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The sword didn't plunge right through the king's heart, but rather to the side into the ground.
The king opened his eyes again, having closed them before to shield himself from seeing his death, and looked where the sword had driven itself onto. When he realized, King Asgore looked up at Jay with disbelief in his eyes.
"You...why would you...?" King Asgore stammered as Jay's helmet transformed off from his face.
"I should be the one asking why." Jay said, his voice returning back to normal before stepping off from the king. His eyes had been closed shut from all the internal pain that was staring to build up inside him, and a red liquid stated to drip down from the eyelids. As if it were his own blood.
"Why........WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO THEM??!! Didn't you at least think they had lives back at their home?? That they had families waiting?? And that they also had hopes and dreams too?? Why......WHY?? WHY WOULD YOU KILL THEM??!!" Jay shouted, opening his eyes as he began to cry and sob in sadness. Jay's eyes were color-inverted with pupils red and irises black. Yet, they showed more disbelief and sadness than anger. After a moment he placed his sword on his back and let it return to its place.
"Killing isn't the answer. It will never be it." Jay added silently as he looked down in exhaustion.
King Asgore looked at Jay as if he was some sort of other creature standing in front. The king used his trident to stand up again, wobbling in pain. However, suddenly, out of the dark a fireball came flying by and hit King Asgore, exploding and knocking him down again with force. Jay jumped back and turned to look at where the other fireball came from.
A mysterious figure covered in a dark hooded coat stepped out from the darkness of the tunnel that led back to the castle.
"What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor and innocent youth." the figure said in a feminine voice. The newcomer reached up with its white claws and took off her hood. The monster resembled a white-furred goat with droopy ears, short horns, and red irises, just like King Asgore.
"There is no need to be afraid, child. My name is Toriel Dreemurr. Your adventure must have been so treacherous, ultimately burdening you with a horrible choice." the goat monster said, slowly approaching Jay with extended hands. Jay looked it at her with worried eyes, but her gentle face calmed him down a bit. Toriel took Jay's hands with her's, and he calmed down completely.
"I feel so sorry that you had to go through all of this and end here, where you either had to give up your soul to free everyone, or take the life of another to leave this cursed place. I realized that those two choices weren't right, like you have been trying to prevent. Isn't that right?" Toriel said before hugging Jay in a gentle embrace. Jay's eyes returned back to normal, teared up again and he began to cry softly. "There there. There is no need to cry. Let us suspend this battle for now. As terrible as Asgore is, he deserves mercy. That is the right thing you did, young one." Toriel said, gently stroking Jay's head and ears with one paw.
King Asgore was heard getting up and letting out a weak gasp of surprise. "Tori....you came back!" he exclaimed with joy in his voice.
"Do not "Tori" me, Dreemurr! You pathetic whelp! If you really wanted to free monsterkind, you could have gone through the barrier after you got one soul from the six, taken one human soul if they were willing to give it to you once up there, then return. Or, even better, ask the humans peacefully to break the barrier. But instead, you made everyone live in despair because you would rather wait here meekly hoping a human never comes through that portal or from the surface! That is the reason why I abandoned you to live in solitude away from you!" Toriel snapped angrily at the king.
[So Toriel is related with Asgore, making her the queen.] Jay thought as he watched them speak.
"...Toriel.....You are right. I am a miserable creature who has been obsessed with my way of breaking the barrier." King Asgore said somberly as he hung his head down in shame. "However...do you still believe we can at least be together again?" Asgore added, looking up at Toriel with a hopeful face. She sighed and shook her head. "No, Asgore. Not until this conflict is solved." Toriel said as she let go of Jay.
"I think you may have a solution, from what I barely heard a short while ago. Isn't that right?" Toriel said to Jay. He nodded and was about to tell her about the barrier neutralizer when suddenly the doors behind them burst open.
"NNNNGAHHHH!!! YOUR MAJESTY!!! DON'T HURT OUR FRIEND!!! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE OTHER—" Undyne shouted as she came barreling into the room when she skidded to a stop. Someone knocked her over and more after, resulting in everyone falling into a dog pile in front of them.
It was Jay's friends! All of them! Ranging from the dutchies to the skelebros.
Everyone stared at each other and at what they had walked into, trying to process the scenery before them in dead silence.
"Well. This is a bit awkward." Jay said.

* * *

After a while of explanation and clearing things up, everyone calmed down and realized that Jay wasn't in any danger at the moment. They left so that Jay could manage things about taking the barrier down with the king and queen.
The two monsters invited him for some tea and butterscotch pie, to which Jay accepted.
"You, Dr. Gaster and Alphys found an alternate solution to break the barrier...without the need of seven souls?" Toriel asked. "That's right." Jay said before explaining how the barrier neutralizer was going to achieve its goal with only the traits. "I even explained it to King Asgore beforehand. However, when my secret went out to the light, well..." Jay said, looking from Toriel to King Asgore. The queen shot a death glare of disgust to the king, making him sink down on his chair with humiliation.
"Anyways, What happened, happened. It's all in the past now. The most important thing is that if I'm able to be granted permission to use the barrier neutralizer by the two of you." Jay said, looking at both the king and queen.
"You are very wise to propose this to us, young one. And yes, I am positive of what has come to be will give great results. Therefore I grant you permission to do so." Toriel said, nodding with a smile. Then she looked at Asgore, who in turn nodded too. "I have no objection, given the circumstances..." Asgore said with a slight nod.
Jay nodded in gratefulness and continued to eat and drink.
Before they headed out, he felt like saying something to them.
"Um, excuse me, your majesties. May I ask something?" Jay said to the king and queen.
"Sure. Anything, young one." Toriel said as she and the king faced him.
"Will it be alright if...I visit the surface for a small moment. I'd like to see what this world is like out there." Jay said, looking back at the doors that would lead to the barrier.
"The surface? But you need the soul of a monster to do that. Also, you must have seen the surface before coming here." King Asgore said to Jay.
"That won't be necessary. My soul is...different. Maybe even stronger than the others. To be precise with the other thing, I'm not from this world. I came from a different world through the portal." Jay explained to them.
The two monsters looked at each other before King Asgore nodded.
"Very well. You have permission to do so." he said.
"Thank you, your majesty. I'll be back soon." Jay said with a polite bow.

Then he turned around and headed towards the barrier.

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