?!

When she stood back up, she smiled at them.

"Thank you for finding our paper work."

Oh, I see. If only she knew though, that she really didn't lose it.

Gyuri smiled at her and began to walk toward her.

When she reached Tiffany, she lifted up her hand and caressed Tiffany's cheek.

"No problem. It'd be a problem for you to be suspended."

I had to strain every muscle in me to not push Gyuri's hand from touching Tiffany's cheek.

"I'll see you around" was that last thing she said before she walked off.

"Jessica?" She quietly called me when they left.


"I know I really didn't lose the paperwork."

I looked at her and nodded.


Gyuri's POV

"Yuri, that was a dangerous plan. Don't do that again."

I was incredibly angry. So that was what Yuri handed me earlier today. Their paperwork.

I sighed in frustration. If she hadn't done this, then I wouldn't have known how much Tiffany actually cared about Jessica.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Do you want something else done then?" I nodded. This time I'll deal with her my way.

"Bring Tiffany down to our place. Alone." Yuri nodded solemnly.

'Tiffany, you belong to me.'

Chapter 5

Gyuri's POV

"Gyuri, what are you planning to do with Tiffany when I get her here?"

I walked toward the couch and took a seat.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" I gave her an obvious look, but she still looked blank.

I looked away and sighed into my palm and looked at her once more.

"I'm going to make her mine." I hinted more to Yuri, hoping she'd understand.

She would soon anyways; she's seen me do this many times.

She stood there a few moments.

"OH, you're going to do that to her. You sure you want to though?" Yuri walked casually over and plopped down next to me.

"Yeah, why would you ask that?"

"Well, because you seem like desperate for her."

I shot a dirty glare at Yuri

"I am desperate for no one. I simply want Tiffany for my sexual desires and I don't want Jessica to taste her before I do."

"Okay, if you say so." Yuri stammered and began to read a magazine.

"Carry the plan tonight. Understand?" Yuri nodded.

"And make sure she's alone and not seen by anyone."

Yuri once again nodded mindlessly.

I hope she's paying attention.


Jessica's POV

I've completely forgotten of Tiffany. The moment she left after the incident, I forgot about her. I say that I completely moved on.

That was a complete lie.

I can't stop thinking about Tiffany. Every moment of the day, my mind is filled with Tiffany. It's driving me crazy. Seriously, I don't know how much longer I can take this.

I've tried EVERYTHING to make myself busy. I've done chores, homework, shopping, eating, and god knows many more things. They all make me think of Tiffany.

Lying across my bed, I began to impatiently tap my fingers against my stomach. I looked up at the ceiling and began to stare at it.

The dots connected in a way that made Tiffany's face pop up there.

"GAHH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I grabbed a pillow and shoved it onto my face and grumbled incoherent things into it.

I threw back the pillow and let out a sigh through my mouth. I got up and grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Might as well see her before I really go crazy" I mumbled before trotting out the door.

Driving through the road, I looked over and saw many people walking. My eyes passed a girl with silky hair and an upbeat walk.


I droved right pass that girl and cursed. I turned right and parked my car in front of a shop. Getting out quickly, I went up to the mushroom-haired girl and looked at her.

And...It wasn't her.

Oh jeeze, I'm really going crazy now. I groaned and rubbed the side of my face.

I'm not crazy for Tiffany, I 'm not crazy, I'm surely not crazy.


Okay, I'm crazy. I swear I can even hear Tiffany now. I mumbled some things to myself and ignored my hallucinations.

"Err...Jessica? You okay?" I felt the illusion tap my shoulder for attention.

I turned around and saw Tiffany. Boy, it looks so real.


The illusion Tiffany waved her hand in front of my face and stared strangely at me.

"Man, I really am going crazy." I said out loud before closing the distance between me and illusion Tiffany.

"Jessica...? What the heck are you talk--" I cut illusion Tiffany off as I pinched her cheeks.

Wow, even feels real.

I started pulling slightly and smiled.

"Jessi?" I stopped smiling and looked at her.

"Uh...what are you doing?"

It was dawning me. Oh god, please don't tell me...



I snatched back my hands and turned around.

This cannot be happening.

I felt a soft hand gently grab my shoulder. I cringed at the thought of having to answer Tiffany.

"Jessica, are you okay?"

I nodded without looking at her and began to walk away.

I almost made it very far from Tiffany


Oh what now?

Tiffany caught to me and slipped her hand through mine.

I slightly twitched at the feeling.

"Well since we bumped into each other today, want to spend the rest of the day together?"

I didn't answer Tiffany and continued walking hand in hand with her.

She kept talking about things, but I wasn't paying attention to her talking much, I was focusing more on the fact that we were holding hands again.

I liked the feeling.

Not just that though, I had to admit that I liked the fact that Tiffany was the one holding my hand.

"--ca, want something to eat?"

I snapped back to reality and looked at her.


I felt a bit mean, she was talking and I was thinking about her hand.

She didn't find it offensive or rude though; she chuckled lightly and repeated herself.

"Silly you, I said, do you want something to eat?"

I smiled back at her, she's very understanding. I nodded my head and suggested a place.

"I know this cafe that serves great food, want to go there?" She nodded happily and let me walk her there.

It's strange how I don't want her so close to me but yet, I can't get enough of her either. She's like my own type of air.

She makes me vulnerable.


Tiffany's POV

We soon reached the cafe that Jessica was talking about.


The cafe that Gyuri and Yuri brought me to.

"This is my favorite cafe," Jessica suddenly spoke.

"Oh really?"

She nodded and we proceeded to walk inside.

"Yeah, I like coming here when I'm angry or stressed out. But I'm neither of those today."

We took a table near the corner and close to the window. I was curious about what she just said.

"Then...what are you feeling now?"

She looked at me and stared intently, my heart began to beat faster as each second passed.

And then Jessica spoke.

"I'm happy."

It was quiet for a moment, I never heard Jessica saying she's happy. Sure she'd laugh and smile from time to time, but I rarely heard her say it.

It made me feel happy too,

"Hi, what would you like?" I looked up at the waiter and smiled at him to be polite.

"Jessica, why don't you order for the both of us?" I looked over at Jessica and found her giving cold looks to the waiter.

What's with her?

"Two Strawberry and Banana Rock Candy."

"Okay...anything else?" He glanced at me and smiled.

Of course, to be polite, I smiled back at him.

"No. You don't want to waste time, you should hurry and place the order and tend to the other people." I looked over a Jessica and she was giving hard looks to the waiter.

He nodded nervously and left.

"What was that about, Jessica?"

She pouted and looked at me.

Oh, that was so adorable!

"He was checking you out!"

"Well no need to bite his head off." I chuckled when she blushed.

She looked out the window trying to hide it.

"Let's just let the creepy waiter check your body out. It's okay with you, isn't it?" She mumbled in her palm. I giggled at her.

"Don't be so angry Jessica; I'm glad you care for me like that. You're a wonderful friend you are!"

Half the time, I don't know if I want Jessica to be just a friend. Sometimes, I feel that I want her more than that, but I'm scared to love someone who'd just break my heart.

She looked at me.

"Friend? Yeah, friend." She kept mumbling things that I couldn't really make out.


We spend most of our time in that cafe, talking about anything that came to mind.

I liked how I could be close with Jessica and talk to her about anything and everything.

Well almost everything.

I couldn't tell her about my secret. Not yet.

Speaking of which, I'm still wondering about Jessica's parents. They seem...different towards her.

"Jessica?" I suddenly called her. She looked up and nodded in question.

"How come when I slept over, your mom seemed uh...very..."

"Mean?" She finished for me. I nodded sheepishly.

"We...don't get along." She sounded very melancholy. I smiled comfortingly to her.

"It's okay, my parents and I are like that too." I smiled sadly at her. If I can't tell her the truth, I'll just beat around the bush.

She leaned back in her chair and nodded.

"Tell me about your life."

I contemplated for a moment. Should I? I guess I could leave some details out.

"What do you want to know?"

"How many people have you dated?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Four." She nodded.

"How about you?"

"Seven." I chuckled at her.

"Well, aren't you just a busy body." She chuckled along with me and shrugged it off.

"Who were the people you dated? What were they like?"

I thought about it for a moment.

"Well, the first person I dated was a boy. He was really sweet. He understood how I felt and helped me escape a life I didn't want." Jessica didn't say anything but listened carefully.

"As time went on, I began to realize that I like girls too. When he found this out, he didn't hate me. Instead, he supported me and let me go. I'll always love him for that." I talked thoughtfully.

"Do...you still love him?" I looked at Jessica. The way she looked at me was so painful.

"I love him. But I'm not in love him."

Jessica nodded thoughtfully.

I wonder what she thought.


Jessica's POV

"I loved him. But I'm not in love with him."

I nodded with relief of hearing that.

I don't know why, but I didn't want her to be in love with anyone. It made me extremely jealous.

What's wrong with me?

I remember her saying she had four lovers. Asking with the same curiosity, I prodded her on.

"And your second one?"

"Hm." She looked extremely displeased with this one.

"I went out with a girl after making a discovery of my interest in girls. She was a happy girl. Always making jokes and what not. An energy pill if you must." Tiffany paused and took a sip of her drink.

"When I started to date her, she was a normal girl. But after time, she became extremely clingy. She looked over all my text messages and e-mails. She'd also would ask where I was constantly."

Tiffany shivered a bit. I kind of wanted to burst of laughing at this strange girl Tiffany dated.

"When we were out on dates, she'd follow me everywhere, even if I was going to the bathroom. You know how creepy that is?" Tiffany was probably remembering the moments and started to grimace.

"I couldn't handle the way she was clinging onto me, so I had to end it."

"And how did she take it?"

"Yeah...she didn't accept it until a month later. Before then, she'd still text me and wait outside my house."

I burst out laughing and made attention come our way. But who could blame me? How could there be such a girl?

Tiffany really was interesting.


Tiffany's POV

Jessica started laughing loudly after I told her about Sunny. Her laugh was just adorable. It was so contagious, it made me laugh too.

She slowed down her laughing and began to breath normally.

"Are you still a..." She got really red all of a sudden and I turned red too as I understood what she meant.

"Y-yes! Of course!" I hid my face down as I was beet red. Then I became curious about Jessica's love life.

"Jessica, tell me about your lovers."

Jessica settled down and nodded. She was very opening today.

"Even though I've dated many people, I wouldn't say that I was truly in love with them. I guess throughout it all, I merely liked them."

"How come?"

"They're all the same. They saw what I had and wanted it. Money. Of course, they'd have things that I desired too, if they lost it, it'd be over."

"So you were merely using them or just liking them?" I nodded and leaned back while looking out the window...I understood this. Of course I've done this too, not with lovers, but with friends.

"Yes, I'm cruel, aren't I? This is why we shouldn't be friends. I might be merely using you too." I looked back at Jessica and smiled crookedly.

"You aren't though."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because...I'm poor and you still accepted me as a friend even though I can offer you nothing."

Jessica smirked and nodded.

"So," I started.

"Tell me about your top 3 lovers."


We continued to stay at the cafe chatting about Jessica's past lovers and random things.

Every time I talk with Jessica, I feel at ease and relaxed but at the same time, my heart beats unsteadily and my stomach feels fluttery.

We both stopped talking and looked outside.

The sun was completely gone and the stars and moon were out.

We've been chatting all morning since now!

"It's pretty late," Jessica started.

"I'll pay for the things we bought and drive you back, just wait outside for me, okay?" I pouted at her, she's going to pay again?

"Don't pout, I'm going to pay since I brought you here. Don't feel so bad, okay?" She spoke so gently toward me. I could only agree to her.

We both got up and went separate ways for awhile.

She went to the cash register and I went outside for some air.

Once I step outside, I stretched as big as I could.

"Ahh~ feels so nice!" Letting out a content sigh, I stood near the edge of the sidewalk and looked around.

No one was around.

"Well, it's pretty late, no one would be outside right now." I murmured as my eyes caught something.

It was a large black van.

I didn't think much of it since it was just driving by, but I got more nervous as it started to slow down.

'It must be stopping to get some coffee or something...'

Not wanting to find out if I was right or not, I began to walk back into the coffee shop.

The van suddenly swerved in towards the sidewalk and the car door slid open loudly.

I turned around at the loud sound and was suddenly grabbed by two tall men.


The two men continued to drag me towards the car.

"YAH! WHAT DO YOU WANT?! LET GO!" I continued to struggle from their grip, but it was no help.

I didn't know what to do, I was panicking hard and my heart was beating fast and not for a good reason.

"LET GO!" I repeated the same thing over and over loudly. But it wasn't going to do much.

"JESSICA!" She would be able to hear it right? Before anything else could happen, I was thrown into the van and the door slid shut.

I struggled in the van, trying to make as much movement as I could.

"Hey! Keep her still, boss said not to let any bruises form on her." A man with a low voice shouted from the front and glared at the other men to do something.

Another man to my left took out some hand-cuffs and ordered the man to my right to keep my hands behind my back.

Struggling was useless, they're all ten times bigger than me. They were able to put handcuffs on me without breaking a sweat.

"W-what do you want?"

They all chuckled at me.

"We don't want anything from you, it's our boss who wanted you. So keep quiet or else." They all turned back to minding their own business.

I didn't want to find out what 'or else' meant, so I kept quiet.

I've never been so scared in my life.

'Jessica, please save me.'


Jessica's POV

"$25.12 please."

I grabbed out my wallet and looked through the pockets.

I only had a $50 dollar bill on me at the moment, I sighed and gave the cashier the money.

She seemed to be having a bad day because was extremely slow at getting the change.

She was taking her sweet time wasn't she? It's been like fifteen seconds now. My god.

I was waiting there until I heard a blood curling scream. It was my name.

I turned around and looked outside.

I cursed out loud.

Tiffany was being shoved into a black van by some massive men.

I ran began to run out of the cafe.



I was just a second too late.

Sh*t. My car is a block away from here. It'll be way too late if I run to get it.

I looked ahead of me and found a teenage boy getting on his motorcycle. I ran up to the boy pushed him off.

"Sorry kid! Emergency, I'll have to borrow this. I'll get it back to you later!"

I started the engine and drove off before he even replied.

The van was out of sight, but I could tell they were heading down 27th St as it slipped from my sight.

I dodged between the moving cars that were going too slow for me. I had to make it there on time, or I'd never forgive myself.

I opened up my cell quickly and called my house.

"Butler Lee speaking."

"Lee, call driver Kim to 27th St. Pronto."

"Yes ma'am!" I hung up and began to drive faster.

'Tiffany, wait for me. I won't let anyone hurt you.'


Tiffany's POV

"Yah! Watch it!"

The van finally came to a stop and the men rushed out and pulled me out hurriedly.

"Hurry and get here in there! Mistress Park will be angry if we take long!"

Mistress Park? It's a girl? More importantly, Park sounds familiar...

The two men from my sides took hold of my upper arms and pushed me forward making the handcuffs rub harshly against my wrists.

They opened a door to a room and shoved me in it.

"Ouch! Watch it jerks!"

I glared menacingly at them and looked forward.

My eyes almost popped out from my head.


The men bowed down quick and stiff and looked at her.

"Mistress Park, we've brought Tiffany Hwang."

Gyuri put her glass of wine down and looked me up and down.

I felt so exposed.

"Good, leave her there and wait near the doors. If I catch you eavesdropping, you'll regret living, understood?"

"Yes!" They answered in union before scrambling out like a bunch of chickens.

As soon as they all shut the door tight, I glared hard at Gyuri and spoke my words with a hard edge to it.

"What do you want?"

She got up from her seat and chuckled.

She wore a long pale peach color robe made out of silk. It was transparent, but it wasn't that see through enough that her private parts were shown.

"My, my, someone's a bit irritated."

I rolled my eyes.

"Well no kidding, I've been kidnapped and handcuffed by a bunch of hulk sized men. You think I'd be happy?"

Gyuri simple shrugged and stood in front of me.

She lifted her hand had slid it down my cheek.

"You should've realized that disobeying me comes with consequences." I pulled my face away from her touch.

It made me feel gross.

"Hmph," she said lightly.

"You should've left Jessica and just wanted me."

She began using her body to push mine around. The back of my legs eventually hit the couch causing to me to fall down onto it.

Her hands crawled up to the shoulder and gently pushed me down to the couch. I wasn't completely lying down as my back was being supported by the end.

Without moving away, Gyuri practically climbed on top of my body and stared down at me.

Her hands slid down my arm gently until they reached the handcuffs.

Leaning in my ear, her hot breath tickled my outer shell.

"They hurt don't they?"

I didn't answer. This probably frustrated her because she yanked on them.

I whimpered at the pain she caused to my wrists.

She left the handcuffs and reached towards the mini table and grabbed a silver key.

She moved her head onto my neck while her hand made its way back to the handcuffs.

I felt her smirked into my neck before kissing it lightly.

I had to hold my breath to keep the gagging sounds from coming out.

She stuck the key into the keyhole and unlocked them. She roughly pulled them away and threw it across the floor.

Her hand made it's way back to my wrist and rubbed them gingerly as if she was trying to rub away the aching I felt on my wrists.

Her touch though, only made it ache more.

She stopped kissing my neck and looked back at me.

Her mouth turned into a dirty smile before her other hand firmly held my waist.

"Don't expect it to be over so soon, we have a long night."


Jessica's POV

I silently slowed down my vehicle and got off and quietly walked around the vehicle.

Hiding behind the motorcycle, I crouched down and began to observe.

I looked outside the small building and observed it.

No one was even standing outside.

I stood up and ran inside as fast as I could.

'This is easier than I thought it would be.'

This would be easy anyways even if there were people guarding the place from the outside.

Since people would bully me in high school, I took up Judo lessons and mastered it. That way, no one dared to pick on me. At least no one in the right mind would.

I leaned against the wall as I was about to turn the corner. Only moving my head, I took a peek of the turn.

There was 4 men in black suits waiting near a door. The ones that took Tiffany away.

I assumed that Tiffany was in the room with the sick b*stard who dared to take Tiffany from me.

I had to lead them away from that door. If I fight them there, it'll make sounds.

I tiptoed a couple steps back to make room and used my footwear and tapped the floor loud enough for them to hear.

"Hey, did you hear that? Let's go check it out." A low gruff voice talked and all four men walked this way.


As soon as I saw an arm in vision, I grabbed it hard and used all my strength to pull him over and flipped him over my shoulder down to the ground. His head was the first to meet the ground and was knocked unconscious.

"What the--"

The second man came into view and I ducked down and used my heel part of the foot to calcitrate him in the shin. He groaned in pain and bent down to pressure the spot that I just nailed him in.

I used this chance to elbow his head down into my knee. I was sure to not use to much pressure as I didn't want to kill him. Just knock him unconscious.

The third and fourth man witness the fall of the second man and both rushed at me.

"Why you little--!"

It was a total fail as the third man tripped over the second man's body causing him to fall. The fourth man couldn't stop in time and ended up tripping over the two body's and fell on top of them. They all groaned in pain and didn't move.

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say, so I just walked over them and approached the door.

I didn't have much time left before they all probably got back up again.

I grabbed the door knob and turned it lightly.

Surprisingly, it was unlocked.

I shoved the door open so it hit the wall loudly.

It wasn't hard finding Tiffany since she was right in front of me, but damn. I could feel my blood boiling in anger when I saw the scene in front of me.

Gyuri on top of Tiffany with her hand up Tiffany's shirt and Tiffany trying to escape as hard as she could.

As soon as the door opened, they both stopped and looked over.

"Jessica!" Tiffany choked a sob as she called my name. Her face turned over as I could see tears were forming and spilling out her eyes.

My hands turned into fists and shook uncontrollably.

Gyuri must really want to lose ALL her teeth.

Gyuri was in such a shock to see me that Tiffany pushed her right off and attempt to run to me.

Unfortunately, Gyuri awoke from her state and grabbed Tiffany's wrist and pulled her back down harshly.

"Well, well, well. Jessica, how'd did you get here?" She asked in a calm tone.

I sneered at her and glared sharply at her.

"Let Tiffany go, and you might be able to keep all your teeth."

Gyuri laughed cruelly and answered,

"Don't have your hopes to high Jessica." She raised her fingers and snapped.

Instantly, the four men I just beat, came into the room holding their aching areas.

They all circled me and began to close in.

Right now was not a good moment to bug me and now, these four men were digging their own grave.

I stood still and observed. The trick to fighting is waiting and knowing the perfect time to attack. The man in front of me was the first to rush at me, I bent my knees and rushed forward, letting the poor man meet the sharpness of my elbow. The impact knocked him too hard and caused him to cough up blood.

It seems he knows that I'm capable of and didn't get back up.

The man behind me rushed towards me thinking that I was vulnerable to the places I can't see.

His feet made to much noise because he was panicking, knowing that he had a limited time before I turned around.

At the right time, I slid to the side and he ran right past me. Before he was away from me, I used my foot and used all its force to make him fly into a coffee table near Gyuri.

The table shattered completely as the man fell onto it.

He was smart enough to not get back up.

I turn toward the other two men and glared at them. They flinched and backed up a little.

I walked towards them ready to break their bones if they dared to fight me.

But Gyuri's words stopped me.

"You dare to make anymore moves and Tiffany here will pay for your mistake."

Gyuri pulled Tiffany closer and gripped her firmly.

I hissed. I couldn't risk anything of Tiffany's, including her virginity.

I stopped moving and stood as still as a rock.

The two men smirked and grabbed a block of wood and one by one hit my front and back repeatedly.

I held all my screams and stood up strong even though each hit brought immense pain to me.

By the fifth hit, I began to crumple into the pain.

"YAH! JESSICA!" I could hear Tiffany crying hard. She couldn't bear it. She was still trying to pull away from Gyuri's grip but Gyuri held on tight.

"STOP! PLEASE, JUST STOP!" Her voice was so broken up because her crying became harder and harder.

I could feel the blood soaking through my shirt and leather jacket, along with the dirt starting to irritate my face.

A block of wood came striking down on my head, knocking all the sense out of me.

I fell down on my knees but refused to go down.

I could hear Gyuri's disgusting laughter and Tiffany's heart breaking cry.

I looked up at them and the last thing I saw was Tiffany lashing out on Gyuri. Punching, scratching, and any other hitting form she could use on Gyuri.

Tiffany ended up punching Gyuri so hard in the head, that it knocked her half unconscious.

Tiffany then ran out quickly and grabbed a huge block of wood herself and swung it as hard as she could to one of the men in the back of the head.

The man slowly fell the ground and dropped the wood.

I would bet a million dollars that he wouldn't be remembering anything tomorrow.

I used any last bit of my strength and grabbed the wood that he just dropped and hit it against the other man's knees.

He bent over in pain and Tiffany threw the piece of wood down on the man's head.

He wouldn't be remembering anything either.

The place was silent now but Tiffany's crying.

I fell backwards on the ground and groaned in pain.

Tiffany ran over to my side and lift my back up.

I winced in pain but let her do so anyways.


Tiffany's tears began to reach my dirt stained cheeks.

I answered her quietly.

Everything hurt.

"Tiffany, you're wrong about you only being able to offer me nothing. You've offered me everything. Tiffany, you offer me everything that can't be replaced." I smiled despite the blood on my front and back, all my muscles aching, and maybe some broken bones.

I lifted my hand up weakly and wiped away Tiffany's tear. She grabbed my hand tightly and let more tears out.

"Tiffany, I'm ridiculously in love with you."

She seemed to cry harder at these words.

