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The home of the dutchies was way up in the snow-covered mountains. After a long walk upwards, Telephone and Radio arrived at a large cliff overlooking the forest of Snowdin town. The dutchies then used their wings to fly up to another area of the mountain. Jay also used his wings, trying not to use his rocket feet. A cave was up behind the mountain, and the dutchies descended there with Jay following behind.
"Well, were here. Now it's time for a long sleep after a long day." Radio yawned, then went over to a pile of wood branches and lit it up to create a bone fire. Telephone and Radio laid down and curled up close to the fire.
Jay was doubtful for a moment, then curled up next to them. It felt weird to be sleeping next to two fluffy dragons that he just met, yet he also felt like he wanted to stay to know them better since they were so nice to him. It was...a feeling he has never felt before. Describing it like....not wanting to be alone. And he didn't want them to figure out he was a machine, so he placed himself a goal to be careful around them. [Besides, I look like a dragon to them.] Jay the dragon thought to himself.
After a long moment, Jay closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep.
Darkness and no sound. That is how it felt during a dream.
It was like a restricted void, completely cut out from the rest of the world.
[Is this how I used to sleep? Because this feels unfamiliar.] Jay thought to himself. It was calm in this dream place, but somehow restricted. He tried moving forward, then some screens appeared in front. Some of them read:


[Wow. I have all this?] Jay thought to himself as he went over every option that was available in front of him. This was certainly new to him, so he was deciding carefully as to which one he should choose. Jay was leaning into the weapons system option, but then he switched to the memory option because it sounded more safer.
Then everything became frightening.
The space he was in began to flash weird glitching numbers and code clumps, and then he felt as he was being tugged down into the swarm of unstable number clusters. Jay tried to struggle free from the current, but it was no use as a bright light blinded his eyes.
Darkness was followed by the sounds of explosions and metal breaking. Jay was running from something. He didn't know what exactly, but he was somehow sure that if he stopped he will get hurt. In front of him was his father, Gutierrez, shouting at him to come to him quickly in a desperate manner. [Wait. From what am I running from?] Jay thought as he slowed down and looked behind him. Right above him was a Blitzer-type NFD unit, but it didn't look normal. It's eyes were glowing red and seemed unstable as it aimed its laser cannon at him. Before Jay could react, the Blitzer NFD fired its laser cannon at him and he was suddenly blinded by the bright light.
Then everything hurt.
Jay woke up all of a sudden from the dream he had just experienced, breathing heavily.
[...What...what was all that? Was...was it a memory of my past? Was I....?] he thought as he tried recollecting everything that just happened. That chance didn't last long before an alarm clock sounded inside his eye monitor.

[7:30 AM]

Jay shut off the alarm right before the other dutchies woke up. Curled around him, were Telephone and Radio. [They're still asleep...they look cute. Awwwww...] Jay thought as he examined the two dutchies from where he was. Then they began to wake up.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" Telephone asked as both dutchies yawned and stretched.
"Yes." Jay said as he got up.
The Underground was a large place. Jay wanted to explore this new world. A part of him wanted to search for a way to return to his home of origin, but...after the whole experience with his father....he wanted to stay for a few days.
"Here is my phone number if you need anything. Right now we are going to the market." Telephone said as she handed Jay a paper with her phone number. "Thanks." Jay said, then waved as they left.
[Now Let's see...Which place should I visit first?] he thought as he looked at the map in his hands.
Jay was tempted to go to the Lab, but he felt he should visit the other places in order first. So Jay headed towards the Waterfall town.

Before he reached the border that separated the town of Snowdin and Waterfall, he noticed something buried underneath the snow near what appeared to be a doggy house. Sure enough, it was a dog sleeping cozily under the snow. It looked like Dogbone to Jay.
"Awwww...It's you isn't it, Dogbone? What are you doing out here in the snow?" Jay said, softened by the adorable appearance it had once it woke up.
Yet Jay's softened moment was cut short when the snow began to rise up around the dog. From under the dog stood up to what appeared to be a massive mechanized armor.
And it seemed this dog was wearing it.

"Wait...you're not Dogbone..." he said in a shaky voice.

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