chapter 2:

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Don't own anything

Morning hinamoto author pov:

Seth was still asleep his radio has a huge frequency signal to all channels listening to slightly stoopid 2 am

Snoring softly a person walked in his guest room, tomoe checked on him she was greatful for vanquishing the kouma clan & putting a stop to their attack.

She wondered how he did it explosion that huge vaporized half of the valley,  she looked at his features blushed at his body well muscled, shirtless sweating face its 80 degrees.

A devise playing some song she also looked at his weapon scar l assault rifle

Out of curiosity she picked up the weapon marveled at its craftsmanship it unloaded a barrol underneath wondered what can it do.

Seth: you want to know how it works

She gave a suprise squeal she looked up to see him, up he had his gear on already she gave him his weapon he put a magazine in & a grenade shell.

Seth: its a scar l assault rifle with grenade launcher attachmentment

Tomoe: no idea what your talking about 😅

Seth: oops i forgot

Tomoe: (giggle) about yesterday

Seth: ?

Tomoe: thank you💗 for giving my sisters hope to fight

Flynn: sorry to bother you lovebirds but got a call from fleet


Seth had activated a holographic communicator shocking the mikos one of them reached her hand & waved it.

Miko no 1: air?

Seth: general garrison

Garrison: " good work on saving a shrine "

Flynn: uhh you knew about this?

Garrison: " kouma ninjas we saw on your feed we quickly learned of their mission they were hired to kill them you set your foot on ground didn't think you shoot a ki blast to not only 1 shot kill but almost the entire valley i aspect much from a vet childhood friend to raizo li. "

Shizuka: 1 shot kill how powerful are you?

Seth: so sas unidad decided to scoop for intel on this planet

Garrison: " guilty as charge "

Seth: your not guilty sir but i'm not a fan of people like you not telling me half the truth

Tomoe sees his eyes glowing

Flynn pulls out a side arm pointed at his head girls draw out their weapons, seth looked at him like he was not intimidated.

Flynn: not a big deal let i go man

Seth: fine

Head priestess thought: i felt a powerful aura just now who are these saviours tomoe start to having a interest of that man

Seth: have you get any word from kevin cole nathan & Eric

Garrison: " yes i have Kevin cole & eric encountered some pink girl strangling a helpless traveler she got away only a bullet to the head but self recovered until a bandit named risty girl turns out to be a rich girl from a noble family i gave ordered learned whats on this world bandit was thrown in the cell by a general she met the three & of course treat them as guests "

Seth: not a fan of rich people but i understand due to conflict

Flynn: nathan?

Garrison: " nathan's pod was dropped in a village he encountered a very attractive maid wielding a scythe was quote " sucking someone's life force "

Seth: wraith!?

Garrison: " her names airi she did something bad & now a target to her master or something like that she's been on the run "

Tomoe was listening to this she heard something coming a dropship.

It landed outsite the shrine garrison called her leader to let her know this will get her there faster then a boat, call was hanged up seth looked at tomoe.

Seth: reinforcements are coming your shrine is under our protection till we get bottom of this

He left she stood there awe struck she heard giggles she shot a glare but her love for a stranger from another planet.

Later on flynn got the controls shizuka sitting on the co pilot seat looking at all the buttons she looked behind of seth sitting their configuring his BFG 50A aa sniper rifle

Shzuka's eyes grew wide how big it is she sees tomoe got in after saying goodbye, she sat next him. Miko & ninja felt the spacecraft lifted miko grabbed his hand.

Tomoe: seth kun

Seth: hm?

Out of knowhere she kissed him not on cheek but the lips she wrapped, her arms around him he returned the kiss, he had already met her but he didn't great weight was lifted off his shoulders.

To be continued

Next chapter nathan's encounter with a wraith


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