"Jessica, I've been in love with you since I first met you and that means you have to stay with me, okay?"

I smiled, she loves me too. I nodded as she got me up gently and lifted my arm over her should and walked out of this messy room and out into the hallway.


Tiffany's POV

I stumbled out into the hallway and tried to walk fast but gently.

"Listen to me Jessica, you have to stay awake, if you don't, I'll never forgive you." She nodded lightly as I tried to talk about happy things to keep her awake.

As I finally made it out of the building, I had to think about how we were going to get home.

Suddenly, a car pulled up towards Jessica and I and stopped with a short drift.

I got defensive when I saw man get out and walk towards us.

"I'm Driver Kim, Jessica called me earlier. No time for explanation, get in the car." Driver Kim's words were cold, but his voice was gentle.

He opened the back car door for me and I weakly smiled in appreciation.

I nodded and gently got Jessica in the car before I hopped in myself.

Driver Kim ran all the way around back to his seat and drove off fast.

I held Jessica close and brushed her hair.

I began to whisper to her, I had to make sure she didn't fall asleep or she could fall into a concussion.

"Hey don't fall asleep Jessi, or I'll be unhappy." That seem to work as Jessica's eyes half opened and she nodded to tell me that she was awake.

The car soon pulled up to Jessica's house and Driver Kim got out and called all the maids and butlers to help us out.

All the maids helped Jessica up but Jessica's arms were latched tightly around me, so I had to walk with them.

A butler came up to me and walked beside me to make sure I didn't fall.

"I'm butler Lee. I'm the head butler at Jessica's house. Madam Jung is out a business trip and won't be back for a few days."

I nodded in understanding. It would be best if she didn't know about this. We walked inside the house and began up the stairs.

"I'm Tiffany Hwang, would it be alright if I spent the night here?"

Butler Lee looked surprised that I even asked.

"No, of course not! Please stay! I'll have you and Miss Jessica treated immediately."

He looked at the maids and began to give them an order kindly.

"Bring Miss Jessica and Miss Tiffany up into the bedrooms and give them a bath and treat the smaller wounds and cuts. Then, bring them a new change of clothing and put them into Miss Jessica's bed while I call a doctor."

The nodded firmly and began to do as they were told.


i]'Jessica, you better be okay, or I'll never forgive myself.'[/i]


Jessica's POV

I woke up groaning at all the aching in my body.

I looked out the window and noticed that it was still dark out.

It must be around 3 in the morning.

I gripped my hand tighter and noticed something...

There was a hand beneath my hand lying on my stomach.

I cautiously turned around and smiled widely.

Tiffany was in bed next to me.

I moved closer to her, ignoring all the pain in my body that ached when I moved.

I wrapped my arms around her and my legs.

I remember everything.

From bumping into her this morning, to her being kidnapped by Gyuri, to me saving her, to both of us hurting. But most importantly. Both of us professing our love to each other.

She began to stir awake and look at me.

"Jessi..." She called me quietly.

"Hmm?" I replied gently while stroking her hair.

"Are you going to be okay?" She asked like a child.

I held her closer and kissed the top of her head.

"Of course I will be, I've been through worse." I tried to joke, but Tiffany just snuggled closer to me.

"The doctor said we'll be fine if we just stay in bed for a few days. Butler Lee said that he'd call the school to excuse us from class."

"That's good, I'd like to stay in bed with you a few days anyways." Tiffany smiled against me and nodded.

It was quiet until she asked something else.

"Did you mean it when you said I offer you everything even if I'm poor?" I rubbed her back comfortingly and chuckled lightly.

"Of course. You offer the things that money can't buy. And that's friendship and love. I don't want anything from you unless it's your heart."

"You already have it."

I lowered myself so my face was leveled up to hers. I stroked her cheeks lovingly while she held me close.

"I love you." I quietly said as my face slowly closed the distance between us.

"I love you too." She whispered back before my lips brushed against hers.

The feeling was so overwhelming. I pushed my lips so that it was fully on hers. Her lips were so soft and it sent electrifying jolts through my body.

I could feel my heart spreading through my body when I felt her nibble gently on my lower lip.

We stopped for a bit of air and smiled at each other.

She cuddled up against me and closed her eyes.

"Night, Jessi." She whispered as she was almost fast asleep.

"Night, Fany." I whispered, but she was already off to dream land.

As I felt sleep closing in on me, I thought of one last thing that night,

Tiffany is my priority.


Stay with me, because I can't live without you.


Chapter 7

Jessica's POV

"Since it's a bit early, want some coffee?" I asked while I held the door open for her.

She nodded as she walked in and up to the counter.

She quietly whispered her order to the waiter and he nodded off.

"What did you just order?" I eyed her suspiciously as she just giggled at me and held my hand.

"It's a surprise. It's my favorite drink here."

I shrugged it off and leaned on her shoulder slightly and waited for her order.

The mysterious coffee came and Tiffany grabbed it politely and turned to me with a tint of patient in her eyes.

We walked off to my car once again and sat in all buckled up.

"Want to try some?" She asked me before she took a sip herself.

I shrugged with a slight nod and took the coffee in my hand.

Slowly, I lifted the cup to my lips and tipped it upwards slightly.

I could feel the warm liquid slide into my mouth, washing over my taste buds.

The sweet liquid came over my senses as I realized what it was.

Caramel Coffee.

I turned to her and gently gave back her coffee and drove off.

"You didn't like it?" She asked with a sense of disappointment in her voice.

"No," I said as I continued to focus on the road.

I could see her sink a little in her seat with a pout.

I couldn't help but let smirk escape me.

"I love it." With that, I drove off at a high speed, letting Tiffany's smile become mine.


"You know you're car's so comfy and fast? One day Jessica, I'm going to fall asleep in your car and refuse wake up!" Tiffany said with a laugh as she shut the car door.

"That's okay," I held her hand and walked casually...

"I'll just sleep in there with you." I said as cool as I could.

I could feel all the blood rushing to my ears though.

She must've seen my ears because she gently giggled and leaned close to my ear and blew on it lightly before kissing it lightly.

"Unhh~~" I whined slightly at the feeling of her warms lips pressed against my hot ears. It only added to the heat. I turned to her and gave her THE glare.

Tiffany chuckled and nuzzled her nose against my ear.

"You're really cute despite how cold you try to be at me, you know?"

As soon as she said that, I turned my glare into a grin.

She understands me.


An obvious cough interrupted my moment with Tiffany.

Whoever this person was, was asking me to punch them in the face.

No joke.

We turned our heads and Gyuri and Yuri were in our sights.

Oh well, if it's them, I'll let it slide because this is what I've been waiting for.

"Oh," Tiffany said with such sweetness in her voice.

"I didn't see you there Gyuri! Can I help you?"

Tiffany finished it with a smile. You could obviously tell that she was pretending not to acknowledge of what happened two days ago.

I could see Gyuri's eye twitched slightly.

I'm enjoying this.

"No, I was just passing by." Despite how constipated she looked, her voice was pretty calm.

"Is there something going between you and Jessica?" Now that, made her voice match with her face.

Tiffany smiled and looked at me. She probably knew how much I wanted to say this.

I looked back and Gyuri and smirked.

"Tiffany is my girlfriend."

If eyeballs could really fall out of their sockets like in cartoons, Gyuri's probably would've dropped out and ran away.

Strangely, Yuri didn't look surprised, she looked like she was suppressing a grin.

I wonder what's going on with her.

"W-what?" Gyuri collected herself to together and glared directly at me.

I shrugged and held Tiffany close to me.

"We're dating."

Gyuri suddenly bursted out laughing and even snorted.

"Right, stop lying. Tiffany wouldn't date you."

My eyes shined with mischievousness as I pulled a surprised Tiffany into me, having her lips crash into mine.

My hand snaked its way into the hook of Tiffany's neck and pushed her closer gently.

Tiffany smiled into my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her cold fingers played with the back of my baby neck hairs.

We soon broke apart and smiled innocently at Gyuri.

"Is that enough proof for you?"

Gyuri scoffed as I took Tiffany's hand and brushed past Gyuri like she wasn't there.

After taking five steps away from Gyuri, she said something that I was afraid Tiffany would believe.

"She'll break your heart, Tiffany."

I started to slow down, but Tiffany kept on walking.

It was quiet. I didn't know what to say.

But it seemed like Tiffany knew exactly what to say.

"Don't be bothered by her, Jessica. I wouldn't ever doubt you."

I could only nod and grip her hand a bit tighter.

Right at the moment, I promised to myself that I wouldn't break her heart.


Yuri's POV

Listening to Gyuri being all huffed up made me slightly annoyed.

The only thing I could think of right now was:

Why in the world did I trust her?

I was probably more angry with myself than at Gyuri.

Deep in my mind, I was planning on revenge.

She wasted four years of my life, filling me with hate.

I'm sure by now the news of Jessica and Tiffany was spreading faster than a rocket.

I cleared my throat and told Gyuri that we should walk to class before we're late.

She simply shrugged and shoved past me.

The longer I was around her, the more I wanted to punch a hole through her head.

But I had to play it cool. It was the only way to get revenge.

As soon as we walked into the school, everyone and I mean EVERYONE, was talking about Jessica and Tiffany's hook up.

"I can't believe it! Can you?"

I stared at the average looking girl who was gossiping with her friend.

"I know! I can't either! They look cute together though."

I could instantly tell that they were talking about Jessica and Tiffany.

Unfortunately, one of the girls wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidentally bumped into Gyuri.

I'm sure Gyuri must've heard them talking about how cute Jessica and Tiffany were because she unleashed all her anger on them.

"Watch where you're going!"

The poor girl took a step back and bowed repeatedly with an apology.

After 10 bows and apologies, she began to walk off awkwardly.

But Gyuri didn't let that happen.

She hastily grabbed the girl back and glared at them.

I thought the girl was going to cry any moment now.

The bell suddenly rang and everyone left.

It was only the two girls, Gyuri, and me standing in the deserted hallway.

"You think you can just walk off like that? Kneel down and apologize."

That was way too degrading for anyone to do. The girl just stood there, terrified.

Gyuri glowered at the other girl. She was getting impatient.

No one defied her, ever.

She raised her hand and was about the push the girl down to kneel before her.

I just couldn't stand it.

The other girl closed her eyes waiting for the blow, but it never came.

She slowly opened her eyes and it was filled with tears.

She looked at me with large eyes. What she saw was me gripping Gyuri's arm tight, before it could even reach her.

"Go to class." I whispered to her menacingly to her and her friend. It was a kind warning despite the sound of my voice.

The girl bowed down and thanked me before running off.

As soon as they were out of sight, Gyuri slung her wrist out of my grip.

"Why did you do that?" Her voice was filled with venom.

I felt like letting out my emotions at her too.

"What's your problem?! She just bumped into you! She said sorry, why are you being all dramatic about it?" Trying to keep my voice in control, I eyed Gyuri.

She didn't say anything.

"Because! Didn't you hear her?! She was talking about Jessica and Tiffany's get together! Doesn't that make you angry?"

"No." I said earnestly. It didn't make me angry anymore.

After what I found out, it changed everything.

Gyuri put her hands on my shoulder and looked right into my eyes.

"Remember what she did to you, Yuri? She stole your place as soccer captain in high school. She paid the coach to do it. It would've been yours."

I didn't know what happened, but everything in me snapped.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" I yelled at her. She looked at me all surprised.

"W-what are you talking about? I'm not lying."

I scoffed at her and rolled my eyes.

"Don't lie, Gyuri. I went to see Coach Park the other day. It bugged me so much that I had to confront him. And what do I get?"


"Oh Yuri! It's been awhile since you've been here! What can I do for you?"

I didn't say anything and marched up right to him.

"Why?" I asked as soon as I faced him. Coach Park looked all confused and raised his eyebrow.

"Why did Jessica get Captain Position four years ago? I always did as good as she did. What kind of money was she offering you?"

Coach Park's confused face turned into a disappointed. He placed a hand on one of my shoulder.

"Listen Yuri, you've been wasting years wondering about this. Jessica never paid me. You know what she did four years ago?"

Coach Park was silent before continuing again.

"She came up to me and said, "Coach Park! I need to talk to you. About the Captain position, I think Yuri should get it. She works really hard for it" or something like that. My old brain can't remember exact words."

I was silent. I couldn't believe her ears.

Coach Park just continued.

"To be Captain, you have to be selfless. You have to understand that she was the material. She was strong, she could lead, and she was selfless. You would've been captain, but back then, you were a bit self-centered."

End of Flashback

I was silent now. I could tell Gyuri was panicking.

"You wasted my years. I could've been a better person. You lied to me. Jessica hasn't done anything to me."

Gyuri was still trying to talk, but I wasn't done yet.

"She hasn't taken anything from me."

I raised my hand and pushed off Gyuri's hands off my shoulders harshly.

"From this moment on, we aren't friends anymore. Heck, I don't even think we were in the beginning."

I shoved past her and made my way to class.

I still had things to fix.

Like apologizing to Jessica and Tiffany.

Until Gyuri's voice stopped me.

"She always gets everything! She takes EVERYTHING from me!"

I assumed that she was talking about Jessica.

I didn't turn around, but I'm sure she heard me.

"She got Tiffany because she was the better person. Stop whining and blaming others. Fix yourself up and work for what you want."

Gyuri didn't say anything so I just walked off.

Once I walk out, I'll have a second chance of a fresh start.


You're responsible for the things that happen in your life. Stop complaining and take the responsibility to fix it.


Chapter 7.2

Tiffany's POV

2 Years Later...

It's our last year at Soshi Generation University.

Time's flying by fast.

Jessica and I are still together and each day is better than yesterday.

After everyone found out Jessica and I were together, everything sort of calmed down.

I think something happened to Gyuri because she transferred to another university right after.


What's weirder is that on the same day after school, Yuri came up to Jessica and I and apologized.

She explained about her years of hating Jessica for the wrong reasons.

Of course, life's too short to hate, so I forgave her.

Jessica just nodded, which meant she forgave her too.

During the past two years, Yuri and I became closer.

She was that friend I could open up to when Jessica and I had our fights.

She'd be the one holding me when I was crying over Jessica.

She'd be the one helping me when I wanted to apologize to Jessica.

She was just there for me generally.

When some people made fun of me for dating Jessica, Yuri would pop out and defend me before cussing out the girl.

Sometimes I think it's a miracle that I became friends with her.

I think she became closer to me since Jessica still doesn't talk to anyone but me really.

But in a way, I'm okay with that.

"Tiffany, what are you thinking about?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned over to the person and smiled.

"Nothing really. Yuri?"


"Thanks for accompanying me to get Jessica a gift."

Tonight is my date with Jessica and I want to show her that she means a lot to me.

Yuri laughed and shook it off.

"No problem, this is what friends are for, right?"

Yuri ruffled my hair and linked arms with me to walk to her car.

I sat in her car with a smile on my face.

Tonight will be wonderful.

'Just you wait Jessica, tonight; I'll show you how much I really love you.'



"Crap Yuri! Jessica's here! Oh my god, I'm not ready!"

Yuri firmly gripped my shoulders and looked right into my eyes.

"Yes you are! I spend four hours helping you dress up! FOUR HOURS! And in the end, you decided to wear casual clothes! What is this?! YOU'RE READY!"

I nodded frantically and gulped down my breath.

Yuri patted my shoulders and let go.

"Why are you so nervous anyways? You've had like a gallizon dates with her already."

I began making my way down the stairs and shrugged.

"Because this date is where I'm telling her how much I actually love her and I'm giving her something important to me."

I reached the door and turned towards Yuri once more.

She gave me two thumbs up.

"Ah~ I see. Don't worry, everything will go well. Fighting!"

I nodded and put up my fists as well.

I took a deep breath before turning toward the door and opening it.

"Finally! I thought I was going to wait at this door forever." Jessica appeared and stretched out her hand.

I took it gently and laughed out an apology.

"Ready?" She asked before opening the door to her car for me.

I nodded and smiled.

"Then let's go get some food then."

The ride was sometimes filled with small talks, mostly Jessica teasing me, but it was better than nothing.

The dinner was better. Jessica occasionally shared her thoughts with me.

I liked it.

Even though it's been 2 years since we dated, she didn't really show her true emotions often.

It was rare for her to share her thoughts.

So I thought tonight would really be special.

After finishing eating, Jessica and I took a stroll around the streets.

"Where do you want to go?" Jessica took hold of my hand and pulled me closer.

This is it. This is it.

"I-I want to go the Park's Fountain." Stuttering the sentence, Jessica shrugged and nodded

Taking painfully huge steps, it didn't take more than 5 minutes to reach the park.

"It's so dark here." Jessica mumbled as she leaned forward and squinted.

I looked over to the side and made sure everything was in check.

The plug to light everything up was in the outlet. Perfect.

Since I had better sight then Jessica, I looked at the top of the fountain and found my present to Jessica.


I took a deep sigh and pulled Jessica towards me.

"Ack--What are you doing Tiffany?"



"You know you're really important to me, right?"

It was quiet for a moment.

"Why are you saying this now?"

I let out a big sigh and walked her over to the switch of the outlet.

"Because, I want to give you something."

With that, I flipped the switch and the park was lit with the lights of my present for Jessica.

They were yellow Christmas lights that encircled the shape of the fountain.

Each light turned on slowly, leading to the top of the fountain where my present for Jessica sat.

"Tiffany?" Jessica whispered my name. I could tell that she was overwhelmed.

I used my index finger to point at the top of fountain.

"That, right there, is my present to you. It's very important to me. It practically represents my heart."

I looked over Jessica's face and noticed that she was smiling.

I couldn't help but smile too.

"When I was young, my dad gave it to me. He gave me this teddy bear with the words 'For You', over it. It was his way of telling me I was in his heart."

My breath began to become shaky. I swallowed to clear the shakiness in my voice, but it didn't turn out so well.

"When he left, he left this with me. It seems that he forgot about me and that's why he left the teddy bear. But I don't want to be forgotten."

Jessica faced me and held my hand tighter.

"I won't forget you."

I turned towards her and smiled. I stepped on the edge of the fountain and reached for the bear.

I came back down with a slight jump and looked at the bear.

"I had to go back to my secret hideout to find this again. It was almost forgotten. But today, I'm giving it to you."

I gently held out the stuffed bear for Jessica to take.

She held it in her arms and stroked the head.

"I'm trying to tell you that you're my sweetheart and...that you have my heart." Jessica simple nodded, but I could tell that she was very touched.

"Then prepare yourself for when I throw it out."

I looked at her confused and looked at her for an explanation.

"It means that if I throw it out, I don't want it anymore and that means, I also don't want you anymore." She looked at me with a smile.

I smiled too. What she said was true, but the way she looked at me told me that she would never throw it away.

She'd always remember and want me.



"Madam Jung, the investigators are here."

Butler Lee bowed before walking out of the room.

Madam Jung sat in a large chair, looking out the window.

Footsteps entered the room and shuffled to a silence.

"What news do you bring me?" Like her voice, her face showed the same emotion. Cold and strict.

"We've found out about Tiffany Hwang's background and her relations to Miss Jessica." The investigator and his partner took a seat and opened up a briefcase.

Taking out papers and photos, he gently spread them out around the coffee table.

Madam Jung looked at the photos carefully.

There were pictures of Jessica and Tiffany holding hands, sometimes kissing, out at the park, in a cafe, and so much more.

"Tiffany Hwang is poor; there isn't much information about her family. But her teachers told us that Tiffany came from a poor family. Her parents died when she was at the age of 5 due to a car accident. Ever since, Tiffany was raised by her aunt and uncle, who were also poor."

The investigator gently placed his fingers on the photos laid out and spread them slightly.

"As for relations with Miss Jessica. It seems they are in a relationship. They've been going out for two years now."

It was silent. Madam Jung's teeth were being gritted so hard, they could've collapsed under pressure.

Suddenly, she let out a chuckle.

"Wow really? It took you two years to find out she's poor and dating my daughter? You guys are pathetic. No wonder no one wants to hire you. Get out."

The investigator looked at each other before walking out insulted.

Madam Jung looked at the photos once more.

"I have to do something about this. I've wasted so much time already."


Jessica's POV

I drove Tiffany home before I drove home.

I looked to the bear beside me. I smiled at it and pet its head.

"Yah Fanybear, you know that you have to stay by me forever? If you even dare to leave, you're in big trouble."

I smiled as I took hold of it and got out of my car.

Aish, she better not be home.

Walking into my house, I quiet unlocked the door and tip-toed in.

"Jessica, come here."

Aish, she really is home.

Sighing, I walked normally to her. No point of trying to be discreet.

"What?" I asked her rather rudely.

"Take a seat."

I sighed listening to her, taking a seat; I leaned back a little with Fanybear.

I wonder if this will be one of those heart breaking moments where my mom realizes how horrible she's been and promises to be better.

HAH, doubt it.

I wonder what she wants.

I stared at the woman in front of me. She took out something and threw them down on the table.

"Explain these to me."

I looked down at the photos and could almost hear my heart stop.

I sat up and moved the pictures around.

I could feel my words caught in my throat.

My mind could only tell me to be calm or I'll blow it.

I have to play it cool.

Swallowing the wrong words down my throat, I let out chortle and lean back.

"What does it look like? I'm going out with Tiffany."

I roll my eyes at her but really, I'm nervous.

My mom nods but I could tell she wasn't going to back down.

"You do realize she's poor, don't you?" Her voice had a cold edge to it. But strangely that didn't scare me.

"What does it matter?"

"Break up with her."

I could feel my heart beat faster. I could feel my face heating up and my hands forming into fists.

Never once has she cared for me. Never once has she helped me. And now she wants me to do what she wants?

I stood up abruptly, rocking the table.

"No! Mom, she's someone important to me!"

My mom stood up suddenly and the next thing I knew, my cheek was stinging.

I looked back her and pressed my hand to my cheek.


I let out a chuckle and smirked.

"That's strange, even though she's poor; she's given me more than what you have given me. I'm going to say thing once, so listen carefully."

My mom was shocked, never once have I talked back. No matter how mad I was.

"Tiffany is someone important to me. If I have to choose between you and her, there's no doubt that I'll choose Tiffany. So if you want to stay in my life, then you should accept this. Otherwise, you'll be gone from my life."

Her silence told me her answer.

I let out one more huff and began to make my way out.

"You better break up with that girl. If you don't, I'll remove her myself."

I looked back at her and gave her my coldest glare.

"You wouldn't dare."

My mom simply shrugged her shoulders and walked around the table with her arms crossed.

"I will find a way for her to get expelled from school."

I continued to glare at her, not daring to waver.

I didn't want to leave Tiffany, but I couldn't risk harming her education.

"I'm giving you one week Jessica, one week for you to decide."

I didn't say anything and turned around to run up the stairs.

Once I reached my room, I slammed the door with all my might.

I threw my bag across the room and screamed in frustration.

"AISH, what can I do now?"

I walked over to my bed and sad down upset.

I looked at Fanybear and hugged it tight.

I laid down and held Fanybear close to my face.

I snuggled close to it and felt my eyes well up with tears.

"Fanybear, what should I do?"


Tiffany's POV

A week has passed; today is the last day before this week ends.

It also means that graduation is soon.

I've done a lot of thinking throughout the week.

I've spent so long with Jessica.

I've given her what I could and I've given her something precious to me.

And thinking about it, once graduation is over, it means that there won't be school anymore.

Everyone will be taking different paths.

