Ate the characters in your books based on real people?

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Are the characters in your books based on real people that you know? Are any of them based on you?

Yay! I love this question!

Actually it is a combination of both. Even if the book is based on real life, I will change the relation of the characters, the names, take some of the real people who played a part out and add some purely fictional ones. Take "Listen Before you Speak" for example. Elijah and Blake are based on real people. Sam is fictional, although he is based loosely on myself who was not in any way connected with the real Elijah. Lucy is based on a friend from when I was a teenager and she doesn't even know I used her as a character.

When we look at Cory, almost every single character is based on fiction, apart from Patrick who is a Wattpad author I have become friends with a few years ago, Dumbledore is based on an old homeless man I met outside a supermarket, and Jaycee who is based on a lifelong friend.

All of my books are like that. A very good combination.

Did I base characters on myself? Sure, Sam has a lot of me in him. My house looks like that with all the books in every single room. I actually just have to build a wing that's only a library, but I believe a room without books is like a body without a soul, so I guess I will just leave them all over the house. I also adopted a teenage son who in years isn't that much younger than me, just like Sam did. The other character that is very much based on my own personality, and probably the closest to who I am is David from "One Story Long". He is 100% me, even in the way his family is structured. And when I wrote it, I only owned one dog, a dachshund named Alice who also features in the book. (I now have three doggies, all of them rescues. Two dachshunds, Alice and Albert, and I have a minpin, Emma.)

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