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When the day came, Jay headed out.
Up in the air he took out his map to see which house was the nearest so that he could start first. Just like the district's name implied, he saw many waterfalls in various locations when he landed. This district was unlike the previous ones; instead of having many lights, most of the people relied on bioluminescent flowers, grass, crystals, and mushrooms to see in the dark. [Wow. This place is beautiful...] Jay thought as he looked around the road that led to the houses. After a good while, he began to look for the houses that had mail to be delivered to.
During the job he encountered many other kinds of monsters. Some were even more weirder than those in Snowdin, yet they didn't attack Jay when they saw him. For example: small and odd-shaped slimes, a muscle horse guy(?), a ghost with a hat that Jay encountered, a trigger happy dummy doll(Jay had to leave in a hurry because this one was having a raging fit), an old miner turtle, and cute hyperactive cat-dogs.
All was going well as Jay headed over to the last few houses when he heard something. It was faint, like someone, or two someones, speaking in the distance as his ears perked up in the direction of origin. The voices were coming from over another trail, and Jay crouched down and approached from behind a tall grass section. At first Jay thought Papyrus was talking to Flowey, but when he peeked from the grass he spotted the gaster skeleton talking with someone. She(the voice was female) wore dark grey armor from head to feet, the helmet comb having a red feather like a medieval knight.
".....I AM HERE WITH MY DAILY REPORT, UNDYNE! UH...REGARDING THE MONSTER I MENTIONED BEFORE.......HUH? DID I FIGHT HIM?...NO, I DID NOT. I JUST...UM....MADE A MOCK UP BATTLE WITH HIM. HE REALLY WANTED TO LEARN HOW TO DEFEND HIMSELF! WE FOUGHT VERY VALIANTLY!....WAIT, INTRUDER? NO, HE ISN'T! IF HE WERE AN INTRUDER FROM THE OUTSIDE, HE WOULD HAVE DONE BAD THINGS! HE HASN'T DONE A SINGLE BAD THING TO THE MONSTERS IN SNOWDIN SINCE SANS AND THE DUTCHIES FOUND HIM!......WHAT? YOU'RE GOING TO APPREHEND HIM AND BEAT HIM UP?? THAT IS TERRIBLE! UNDYNE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT! YOU SEE—........I...I UNDERSTAND. I'LL HELP IN ANY WAY I CAN." Jay heard Papyrus speak, but it was a bit difficult to hear what this "Undyne" guard was saying to him. Either way, what Papyrus said and the way he said it meant that both didn't like what they heard. [Maybe some think that I am an intruder. And they want to confirm it by apprehending me. Poor Papyrus, he looks so sad...] Jay thought. After both monsters finished speaking, Papyrus left. Jay tried backing up slowly to leave without getting spotted by Undyne. Yet Jay accidentally stepped on a broken twig, causing it to make a snapping sound and make Jay cringe.
Undyne, the armored guard, turned her head in the direction to where Jay was hiding. She stepped closer to the grass, then held out a hand aside. A glowing aquamarine spear materialized in the air, and Undyne grabbed it to use it for impaling. Jay held his breath and laid still behind the grass, not daring to move any muscle(correction: joints),wings, or tail as the armored guard stepped closer and closer. Suddenly, Undyne looked opposite to where Jay laid and made the spear she held disappear. Then she stepped back into the shadows and vanished in the darkness.
Jay laid there, waiting until the footsteps of Undyne fade completely. When his ears picked up no more sounds from the direction where Undyne went, Jay slowly peeked up from the grass and looked around him. [Whew. That was close. Hold up...if my shirt is white,why didn't she see me?] he thought to himself as he looked down.
What he saw made him recheck his eye lenses. It said [THREAT DETECTED. OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE: ACTIVATED]. Jay looked at himself again and saw that his whole body has turned transparent. Seconds later, Jay selected [DEACTIVATE] and went back to normal. Letting out a relieved exhale, he thought [I gotta be more careful around here now that someone's about to give out word about me]. Before he got one step forward to exit the tall grass and continue with his mail delivery, his foot tripped on something that gave out a startled yelp. When he got up and looked behind, there was a yellow reptilian monster, with no arms, a striped shirt, a tail, and spikes on the back of its head. It shook itself from the grass that was stuck on its body and stared up at Jay.
"...Ummm....hi?" Jay tried, worried that it may have seen him use his cloaking ability.
"That...was AWESOME!! Did you see how she was staring at us? I bet she's finally interested in her fans!" the reptilian monster child said to him, jumping up and down in excitement.
"And you may be...?" Jay asked.
"Oh, my name is Fred! Fred Jenkins! What may your name be?" the yellow monster kid asked.
"Nice to meet you, Fed. My name is Jay." Jay said, kneeling down a bit
"You must be new here, I can tell. Are you trying to go somewhere?" Fred said.
"I am, actually. Also, no, I'm busy working on my mail delivery. WAS working when I had to hide from that armored warrior." Jay explained.
"You mean Undyne? Why would you hide from her? She's not scary. She's awesome! Undyne is the best of the Royal Guard. She will protect us by beating up bad guys and ensuring that we all stay safe." Fred explained to Jay, who slightly cringed at the last part where "beating up bad guys" was said.
"But don't worry, she won't beat up an innocent person....Wait....I forgot to hurry up to my parent's house! I need to go now! Please don't tell my mom I ditched my uncle to watch Undyne! Glad to meet someone new around here!" Fred said, then went off to run towards the direction of what he assumed was his home.
Jay straightened up and stood there, thinking about what Fred said.
["Beat up bad guys"....is there a way I can show them I'm not that dangerous without having to show them who I really am?] he thought, turning around and heading towards the last few houses.

After he delivered the last letters and packets, Jay prepared to go back to the home of the gaster skeletons. At that time, it began to rain.
[Wait...rain? How is it possible that there is rain in the Underground?] he thought as he looked up at the thin clouds that have formed under the large cavern ceiling.
Jay looked and searched around for an available umbrella in one of the bins that were situated throughout the trails, but it seemed that everyone has taken the last ones in a hurry. Reaching out one hand to the raindrops that poured down on the uncovered side of a balcony, Jay let the water land on his hand to feel it. [At least I can get back without wetting myself that badly.] he thought.
Before he had the chance to spread his wings after reaching a nearby ledge, Jay spotted Fred standing under a large-leafed bush.
"Umm...do you have an umbrella I can borrow?" Fred asked. Jay shook his head, but got an idea when he looked back at his wings. [Maybe I can help with my wings as an umbrella. This little one needs my help, and I will gladly help him.] he thought
"I don't, but I have my wings." Jay said, coming over to where Fred was standing and spreading his right wing to tent it over Fred.
"Come on. I'll cover you while we walk to your house." Jay said, smiling down at the monster kid. Fred's eyes brightened as he smiled and said, "Ok!". With Fred under his wing, Jay let him lead the way while covering him from the rain.
"You ok, dude? You're gonna get wet." Fred said to Jay as they walked.
"I'm fine. Besides, you need to stay dry so that you don't get sick." Jay said as they continued walking down the path.
It didn't matter that much, because Jay was set on getting Fred back to his home safely.

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