And...I still want my path to be with Jessica's.

I decided that I wanted to be with her forever.

So here I am today, at the most expensive ring store.

Buying...Jessica's ring.

I'm going to purpose to her!

This also means I'm going to tell her everything.

Who I really am, Hwang Mi Young, the richest girl whose mom own the largest and most successful company.

But...ran away because the life I had was too much for me to handle.

But that's okay, with my skills; I can still give her happiness. Getting a high pay job isn't hard at all.

I suddenly squealed with happiness causing all the other costumers and employees to look at me.

"Aigoo~ thinking about it all makes me so happy!"

I bought the prettiest ring I could find and left after paying.

I took out my cell and dialed a number.

I looked up to the sky. It's all grey.

Hmm, it's going to rain perhaps?



"Oh Tiffany, did you buy the ring?"

"Yes I did! I'm can't wait! Do you think she'll accept?"

"Psh, she'd be considered stupid if she didn't. Don't worry!"

"Aigoo~ Yuri, I'm so excited!"

I pretty much spend the afternoon talking to Yuri about my plan.


Jessica's POV

It's been one week, and I've decided.

I got up and looked out the window.

"So gray and cloudy, it's going to rain."

I looked at my watch.


I still had a lot of time.

"I better get going, or I'll be too late."

I grabbed my cell phone and began to dial Tiffany's number.

"Hello? Tiffany? Meet me at the Park's Fountain, I'll be there soon. Bye."

I shut my cell and looked out once more. It was already letting out small droplets.

By the time I get out, it'll be pouring.

I ran down the stairs with my suitcases and was about to head out the door.

"Where are you going?"

Ah crap, why is she home?!


I turned back to face my mom and stood in front of my suitcase awkwardly. What could I say? I hadn't plan this out because I thought she'd be out! If she finds out my intentions, she'll never let me go with ease. What to say, what to day!

Whatever came out of my mouth was on complete impulse.

"Mom, I thought it over. You were right. How could I let Tiffany get in the way of my life? I've decided to marry someone rich."

I tried to keep my face as straight as possible, if it shows any emotion, she'll know I'm lying.

My mom nodded and smile, it seemed that she was hiding something.

"I'm happy you see that. I've arranged you a suitor in San Francisco, you'll be meeting him as soon as possible."

I didn't nod or anything but continued to stare.

"I'm...going out for a bit now..." I left before even hearing her answer.

I dashed out with my belongings.

Once I stepped outside, I was hit with heavy rain.

I didn't even bother protecting myself from it.

"Tiffany, I'm on my way. it doesn't matter what everyone thinks. I love you. We'll run away together. I hope you aren't waiting there too long. Please don't give up on me."

I saw a yellow cab passing by.

Not wanting to miss it, I ran across the road calling it.

If only I didn't do that.

If only I thought about it more clearly.

A black van was driving at full speed and didn't notice my sudden appearance. The front of the vehicle collided with my hip making my body slide across the car. My head smashed against the hood as I slowly hit the ground. I was knocked out.

Even though I was unconscious, I could still hear my surroundings.

I heard the car slam the breaks too late.

I could hear the driver running out frantically calling the ambulance.

"Miss! Miss! Are you okay?! Wake up! Oh my god! Are you okay! Miss?!"

I could feel the man hold me and shaking me slightly.

It felt very fast, but I soon heard sirens coming my way.

The next thing I knew I was being carried on a stretcher.

The movements around me were so painful.

I let out a groan as I felt blood trickling down the side of my head.

I could feel scratches all over my body, and blood accompanying the scrapes.

My whole body felt paralyzed as my hips couldn't move.

And if it did, it hurt intensely. Like fire spreading through my whole body, burning me.

I couldn't remember much after that, the only thing I remember was my mom screaming my name.


I woke up not to late after being emitted.

I was still in my clothes and the scrapes and bruises still weren't patched up, so I figured that I just arrived here.

I looked around, finding that I was hooked up to so many machines and needles in my arm.


Tiffany...I still have to meet her, I don't want to be late. I told her I'd see her soon.

Ripping the needles and anything that held me back, I swung my legs over to the ground.

Getting of the bed, my head felt heavy and I was swaying back and forth.


Taking a step forward, I almost fell down, using my hands; I leaned against the wall and slowly walked out of my room.

Each step was so agonizing.

My hips burned so badly.

Slowly making my way out, my heel suddenly collapsed and I came down the ground.

I didn't want to give up though. If I gave up, how will I get to Tiffany?

Tiffany was waiting for me.

Stretching out my hand, I forced my body to move forward.

I'd crawl to meet Tiffany if I had too.

Looking out at the window in front of me.

It was so close, yet I was so far.

I could feel tears streaming down my face. I could feel the hopelessness settle into my situation. But how can I just lie here when Tiffany's waiting for me?

"Tiffany," my voice croaked.

"Tiffany, please wait for me."

My surroundings became a blur, everything was swaying.

My outstretched hand fell down as I became unconscious.


I wish my voice could be as loud as my mind.




Tiffany's POV

I don't know how long I waited.

But when I got here, it was daylight and now, it's so dark I can't see anything.

"Jessica, where are you?" My voice was all shaky due to the cold weather.

It was still raining heavily, I could occasionally feel drops of rain through my umbrella. I'm pretty sure by now my hair was already wet waiting in this weather. I shivered and tried to hold myself close together.

I looked down the my hand.

It was tightly clutching a small silver box.

The ring I'm suppose to give Jessica.

The confession I'm suppose to tell Jessica.

Is it all going to waste?

I didn't realized until now, but tears were cascading down my cheeks, there was an unsettling feeling inside me.

I didn't know waiting this long for Jessica could hurt this much. I just wanted to see Jessica.

Why isn't she here?

I really wanted to wait forever, but could I? What if I'm just the fool here? Why would she call me out and not show up?

Did she...forget about me?

Then I remembered what Gyuri told me, what everyone else told me.

"She'll break your heart Tiffany."

I didn't want to believe it, but it could be a possibility.

I dropped my umbrella and sunk to the ground. I didn't think this emotional pain would cause me to end up this way. How pathetic am I? Crying alone, waiting in the rain alone, and calling for someone who isn't here.


I cried out loud.

I was stood up.

I was forgotten.


"Tiffany? What are you doing here? And why are you soaked! More importantly, were you crying?"

I didn't know what to say, so I cried instead of answering.

"Yuri! She didn't show up! She forgot about me!"

Yuri immediately took me in her arms and held me close.

Her robe was getting wet because of me.

"Oh baby, don't cry. There must be a reason! Don't cry." She stroked my wet hair and kissed my forehead.

I got out of her embraced and sniffled.

"Y-Yuri, can I p-please stay here tonight?"

Yuri nodded and let me walk into her room.

She wiped my tears and smiled at me sadly.

"Go take a hot shower; I'll get you some clothes."

I nodded and walked off to the washroom.


After showering, I found some clothes placed on the counter.

I put them on and appreciated the warmth it gave me.

I walked out with my hair still wet.

Yuri was already in her night clothes and motioned me to sit beside her on her bed.

I did as she told and sat beside her.

She grabbed her hairdryer and began to blow dry my hair for me.

Feeling her fingers stroke through my hair felt comforting.

It also made me feel pretty sleepy, but that could also be from crying so much.

I leaned into her and enjoyed the warmth. Outside of me was so warm, but inside felt so empty and cold.

Yuri finished up and tossed the hairdryer on the floor.

She encircled her arms around me in comfort and whispered positive things to me.

"Don't worry, you can call Jessica tomorrow. Maybe she had something come up and her cell phone broke. It's okay. She'll have a reason."

I nodded, I was half asleep now.

I felt Yuri tuck me into her bed and get up.

I caught her wrist though.

I can't stand being alone and forgotten.


"Yuri...? Could you sleep with me? I don't want to be alone." I whispered.

It's the heart breaking truth.

Jessica...probably forgot about me, because she didn't try to contact me why she didn't make it.

But that's okay, tomorrow; I'll make her remember me.

Yuri nodded and climbed into bed with me.

She wrapped her arms around me held me close, stroking her slender fingers slowly through my soft hair.

I tried to imagine that it was Jessica holding me.

With that thought, I nodded off to sleep.


If Jessica's cell phone really is broken, then I should call her house phone right?

Dialing the number, I press the phone to my ear and waited patiently.


That's Jessica's mom.

"Hello Ms. Jung, may I please talk to Jessica?"

The end of the phone was silent.

"She's not home Tiffany. She went to America to get married. Stop calling here."

With that the phone clicked off.

I put the phone down quietly.

That's not true is it?

No, that can't be true!

I got up and ran out my dorm room.

I'll go see Jessica myself!

I ran as fast as I could. Her house isn't that far.

Feeling my lungs burn was a feeling I haven't felt in a while.

I spotted her house around the corner and smiled.

It's not true, Jessica's probably in her room right now!

I ran up the door and rang the bell.

Jessica's mom came out and glared at me.

"Jessica's not home! She left for America already!"

I shook my head.

"Please let me see Jessica!" I asked in a pleading tone.

Her mom sighed and held out a recorder.

"Look she left this message for me."

She hit the play button and I head Jessica's voice talk.

"Mom, you're right. Tiffany is nothing. I'll listen to you and marry someone rich."

The recorder ended and Jessica's mom smiled at me.

"You see? She left already! So don't come back!" With that, Jessica's mom slammed the door at my face.

I stood in front of the door for minutes. It felt like my heart just shattered into a million pieces.

Whoever said to follow your heart, I'd really like to ask them if your heart breaks into pieces, which piece should I follow?

I could feel my tears working their way up into my eyes. I bit my lip and tried to contain, but I couldn't. It just hurt way too much. Each tear dropped quickly and new ones replaced them as quick as they fell. I sniffed heavily and made sobbing sound quietly.

I never cried so much in my life.

I didn't know that it could hurt this much.

I didn't know when someone you love leaves you, it'd hurt this much.

I didn't know that a heartbreak could hurt this much.

Walking down the steps hopelessly.

I looked the side and found The Jung's garbage.

I looked at the very bottom and saw the teddy bear that I gave Jessica with dirt over it.

I let out a sob quietly and ran. Ran away. Again.

Jessica doesn't want me anymore.

Jessica doesn't love me anymore.

Why did she throw me away?


If there's one this for sure, I didn't think my graduation would be this upsetting.

I leaned out on the open hallway and looked at the sky.


I didn't turn around as I already knew it was Yuri.

"Tiffany, don't be sad anymore."

I knew that the way I am right now is making Yuri sad.

But Jessica left me.

And she took my heart with her. She committed a crime of stealing my heart and left no trace behind for me to find her.

What could I do now?

"Yuri...I want to leave this place."

Yuri walked up to me and stood beside me.

"I'll leave this place with you. You don't have to be alone."

I looked over at her and smiled. I couldn't believe it, but when Jessica left, she took my smile with her too. Because right now, this smile isn't even mine, it isn't even real.

"Can we leave now?"

Yuri nodded.

"Graduation is over. We can leave right now if you want. I'll be there, you don't need to worry about a thing."

I nodded and looked at the sky again.

"Goodbye, Soshi Generation University."

When I leave this place. I'm leaving behind the broken Tiffany...and starting again.


A heartbreak is a hallucination of the mind. But when we misunderstood each other like this. It seems my heart and mind was suffering from a heart break.


Chapter 8

One Year Later...


"Ugh," Jessica rolled over and slammed her hand down on her alarm clock.

She put her hand back under the blanket and continued to sleep.

She stayed up so late last night typing up her story.

The very next moment, her phone began to ring loudly.

A text.

Jessica groaned once again and took hold of her phone.

She forced her eyes open and read the text.

'Jessica, if you're not here in 20 minutes, I will come down there and pour cucumbers all over you. -Yoong'

Jessica sat up instantly and ran to the bathroom.

'Stupid Yoona and her stupid cucumber threats. I'm older than her too! What is this!?'

You see, by day, Jessica is the C.E.O of her own business, but by night, she's a writer.

She has gotten MANY of her books published, but no one knows who write them because she uses her pen name.


Jessica slowed down when she passed by an old bear.

She sighed a bit and held the bear close to her.

"Fanybear, when will you come back to me?"

Jessica really missed Tiffany.


Jessica walked in her office and sat down in her chair all tired out.

"Hey! You actually made it! I thought I would really need to go to your house and dump cucumbers all over you."

Jessica glared at the girl who sat in front of her.

"How can you treat your unnie like this?"

Yoona rolled her eyes playfully at Jessica.

"Because when you bumped into me at the grocery store trying to run away from the cucumber sale, I always knew that you would be the older one, but I would more unnie-like than you."

Jessica shivered at the memory of walking into a grocery store and seeing so many cucumbers.

Yoona laughed and handed Jessica some files.

"Okay, here are some files about the new product we're coming up with. Also you got some files from yesterday about the upcoming meeting to merge companies with Kwon Corp. You might want to look over that."

Jessica almost wanted to die hearing her schedule.

But Yoona wasn't done yet.

"Later you have some meetings with C.E.O of Kim Corp. too, so you have to be here. Then you have some company meetings to research and develop the new product our company came up with, make sure you finish the files about that by then. After that,"

Jessica put her head down in her arms and waited for Yoona to continue.

"...you're done." Jessica looked up and barely smiled. It was a lot of work to do alone.

It was silent for awhile, until Yoona spoke.

"You know you should stop waiting and trying to find her. You're becoming exhausted."

Jessica didn't answer.

She'd never stop trying to find Tiffany.

"I can't," Jessica started.

"She has my heart. I can't let go of her...because I still love her." Jessica started tearing up.

Waking up every day with no Tiffany was making her suffer. She wanted to wake up to find her sunshine lying next to her. Jessica wakes up every morning, thinking that she sees Tiffany's face, but it's just a dream.

Yoona smiled and nodded.

"It's okay; you know your mom was at fault."

Jessica glared at the mention of her "mom".


3 months after being hospitalized, Jessica left the hospital. The first thing she did was try to call Tiffany...but no one picked up.

She went to school...but found that graduation was over.

She went home...to find that Fanybear was in the garbage pile.

Jessica slowly bent down and picked the dirtied bear up. She cried knowing that Tiffany saw this and left.

But it wasn't her who threw it out.

After two days of discovering her mother's evil deeds, Jessica packed up everything that belonged to her. She went to the living room and saw her mother sitting there and reading.

The woman looked up with confusing of all her daughter's baggage.

"Mom, I cannot stand you or everything in this house anymore. I'm leaving you and I'm not coming back." Jessica stood with all her belongings in hand and faced her mom.

"What? What about going to marry someone in America?" Madam Jung sat in her chair shocked.

Jessica scoffed and looked at her so called mom.

"I was lying to you, did you really think I'd listen to you like that? Did you think that I'd choose you over Tiffany? That day, I was actually going to meet up with Tiffany and leave then. But the car accident didn't make that happen, so I'm leaving now."

Madam Jung stood up and shook her head.

"You can't!"

Jessica began to walk away.

"I'm already a legal adult, you can't control me anymore. It's a bit late, but I'm tired of this and I have to face the fact that you don't care for me. So I hope you enjoy the rest of your life living in hollowness of what you did to me." With that, Jessica left.

Madam Jung looked at Butler Lee who was also packed up.

"Where are you going?"

Butler Lee handed her a letter resignation and began to walk away too.

"I only worked here because Miss Jessica was here. I've only put up with you because of Miss Jessica, I'm going to continue to serve under her wing. Since she's leaving, I'm going too." Butler Lee shrugged his shoulders and left after Jessica.

"Jessica, I think you should hire an assistant. Writing your story late at night is staring to creep on you."

Jessica picked up the files and shrugged.

"Whatever, find one for me. I don't care who as long as they pass my qualifications, I'll leave that to you."

Yoona nodded and left.

As soon as Jessica heard the door shut, she put her pen down and sighed.

She looked at the photo on her desk.

A picture of her and Tiffany back in university.

Tracing Tiffany's outline, Jessica felt so alone.

"Tiffany-ah, will I ever find you?"

Little did she know that fate wasn't done with them yet.


"Yuri," Tiffany whined at the breakfast table.

"I want to find work!"

Yuri laughed and nodded.

"You know you can just work at my company. I'll give you any job."

That was true. Yuri soon inherited her father's company and became C.E.O.

Ever since, she's been the one supporting Tiffany and by supporting, I mean that Yuri earned so much money that Tiffany had never worked a hard day in her life.

"No," Tiffany whined out.

"You'll just spoil me at work!"

Yuri laughed.

"I can't help it. When I look at you, I just have to spoil you!"

Tiffany whined.

She was very whiny today.

"Yuri, I'm going to find a job!"

Yuri sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but you can't choose inappropriate jobs or I will hunt you down and make sure you'll never leave this house without me accompanying you."

Tiffany nodded and laughed.

"I'll find a proper job! Don't worry! I already filled out an application too! Look! So pretty right?"

Yuri took the resume in her hand and looked over it. She had to admit, it was pretty impressive. More impressive than her own.

"This is pretty good. So this is what you mega rich people have as skills. I'm impressed Tiffany."

Tiffany snorted and took the resume and placed it in her bag.

"I'm not mega rich anymore. But you've been supplying us so much money that I might as well be considered mega rich again."

Over the year, Tiffany and Yuri lived together in the same house. This gave Tiffany a chance to tell Yuri who she really was.

The trust that Yuri gained from Tiffany was something that she appreciated.

The best thing was that Yuri didn't judge her, but accept it that that was who she was.

But throughout the year, Tiffany hasn't gone out with anyone since Jessica.

And Yuri knew it was because she still loved Jessica, despite what Tiffany says.

"Okay, I'm off to apply for jobs! I'll see you later tonight!"

Yuri nodded and continued to eat.

After Tiffany left, Yuri looked at her bowl.

"I want Ma."

Yuri shrugged and continued to her food.


Tiffany took a cab to take her to Center Street. It was where all the big companies were. She was going to look for high pay job to help Yuri out.

Even though Yuri was making so much, her money would be useless, but she still felt guilty about not helping.

The cab dropped her off and she paid the cab driver with a large tip and began to walk around.

"Let's see," Tiffany walked down the sidewalk, looking at the large company in front of her.

"This corp. looks pretty interesting." She was staring at the body cleansing corporation.

Tiffany began to walk through the door and found that they had a job opening.

She continued to walk, as she passed a corridor, a girl walked past her looking at rejected.

"She must've not gotten the job." Tiffany mumbled to herself. Tiffany swallowed the lump in her throat, she hoped she got the job.


Tiffany looked at the voice and saw a young lady staring at her.

Tiffany stared back. She took a deep breath and walked into the office with confidence.

"Hello, I'm Tiffany Hwang, I'm here to apply for the assistant job."

Tiffany handed the young girl her application and took a seat.

"Hello, I'm Im Yoona." Yoona took her resume in hand and looked over it carefully.

"I must say that your resume is pretty impressive. You have degrees and skills in so many levels. What university did you go to?"

Tiffany smile sadly at the memory.

"I...went to Soshi Generation University."

Yoona eyed the girl in front of her.

'Could this be the girl Jessica talked to me about? The one that she had a misunderstanding with, but by the time she wanted to clear it up, she already left?'

Yoona asked a couple more questions just to be sure.

"So Miss Tiffany, how is your financial status back then to now?"

Tiffany looked at this girl oddly, usually no one asks this in an interview.

"Uh...when I was in Soshi Generation University, I was a transfer student. I was poor back then, but I'm living quiet comfortably now."

Yoona nodded.

"I see, you said your name was Tiffany Hwang, right? Give me a moment." Tiffany didn't even get to reply when Yoona suddenly stood up and got really close to Tiffany's face, observing it.

'Bingo, it really is her. Should I tell Jessica? No, I shouldn't. I'll let them work this out. Jessica is sure in a hell of surprise.'

Yoona smiled at Tiffany and took her hand out.

"Congratulations Tiffany Hwang, you got the job. You can go up right now and meet your boss, she's on the top floor."

Tiffany smiled widely and shook Yoona's hand.

"Thank you! Oh really? Okay, can I know her name?"

Yoona smirked.

"You'll find out when you go up there."

Tiffany shrugged and bowed before walking into the elevator and pressed the highest button.

The elevator soon reached the top floor and Tiffany walked out and greeted everyone.

She walked up to the farthest door and saw the clear bold words on it.

"C.E.O Office."

Tiffany smiled and knocked lightly.

"Come in." The door slightly muffled the voice, but she slowly walked into and almost choked.

There was a blond girl sitting at her desk, looking over files.

'It can't be her...she went to America to get married.'

Tiffany sadly smiled. She needed to get over this.

Tiffany put on a bright smile and introduced herself.

"Hello! I'm Tiffany Hwang, and starting now, I'm your new assistant!"

The girl stopped looking at her files and paused.

Slowly looking up, Tiffany almost had a heart attack when she saw this face.

It was all too familiar.

"Tiffany?" The voice was also the same.

This can't be right, Tiffany thought.

"Tiffany, you...came back." The girl stood up from her chair and walked over to Tiffany.

Tiffany looked at the girl who broke her heart a long time ago.

She looked into the girl's eyes and noticed that it was starting to tear up.

Why was she crying? Wasn't she the one who left?

Suddenly, Tiffany felt arms wrapped around her.

The feeling...it was too overwhelming.

She missed her touch.

It was aching inside her.

She smelled the same scent she smelled a year ago.

It was exactly the same.

But this isn't right.

Her heart was broken by this person.

And she didn't want to remember this person.

Tiffany suddenly pulled out of the embrace.

"Why are you here?"

Jessica looked at the girl in front of her.

She found her.

"I work here. I'm the C.E.O. But that doesn't matter. Tiffany, you came back."

Jessica tried to hold Tiffany's hand but it was pulled back.

"Don't do this to me Jessica. Please." Tiffany couldn't believe this.

How small could this world be?

"Tiffany, please hear my explanation."

Tiffany shook her head.

She didn't want to hear excuses why Jessica didn't show up. She didn't want to here why Jessica left her to get married.

She didn't want to hear why Jessica didn't want her anymore.

"I don't want to hear it, Jessica. That was a year ago, I'm not the same anymore."

Jessica looked crushed.

Why didn't Tiffany want to hear it?


Tiffany cut Jessica off, feeling the emotions she had back last year when the blonde stood her up and threw her out.

"No Jessica. You want to know something? I waited for you, did you know that? I waited for you show up, but you didn't. I went to look for you, but you went off to America to get married. You called me out and stood me up."

Jessica looked confused.

How did Tiffany know the lie that she told her mom?

"But Tiffany--"

"Jessica, please. Don't do this."

"I'm not married."

Tiffany looked down to Jessica's left and found that it was true.

Tiffany could only blurt out what she thought.

"He must've lost what you wanted."

Like that, Jessica's heart shattered.

Tiffany regretted it, but she can't help but feel hurt.

"I don't think I can work here. I'm sorry Jessica, but I'm going." Tiffany began to walk out the door, but Jessica held her back.

Jessica doesn't want Tiffany to leave her again.

Jessica just found Tiffany and doesn't want to let go.

Jessica's scared she won't be able to find Tiffany again.

"Please," Jessica has never begged in her life. But she's willing to get down her knees if it means having Tiffany stay.

"Don't go. I promise that it will be strictly business here. Please."

Tiffany hesitated.

Truthfully, Tiffany can't let go either.

She wants Jessica just like she did 3 years ago.

But her heart still ached.

But she didn't want to leave.

So she stayed...but only on business conditions.

Biting her lip, she answered.

"Fine, but this is strictly business."

Jessica nodded.

She went to grab the files quickly and handed them to Tiffany.

"These are files I need to you look over and complete."

Tiffany nodded and began to walk out the door once again, but to her new office.

But before she left, she heard Jessica say something.

"I won't give up until your next to me again. I won't give up even if I die."

Tiffany left without saying anything.

Jessica was serious though.

She wouldn't give up until she had Tiffany by her side. She'd do anything to get her back and that means making new arrangements.

Jessica smiled, knowing that she had another chance at love.


When I hear the bells, I know that it'll bring you back by my side.


Chapter 9

Jessica sat down in her office and let out a sigh.

She pretty much just found Tiffany, but Tiffany wasn't willing to listen to her.

She's even more curious about how Tiffany knew about the lie she told her mom to get out of the house.

"Aish, this is too confusing." Jessica ruffled her hair and rested her head on her hand.

She thought about her encounter with Tiffany just moments ago.

God, she looked beautiful.

She changed her looks, that's for sure.

Tiffany no longer had her short mushroom hair; it was now grown out, long and still silky looking.

Today, Tiffany curled the ends of her hair, making them have loose curls.

She was just gorgeous.

Sighing, Jessica got up and took a peek outside her office.

She saw Tiffany sitting there, working diligently on the papers.

She's so cute.

Jessica just had to find out a way to get closer to Tiffany, again.

'Tiffany, I won't give up on you.'


'Aish, I can't believe I really bumped into Jessica. This is too much already. Doesn't this stuff only happen in dramas or really cliche fanfictions?!'

Tiffany remembered how beautiful Jessica looked.

She changed completely.

Jessica no longer had her long straight hair with black highlights.

Jessica now had her long completely blond hair with loose curls in it.

Tiffany also noticed how Jessica didn't dress in such dark colors anymore.

She wore business attire the color of baby blue.

It looked good on her.

'I don't want to think about this anymore, it's giving me a headache.'

Focusing back on the papers, she finished both papers and left it aside.

She looked at the time and a couple hours have passed.

It was already lunch time. Seeing everyone get up, she got up as well and thought about what to have for lunch.

'I didn't bring a lunch and I don't want to buy it today. Should I call Yuri to bring me lunch?'

Tiffany nodded to herself and pulled out her phone, but she didn't get to dial the number.

"Tiffany," called a voice.

Tiffany recognized it right away and gulped.

Tiffany turned around and smiled slightly.

"Yes C.E.O Jung, is there something I can help you with?" Tiffany tried her best not to shiver. Seeing Jessica right in front of her made her feel that it was unbelievable.

"Would you accompany me to lunch?" Jessica smiled, she knew that Tiffany couldn't refuse, and if she did, Jessica would reasons for her to say yes.

Tiffany stammered her reply.

"U-uh. I can't because u-uh, I u-uh have uh..." Tiffany couldn't think of a single reason why she couldn't go with Jessica to lunch, other than because Jessica broke her heart.

But she didn't want to say that out loud to Jessica.

Jessica shook her head and asked again.

"Would you mind accompanying me for lunch? I need to discuss with you for this afternoon's meetings." That was half true, but not really.

Tiffany didn't say anything. She couldn't refuse but she wanted too.

'This is what I get for agreeing to work here.' Tiffany still didn't say anything so Jessica grabbed her hand and led her out.

Tiffany stared dumbly at their intertwined hands and blinked.

Why was she letting this happen? After all she's been through, how could she be breaking down to Jessica so quick?

She didn't want that.

Tiffany pulled her hand gently out of Jessica's despite her heart missing her warmth.

Jessica stopped walking and looked at Tiffany.

It hurt knowing that Tiffany was doing this to her.

It hurt not knowing why she didn't wait for her.

All Jessica wanted to do was hold Tiffany close and shower her with kisses.

But if she did, Tiffany would hate her forever.

Jessica turned back and kept walking, knowing that Tiffany was following.

Walking through the parking lot, Jessica led Tiffany to her car.

It hadn't changed.

And Tiffany recognized it.

"You didn't change your car?" Tiffany couldn't help but blurt it out.

She was trying to forget her past, but the past kept following her.

Jessica shook her head and got in the same time as Tiffany.

"I didn't want to get rid of it; it holds some of our memories here."

Tiffany didn't reply and looked out the window.

Why was Jessica doing this to her?

Couldn't Jessica see that each time she looked at her, her heart ached?

Couldn't Jessica see that each time she heard her voice, she wanted to cry?

Couldn't Jessica see that this was breaking her down?

The ride was silent, just like old times.

Jessica brought Tiffany to a casual restaurant and let Tiffany through the door first.

Finding a table near the window, Jessica called over a waiter and placed down some orders before waving him off.

Tiffany looked at Jessica confused.

What did Jessica order for her?

Just as if Jessica could read her mind, she answered the question.

"I ordered us some Ddeok-boggi."

Tiffany pressed her lips together.

This is what they ate the very first time they went out to eat together.

What hit Tiffany more was that Jessica remembered.

Tiffany simply nodded, pretending as if she didn't remember.

But Jessica knew she did and smiled.

It was good knowing that Tiffany remembered everything that she did.

"I'm going to the restroom."

Tiffany nodded while Jessica got up quietly and left.

As soon Jessica was out of sight. Tiffany let out a big sigh.

"I thought I could handle this, but I just can't." Tiffany mumbled.

Tiffany looked out a window, wondering.

Why couldn't she just forget Jessica?

Or more likely, she wondered,

'Why didn't Jessica and I work out?'

She pouted as she realized that she wouldn't get answer.

"Tiffany? Is that you?"

Tiffany looked up and found Yuri in front of her.

She sighed in relief and smiled.


Yuri bent down in front of her and stared at her.

"What's wrong? Why are you here alone?"

Tiffany shook her head.

"Yuri, I'm not here alone..." Tiffany dragged on the last part.

Yuri looked at her weird and nodded her head.

"Okay then...who are you here with?"

Tiffany mumbled the name out.

"Huh? I didn't catch that Tiffany, who is it?"

Tiffany crinkled her nose and sighed.

"I'm here with Jessica." She said quietly, but Yuri heard it.

"What? You're here with Jessica? But how?" Yuri looked for signs of Jessica, but didn't see her.

"She went to the washroom. Uhm...about how I'm here with her...I kind of applied for a job and she's my boss."

Yuri almost fell backwards hearing this.

"You what?!"

"I didn't know! A lady who was interviewing me gave me the job, but she didn't tell me Jessica was the boss!"

Yuri sighed.

"...How are you handling this?"

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I thought I could handle seeing Jessica, but I can't. I just can't yet. I can't right now, but I want to keep working here and maybe get over her. But I just can't face her yet. Maybe tomorrow I can." Tiffany looked down.

She was so depressed.

That was only half the reason.

She can't face Jessica, because she still loves her, but she doesn't want to admit it.

Yuri sighed and rubbed Tiffany's arm in comfort.

"Come on, I'll take you come and you can call in sick or something."

Tiffany nodded and got up to walk with Yuri.

Yuri put her arm around Tiffany.

It wasn't unusual to them.

Skin ship never meant anything more than friends when Tiffany was with Yuri.

But if anyone else looked at them, it would appear that they were a couple.

"Tiffany, where are you going?"

Like never before, Tiffany felt the guilt for leaving Jessica without saying anything.

Yuri however, didn't feel the guilt at all.

They both turned around and Jessica looked at them in shock.

It was Yuri holding Tiffany.

Jessica immediately glared.

Yuri twitched slightly but remained calm.

"I'm sorry Jessica, but Tiffany isn't feeling well. I'm taking her back to our house."

Jessica stopped glaring when she heard these words.

"Our...?" She whispered quietly.

They lived together?

Jessica looked at Tiffany with hurt in her eyes.

Tiffany felt her heart ache more looking at Jessica with hurt in her eyes.

She looked away and leaned on Yuri.

"Could we please go? I can't handle this..." Tiffany whispered in Yuri's ear.

Yuri nodded and looked back at Jessica.

"We'll be leaving now. Tiffany might come back later; otherwise, she'll be off for the rest of the day. Please excuse her."

As Tiffany and Yuri turned away from Jessica and walked away.

Jessica could feel her heart crumbling inside.

Seeing Yuri and Tiffany together walking away from her hurt.

It hurt a lot.

"Tiffany..." Jessica whispered.

Tiffany heard this whispered and slowed down her walk, wanting to hear what Jessica had to say.

"Please don't leave me..." Jessica could feel tears collect to her eyes.

She didn't want this.

This isn't how Jessica wanted this.

Tiffany is suppose to be with her.

Jessica should be the one holding Tiffany.

Tiffany heard those words and felt tears run up to her eyes.

She knew deep down inside that she didn't want to leave Jessica.

But right now, her heart was tearing up whenever she saw Jessica.

It reminded her how Jessica left her and didn't want her.

But without knowing it, Tiffany promised that she would go back to work later.


After Tiffany completely walked out the door, leaving Jessica standing there, Jessica wiped away the tears that fell down.

She wasn't going to cry.

She wasn't going to cry because she knew she'd win back Tiffany.

Jessica paid the waiter for the food she didn't eat and left.

She was going back to work alone.

She needed to make arrangements.


Tiffany sat at home on the couch looking at the ceiling.

She looked at the clock occasionally, noticing that it wasn't moving as fast as she wanted it to.


Not much time has pasted since she walked away from Jessica.

Why was this so agonizing?

Tiffany looked at the clock again.


Tiffany sighed in frustration.

Yuri, who was sitting at the kitchen table, stared at Tiffany.

"If you really want to go back to work, go."

Tiffany looked at Yuri and frowned.

"I can't."

Yuri got up and walked to Tiffany and took a seat on the other couch beside Tiffany.

"And why not?"

Tiffany sighed and turned the other way, facing the couch.

She mumbled the reason but it wasn't even coherent.

"Huh?" Yuri grabbed a magazine and flipped through it.

Tiffany turned back the other way and sighed.

"I can't because I'm scared to face Jessica."

Yuri nodded.

"And why is that?"

Tiffany shrugged and sat up.

"Because...I still love her. Despite what I say, I still love her. But it shouldn't be like that, Yuri."

Yuri put away the magazine and focused on Tiffany, waiting for her to continue.

"It shouldn't be like that because she left me. When I see her, I want her again and I feel stupid for feeling that way." Tiffany began to tear up.

She never felt this way since Jessica left her.

She began to cry hard, choking on her tears at times. She didn't want it this way.

She just wanted it to work between Jessica and her like a year ago.

But Jessica didn't want her, and she couldn't accept that.

"Yuri-yah! I don't want it this way! I don't always want to feel stupid for wanting Jessica when she didn't want me. I don't want to feel confused when Jessica acts like she wants me when she left me! Yuri-yah..." Tiffany kept crying in her folded arms that rested on her knees.

Yuri got up and sat need to Tiffany and held her.

"Tiffany, I don't want you to continuously cry over Jessica. I don't want you to keep crying when I'm right here."

Yuri bit here tongue to confess anymore of her feelings that didn't make it seem like she cared only as a friend, when she cared so much more than that.

Yuri knew that Jessica and Tiffany were meant to be, or else fate wouldn't have made them meet again.

Yuri laughed at the thought when her dad told her when she was little that the good guys always finish first.

Yuri didn't know being the good guy would hurt her.

Yuri exhaled a breath and held Tiffany close in comfort.

"I think you should go back to work." Yuri finally said in the silence.

Tiffany looked at Yuri in question.

"It seems that you both still want each other. Even though Jessica left you and you need time to heal, you need to face Jessica eventually."

Tiffany hugged Yuri and got up, getting ready to get back to work.

Yuri kissed Tiffany's forehead before letting her get up.

Yuri sat back down and watched Tiffany walk out the door.

"Who knew playing the good guy could be so hard?"

Yuri decided that she'd sit back and watch all of it unravel between Jessica and Tiffany.

Yuri got up herself, she had her own business to attend to, she need to get her mind off of things.


Tiffany checked her wrist-watch and sighed.


The meeting was going to start soon.

The cab stopped in front of the company and Tiffany paid him with a quick thanks and ran inside the building.

She caught the elevator about to close and used her hands to stop it.

Tiffany looked up and was surprised.

Jessica was in the elevator, just as shocked as she was.

But this time, Jessica didn't say anything.

Tiffany awkwardly stepped inside and watched the elevator door close.

The ride up was long and silent.

Tiffany felt uneasy.

Perhaps Jessica thought that she and Yuri were dating and didn't want to say anything.

"Yuri and I aren't dating," blurted Tiffany.

She just had that feeling where she needed to explain herself to Jessica.

Jessica turned over and looked at Tiffany with a raised eyebrow.


Jessica found it quite cute that Tiffany needed to explain herself to her.

More importantly, Jessica was happy that they actually weren't dating.

Tiffany felt so uneasy.

'How come the top floor is so far away? Were only on the 4th floor and the top floor is 20 floors away!'

Tiffany's inner whining was interrupted as she was suddenly pushed against the elevator wall, trapped between Jessica's arms.

"J - Jess - s - sica?!" Tiffany stuttered out the other girl's name when her face was so close to hers.

"Why won't you hear my reasons?" Jessica whispered in Tiffany's outer shell of her ear.

Jessica felt very lustful for Tiffany right now.

Right now, Jessica wanted to shred up Tiffany's clothes in the elevator and take her right then and now.

But right now, Jessica can't do that.

She knows Tiffany would probably be angry at her forever.

But Jessica can't help but do small things to Tiffany.

Jessica leaned into Tiffany's neck and inhaled.

She missed this scent.

Her nose nuzzled lightly at her neck.

This felt very sensual to both of them.

Tiffany had to admit it.

As much as she doesn't want to feel the way she does towards Jessica, she was enjoying this.

Tiffany was about to close her eyes and let Jessica continue but she remembered Jessica's question.

Gaining a little control, Tiffany made Jessica look in her eyes.

Whispering because her voice felt so loose, she whispered her answer.

"I don't want to hear why you left me. I don't want to hear why you suddenly threw me away. I'm scared to know why you're suddenly being this way."

Jessica was going to say something, but the elevator suddenly ding's and the doors opens.

Jessica cursed in her mind and slowly got of off Tiffany.

Even though they were unable to finish the conversation they just had, Jessica held Tiffany's hand.

Tiffany attempted to get her hand back, but Jessica held on firmly.

Tiffany gave up after while and just let Jessica hold her hand.

"Jessica, I have to get to my desk though."

Jessica shrugged.

"We are going to your desk."

Tiffany looked at the back of Jessica's head like she was crazy.

"Jessica...we're walking to your office."

"Uh huh, where your desk is."

"WHAT? WHY?" Tiffany probably knew Jessica was going this on purpose.

But Jessica walked into her office that she now shared with Tiffany.

Jessica innocently smiled at Tiffany and shrugged.

"I just thought that since you're my assistant, you should be working closer to me. Don't you think?"

Tiffany glared at Jessica but then took a look at her desk and immediately became happy.



Tiffany jumped up and down pointed at her huge pink desk like a child.

She looked at Jessica with a huge eye-smile and held Jessica's hand and continued to point at her desk.


Jessica looked at Tiffany happily.

She hasn't heard her nickname for such a long time.

She hasn't seen Tiffany's eye-smile for so long.

Jessica thought that Tiffany was absolutely adorable acting like a kid.

Tiffany looked back at Jessica and noticed that she was holding hands with Jessica and awkward pulled her hand back.

She let out a cough to calm herself down.

"I mean uh, I like it Jessica, thanks."

Jessica nodded and smiled.

"Anything for you."

Tiffany coughed and walked over to her desk and sat down.

Jessica did the same, but instead of working like Tiffany, Jessica simply just stared at Tiffany.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and Yoona was revealed.

She grinned when she saw Tiffany working at her large space in the corner.

"The meeting for the new product is about to start. Could you and Tiffany make your way down now?"

Jessica nodded and got up with Tiffany.

They walked to the conference room quietly and took a seat.

There were name plates at each chair.

Of course just like fate had planned it, Tiffany's seat was right next to Jessica's.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and took her seat.

'Figures this would happen.'

Jessica on the other hand was quite satisfied with her seat.

Other workers began to pile in and took their seat as well.

The head for researching and developing stood up and began to start the meeting.

"Hello, I'm Park Mi Na. Today, we're here to promote and develop our new cleansing product. The department has produced a body cleanser that leaves your body soft and moisturized."

Everyone was listening attentively.

Not Tiffany though.

Tiffany was noticing the way that girl kept looking at Jessica.

And it irritated her.

'Stop freaking staring at my Jessica, I mean Jessica, not my Jessica...'

Jessica noticed the looks Mi Na was giving her, but she was more amused how Tiffany's face looked.

Very, very annoyed.

Jessica smiled at the thought of Tiffany being jealous.

Mi Na continued explaining the new product and looked at Jessica.

She was well aware about the way Jessica looks and treats Tiffany.

She didn't like it.

She thought that Jessica should belong to her.

Therefore, she does not like Tiffany.

At all.

And that is also why Mi Na is giving Tiffany a difficult job.

"So, I'm assigning the job to Tiffany Hwang."

Tiffany suddenly came to reality as she heard her name.

She didn't hear a single thing.

Mi Na must've noticed and rolled her eyes secretly.

"Miss Tiffany, since you are Jessica's assistant, you wouldn't mind taking the task of finding out the problem of this product and develop it and also making a magazine for this product, right? I'm sure C.E.O Jessica is very busy enough. The deadline of this product will be three days."

Everyone stiffened in their seat. That task would take at least a week.

Tiffany just signed in relief.

She thought that Mi Na had heard her vulgar thoughts she had been thinking about her.

But it was just this.

This was way too easy for Tiffany.

With her skills, she could be finished this in two days or less.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind."

Mi Na gritted her teeth when she heard Tiffany's calm and confident voice.

But she smiled sweetly and nodded.

"That's good. Meeting is now done for today."

Everyone shuffled out of their seat and left.

Tiffany and Jessica were the only ones left.

Jessica looked over at Tiffany worriedly; she could see what Mi Na was trying to do.

To her surprise, Tiffany looked like she didn't even care.

Maybe she was trying to act tough?

But Tiffany was thinking about working late to finish it.

The faster she finished, the faster she could rub it in Mi Na's face.


A voice broke Tiffany from her thoughts.

She looked over to Jessica.


"Come on, let's go back to our office, I'll help you."

Tiffany shook her head.

"It's okay, I'm fine with this. It's not really a problem."

Jessica shrugged and dragged Tiffany back to the office.

Tiffany sat in front of her desk and began to work on her task.

'This will be easy. Besides, what could go wrong?'

Yes, what could go wrong?


I'm okay, you're here. Even if everything went wrong, it'd still be right to me.


Chapter 10


Tiffany's been at the office for HOURS working.

She was almost done, just half more work to go. She already finished the development and improvements. It was all too easy, the only problem to the product was that it had a terrible smell because of the two of the chemicals it contains were mixed together giving it a horrid odor. From the research she's done, the product would react nicely with a citrus scent.

So, Tiffany had to take the product to the development department and asked them to do the job for her.

"Nmmph." A soft low moan was heard and Tiffany raised her eyebrow. Turning around from her seat, she spotted Jessica there sleeping on the couch.

'Omo, she's so cute.'

Jessica stayed with her the whole time, never leaving her side since they came back. The only time Jessica left was when she needed to go to the washroom or when she was hungry.

Come to think of it, she hasn’t eaten at all. Now that she has taken the time to pause, she noticed how hungry she was.

Holding her stomach, she looked at the clock and decided that she could make it. Just a few more things to do anyways.

Shaking her head, she tried to focus back on her work. The faster it gets done, the better.

The advertising part of the job was the hardest. You have to find models, take amazing pictures, and then create the magazine along with articles. It takes a while.

Tiffany sighed, she finally finished the writing and all that was needed for the magazine, she just had to get models and make the magazine.

Getting up, she walked over to the company phone and began to dial numbers.

"Hello? Yes, this is Jung Corporation. Hi, this is Ms. Jung's secretary. I was wondering if you'd like to model for our upcoming product. Oh yes...our product...."

For another two hours, Tiffany's ear never left the phone; she called up as many models as she could. Many said yes, so she was pretty prepared.

Putting the phone down with a sigh, Tiffany checked the clock once again.


Tiffany was tired. Really, really tired. Not to mention that she was starving now. Her stomach began to ache but her head was more of the problem. She was beginning to have a serious headache.

Tiffany slowly walked back to her desk and sat down. She pulled up her legs to her chest and began to tear up a bit.

So many things have happened today. She found Jessica, her heart breaker, and now some girl who’s jealous of her is giving her a tough task. It wasn’t tough for her, but Tiffany isn’t in the mood for this kind of stuff.

It was too much for her to handle.

She’s scared of meeting Jessica again. Who knows when Jessica might break her heart again?

She’s absolutely terrified.

“Tiffany, you’re sick.”

Startled, Tiffany turned around and saw Jessica, fully awake.

Tiffany just shrugged, put her feet down and pretended to go back to work.

Tiffany could hear Jessica get up and slowly walk to her. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

Jessica who was now behind Tiffany, slowly wrapped her arms around Tiffany and whispered in her ear.

"It's late and you're sick. Let me take you home."

Tiffany shivered involuntarily. She liked and missed Jessica's touch.

But no, she can't give up now! After all that Jessica did her to her, she's not going to give in after a day of seeing her again after three years.

"Jessica, don't." Tiffany whispered out raspy, but Jessica held on tight.

"I told you, you're sick, let's go home."

"I am not sick!" Tiffany argued back. Jessica shook her head though.

"Babo, I can hear your stomach growling a mile away and I know you are having a headache. You used to do this when you got a headache. Let's go home and I'll cook you something and give you some pain killers."

"You mean...let's go to YOUR house." Tiffany emphasized the 'your' part.

Jessica just giggled though and shook her head.

"Nope, I moved out and got my own place and no matter what, I'm going to make you hear me out and then it'll become OUR home."

Tiffany scoffed.

"I won't give in to you." Tiffany said bluntly and Jessica shrugged.

"I never said anything about you giving into me, but since you said it, you must want to give in and trying not to." That was when Tiffany turned red.

'Damn her and her fricken cunning mind.'

She was about to retort, but winced when her head started to pound.

Without hesitation, Jessica grabbed Tiffany up with no warning and dragged her out the office.

“Jessica, stop. I need to finish working on the magazine.” Jessica sighed in frustration.

She was clearly worried.

“What else do you need to finish?! You already called the models for TOMORROWS schedule! You finished everything else already! You can’t make the magazines until you have the photos!”

Stunned at Jessica’s outburst, she stuttered out her answer.

“I...I….” Tiffany dragged out her answer. She didn’t know what she had left to do.

Jessica pulled Tiffany a little closer so their faces were inches away from each other.

Tiffany could feel Jessica’s soft breath on her lips.

“Are you trying to avoid me? Are you trying to avoid coming to my place so I can take care of you?”

Tiffany didn’t say anything. It was true. She wanted to avoid Jessica, she wanted to avoid going to Jessica’s place. It would give them chances to discuss the past.

The silence made it clear to Jessica. She moved only her body closer to Tiffany’s, still staring deeply into the other one’s eyes.

Her voice is a mere whisper now. It fit with the atmosphere of the office, quiet.

The building was dark; the only lights were very dim. Even though the building was silent, it felt as if their racing heart beats could be heard.

“Why are you avoiding me?” Jessica’s raspy whisper gave Tiffany chills.

Looking Jessica right in the eye, Tiffany answered back with a tint of bitter in her voice.

“What right don’t I have to? Jessica, you left me a year ago. You left with such great memories and love and then you left. You didn’t say goodbye, you didn’t give me a reason. You just left. To top it off, you called me out, saying you had important things to say to me, but you never showed.”

Tiffany began to tear up. Everything felt like a dream. Seeing Jessica after a year was almost impossible. She didn’t want to admit it, but her heart missed Jessica so badly. It ached for Jessica only. No matter what she said, she was secretly wishing for Jessica to come back.

Taking a small breath, Tiffany continued.

“Did you think it was funny? When you left me out there in the rain, when you broke my heart, did you think it was funny?”

Jessica was appalled. What this what Tiffany thought when she left her?

That it was all a joke?

Jessica held onto Tiffany tightly and told Tiffany with the most serious voice she had,

“I would never think that. Why Tiffany? Why won’t you just let me explain?”

Tiffany shook her head. Everything started to become blurry. Her head was pounding. Her knees were slightly shaking. She felt so vulnerable. But she needed Jessica to know how she felt. All the misery she felt.

“It’s all excuses. All the things you told me, it feels like a lie. I feel like I gave you everything I could and you threw it in the garbage.”

Tiffany paused for a moment. She stared deeper into Jessica’s eyes if possible.

Those clear eyes made her heart melt. Tiffany felt like she could feel all the emotion in Jessica’s eyes at the moment.

But would she believe it?

It felt as if the world was spinning around Tiffany. She started to sway back and forth slightly. She closed her eyes, hoping it was clear, but it only made it worse. Opening her eyes carefully, she looked at Jessica’s face once more.

Softly, she said one last thing before blacking out.

“It feels like I gave you the power to destroy me thinking that you wouldn’t, but you did.”

Jessica was stunned when Tiffany fell into her arms.

“Tiffany?” She said with a panicky voice. Trying to shake the girl awake, she called her name numerous times.

“Tiffany? Tiffany?!”

Knowing that Tiffany passed out from her headache, Jessica sighed with anxiety.

Jessica leaned a bit forward so that Tiffany was standing straighter. Using all her strength, she carried Tiffany bridal style out the building.

It helped that Tiffany’s arms around was Jessica’s neck.

Walking with ease to Jessica's car, Jessica looked at the out-cold Tiffany.

Even though she knew Tiffany wasn’t conscious, she began to talk.

“I’m sorry I broke your heart. I didn’t mean to. Fate was cruel at the time and my impatient caused it. If you give me another chance, I won’t let it happen again.”

She paused for a moment, thinking of what else to say.

“I know second chances can’t be bought or given out without any thought. But I’ll earn it. You’ll give it to me eventually right, Fany?”

She grinned at the thought of everything falling into place.

“Fate was cruel then, but it feels like fate led you to me, and I can’t ever be thankful enough.”

She felt that she had said enough, although Tiffany can’t hear it, it was good enough that she still had Tiffany right now.

One more thought passed through her mind as she finally reached her car.

She looked at how she held Tiffany once more before setting Tiffany gently into the car.

“That was good practice for when we get married and I’ll have to carry you again like this.”

That thought, was what kept Jessica smiling that moment.


Yuri paced around the house frantically holding her cell phone tightly.

‘Where’s Tiffany? It’s so late! Why hasn’t she called? Did she get kidnapped?! Oh my god, did she really go apply for an inappropriate job at night without telling me?!’

The thoughts and conclusions that ran through Yuri’s mind were inexplicitly weird.

She looked at her phone and sighed in frustration.

After two more seconds, she gave into the worry.


Dialing the number with haste, she put the phone to her ear and impatiently waiting for Tiffany to pick up.


Yuri faltered when she heard that melodic voice.

‘As sexy as the voice sounds, that’s not Tiffany…’

“Uh, is Tiffany there? Who is this?”

It was pretty awkward.

“This is Jessica; Tiffany got sick and is spending the night with me. Who is this?”

The line went silent.

Yuri promised that she’d support Jessica and Tiffany no matter what.

Even though Jessica broke Tiffany’s heart, even though she has feelings for Tiffany, she has to put it all aside.

She realized this when Tiffany bumped into Jessica again.

It’s fate.

They’re meant to be.

But it’s only blind to Tiffany.

But…it doesn’t stop the hurt she feels.

It doesn’t stop that feeling she feels knows when she doesn’t have a chance with Tiffany.


Yuri awoke from her daze and coughed slightly before answering.

“It’s Yuri. Since Tiffany is with you, I’m putting her in your care. Bring her back safely.”

Without a bye, Yuri hung up.

She doesn’t mean to be so cold to Jessica, but she can’t help it.

Perhaps in time, she’ll move on and be able to help them out.

Sighing, Yuri got up and walked out the door.

She knows its past twelve a.m. but she really needs to take a walk and breathe the fresh air.

Talking a walk around Seoul’s Park was just what she needed.

Of course, it didn’t take away all the pain, but it helped relax her mind.

She took a seat on a park bench and looked up at the sky.

The stars were so beautiful. Yuri felt like she could relate to it in irony.

They looked so close, but in reality, they’re really, really far away.

Just like Tiffany.

Tiffany is literally close to her. They live in the same house, they see each other every day, but at the same time, Tiffany is far, far away from her. Well, Tiffany’s heart is.

Suddenly, a hot can of coffee appeared in front of her face.

Shocked, Yuri glanced to the holder of the hand and gave the girl a weird look.

This girl was beautiful. She had the most natural look ever.

The girl smiled and shook the can slightly, indicating that Yuri should take it.

Cautiously, Yuri took the can and looked at the girl once more.

The girl began to talk. She had a smooth voice.

“You look like you could use a hot drink. What’s a pretty girl like you doing outside past twelve? Don’t you know it’s pretty dangerous?”

Yuri began to chuckle. This girl gave her coffee and cracked jokes to make her feel better.

“I could ask you the very same thing. What’s your name?”

The girl jumped out of the bench and did a super hero pose.

“Why, I’m glad you asked! Im Yoona here! Pretty and talented! And you are?”

Yuri let out a pure joyful laugh before introducing herself.

“Kwon Yuri, awesome and awesome. That’s all you need to know.”

The girl name Yoona laughed as she sat down.

She could tell right away that Yuri was sad when she saw her.

It might’ve been an incredibly stupid to approach a stranger but Yoona did it anyways.

Yoona looked at Yuri’s lonely face. Sure she was smiling, but it was still lonely.

She wanted to change that.

And she didn’t know why.

Yoona suddenly gripped Yuri’s hand and they began to run.

While running, Yoona looked back and said in a rather loud voice,


Just like that, Yoona dragged Yuri all the way to an ice cream shop at twelve at night.

Yuri looked at the younger girl and smiled. It felt good to see a stranger care.

That night, Yoona took Yuri to explore town.

They went to food shops and played games at open night arcades.

They played like they were best friend and sometimes acted like even more than friends.

But, in reality, they only thing they knew were each other’s name.

Nothing else.

While they were drinking hot coffee while taking a walk, Yuri couldn’t help but feel strange.

‘Im Yoona, don’t walk into my life, because although I barely know you, the moment you walk out my life will break my heart.’


Love at first sight is silly, because everyone knows love can’t be seen with the eyes, it’s felt with the heart.


Chapter 11

Gently carrying the younger girl, Jessica carefully walked up the stairs to her room and gently placed down the other girl on the bed. She gently slid in next to Tiffany after placing her down.

Jessica stared down at the girl beneath her. Her heart raced uncontrollably but at the same time, her heart ached so much.

“Why?” She began to whisper with a raspy voice.

“Why can’t we be together again? I want to hold you so bad. I want to be the one to holds your heart. Why won’t you let me explain?”

Jessica knew it would be useless to shout at Tiffany the truth. Tiffany would block out the words and run away. Jessica needed to find a different way to explain to her, a way where Tiffany will listen.

Jessica lifted her hand and caressed Tiffany’s cheek slowly.

“Babo…it’s not fair. You have my heart and everything I can give you. I’m unable to leave you. I’ll never be able to give up.”

Jessica decided that she was too tired to change Tiffany or herself. She moved herself closer to Tiffany and slid her arm over the other girl’s stomach and held her tight. She held her as if she let go, the other girl would disappear.

Her hand found Tiffany’s hand and she laced her fingers through Tiffany’s.

She sighed in content and slowly began to close her eyes.

“I love you, Tiffany…” Jessica whispered before she dozed off.


Stirring slightly, Tiffany began to open her eyes slowly. It was three in the morning when she looked over to the clock on the drawer beside her.

‘Ugh…what a massive headache…’ Tiffany began to move…but she wasn’t able to.

Tiffany gulped and prayed that it was just Yuri who snuck into bed with her because she was feeling lonely.

Tiffany slowly turned around and gasped.

It wasn’t Yuri.

‘Jessica?! Why am I in bed with her? My clothes are still on…so we didn’t do that.’

After a few good minutes of staring at Jessica’s face, Tiffany was able to calm down her rapid beating heart.

Tiffany noticed a strand of hair in Jessica’s face. Slowly moving her hand toward Jessica, she brushed the offending hair away. Her fingers then lightly began to run down the side of Jessica’s face.

‘Why do you want me now? I don’t understand. Nothing makes sense anymore.’

Tiffany began to wonder if she should listen to Jessica’s explanation. She seemed desperate to let her know why she left her a year ago.

Tiffany then shook her head. She doesn’t want to know why Jessica left. She’s too afraid to hear the cold truth.

‘Jessica…why are doing this to me?’

As if Jessica heard her thoughts, she snuggled closer to Tiffany, burying her face into Tiffany’s neck.

Tiffany tensed. She could’ve done many things. She could’ve abruptly got up and awake Jessica. She could’ve pushed away the older girl. She could’ve turned the other way, but…she didn’t.

Relaxing her muscles, Tiffany took this chance to look around Jessica’s room.

‘If I remembered correctly…she said she moved into a new house by herself.’

Looking around, she noted that it wasn’t much different from Jessica’s old room.

The wall color changed, but other than that, the look hasn’t changed much. It might’ve been that way because Jessica never decorated her room much. She remembers how Jessica told her that she was rarely home.

The wall color of Jessica’s room now was a soft blue that changed along with the movement of the sun.

It was relaxing to the mind. Tiffany felt as if she was going to doze off soon…but then something caught her eye.

A bear…holding a blue heart that had “For You” engraved over it.

Tiffany’s heart stopped.

‘Why does she still have that? I saw it in the garbage a year ago.’

Nothing made sense in Tiffany’s head anymore. What should she do?

Her thoughts were interrupted when a loud grumbling was let out by her stomach.

Tiffany blushed when Jessica began to stir and wake up.

‘Oh crap, oh crap! Do I pretend to sleep?’

Tiffany didn’t even have the chance to even pretend as Jessica fully opened her eyes and stared back into Tiffany’s soft brown ones.

It was quiet for what felt like an eternity. Jessica decided to break the tension between them.

“Are you…hungry?”

Tiffany slowly nodded with a pink tinge to her cheeks.

No matter how many years it had been. It’s only Jessica who can make her blush.

Jessica nodded and slowly got up.

“Hm…if you want, you can change into more comfy clothes and meet me downstairs.”

Tiffany just stared back and slowly nodded. With nothing else left to say, Jessica walked out of the room.

With Jessica now gone, Tiffany got up and opted that she didn’t want to change.

Tiffany then walked over to the bear and held it.

“I don’t understand…” Tiffany mumbled before walking down. Maybe she really should find out.

But what if it was what she thought?

That Jessica at the time no longer needed her but now gained a new interest in her?

It’s all too confusing for Tiffany.

Walking downstairs, she quietly hid behind the wall and watched Jessica cook.

It was like a Déjà vu moment. Too familiar.

“I know you’re there, Tiffany. Come out and take a seat.”

Yup…all too familiar for Tiffany.

Obeying what Jessica said, Tiffany awkwardly walked out and took a seat at the table.

The silence was rather suffocating Tiffany.


“We’re having American food.”

Tiffany smiled brightly but then dropped her smile and blushed.

‘Jessica remembers I like American food.’

Jessica soon finished up and joined Tiffany in silence.

Tiffany slowly and awkwardly picked up her chopsticks and began to eat.

Jessica followed Tiffany’s action but stared at Tiffany while she was eating.

Of course, the other girl noticed this and felt her cheeks slowly become warm.

“Uhm…could you stop staring at me?”

Jessica titled her head slightly and shook her head.

“Sorry, but my eyes really like you.”

Tiffany felt a slight shiver run down her spine, her blood run its way up to her cheek.

She didn’t answer and continued to eat with Jessica staring at her.


Tiffany looked up and nodded.


Tiffany abruptly stood up and bowed.

“I-I got to go! Thanks for the food though, it was delicious.”

Tiffany began walking fast to the door.

“Wait! Tiffany…please…”

“I’m sorry Jessica, but I have to go…”



“At four in the morning?”

“I…got to go home. Yuri must be worried.”

Jessica held onto Tiffany’s arm.

“She already called in the car. She knows you’re already here.”

Jessica gave Tiffany pleading eyes. Eyes that were filled with sadness.

“Please…don’t leave.”

Tiffany paused. Her heart ached so much hearing that. But she can’t stay here any longer. She feels that she doesn’t belong here.

“I’m sorry…” With that, Tiffany shook off Jessica’s hand and ran out, leaving a tearful Jessica.

Tiffany ran down the streets. She really had no where to go. Yuri was probably sleeping at this time.

She walked around aimlessly in the cold.

Walking around for five minutes in the quiet, tears began to collect to Tiffany’s eyes.

They began to spill silently.

She was now in the middle of the park. The park where they had the special date.

The tears wouldn’t stop. Tiffany’s heart hurt so much. Everything hurt inside of her.

She looked up at the dark sky, the sun would rise soon.


Tiffany began to shout. Her eyes were starting to puff up due to all the crying.

“It’s not fair…look what you’ve done to me.” Tiffany whispered. She wiped away her tears with her sleeve and continued to walk.


At the arcade, two girls were beat and decided to leave.

“PHEW! You sure can bust a move…for hours.”

Yuri laughed and nodded.

“You sure have the energy yourself!”

They decided to take a seat at a nearby bench and relax.

“Yah! You should be really thankful! I’m going to be sore tomorrow at work all in attempt to cheer you up!”

Yuri looked over at the other girl and smiled.

“Thank you, Im Yoona, pretty and talented.”

Yoona blushed and looked away as she mumbled.

“No problem Kwon Yuri, awesome and awesome.”

Yoona then looked back at the other girl and then asked her with a hesitant tone,

“Why were you sad?”

She was answered back with a sad smile.

“I’m in love with someone who will never love me back.”

Yoona nodded slowly and was about to say something…when Yuri stood up suddenly.

“Tiffany?” She mumbled out. Yoona pulled a confused face.

‘How does she know about Tiffany?’

Yuri suddenly ran off to the girl that was silently walking by.

The doe-eyed girl followed quickly after and watched the scene in front of her.

“Tiffany! What the hell are you doing out here four in the morning!”

Tiffany looked up with tears still in her eyes.

“Yuri-yah!” She gasped and hugged the other girl sobbing uncontrollably.

Shocked at the upset girl, Yuri hugged back and tried to soothe the other girl.

Yoona couldn’t help but realize…

Yuri was in love with Tiffany…the girl that Jessica loves.

But then Yoona remembers that Yuri said that she loves someone who won’t love her back.

Does that mean that Tiffany still loves Jessica?

Yuri noticed that Yoona was still standing there, staring with a blank face.

Still holding Tiffany, Yuri bids Yoona good-bye.

“I’m sorry Yoona, but it seems I must take my leave first. Thank you for spending the night with me.” Yuri left right after, caring for Tiffany.

Yoona didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t help but feel the small tug at her heart, telling her that she was just a bit jealous of Tiffany.

‘I’m not in love with her right? I just met her. This is ridiculous! I’m never going to see her again anyways.’


We fall in love by spending our days around a person. Was a day enough for me to fall for you?


Chapter 12

She never felt her heart hurt so much. Tiffany ran away from her. Jessica pleaded her to stay, but Tiffany left anyways.

The tears won’t stop, Jessica can’t help but cry. Tiffany is her everything. She was stupid enough to let Tiffany become her everything. Now that Tiffany has walked out on her, she’s left with nothing.

Panting slightly, Jessica wiped away her tears and began to slowly make her way back to her empty bedroom.

‘How can I keep trying when all this pain gets in my way?’ Jessica began shaking her head after that thought.

‘No, no! I can’t think about my pain. How will I get Tiffany if I’m crying? Be strong Jessica, you’ll get Tiffany. Jessica fighting!’ Trying to cheer herself up with a short pep talk, Jessica slid into her bed and grabbed the bear on counter beside her and hugged it tight.

“Fanybear…when will you return to me? You belong with me, in my arms. Only mine.”

Jessica buried her face into the bear and breathed in the lingering scent of Tiffany that was left on it a year ago.

The fragrance was soothing to Jessica; she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep, knowing that she’ll never give up.


“Yuri, what should I do? I keep walking out on Jessica. I feel as if I can’t face her anymore.” Tiffany was lying on Yuri’s lap after a long cry.

Gently running her fingers through Tiffany’s hair, Yuri bit her lip.

‘Remember, Tiffany doesn’t belong to you. You’re only here to help her. Nothing else.’

“Tiffany…do you love Jessica?” Yuri asked seriously. Tiffany coughed in surprise and began to stutter.

“L-Love her? HAH! How can I love someone who left me heartbroken?”

There was a long pause before Yuri spoke.

“Because, you know you can’t let her go. You know you can only love her.”

Tiffany didn’t say anything. It was true. Tiffany can’t let Jessica go. But what can she do? Jessica left her. Tiffany is too hurt to hear anything Jessica wants to say.

Yuri took the silence as Tiffany agrees; she let her hand rest on Tiffany’s shoulder.

“You just can’t keep it all locked up so deep inside, it’s better to just let it go.”

That was when Tiffany wailed out and began to cry again.


Yuri stayed silent as Tiffany kept yelling; letting out what she was really feeling.


“Why don’t I want to let her go?” She whispered. Her eyes were puffy and all red; she had tear-stained cheeks.

It killed Yuri. It really did. Yuri loves Tiffany so much; it kills her to see Tiffany like this. She wants to be the one Tiffany loves, the one that Tiffany can’t let go.

But she held back, because she isn’t the one Tiffany loves. She isn’t the one Tiffany can’t let go.

It’s not her.

Whispering painfully, Yuri spoke the truth.

“Because you love her. In the end, you’ll forgive her.”

Tiffany didn’t answer, as she knew it was the truth.

Sniffling slightly, Tiffany looked up at Yuri.

“Yuri-yah,” she said gently.

“Can you come with me to work tomorrow? I just need a little support when I see Jessica again.”

Yuri nodded.

“Why not? I’d like to see how focused you are.”

Tiffany scoffed with play shock and slapped Yuri playfully on the arm.

“Yah! I am VERY focused.”

They began laughing and got up and went to their room to sleep to get ready for tomorrow.

Tiffany comfortably got into in her bed and smiled.

‘Jessi…I may not be ready to hear why you left yet, but I am ready to try to make things better for us, because I know there is an us still.’


Silently walking on her way home, the air was beginning to get cold.

‘Hah, is it getting cold? Or is it just me lonely?’

Yoona walked more quickly, just wishing she was home already.

“I’m really a pabo. Walking out on the street from 12am to 4am like a loser.” Yoona laughed bitterly.

She can remember what happened almost 10 hours ago.


Yoona walked into café with a smile on her face.

She approached a table with a handsome looking man and took a seat in front of him.

“Hey Nichkhun!” She said with an upbeat tone.

“…Hey Yoona.” The man named Nichkhun said more quietly.

Yoona slowly stopped smiling and looked at him with concern.

“What’s wrong, Khunnie?”

Nichkhun looked up into Yoona’s eyes with no smile.

“I called you out here because we need to talk.”

Yoona nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I’m here silly.” Yoona joked.

Nichkhun sighed and leaned back into his chair.

“Look Yoona, I don’t know how to say this. But I think we should break up.”

Yoona stopped smiling. She was silent.


The handsome man leaned forward again and folded his fingers together on the table.

“I don’t feel the same anymore. There’s someone else.” Yoona stayed silent.

She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

“Y-Yoona, please don’t cry, please don’t make this any har—

He was cut off as Yoona suddenly stood up and began to walk away.

“Wait Yoona, please.” He grabbed onto her arm and stopped her.

Yoona looked at him with tears slowly running down her beautiful face.

She roughly shook off his arm and stared at him.

“Nichkhun, we’re done as you wanted. Goodbye.” She walked out with fresh tears spilling over.

Nichkhun stood there, shocked.

He never heard Yoona sounded so distant.

Yoona shrugged. She remembered how she was walking aimlessly on the streets for two hours. Until…she spotted a girl sitting in the park bench.

She looked just as lonely as she did.

Even though this girl was a stranger, it wouldn’t hurt to befriend her. Well maybe it would, but Yoona would take the risk.

Yoona walked to the snack machine and purchased a hot can of coffee and sat down right next to the lonely girl.

To her surprise, the girl didn’t even notice. Yoona smiled and noticed the girl’s features.

She has such clear skin and silky hair. Her body? Just wow. Needless to say, this girl was beautiful.

Yoona knew that the other girl would probably not notice her, so she decided to make herself present.

She gently showed the can of coffee in front of the taller girl.

Finally, she was noticed. She was given a weird look.

She shook the can telling the girl should accept it.

“You look like you can use a hot drink.” Yoona said as she smiled.

Yoona smiled at the memory.

Who knew she’d have so much fun?

Who knew Yuri would be able to make her forget the pain she held inside.

Who knew Yoona would have small feelings for a girl she just met?

Yoona knew she’d see Yuri again. After all, they were all in a love triangle.

Yoona liked Yuri, who loved Tiffany, but Tiffany loves Jessica but doesn’t want to admit it, and there’s no doubt that Jessica loves Tiffany back.

Yoona sighed frustrated.

‘This is ridiculous. Who said I like Yuri? For crying out loud, the only thing I know is her name!’

Yoona walked into her house trying to push the thought of the other girl away.

Who knew that Yoona, pretty and talented, would be this frustrated about a girl she doesn’t know anything about but her name?


I pray this love is here to stay. Been there in your heart from the very start. I swear to you I’m never leaving.


Chapter 13

“Are you ready?”

“I think so. I’m kind of nervous.”

A gulp could be heard.

“It’s okay. You can do it! Tiffany fighting!” The two girls shot their fists up and walked inside.

“Thanks for going with me today, Yuri-yah.”

Yuri waved it off and smiled at Tiffany.

“No problem. It’s what friends do.” Tiffany nodded as they proceeded into the office.

They were passing by Jessica’s secretary as she looked up and greeted in Tiffany in shock.

“Morning Tiffa—Yuri?!” Shock was clearly evident in the voice.

Yuri looked over and gasped in surprise.


Tiffany looked at the two confused. She kept looking at Yuri, then Yoona, and then back to Yuri.

“You two…know each other?”

Yuri coughed and nodded.

“Yeah, I met her last night out at the park…”

Tiffany nodded awkwardly. Sensing the awkward atmosphere, Tiffany began to walk away slowly.

“Err, I’m going to go to my office now. You can stay here and chat with Yoona…see you later!” With that, Tiffany dashed off, leaving the awkward pair behind.

Yuri looked at Yoona and smiled weakly.

“I didn’t know you work here.”

Yoona shrugged and began to get back to work.

“I didn’t know you were coming with Tiffany-unnie today.”

There was a sense of distance in Yoona’s voice that surprised Yuri.

“Uh yeah, Tiffany wanted a little support to face Jessica today.”

Yoona simply nodded and continued to do her work

Yuri stood there awkwardly, wondering what she could’ve done wrong yesterday that made Yoona so distant.

To be honest, Yoona didn’t know why she was acting this way too.

‘Why am I being so cold? She didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe I’m just…jealous? Of what though? Tiffany-unnie?’

Yoona finally stopped doing her work and looked at Yuri.

“Do you want to sit next to me until break time?” A small blush crept onto Yoona’s cheek as Yuri nodded and grabbed a chair to sit next to her.

“So Yoona, what do you do for Jessica?” Yuri peered over the papers and then looked at Yoona.

“I’m Jessica’s secretary. I help her with papers and organize meetings and what nots for her.”

Yuri looked very interested actually. She’s never done that kind of work. She has always been working at the top.

“So do you pick up phone calls and stuff for Jessica? Do you do her airings?” Yuri had a pure curiosity look on her face which made Yoona giggle.

“Haha, Yes I do!”

“So…does that mean if Jessica wanted her laundry done…do you do that?” Yoona began to laugh and shook her head.

“I’m her secretary, not her maid.” Yuri puffed up her cheek and blushed.

“So how long till your break?” Yuri asked as she looked at the time.

Yoona checked her watch and nodded.

“Well it’s only 8am, so about five more hours.” Yuri nodded and moved her rolling chair close to Yoona.

“Do you…want to have lunch with me?”

Yoona nodded and smiled. She began to busy herself with work, leaving a curious Yuri looking around Yoona’s working space.

Yuri smiled at the thought of having lunch with Yoona.

‘Perhaps…I can move on.’


Standing in front of the door, Tiffany took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. As she suspected, Jessica was already there but not doing work. The blonde had her head down in her arm on the desk sleeping peacefully.

Tiffany quietly walked in and shut the door gently behind her. Slowly making her way to Jessica, she observed the sleeping girl’s face.

She could tell instantly that the other girl didn’t get a lot of sleep the other night and was extremely exhausted.

Tiffany sighed and caressed the blonde’s hair and brushed away her bangs.

She walked over to the closet nearby and grabbed a spare blanket and placed it over Jessica’s shoulders.

Tiffany bent down to Jessica's level and felt a rush of emotion pass through her.

She needed to admit it. She loved Jessica so much. Tiffany can’t live without her. During the time Jessica was gone, Tiffany was technically living, but there was no emotion in her, no meaning to life.

Gently, Tiffany pressed her luscious lips against Jessica’s forehead and smiled when the other girl stirred, but didn’t awake.

“I’m willing to try again. Sleep well, my princess.”

Jessica shuffled at the voice, but it wasn’t enough to wake her.

Tiffany walked over to her pink desk and took a seat. The moment she sat down, her office phone rang. Tiffany panicked and picked up the phone in a hurry. She looked over at Jessica seeing if the noise had awakened the girl.

She didn’t even budge.

Tiffany sighed in relief and put the phone to her ear.

“Hello, Tiffany Hwang speaking.” She whispered into the phone.

“Hi Tiffany-unnie, I wanted to let you know that the models are here and they already had the photo shoot early morning. They want to bring you the photos.”

“Oh, Jessica’s sleeping though. So just tell them to wait there, I’ll be out in a moment."

With that, she hung up and left quietly.

Tiffany put up her signature smile and walked up to the young group of beautiful models.

“Hello, I’m Jessica’s assistant, Tiffany Hwang. Jessica’s a bit…busy right now so I’ll be here on her behalf.”

The group of models nodded before a shorter girl tried to budge her way through.

“OH MY GOD, LET ME THROUGH, FREAKING TALL PEOPLE.” The girl managed to get her way through, stumbling a bit, but made it through.

She patted out the ruffles in her clothing before looking at Tiffany.

“Hi! I’m Kim Taeyeon! I’m their manager.” The short lady held out her hand for Tiffany to shake, which she did, and smiled.

“So, let’s step into your office and get down to business.”

Taeyeon began to walk past Tiffany but was suddenly blocked as Tiffany blocked her way.

“NO, YOU CAN’T” said Tiffany as she spread her arms out blocking the entry completely.

Tiffany realized what she was doing and put her hands down and awkwardly chuckled.

“I mean uh, it’s pretty nice out, let’s go the café down the street and discuss this. I’ll pay for what you guys order, my treat!”

Suddenly, one of the models bursted out with joy.

“OH YES! You’re totally going to regret saying that. Can’t take your word back now though!”

Taeyeon sighed and slapped her forehead.

“Sorry, that’s Sooyoung. Careful, she’s a shikshin. You’re going to end up broke, you know?”

Tiffany laughed and shook it off.

‘As long as they don’t wake Jessica up, it’s okay.’

Tiffany began ushering them to the elevator and waved Yoona and Yuri bye as the elevator closed.

Soon enough, they reached the café across the street and took a seat as everyone ordered what they wanted for a snack.

Naturally, Sooyoung ordered the most.

As Tiffany paid, everyone else sat at Tables and waited for their food and drink.

When Tiffany finished, she took a seat in front of Taeyeon as the shorter girl took out the photos.

“We’ll we took a bunch since we weren’t told how many photos were needed.”

Tiffany nodded and looked over the photos. She smiled when she noticed that they were well taken.

“Well we only need about fifteen photos, so we’ll choose the ones that look the best.”

As Taeyeon agreed, the food came and everyone was chatting happily.

Tiffany watched in surprise as she looked over at Sooyoung.

She took a huge swallow and slightly smiled at Taeyeon.

“You weren’t kidding when you said she likes to eat…a lot.”

Taeyeon laughed and gave Tiffany the face that said, I-told-you-so.

Tiffany shrugged. She found it worth it though.


“Mmph.” Groggily getting up, the blonde haired girl looked around the room, searching for the girl she loves so very much.

When she found no sign of her, she frowned. But she realized that there was something hanging over her shoulders.

A blanket.

Jessica took the blanket off of her and stared at it with curiosity.

Who could’ve put it around her shoulders?

The blonde haired girl folded the blanket neatly before throwing it back into the closet.

Fixing her business suit, Jessica walked out of the office and glared at the first person she saw.


Yuri seemed to have noticed Jessica and awkwardly walked back behind Yoona’s desk and sat very close to Yoona.

“What’s wrong?” The doe-eyed girl asked as she blushed.

She has never been this close to Yuri before and she wasn’t even the one to initiate it!

Yuri shivered and whispered into Yoona’s ear,

“The ice princess has awakened.”

Yoona laughed as she knew what Yuri meant.

Jessica never wakes up in a good mood.

She might if Tiffany was there.

A moment passed and Jessica was now standing in front of Yoona and Yuri, who was cowering behind Yoona.

“Yah, you! Why are you here?” The ice princess asked with coldness in her voice.

Yuri shivered as Yoona answered for her.

“Tiffany brought Yuri in today! She came to work earlier, but you were sleeping. Some C.E.O you are.” Yoona began to tease the ice princess, not letting the blonde haired girl bully her friend.

Jessica puffed up her cheeks and pouted.

“Why must you bully me? Respect your elders, won’t you?!”

Yuri stared amazed. Yoona was able to bully Jessica? This was too good.

“Yeah, Yeah. Aren’t you going ask where your Tiffany is?” Jessica smiled.

“Nope! Because I know you’ll tell me anyways.”

“The models Tiffany called for came by earlier with their short manager to discuss the magazine photos. Since Tiffany-unnie knew you were sleeping, she told them that they should discuss it at the café down the street.”

Jessica nodded and left without a good-bye.

Yuri sighed in relief the moment Jessica was out of sight.

She turned to Yoona and threw her arm over the younger girl.

“You certainly are pretty and talented! Who knew you could make the ice princess disappear?”

The younger girl blushed and shrugged.

“I’ve know Jessica for a long time now. She’s not so scary when you get to know her. Well actually, she is. You just have to know how to bully her the right way.”

Yuri laughed and ruffled Yoona’s hair.

“Are you done work yet? I’m hungry!”

Yoona rolled her eyes and chuckled at Yuri’s whine.

“Just give me ten minutes and we can go on a break.”

Yuri nodded and resumed her looking around Yoona’s work place.


Jessica impatiently tapped her foot as she waited for the elevator door to open.

She quickly walked in and pressed the ‘Close Door’ button repeatedly until it closed.

Jessica didn’t know what to think.

She felt as if she was missing out on something.

Something about Tiffany.

Jessica didn’t dwell on it for long though.

Walking through the café, Jessica’s eyes found Tiffany instantly.

She noticed that Tiffany was sitting with a short girl.

‘Must be the munchkin that Yoona was talking about.’

Jessica coolly walked over to wear Tiffany was and stood behind her.

Taeyeon stopped talking, which caused Tiffany to turn over and look at Jessica in shock.

“Jessi, I thought you were…doing business.”

Jessica just smiled and took a seat next to Tiffany.

“I finished early and Yoona told me that you were here.” Jessica leaned over closer to Tiffany preparing to ask her a question quietly.

Tiffany felt a shiver run down her spine as she could feel Jessica’s breath trickling on her ear.

“Why is Yuri in my building?”

Tiffany rolled her eyes and jabbed Jessica gently with her elbow.

Typical jealous Jessica.

Tiffany didn’t answer the question and kept on talking to Taeyeon.

“So, let’s get picking!”

Taeyeon nodded and spread the photos out.

During the time they spent at the café; Jessica, Tiffany, and Taeyeon were able to pick fifteen photos.

By the time they were done, it was almost two o’clock. Everyone bid good bye and thanked Tiffany for the wonderful meal they had.

Tiffany and Jessica slowly began making their way back to the building.

“I never knew picking fifteen photos could take so long.” Jessica sighed and held Tiffany hand.

To her surprise, Tiffany didn’t shake her hand away or try to resist.

“Psh, that’s because you were so picky. Honestly, you couldn’t make up your mind.”

Jessica pouted as she looked away.

“I can’t help it! It has to be perfect.” Jessica said with pride.

“Perfectionist” muttered Tiffany.

“What did you say?”

“Oh, nothing Jessi.”

Jessica smiled. For some reason, Tiffany was being more…how do you say it? Positive?

Something along those lines.

While walking into the elevator, Jessica noted that Tiffany was swinging their hands back and forth gently. Just like back in university.

Tiffany pushed a button to their floor and silent waited as they were riding up.

In the mid silence, Jessica looked at Tiffany.

“Fany-ah?” It felt so good to say that.

“Hmm?” Tiffany answered more lazily.

“You haven’t shook away my hand yet or tried to pull away.” Jessica stated with pure confusion.

Tiffany turned over to Jessica and smiled.

“I’ve decided something,” started the younger girl.

The blonde haired girl nodded, gesturing for the other girl to continue.

“When I walked out on you yesterday, I couldn’t stop crying. It made me realize something,” Tiffany paused again.

Jessica was listening intently to Tiffany, making sure she caught every word.

“You must have intense charms because I can’t let go of you, I don’t want to let you go. It took me until last night to realize; even if you left me, I still can’t help but stupidly love you.”

Jessica smiled until her cheeks hurt. She felt tears welling up, not because she was sad, because she was so happy.

She began to open her mouth, but Tiffany cut her off.

“Don’t get me wrong though. You hurt me a lot and it’s going to take time to hear why.”

Jessica nodded and hugged Tiffany tightly.

She feels like she has a second chance and this time, she won’t let Tiffany go.

Tiffany smiled and hugged Jessica back, stroking her hair gently.

“Jessica, I’m only willing to be stupid for you. Only you. I’ll try again, for only you.”

Jessica nodded and hugged Tiffany tighter.

The feeling in her chest was indescribable. Her chest was swelling up with overflowing joy.

“I love you, Fany-ah.”

Suddenly, the elevator door opened to reveal two amused girls.

“OHOHO! Do you see this Yuri-yah?” The doe-eyed girl asked as she held her chin in amusement.

Yuri copied the pose and nodded.

“I believe I do. Is there something you’d like to tell me, Miss Hwang?”

Tiffany immediately let go Jessica and blushed deeply.

“I-I…Uhhh” Tiffany stammered. She could feel as if her cheeks were on fire.

Jessica glared at the pair which made me them back off.

“Yah! What are you two doing? Don’t bully my Tiffany.” Jessica’s voice was cold just like her face.

Yuri coughed and backed behind Yoona.

Yoona rolled her eyes.

Yuri was such a chicken when it came to Jessica.

“Cool it you cucumber chicken. We’re leaving for some late lunch. Don’t worry, I won’t bully you’re Tiffany. I already bully you, what more do I need?”

Jessica lost her cold expression and pouted.

“Yoong! Why do you bully me?! I’m your unnie for crying out loud!”

Yoona shrugged as she dragged the chicken Yuri into the elevator.

She said one thing with a bright face before the elevator door closed.

“Because I can!”

Jessica sighed and rubbed her temple.

Tiffany observed the whole thing and began to laugh loudly.

Jessica turned to Tiffany and glared like she used to in the past.


The glare didn’t affect Tiffany at all. She continues to laugh until she has a cramp in her stomach.

“Y-You let your dongsaeng bully you? HAHAHA where’s the Jessica from university?”

Jessica looked away and pouted.

“It’s not fair, Yoona knows my weakness” mumbled the so called ice princess.

Tiffany didn’t hear it as she continued to laugh.

Jessica became annoyed and held onto the younger girl’s wrist and drags her to their office.

“OH MY GOD, STOP LAUGHING! We have work to do!”

Tiffany tried to contain her laughter, but it was rather hard. She was able to calm down eventually though.

“Alright, alright. Let’s get down to business.” A chuckle came along with that sentence which made Jessica roll her eyes.

They spent the rest of the day working hard.


“So much for ten minutes.” Yuri teased as soon the elevator doors closed.

Yoona blushed and playfully punched Yoona on her arm.

“It’s not my fault! The phone calls and appoint bookings wouldn’t stop!”

“Well you’re going to have to make it up to me then! I’m super hungry here!”

Yoona crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks up.

“What do you want? A kiss?” Yoona said jokingly.

“Yes!” Yuri said as she puckered her lips up and closed her eyes.


Yoona’s face turned scarlet red at the thought of kissing Yuri.

Yuri opened her eyes and feigned a sad face.

“Oh~ that hurts Yoona.”

Yoona scoffed and walked out when the elevator door opened.

“WAIT UP!” Yuri whined as she tried to catch up to Yoona.

After that, they playfully talked while they walked down the street to a nearby restaurant.

They went in and took a seat as a waitress approached them.

After they ordered, they began to talk animatedly while waiting for their food.

“Uhm, Yoona?”


“While back in your office, I saw a picture of you and a guy…do you…?”

Yoona smiled sadly and shook her head.

“No, I don’t have a boyfriend…anymore.” She whispered the last part quietly.

“Then...who was that? If you don’t mind me asking.” Yuri added politely.

“That’s my ex. We just broke up recently, so I haven’t gotten rid of it yet.”

Yuri nodded slowly.

Her curious side was taking over again.


“Last night.”

It was quiet.

Quite a shock for Yuri though.

‘Last night? Then that means before she found me…she had a break up. Oh my, I wonder if she was sad when she met me. She hid it so well.’

As if Yoona had read Yuri’s mind, she began to talk again.

“Before I met you at the park, Khunnie…I mean Nickhun broke up with me. It’s hard to believe, you know? He said there was someone else, so I guess it can’t be helped.” Yoona shrugged, but it apparent to Yuri that it hurt the younger girl.

Yuri reached her hand forward and softly grasped Yoona’s hand.

Yoona looked up and gave a questioning look to Yuri.

Yuri stared deeply into Yoona’s eyes and slightly smiled.

“You’re better than what that guy will ever get.”

Yoona smiled and was about to thank the other girl, but she was interrupted.


That voice made Yoona freeze.

Yuri could instantly tell Yoona’s mood went down.

Yoona bit her lip and looked to who called her.

Her throat went dry as she whispered his name.



The loud loneliness, I’m not afraid, because if I have you. I’m okay. Don’t let go.


Chapter 14

“I can’t believe you finished this! You’re really weird Tiffany Hwang. Mi Na gave you this assignment to finish in three days. THREE! I can’t believe you finished this on time.”

Jessica eyed Tiffany suspiciously only to receive a nervous cough and laugh.

“Ahaha…well I did really g-good in college, y-you know?” Tiffany swallowed the lump in her throat and focused on anything but Jessica’s gaze.

“You know, come to think of it, back in university you were like this too. That assignment we did on cell phones…we finished in a day AND managed to get a high mark. What are you hiding from me, Tiffany?”

Jessica slowly sauntered toward Tiffany, making sure she had no where to go.

The other girl immediately stood up trying to run out the office but she was too slow.

Jessica took hold of her wrist before she could run anywhere and pulled her back gently, but with enough force to corner her.

Jessica secured Tiffany from any chances of running by placing her hands on both sides of Tiffany.

Tiffany’s heart was racing so fast. The distance between them was not far at all. In fact, if Tiffany moved just an inch, her lips would be touching Jessica’s.

The blonde slowly moved to the side of Tiffany’s head and leaned into her ear.

“Tell me, Fany-ah.” God, that voice was so seductive. It didn’t help at all when Jessica gently nibbled on the outer shell of Tiffany’s ear.

Tiffany’s breath hitched in her throat, it was hard to breathe when Jessica was trying to make her tell her secret by seducing her.

She might as well tell anyways, it’s all in the past; it wouldn’t change anything…would it?

“Jessica…I…Stop.” Tiffany said the last word with a firm voice.

It’s only Tiffany who is able to resist Jessica’s charm…sometimes.

Jessica stopped and looked at Tiffany with puppy eyes.

“Then please tell me!” She said with a childish tone.

Tiffany nodded, but Jessica didn’t move from her position.

“Uh…are you going to move?”

Jessica shook her head.

“Nope, I like it this way.”

Tiffany sighed. Jessica wasn’t going to move at any time now, so she decided she might as well tell her while standing like this.

She looked into Jessica’s eyes seriously. The pressure between them was deep; the silence in the room wasn’t so helpful either.

Finally, Tiffany opened her mouth slowly.

“Jessica…I’m not poor.”

Jessica gave Tiffany the weirdest look.

“Uh, I know. You’ve been living with Yuri for a year now. You must be living quite comfortably.”

Tiffany shook her head gently.

“No Jessica, I was never poor from the start.”

Jessica titled her head in confusion. Her questioning eyes beckoned for Tiffany to continue.

“Tiffany isn’t really my name. Well it is, but I wasn’t called that before.”

“Before what?” Jessica said slowly.

There was a pause.

“Before I ran away.”

Jessica stood up properly now. She didn’t understand one bit of what Tiffany was trying to comprehend to her.

“Tiffany, I don’t understand. You’re not making any sense.”

Tiffany stood up properly as well.

“Jessica, I’m sorry I lied to you, but my real name is Hwang Miyoung.”

A gasp could be heard from Jessica’s mouth. Then silence.

Tiffany felt so uneasy with this silence.

Tiffany looked at Jessica’s face, it was emotionless. Was she angry at her?

“Jessica…please say something. Are you mad at me?”

Tiffany continued to look at Jessica, and at that moment, Jessica’s lips turned into a smirk.

“I can see why you hate your Korean name,”

Tiffany stared at Jessica in confusion. Then she remembered on her first day at university and when she told everyone that she didn’t like her Korean name to avoid them finding out the truth.

Jessica walked over to Tiffany and softly held one of her hands. She leaned in once again into Tiffany’s ear and whispered,

“Hwang Miyuck.”

Instantly, Tiffany playfully punched Jessica in the arm.

“Why do you bully me?!” She pouted at Jessica but continued to let the other girl hold her hand.

Jessica smiled and leaned completely onto Tiffany.

“Because I love you,” mumbled Jessica as her face was completely covered by Tiffany’s neck.

Jessica was not stupid. She’s too smart to let Tiffany pass by her. She’d never let someone like Tiffany pass her. She’ll selfishly keep Tiffany to herself.

Tiffany’s pout soon turned into a smile as she gently stroked the blonde’s head.

Moments like this were Tiffany’s favorite.

Suddenly, Jessica began to speak again, more clearly though.

“Are you really sorry for lying to me?”

Tiffany looked up and began to reconsider it.

She looked back and Jessica and shook her head.

“Actually no, I’m not sorry. I’m glad I lied to you,”

Tiffany watched as Jessica’s face turned into a forlorn face with slight tears and confusion in her eyes.

Chuckling, Tiffany continued.

“I’m glad I lied to you because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have really known or not if you loved me. You loved me enough though you thought I was poor. I had nothing and you still loved me.”

The gentle words reached Jessica’s ear and caused her to smile.

She snuggled deeper into Tiffany and sighed contently.

“I’ll always love you, no matter what.”

Tiffany smiled and continued to stroke the other girl’s head.

“So, ready to tell me your reason? It better be a good one Jessica Jung, or I’ll pound you to no end.”

Jessica nodded and stood up properly to explain.

“There reason why I never showed up is because I was in a ca—”

A knock on the door interrupted their talk.

Without even waiting for an answer, the door opened to reveal Mi Na.

She eyed them suspiciously and gave Tiffany a venomous glare.

She looked to Jessica with pure fake innocent eyes and bowed slightly.

“Sorry to intrude, but I’m here to ask Miss Tiffany if she had finished the assignment.”

A smirk came to her mouth as she looked at Tiffany. She was practically waiting for Tiffany’s embarrassment to happen.

To her surprise though, Tiffany didn’t falter.

Instead Tiffany gave her famous eye-smile.

“Oh, of course I finished it! It’s right there on the table.”

Mi Na’s mouth was gaped open for a second before she picked up the magazine and file.

“As you can see, that’s the example for the magazine, if it’s approved, then you will have to make the copies of it.” Tiffany made sure to put emphasis on the ‘you’ part.

“The file is the documentary of what was wrong with the product and the material to fix it.”

Mi Na skimmed through everything and gritted her teeth. She hated to admit it, but this stuff was pretty good.

She excused herself back to the office leaving the amused couple behind.

Jessica looked at Tiffany and smirked.

“You’re jealous.” She stated.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow back and shrugged.

“I can’t help it. I don’t like her. Do you see the way she looks at you? I do not like it at all.”

Jessica laughed and pinched Tiffany’s cheek.

“How cute.”

Tiffany shook Jessica’s hands off her and rolled her eyes.

“Shouldn’t you be explaining to me right now?”

Jessica chuckled as she nodded.

“I got interrupted. Can’t be helped.”

“Anyways, as I was saying, there reason I couldn’t make it is because—”

Another knock interrupted them.

Jessica looked ready to kill.

“Who is it?” She said menacingly.

The poor guy on the other side opened the door shaking as his eyes met Jessica’s.

“S-sorry to intrude. B-but there’s a meeting for y-you right now with the Jang Corp.”

Jessica sighed and nodded. The guy wasted no time to run away.

“I’m sorry Tiffany, but I have to be at this meeting. We’ll talk later?”

Tiffany nodded and patted Jessica's head.

“Don’t worry, we have lots of time!”

Jessica smiled and nodded before leaving.

Not a moment later, Tiffany got bored.

“I don’t have work to do, so what can I do…?”

For the remainder time…Tiffany sat there, waiting for Jessica to return.



The name ran through Yuri’s head as she looked at the handsome man who approached them.

Yuri couldn’t explain the anger that passed through her.

Why was she angry?

This was none of her business at all.

She looked over at Yoona who was speechless.

Yoona was surprised. At all of the places she could’ve bumped into him, she had to bump into him here. With Yuri.

Yoona could feel the tears well up in her eyes.

She can’t cry.

Not in front of Yuri, and definitely not in front of Nichkhun.

She rapidly blinked away the tears. To her happiness, it worked.

She looked at Nichkhun and remained emotionless.

“Can I help you?” Yoona noted on how Nichkhun’s eyes were filled with…regret?

Nichkhun eye’s bore into Yoona’s. They looked so cold, so distant to him.

He had been looking for her everywhere. He was wrong, he shouldn’t have left Yoona. No one could love him more than Yoona did he realized.

He shouldn’t have been lusting for other women when he should’ve been loving the one he had.

“Can we please talk?” He whispered, noticing that Yoona had company.

“We have nothing to talk about. You decided that last night.”

Yoona saw the hurt in his eyes. Why was he hurt? He was the one who left.

“Please, Yoona? I was wrong. Can we please start over?”

Yoona didn’t reply. He regretted it she thought.

Yuri didn’t know why, but she felt panicked. What if Yoona gave him a second chance?

But why should it matter to her?

Yoona looked at Yuri and back at Nichkhun.

She doesn’t feel the same. She has a heart, but it isn’t for the boy anymore, it’s for the girl who sits across from her.

“I’m sorry,” she started slowly.

“But I don’t feel the same anymore. I don’t want to be sad anymore because of you. I’m tired of you coming to me smelling like some girl’s perfume. I’m done waiting for you to take care of me.”

Yuri felt a bit of courage run through her as she got up and went over to Yoona to pull her up.

They began to walk away before Nichkhun grabbed Yoona wrist.

Yuri reacted quickly and pulled Yoona away from him and into herself.

She gave Nichkhun a cold stare as she held Yoona.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t touch my girlfriend.”

Nichkhun stared wide-eyed shocked.

“But…You’re a girl!”

Yuri rolled her eyes.

“Thanks for letting me know, I’ve been trying to figure out that mystery for years now.”

Nichkhun would not back down though.

“But Yoona’s as straight as a pen though!”

Once again, Yuri rolled her eyes as she smirked.

“Nowadays, we have rubber pens…and those bend.”

They began to walk away once again when they took a good look at Nichkhun’s dumbfounded face.

Before they could make it far enough, Nichkhun stopped them.

“I don’t believe you.” He glared at Yuri.

Yuri sighed frustrated before grabbing Yoona’s hand and pulled her with such a force that made Yoona fly into Yuri’s body.

Then it happened.

Yuri’s lips landed right onto Yoona’s.

One of Yuri’s hands held Yoona’s in the air while her other arm was around Yoona’s slim waist.

Yoona’s heart pounded rapidly in her chest.

Her lips felt right on hers.

Yuri pulled back when they both deemed that they needed air.

The older girl stared into the younger one’s eyes filled with passion.

The feeling was unexplainable.

A smirk played on Yuri’s lips as she looked at Nichkhun’s shocked horrified face.

“Is that enough proof for you?”

When she received no answer, Yuri took hold of a surprised Yoona and led them out peacefully.

Once outside, Yuri took them to a bench far from Nichkhun.

The older girl had to sit the latter down because she was in such a shock.

Yuri nervously sat down next to her and stared at the doe-eyed girl.

She watched as Yoona brought her hand up and gently touched her lips before blushing furiously.

“I’m sorry!” Yuri suddenly said, bringing Yoona out of her shocked state.

Yoona looked at Yuri confused.

Yuri continued to apologize for her actions.

“I’m sorry if I did something that you didn’t want,”

On the contrary, it was very wanted.

“I just couldn’t stand him; he treated you so badly and expected you to give him another chance.”

Yuri continued to ramble on as Yoona stared at Yuri’s lips.

“I just didn’t—”

“Could you kiss me again?”

Yuri stopped talking and stared at Yoona with confusion all over her face.

She smirked as she made a discovery.

“My, my, so this pen really does bend.”

Yoona blushed. She knew she had a small crush on Yuri, but she just needed to make sure.

Before Yoona could say anything, Yuri brought her lips upon Yoona once more.

She didn’t know why, but she felt as if she could forget the feelings she had for Tiffany.

Does it mean that she liked Yoona?

The girl she met last night?

Yuri pulled away when air became needed.

Yoona smiled, but then frowned.

“I’m sorry Yuri, I know you love Tiffany.”

Yuri nodded.

“You’re right, I do love Tiffany. But she has Jessica. I want Tiffany’s happiness more than anything. I’m capable of loving again, Yoona. I don’t necessarily want to forget my feelings for Tiffany. But I know I can get over them. Won’t you help me?”

Yoona stared at the other girl. What did she just say?

“…Are you…telling me that you like me?”

Yuri nodded as she chuckled.

She was so innocent.

“Yes. I like you Im Yoona, pretty and talented. It may seem strange that I only met you last night, but I like you. Do you like me?”

Yuri felt like a small child, confessing her love in such an innocent way.

Yoona nodded as she smiled.

Yuri held Yoona's and brought it up to her lips.

“Good. Because I won’t lust for other people like him. I’ll love you like he didn’t. I’ll make you my priority if you give me the chance. I won’t treat you the way I treated Tiffany, instead, I’ll treat you better. I won’t leave you, like the way he did. Instead…I’ll stay if you give me the chance.”

Yoona began to let tears of happiness slip down her face. She knows that Yuri will keep every promise she made there.

And of course, she’d be more than willing to give Yuri a chance.

Yuri smiled as she used her thumb to wipe away Yoona's tears.

She only has one thing left to do.

She needs to tell Tiffany her feelings and then tell her she can let go because she has Yoona.

She doesn’t want to leave her feelings for Tiffany hidden, she needs Tiffany to know in order for her to let go.

“Come on you, I’m still hungry.”

Yoona laughed and got up with Yuri and told her about another restaurant they could eat at.

Yoona liked the way Yuri’s hand felt against hers.


A loud slam of papers could be heard in a small office.

Mi Na threw Tiffany’s work onto the surface of her desk and sighed irritated.

She ran her hand through her hair messily.

“I don’t understand. How can she finish in just three days?”

Talking to herself was not out of the normal. It happened quite often.

“At this rate, Tiffany will take Jessica from me. I won’t let that happen.”

Mi Na sat down in her chair and began to think of ways to get rid of Tiffany.

As if a light bulb appeared above her head, a poisonous smirk appeared onto her lips.

“What better way to make Tiffany leave than a broken heart?”


Why is the world being washed away in contradictions and helplessness?


Chapter 15

“Miss Jessica! We need help with this!”

“Miss Jessica, you have a call on hold!”

“Miss Jessica! You have a meeting in five minutes!”

“Excuse me Miss Jessica, the human department is looking for you!”

The callings never end. Jessica didn’t understand why she was suddenly so busy. She wished that Yoona was here to help her clear some of it.

But then a voice that sounded like Yoona's taunted her saying,

“This is what you get for pushing them all off.”

The same taunting voice bursted into an evil teasing laugh right after.

Jessica frowned knowing that she has no way of escaping all of these tasks.

Jessica briefly walked into her office, ignoring all the calls for a moment. She needed to see the person who was the only one able to keep her sane.

Jessica smiled at the site of a sleeping girl on the couch near the windows.

“Fany-ah, wake up.” Her soothing voice woke Tiffany up quietly.

Tiffany sat up rubbing her eyes, hoping to rid the sleepiness in them still.


The tone was obvious that the girl still had sleep in her mind.

The blonde chuckled at the site and caressed the younger girl’s tresses between her fingers.

The intimate act elite a hazy moan from the latter.

Jessica suppressed the urge in the pit of her stomach to go back to sleep with Tiffany.

If you know what I mean.

Knowing that she had to go back to work, Jessica sighed.

“Tiffany,” she whispered to the girl.

“I have a lot of work to do today; I’ll be here late at night. You should go home first, okay? We can talk tomorrow.”

Understanding Jessica’s situation, Tiffany nodded.

It couldn’t be helped. Jessica was the C.E.O of this company, it’s only logical that she’d have a lot of work.

Before Tiffany could get up, Jessica quickly held her down and gave her a kiss.

She proceeded to hide her face in Tiffany’s neck and sighed.

“I’ll see you later.”

A low mumble tickled Tiffany’s neck as she ran her fingers through the older girl’s blonde hair.

She kissed Jessica’s forehead before saying the same and leaving.

Jessica sighed once the girl left.

‘Back to work I guess. Where is Yoona anyways?’


“Mmm, I’m stuffed.”

Yuri stared with a gaped mouth after their lunch.

“No kidding! You ate like, five dishes!”

The doe-eyed girl shrugged as she picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth with manners.

“Let’s go back to work! Jessica’s probably crying since I’m not there.”

Letting out a laugh, Yuri nodded and got up to leave.

Yoona got up as well and paid the bill before leaving with the other girl.

On their way back, they talked about various things. Such as: what they liked, disliked, where they lived, hobbies, their life, family, or anything that came to mind really.

Quiet was not really a problem for them and if it was quiet, it was a comfortable silence.

It wasn’t admitted, but even though they just met, they loved each other.

Once they finally made it back, Yuri’s phone went off in her pocket.

Picking up after she read the caller ID, she silently talked back while Yoona stared curiously.

When Yuri finished, she turned back to Yoona with an apologetic voice.

“I’m really sorry, but that was my secretary. There’s a problem back at my company and I got to go.”

Yoona waved it off.

“It’s okay. I’m sure I’ll be pretty busy with Jessica crying. I’ll see you later then?”

Yoona was about to walk back in when she was suddenly pulled back into Yuri’s embrace.

A pair of soft lips touched Yoona's rosy cheeks, making them redder than usual.

Yuri chuckled at her girlfriend’s shyness.

“I’ll see you as soon as possible.”

Yoona nodded against Yuri’s chest and shyly walked back into the building.

She maintained her calm demeanor just long enough for the elevator closed. As soon as it did, Yoona squealed with happiness and did a little funny dance.

The elevator door suddenly opened and Yoona was now exposed with a panting Jessica.

Jessica, who was dying to escape for just a moment, looked at Yoona in the weirdest expression before roaring with laughter.

The beet red tone color of Yoona's face only caused more laughter from Jessica.

“W-what the heck was that?” She continued to laugh at her dongsaeng, making the young one slightly angry.

“Unnie…please shut up,” she said with a slightly strained voice.

“Did you finish all your work?”

That was when Jessica stopped laughing and pouted.

“No! They just keep coming!” Yoona pointed back into the office, gesturing Jessica that she need to finish her work.

“Back to work!”

Jessica nodded pitifully and walked back in break deprived.


Six hours.

Jessica had been working for six hours now and she was still there!

She had no idea what time it was but it was dark outside so she assumed that it was late.

About two hours ago, people began to leave one by one, even Yoona.

Though it took more to get Yoona to leave.

Jessica sighed and looked at the papers beside her.

‘Just two more to look over and I’m out of here.’



Tiffany just finished taking a shower and blow drying her hair.

She turned on the kitchen lights and made herself a cup of tea.

Everything about Tiffany could tell you that she was happy now.

Letting the cup of tea sit on the kitchen table, Tiffany ran inside her room and pulled out a box from under her bed.

Gently blowing and brushing off the dust that had collected on the box, Tiffany slowly opened the lid and pulled an old picture out.

She pushed the box back under her bed and made her way back to her tea.

She took a sip as she sat down to look over the picture nostalgically.

It was an old picture of Jessica and her back in university.

At the time, Jessica was teasing Tiffany about the color pink and Tiffany would not let Jessica get away with that.

With all her energy Tiffany ran towards Jessica getting reading to jump.

To her surprise Jessica didn’t try to escape, instead, she smirked at Tiffany.

Tiffany wasted no time and ran with more speed and jumped onto Jessica’s back.

Jessica held Tiffany in the position and they both laughed.

Suddenly, a click could be heard and they looked towards it.

It was Yuri who took the picture with a big goofy grin.

‘Those were the good days.’

Tiffany decided that the picture was small enough to slip into her wallet.

Tiffany ran around the house in search of her wallet, but it didn’t show up.

Standing in her living room, Tiffany looked around.

“That’s weird; I swear it was in my purse…” She mumbled to herself.

“Oh!” She suddenly yelled while snapping her fingers.

“That’s right! I forgot it in the office!”

Tiffany grabbed her car keys and ran out the house.


“I…finally…finished!” Jessica chucked her pen up in the air and bounced out her seat and did a victory dance.

Before going home though, Jessica decided that she’d get some coffee in the staff room.

Humming quietly and she walked; Jessica turned on the coffee machine and began to make a cup of caramel coffee.


The sudden call of her name almost caused her to spill her coffee.

She silently cursed at the person who dared to sneak up on her.

She turned around stared at the person with cold eyes.

“Why are you still here, Mi Na?”

The girl just shrugged and slowly made her way towards the blonde girl.

“You know,” she started slowly and seductively.

“I was waiting for you.”

Jessica gulped but continued to glare at the girl, telling her that she didn’t give two cents about it.


Getting out of the car, Tiffany hurriedly got in the elevator and tapped her foot impatiently.

She didn’t want to stick around too long. Being alone in a dark office place gave her the creeps.

As soon as the door opened, Tiffany ran quietly into her office that she shared with Jessica.

She looked on her desk for her wallet, but it wasn’t there.

“I know I left it here. This could take a few minutes.” Mumbling, Tiffany began to search around.


“And why are you waiting for me? I told everyone to go home.” Jessica continued to make her coffee awkwardly.

Mi Na shrugged knowing that Jessica didn’t see it.

“Because,” pausing, Mi Na put her arms on either sides of Jessica and leaned in.

“You belong with me.”

Jessica shivered, feeling disgusted and put down her coffee and turned back to Mi Na with glares.

“Stop joking around, I belong to and with Tiffany. Now seriously, did you need to talk to me about something?”

Mi Na rolled her eyes and continued to lean against Jessica.

“It’s always Tiffany this, or Tiffany that. But you know, I’m right here too and I qualify way more than Tiffany does. I can give you what you need. I can pleasure you only the way I do.”

Jessica held back the gag she felt coming up.

She was completely repulsed.

Jessica hissed a bit while pushing Mi Na away.

“Please, the only thing you can give me is nausea.”

Mi Na didn’t say another word before pushing back against Jessica’s body, but with something new.

Her lips made her way to Jessica’s. Messily kissing Jessica’s lips, Mi Na held her position firmly.

Jessica on the other hand…froze. She was in shock. No one has ever kissed her since she met Tiffany.

After she met Tiffany, Tiffany’s lips were all she ever needed.

Her body didn’t move, she was too much appalled to move.

She wanted to vomit.


“Ah! There you are!” Tiffany grabbed her wallet from under the couch she’d been sleeping under earlier.

She put it in her purse and made her way out.

Upon stepping out, she noticed that there was light emitting from the staff room.

‘Hm, I wonder who could still be here. Maybe it’s Jessica?’

She quietly trotted over to the room not wanting to alarm the person.

She noticed that there was a small crack at the door, revealing a small view into the room.

Tiffany slowly peaked into the room and stifled a gasp as what she saw.

Mi Na standing there with Jessica between her arms leaned against the counter.

Without warning, Mi Na suddenly attacked Jessica’s lips.

Tiffany waited. She waited for Jessica to slap Mi Na, for her to push her way, for any sign of resistance.

But she didn’t get it. Jessica just stood there, not moving.

Hot tears didn’t wait at her eyes; they spilled down her cheeks relentlessly.

Tiffany was the fool this time, she thought.

She didn’t want to wait there and stare. She didn’t want her hurt feelings to be hid.

This time, she’d let Jessica know how hurt she was.

Tiffany opened the door loudly and walked in with tears still falling down.

The loud slam brought Jessica out of her shocked state and push away Mi Na with all of her energy.

Then she saw her, Jessica saw Tiffany standing there with red eyes and tears spilling out of them.

Her heart broke at the sight.

She made her way toward Tiffany.

She raised her hand up, about to wiped the tears away but Tiffany stumbled backwards away from Jessica.

“Tiffany…I…it’s not what it seems.”

Tiffany laughed in sarcasm.

“Of course not, what else could it be when I walk in here catching my girlfriend and some dumb b*tchy worker here kissing?”

Jessica opened her mouth but Tiffany kept on talking.

“You know, I waited. I waited for you to show any kind of sign that you would think of me and stop. But I guess I’m still the fool here.”

Jessica kept silent.

Tiffany wiped her eyes hastily and sniffed.

“People are right when they say once something leaves you, it won’t come back. You’ve been abandoned.”

Without saying anything else Tiffany ran out the office.

Jessica attempted to run after her but someone caught her wrist back.


That same annoying voice.

Jessica jerked her arm back and turned back to Mi Na with the coldest eyes.

“No matter what you do, I will never look at you.”

With that Jessica turned back running towards the door but pausing again but not turning back.

“You may not know it,” she said quietly but loud enough for Mi Na to hear it.

“But Tiffany is my soul mate. I was born to find Tiffany and I’m fated to love only her.”

Saying nothing else, Jessica began to run after Tiffany.

Mi Na curled her hands in a tight fist and gritted her teeth.

She stayed like that for a moment before bitterly smirking.

“I guess we'll always lose to them…right, cousin Gyuri?”


“Tiffany, stop! Please! Tiffany!”

Jessica finally grabbed a hold of Tiffany’s hand.


“Let go, Jessica.”


Tiffany began to violently move her hand, trying to get it out of Jessica’s grip.

“Tiffany, please listen to me.”

Tiffany suddenly stopped moving and her shoulders began to shake uncontrollably.


Tiffany’s outburst stunned Jessica into loosing her grip on Tiffany’s hand.

Tiffany continued to sob madly.

She sniffed at the end but continued to look down.

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve and began to whisper,

“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…shame on me. Don’t expect me to show up anymore.”

Jessica didn’t stay anything but stare at Tiffany while she got into her car and leave. Leaving Jessica behind.

At this point, Jessica didn’t what to do. It felt as if the world had just dropped on Jessica’s chest, crushing what was underneath her chest. Her heart.

Jessica stood there for a while, trying to decide what to do.

Finally coming to a decision, Jessica ran to her car.

She’s not going to let Tiffany slip away so easily.


Arriving at Jessica’s house shortly after her decision, she ran up the door steps and was about to ring the doorbell but stopped.

Tiffany probably wouldn’t open the door for her right now.

So, Jessica ran down the steps and walked around the house.

She was relieved in knowing that the curtains were not closed on any of the windows right now.

She walked by each window, peeing in, in search of Tiffany.

Finally, she reached a window where there was a dim light inside.

Jessica looked in and saw Tiffany lying in bed, crying still.

She frowned knowing that she caused that face.

She watched as Tiffany hugged herself and cried loudly.

She was a mess, but Jessica still found her beautiful.

The window was thin and she could hear anything that made noise inside.

She could hear Tiffany panting and trying to catch her breath. She occasionally coughed when she choked on her tears.

Jessica has never seen Tiffany cry so hard.

Jessica listened quietly when Tiffany began to talk to herself.

“Please…anyone…please. I still love her,” Tiffany says while she hugs a pillow tightly and sniffs.

Jessica smiles as she hears this and continues to listen.

“But I don’t want you love you anymore. I don’t want to hurt anymore.” Tiffany’s voice is so broken from all the crying.

Jessica’s smile soon fades and tears begin to well up in her own eyes.

Tiffany closes her eyes tightly.

“Please…help me forget. Please help me let her go.” Tiffany’s voice occasionally changes pitch as she cries.

Jessica’s stares at Tiffany, tears falling as she realizes how much pain she inflicted upon Tiffany.

There were never on purpose, but nothing can be done now.

Jessica sniffs, feeling a cry inside her.

“Okay Tiffany, I’ll let you let me go.”

Jessica walks away silently crying.

No more Tiffany in her life.

The only person she ever truly loved won’t be around anymore.

But Jessica doesn’t want Tiffany crying anymore.

So she’ll let go of Tiffany and hope that Tiffany lives happily.


Walking into a dark house, Yuri wondered if Tiffany already asleep.

She came to a conclusion that Tiffany wasn’t when she saw the light underneath Tiffany’s door.

She casually walked towards the door and heard panting and sniffling inside.

She sometimes heard coughing and quiet whimpering.

Not even bothering to knock, Yuri walked right in and stared at what was in front of her.

Tiffany under her covers red eyes and a wet face.

Yuri walked over to her bed and sat down.

“Tiffany, what’s wrong?”

Tiffany didn’t say anything but mumble something into her pillow.


Tiffany turned her face back to Yuri and cried out,


Yuri didn’t say anything but stare stunned at what she heard.

Tiffany continued to cry her eyes out.

Yuri’s eyes soften and petted Tiffany’s hair.

“Are you sure? Maybe you misunderstood.”

Tiffany shook her head and explained to Yuri brokenly.

“No, I saw her with a worker kissing. She didn’t push her away, or show any sign of resistance. I’m a fool, Yuri.”

Tiffany held up her hands and buried her face in it, still crying fresh tears.

Yuri gritted her teeth and suddenly moved, shuffling the whole bed.

Tiffany stopped crying but still panting, stared at Yuri in shock and confusion.

Yuri moved so that she suddenly straddled Tiffany between her legs.

Her hands on both sides of Tiffany and her hair flowing down to Tiffany’s face.

“You know,” Yuri hissed.

“I hate it when you cry. Because I know I can’t do anything about it.”

Tiffany continued to stare at Yuri.

“You’re so naïve, Tiffany. I liked you, and you didn’t know anything about it. When you cried, it was me who was here for you, but you never looked at me.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen at Yuri’s confession.

Yuri’s hand then cupped Tiffany’s cheek.

She leaned down, almost kissing Tiffany’s lips, before bring her lips to Tiffany’s forehead.

She went back to her original position and stared down at Tiffany. Her eyes softened up and she gently smiled at Tiffany.

“And I’m glad you didn’t,”

“Because you gave me the chance to look for someone who will love me more than anything. I’m starting to fall in love with Yoona badly. I’m starting to love her a lot.”

Tiffany tears had dried up and Yuri began to sit up and get off the bed.

“Don’t let my sacrifice for you go to waste. Prove to me that I did the right thing. I know that you can only love Jessica.”

With that, Yuri kissed her forehead goodnight and left.

Tiffany let out a big sigh. She turned off her light and pulled her covers up higher.

She hated it when Yuri was right, but at this point, she didn’t care.

She didn’t want to hurt anymore.

She’s tired of being a fool.


You can like someone when you know what makes them laugh. But you can never love someone without knowing what makes them cry.


Final Chapter

It’s been a month now and Jessica has become a workaholic.

Ever since she made her decision, Jessica’s days only involved few things.

Work, eating, work, work, work.

During the time she was not working or eating, Jessica was trying to finish her writing.

During the nights, Jessica would write pages and pages about her story.

To Jessica, it felt like the only way to keep a small memory of Tiffany close.

Right now, Jessica was at home typing on her laptop quietly because it was quite late at night.

The typing slowed down as Jessica was finishing up her last sentence.

Sighing, Jessica leaned back and took off her glasses. She began to rub her temples from the headache that was gaining on her.

She quickly saved her document and decided that she’d give it to her publisher tomorrow morning before work.

Getting into bed, Jessica grabbed the stuffed bear into her arms and sighed in content.

She could smell Tiffany’s fragrance from it still. Hugging the stuffed bear tightly, Jessica let a few tears slip down her cheeks.

Jessica missed Tiffany, badly.

There isn’t a moment in the day where Jessica doesn’t think about Tiffany.

You could say that Jessica was torturing herself this way, but Jessica didn’t want to move on. She didn’t want to forget Tiffany. Tiffany was the best thing that ever happened to her.

She rather feel the pain that lets her know that Tiffany was in her life than move on and feel like Tiffany wasn’t there.

“I miss you, Tiffany. Are you happy?”

The sentence was slowly said before the girl fell asleep with dry tear stains.


A month has passed by Tiffany wasn’t doing so well. She was doing better than Jessica, but she couldn’t seem to let go.

Currently, Tiffany was at home with Yuri, watching TV.

Tiffany had found out that Yoona and Yuri were quite serious with each other and that made her happy.

She was glad to know that Yuri was able to move on.

Right after the incident, Tiffany quit her job at Jessica’s company through Yoona.

She decided that it was best not to see Jessica anymore.

There was a part of her that wanted to let go of Jessica and a part of her that didn’t.

She couldn’t grasp the concept on why Jessica was this special enough that she couldn’t move on.

‘It’s probably because Jessica’s different from everyone. It could be because I know I was the one who changed her. Or is it because I spend my days around her and found that she’s perfect? Argh, it’s probably all three of those reasons…’

Tiffany couldn’t understand why Jessica had cheated on her either but she decided not to dwell on it too much because when she remembers that feeling, she feels her heart clench up.

Tiffany pouted and looked at Yuri who was silently watching the television.


“Hm?” The other girl answered without her eyes turning away from the T.V.

“Am I an idiot?”

Finally, the question was able to grasp Yuri’s attention to Tiffany.

Turning her head to face Tiffany, Yuri answered bluntly,


Right after answering, Yuri’s attention went back to the television; leaving Tiffany’s mouth gaped opened slightly.

“Why?” Tiffany whined.

Yuri sighed and turned her head to Tiffany again.

“Tiffany, you know what you’ve been doing this past month?”

Before Tiffany could answer, Yuri continued.

“The first week, you cried non-stop in your bed and didn’t eat much. The second week, you said you had no more tears to cry and moped around the house and only ate ice cream. The third week, you watched soap operas all day and ate Chocolate. Not to mention you also scream at the TV. Currently, you sit at home all day thinking about Jessica and don’t deny it we both know it!”

Tiffany stayed silent, knowing it was true.

Yuri sighed and sat closer to Tiffany. She petted Tiffany’s head and softly asked Tiffany,

“If you can’t stand it, why don’t you just go see Jessica?”

The older girl shook her head vigorously and looked at the ground.

“She left me and came back a year later. She didn’t explain why still and then she kissed another girl. I don’t want to see her anymore.”

Yuri furrowed her eyebrows at Tiffany.

“But you never talked to her. You could’ve misunderstood her.”

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders.

The logic in Tiffany’s head made sense, but to everyone else, it made her a fool.

Yuri got up and decided to see Yoona.

Before she left, Yuri turned back and looked at Tiffany who was watching TV again.

“I swear Tiffany Hwang, you have the biggest pride I have ever seen and it’s not something to be proud of. You should know better Jessica better than everyone. She won’t say anything even if people misunderstand her.”

Tiffany waited until she heard the door shut and looked at the door.

Tiffany knew that she knew Jessica better than anyone.

But Yuri was right about what she said.

Tiffany had too much pride.


The door bell rung, interrupting Yoona from cooking.

Yoona gently put down her knife and ran toward the door when she heard it ring twice.

“Who is it?” She said loudly.

It was pointless asking when Yoona opened the door not too soon after.

Yoona gaped in surprise when she saw her girlfriend standing at her door at this hour.

“Oh, it’s you.” Yoona said playfully.

Yuri rolled her eyes and walked into her girlfriend’s house.

“Ouch Yoona, that hurt. Why would you say it like that? Were you expecting someone else?”

“Well actually, I was expecting my other girlfriend to come over. We’re supposedly having a date today. I had to cancel my other dates because of this.” Yoona stuck her tongue out at Yuri and began to walk back to the kitchen.

Before Yoona could get far enough, Yuri instantly grabbed her back and embraced Yoona from behind.

“Very hilarious, honey.” Yuri whispered into Yoona's ear huskily, teasing Yoona back but more in a sexual way.

Yuri loved Yoona, a lot. They were comfortable with each other enough to make jokes like that around each other. It was because of the one thing they had that Jessica and Tiffany lacked.


Their love never died down, it always felt new. They were never bored with each other.

That’s just the love they had.

“Yuri…” Yoona said shakily. It was only Yuri who could make her tremble like this.

“I’m cooking right now, and if we don’t get to the kitchen soon, you’ll be paying for my new house.”

Yuri sighed and let Yoona go but still held her hand as they walked back to the kitchen.

“You should just live with me.” Yuri said as she sat down in a chair and watched Yoona cook.

Yoona smiled and shook her head.

“Sorry, but Tiffany is still currently living with you and not only will it be awkward, but Jessica would kill me with jealously. I still want to live, you know.”

Yuri laughed and nodded showing that she understood.

“I guess we’ll have to wait until Jessica and Tiffany figure things out then?”

Yoona nodded and finished up chopping her vegetables before putting them into the pot.

She walked over to Yuri and sat down on her lap while putting her arms around Yuri’s neck loosely.

The doe-eyed girl put her forehead against the other girl gently and smiled.

“It’s okay, you can come over any time and stay as long as you like.”

Yuri smiled and wrapped her arms around Yoona's slim wasted and pressed her lips against her girlfriend’s gently.

After a moment or two, Yuri pulled back and placed her lips against Yoona's neck and sighed happily.

“I love it when you wear your cute apron. You look so sexy in it.”

Yoona laughed and flicked Yuri’s forehead gently.

“I’ll wear it anytime, just for you.”

They are so in love.


Morning had come and Jessica woke slowly when her alarm rang.

Her eyes were red showing that she didn’t sleep enough.

Ever since Tiffany was gone again, Jessica lacked sleep more than ever.

She hurriedly got changed and grabbed a printed file on her desk.

Getting in her car, Jessica put on some sunglasses to hide her sleep deprived eyes and sped off to a large building.

Walking quickly, she entered the elevator and ignored all the stares that looked at her.

When her floor came, she got out briskly and knocked on an office door.

“Come in.” A muffled voice on the other side said.

Jessica opened the door and sat down with a sigh when she put down her thick file.

The woman in her chair looked at her and smiled.

“Jessica, it’s been awhile.”

Jessica nodded slightly and continued to sit quietly.

The lady grabbed the file and looked over it.

“Another story, huh? It’s going to be another hit! I’ll sign your name and get on it right away.”

“Khung Hee…You know I never sign my name.”

Khung Hee pouted at Jessica knowing that Jessica would see it through her sunglasses.

“I know and I don’t understand why! You have tons of best sellers and you don’t take credit for it! You use your pen name…JeTi. What the hell is that anyways?!”

Jessica smiled and began to get up.

She was going to be late for work.

Before she left and she answered Khung Hee.

“It’s my couple name with the most important person to me.”


Another week has gone by and Tiffany finally decided to go out. Of course it took a lot of Yuri’s nagging to get her out though.

Putting on nice clothes, Tiffany grabbed her purse and walked out the house.

She decided that it was a nice day to walk.

Since her house was near an apartment, all the stores, cafés, and shopping places were nearby.

First, Tiffany went into a small restaurant and ate by herself. Next she did some small shopping and got clothes, jewellery, and accessories.

To her surprise, it took her a long time to do those things. Tiffany began to walk past different stores and stopped in front of a book stores.

“Huh, it’s been a while since I've read, might as well buy a book to keep me busy.” She mumbled to herself and walked in.

The first thing she saw was a horde of people in line buying the same book.

Tiffany was intrigue by this book that seemed so popular and decided to check it out herself.

It was almost like a repeat of when Twilight came out.

Tiffany walked over to the shelf and noticed that there was only one copy left. She quickly grabbed it and waited in line.

She knew it would take awhile, so she decided to observe the book.

The book made her feel something. She felt connected to it. It was mysterious.

When she looked at the cover, she stared at the bear on the cover.

It was quite similar to the one she gave Jessica, but still different.

The title of the book was unique too.

‘My Fated Sweetheart’.

Tiffany quickly looked at the author and became confused.


A pename.

“Excuse me miss? Next please.”

Tiffany awoke from her deep thought and smiled sheepishly.

She quickly paid for the book and rushed home.

She wanted to read this book badly.

When she got home, Tiffany ran to her room and threw all her bags on the ground.

She jumped on her bed with the book and breathed.

She didn’t understand why she was so nervous about reading this book.

Maybe because it felt familiar.

Not wasting another minute, Tiffany opened it to the first page.

A dedication page.

She read it out loud to herself.

“Dedicated to my most important person…are you happy?”

Tiffany bit her lip and turned to the next page and read silently.

They say once in a lifetime, you'll find your fated one. They are right. But in a lifetime, you can also lose them…


Three days.

Tiffany had spent three days reading the book non-stop.

She was hooked onto it.

The funny thing is that the further Tiffany read, the more she cried. It was like a replica of her life story.

The only thing that was different were the names, they weren’t the people that were in Tiffany’s life.

Closing the last page, Tiffany sighed and held the book to her chest.

She wanted to find out who had written this.

She wanted to know who made a story that was the same as her life.

Tiffany got up and went out despite it being late.

She was going to do a little research.


Tiffany couldn’t find anything about the mysterious JeTi.

Feeling the failure, Tiffany went to a late café and sat dejectedly.

She ordered a caramel coffee and frowned.

She doubted that she would ever find out who wrote the book.

Not a few moments after, two young girls entered the café and sat behind her chatting noisily.

One had black hair while the other had brown hair.

She could hear clearly what they were saying because of her good hearing.

“Did you really find out?” One said.

“Yeah, since my aunt is a publisher, I found out who wrote it.” The other said in a more quiet voice.

“I can’t believe you found out who she is. She has so many best sellers you know.”

Tiffany was confused on what they were talking about. She figured that they were talking about an author of a book, but who?

Her coffee soon arrive and Tiffany thanked them briefly before continuing to listen.

‘I can’t believe I’m eavesdropping…’ Tiffany scolded herself even though she kept on listening.

“So who is it?” The black haired girl asked.

“You can’t tell anyone, my aunt said no one is supposed to know, but I’ll let you know, okay? Seriously, no one can know.” The brown-haired girl whispered with a slight threatening tone.

Tiffany assume that the other girl nodded because she heard the brown-hair girl talk again.

“Okay, supposedly, she’s a C.E.O. You know the one that was on the news a year ago because she was so successful and all?”

“Oh, her. So wait…that means…”

The black-haired girl was interrupted before she could finish.

“Yes. That means secret best seller JeTi is secretly C.E.O Jessica Jung.”

Tiffany spat out her coffee and began to cough.


Tiffany looked up and saw everyone staring at her weirdly.

She sheepishly cleaned up her spat out coffee and bolted out the door.

The brown haired girl looked at her friend and frowned.

“Do you think we spoke to loud?”

The other girl gave her friend the obvious look and turned her attention back to her cake.


Tiffany began to run, she didn’t know where she was going, but she needed to get away.

‘Jessica is JeTi? Jessica is a writer? What?!’

Tiffany continued to run, letting her legs take her to wherever.

‘Then everything I read…every word that was in that book was our story.’

Tiffany slowed her legs down as she realized something.

‘I just read the truth. I read the reason for Jessica leaving me and her kiss with Mi Na unknowingly.’

Tears began to well up in her eyes and spill.

She has been so selfish that she didn’t realize that Jessica was probably more hurt that she was.

That book had Jessica’s feelings in it and Tiffany felt all of it.

Tiffany began to run again.

She has been way too selfish and she doesn’t know if Jessica will forgive her for it.


‘Ugh, I can finally get some sleep.’

Jessica changed into a tank top and some comfortable sleeping shorts.

Finally, after a long day, Jessica slipped into her bed and closed her eyes comfortably.

*Ding Dong*

Jessica snapped her eyes opened and glared.

Who the hell could it be at this time?

Jessica grumpily got out of bed when she heard the sound again and again.

She was going to kill this person for interrupting her sleep.

She stomped all the way to the door and unlocked the locks angrily.

She grabbed the knob with a tight grip and opened it with an angry haste.

“What the hell do you wa—Tiffany?”

All the pent up anger in Jessica disappeared once she saw those chocolate brown eyes that she loved so much.

They stood in silence for a moment, making Jessica feel awkward.

Why was Tiffany here at this ungodly hour?

Scratch that, why was Tiffany here at all?

‘Maybe she finally got angry at me and decided to beat me up.’

Jessica gulped and hesitantly began to talk.

“Err…Tiffany, why are you he—”

Jessica was interrupted as Tiffany flew straight into her body causing her to fall over.

Jessica propped herself up on her elbows and muttered an, “ow” and a painful sigh.

Jessica looked down at Tiffany and blushed how the younger girl was completely buried in her chest.

“Are you okay Tiff—”

Once again, Jessica was cut off but not because something had knocked her down, but because a pair of lips caught hers.

It was like Jessica’s brain shut off at that moment; she could only feel Tiffany’s lip and enjoy them.

She felt Tiffany’s slender hand rise up and caress her jaw line.

“I’m sorry.”

The same sentence was repeated to Jessica, but she couldn’t understand it. She could only focus on how Tiffany’s lips pressed to her lips repeatedly before gently kissing against her jaw line, and then hitting her neck.

“I’m sorry.”


After an hour of kissing and a couple caresses, Tiffany and Jessica were able to settle down and now cuddling in bed.

Jessica smiled, she didn’t understand what just happened, but she was happy.

“Why are you sorry?”

Tiffany looked up at Jessica and felt tears collect to her eyes as she thought about how selfish she has been.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you, I’m sorry that I didn’t give you the chance to talk, I’m sorry I didn’t try to understand you. I was so caught up in my own pain that I didn’t notice yours.”

Tiffany sniffed and let her tears fall, she looked down to avoid Jessica’s eyes.

Jessica immediately held Tiffany’s chin between her thumb and index and made Tiffany look at her again.

She smiled at Tiffany as she wiped away all of Tiffany’s tears.

When she finished, Jessica held Tiffany close and kissed Tiffany’s cheek.

“It’s okay,” Jessica continued to shower Tiffany’s face with kisses, stopping in between to talk.

“I’ll always forgive you.”

When Jessica was satisfied with her kisses, she smiled and brushed Tiffany’s bangs from her face.

The younger girl smiled and snuggled closer to Jessica. So many questions were in her mind and she wanted answers.

“So when you didn’t show up a year ago, you were in a car accident?”

Jessica nodded as she wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s waist.

“So you never stood me up? You really wanted to run away with me?”

Once again Jessica nodded.

“So you never threw away the teddy bear I gave you? Your mom threw it away?”

Jessica nodded once more.

“And you weren’t really getting married, right? You just told your mom that so she’d let you out of the house?”

Jessica continued to nod at all of Tiffany’s questions until the last one.

“So you didn’t cheat on me, right? Mi Na’s gone now, right?”

Jessica didn’t nod this time.


Tiffany let go of Jessica and sat up straight.

“You didn’t fire her?!”

Jessica sat up as well and began to explain to her girlfriend once more.

“Well as much as I wanted to, I didn’t.”

“Why not?!”

Tiffany glared at Jessica and pouted.

Jessica smiled at her jealous girlfriend and embraced her.

Murmuring into Tiffany’s shoulder, Jessica said,

“Because I was waiting for you to come back and fire her yourself.”

Tiffany smiled and enjoyed their embrace.

“How were you so sure that I’d come back?”

Jessica pulled out of their hug and cupped Tiffany cheeks with both her hands.

“Because Tiffany Hwang, you are my soul mate. We were born to find each other, and fated to love only each other.”

Without another word, Jessica leaned in for another kiss of Tiffany’s sweet lips.

Tiffany smiled as she recognized that line. It was what she told Mi Na in the story and probably in reality.

“You know, that book was a really good story, considering it was our love life. But…”

Jessica raised her eyebrow and eyed her girlfriend.


Tiffany grinned and tackled Jessica back onto the bed to cuddle.

“I think you’ll have to make a sequel now since your ended is different now.”

Jessica grinned in amusement while she held the younger girl.

“And what is our ending now?”

Tiffany leaned closer to Jessica’s ear and whispered,

“Happily ever after.”


Because in the end, Tiffany will always come back to Jessica because she knows Jessica is waiting for her patiently.


The end


“Finally, I was scared you were going to live in this house for the rest of your life…”

“You’re just happy that Yoona can move in now. Jerk.”

The tall long haired girl laughed and nodded in agreement.

“But I’m also happy that you’re back with Jessica.”

The older girl nodded as she watched the mover men company pack up all her belongings in the truck.

A month has passed by since Tiffany and Jessica had made up.

It was only yesterday that Jessica had demanded Tiffany to live with her.


“Move in with me.” The simple demand had made the younger girl’s eyes widen.

“W-what? I don’t want to be a burden on you.” What Tiffany had said earned her a flick to the forehead.

“Babo, you’re my heart. I have to keep you close by incase someone steals you. I wouldn’t like it if someone stole my heart, you know.”

Tiffany smiled at Jessica’s cheesiness and wrapped her arms around the blonde’s neck.

“You’re possessive.”

Jessica returned the gesture by securing Tiffany’s waist between her arms.

“Only with things that belong to me.”

The younger girl rested her head on the older one’s shoulder.

“You sure it’s okay though?”

Jessica then looked into Tiffany’s eyes seriously.

“I wake up sad that you aren’t the first thing I see.”

It was not soon after that Tiffany agreed to Jessica’s demand.

Currently, Jessica is at work while Tiffany is packing up her belonging to move into Jessica’s house.

You could probably say now that this was a happy ending.

Mi Na got her karma as everyone expected.


Mi Na was diligently working on some files. She was cautious to make sure she didn’t make any mistakes.

It surprised her that Jessica didn’t fire her after that incident.

She was sure that it was sign that perhaps Jessica had some mutual feelings for her.

“Yah, Mi Na, Jessica wants you in her office.”

Mi Na picked up her files and nodded.

“Okay Yoona, I’ll be there in a moment.”

She was too busy picking up her scattered papers to notice Yoona's sly smirk.

Mi Na quickly walked to Jessica’s office and knocked. She heard a muffled voice telling her that it was okay to enter.

Stepping inside, she was given the sight of a turned back chair with someone she assumed Jessica was sitting in.

“Uh…Miss Jessica? Was there something you need?”

She was given to answer but instead, the chair slowly turned around until it was faced forward.

The lady in the seat set her arms on the desk upwards while her hands were folded together so that her head could rest lightly upon them.

Mi Na gasped at the lady.

That was not Jessica!

“T-Tiffany! What are you d-doing here?” A hiss was accompanied with the sentence which made Tiffany smirk.

“Sorry, but Jessica isn’t in right now, I’m filling in for her at the moment. I just wanted to let you know that you’re fired.”

Tiffany placed a sweet smile on her lips that made Mi Na grit her teeth.

“You can’t do that! You don’t even work here anymore!”

Balling her hands into a fist, Mi Na glared at the girl sitting in front of her.

It however had no affect on Tiffany.

“On the contrary, sweet cheeks. I’m the new fully employed assistant manager here. You know what that means? I’m your boss, and as your boss, I want you fired.” The last sentence was said slowly to emphasize the meaning.

Not a second after, Jessica walked into the office.

Mi Na directed her attention to Jessica with pleading eyes.

“Jessica!” The desperate voice made Jessica look at her in surprise.

The blonde looked back at Tiffany and then Mi Na again.

She pointed slightly at Mi Na and looked back at Tiffany.

“I thought she was fired?”

Just like that, Mi Na’s world was shattered.

Tiffany shrugged.

“She can’t seem to grab the concept of fired.”

Jessica nodded and walked over Tiffany and sat on her lap.

“So, have you been packing to move in with me?”

Tiffany nodded and encircled Jessica’s waist.

“Yup, not much left to do now.”

Tiffany leaned in to kiss Jessica’s lips in happiness.

Mi Na watched in horror. She knew what it meant.

She had lost.

Mi Na ran out crying and in hysterics.

The couple sat still and watched in amusement.

Jessica turned back to her girlfriend and smirked.

“You kissed me on purpose. That means you’re just as possessive as I am.”

“Only with things that belong to me.” Tiffany said as she mocked her girlfriend’s voice.

Jessica only laughed and leaned back in to capture Tiffany’s lips once more.

Assistant manager lived only shortly though. A couple days later passed and Tiffany received a call from her mother.

She was called back home to have a talk.

Apparently, when Tiffany introduced Jessica to Ms. Hwang, Ms. Hwang loved Jessica immediately for her successful and kind nature.

When Jessica was accepted, Tiffany had a long talk with her mom.

It ended in tears because Ms. Hwang felt that she was wrong about neglecting her daughter.

She had come to realize that without Tiffany, she really had nothing left.

Together, they realized that the man they once called husband and Papa would never return.

But that was okay, they had each other. It was all they ever needed.

So, Ms. Hwang decided that it would be appropriate that Tiffany would be the successor to her mother’s company.

With that, their future was set in stone.

Once Tiffany completes her training and becomes C.E.O, Jessica and her plan to merge companies and be successful together.

As for Jessica’s mom, Jessica decided that it would be best to tell her mother about Tiffany, again.

This time though, Jessica explained the whole truth to her.

Let’s just say that when Ms. Jung found out about how Tiffany was actually the heir to the most successful company in Korea, she had a lot of apologizing and making up to do.

In the end though, Jessica decided to forgive her mother, after all, you only have one mom.

It’s just that Jessica didn’t let her off too easily.

That was Jessica and Tiffany’s happy ending.

As for Yuri and Yoona, they decided to move in together after Tiffany finishes packing.

Yuri plans to introduce Yoona to her parents, it will be tough to get their blessings, but Yuri knows that if she has Yoona…there’s nothing that can stop her.

All in all, even though the story stops here; their life still goes on.

You know why?

Because Jessica’s entire being is for Tiffany, and Yuri’s soul was solely meant for Yoona.

The end.

“Jessi! Are you done reading? I seriously need help with packing here!”

The blonde put down her newly published sequel to a previous book down and got up.

“Ah! Sorry Fany-ah, I’m done now. I’ll be there in a moment!”

“Hurry up then!” With nothing else said, the younger girl went back into the house.

Jessica smiled and turned around. She picked up the bear that sat beside her when she was reading.

“Fanybear, you are one strange bear. But that’s okay, because in the end, you brought Tiffany back to me.”

With nothing left to say, Jessica held the bear tight in her arms and followed after her love, where fate never lets them be apart.


To be with you…it’s more than enough. Eternity is not enough time with you, but our love is stronger than anything and will overcome anything. Just smile and give me your faith. Saranghae…


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