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The barrier laid in front of Jay in the same place before, pulsing with energy and light.
[Okay. Let's do this.] Jay thought as he inhaled and then exhaled, getting ready for whatever would happen next.
Then he stepped forwards and reached slowly towards the barrier. As if some invisible barrier came in contact with his claws, Jay felt the energy accumulate where he touched and prevent him from moving forwards. Jay struggled to push onwards, but the invisible energy prevented him from doing so.
[Come on. I'm not gonna he kept back by some weird barrier.] Jay thought. When thought that, his chest that contained the core opened up. Blue and red energy slowly emerged from the core in its slot, along with his fused soul, and surrounded Jay, giving him strength and contacting the barrier. This caused the invisible barrier to slowly weaken and make way for Jay to go through. [Like I thought, the core is strong, and it helps my soul.] he thought with happiness as the barrier opened up just about enough for him to go through it. A bright light shone in front, blinding his eyes.
Jay took slow steps forwards as he advanced forwards, the gap that he opened in the barrier behind him slowly closing up. He continued forwards towards the light to get a better look at where he was headed. The light began to dim as his eyes adjusted to it. Then there was a large breeze of dry air that blowed towards him. Finally, as his eyes adjusted normally, Jay found himself in a stone cave, rocks scattered all over the place. In front opened the cave entrance, showing a light maroon color of the air outside.
Jay, proceeding forwards, poked his head out of the cave and looked at the new place that he has arrived to, which was the outside of the mountain.
What he witnessed gave him a sense of...strangeness and shock. The world outside of Mt. Ebott was not as he expected it would be.
From where he was standing, Jay could see a dry and barren wasteland stretch far into the horizon, with only a few withered trees poking from the dry ground. The sky was covered in dense grey clouds as wind blowed again, carrying sand and dust with it that hit Jay's face and body. Immediately his helmet visor covered his face in response to this.
[Is this it? Is this...the world outside the Underground?] Jay wondered as he began to climb down from the cavern ledge. The visor covering his face immediately began to process various types of information as Jay began his descent down the mountain.
[H2O LEVELS: 5%]
The sight and atmosphere alone was enough to show how near-dead and inhospitable the world around him was.
[This can't be it. There must be other people around that must have survived in another place. I just have to find them.] Jay thought determinedly as he opened his wings and activated his rocket feet, blasting up high into the sky. Immediately he was met with strong winds and turbulence as he flew higher and higher. Then Jay flew down out of the clouds to get a better sight as he searched for any signs of people.
The journey seemed endless as Jay continued flying around, being met with the dry wasteland for miles on end. Every minute that passed by made Jay feel more and more depressed. Here and there Jay saw what seemed like someone, but only turned out to be small rock formations.
Just when he was about to head back, Jay noticed a city full of tall buildings in the distance. Jay headed there rapidly to see if it was populated with any type of people left in this world. However, when he landed on the streets...there was no one in sight. No people or any other signs of them anywhere. Only the wind that carried the dust was present.
Upon further inspection, there was only destruction and disorganization: the buildings(some of them toppled over) had windows that were all smashed into pieces; cars and transport vehicles damaged, flipped over or crushed flat; traffic lights bent down or missing; stores that had nothing inside of the rooms. It was total desolation and chaos wherever Jay went to search.
When Jay got to the next streets after traveling a bit more further into the city, Jay noticed shocking things. More toppled buildings that now looked as if they had been brought down by violent explosions. It was a complete war zone in front.
It was obvious now that there were war vehicles, tanks, downed aircrafts, missile trucks, and even humanoid-looking robots. They all littered the ground or stuck out from it and the buildings. As Jay walked towards the wreckages, he heard and felt something crunch beneath his foot. When he looked down and lifted his foot up, he yelped in fright and jumped back as the scene nearly gave him a heart attack.

Jay had stepped on the dry bones of a human skeleton.

Now noticing more up close, there were more skeletons just laying/sitting down, holding weapons, or almost frozen in mid action to run away amongst the wreckage of the destroyed vehicles. The sight alone made him shiver in fear and nearly throw up what he had eaten a long time ago. And...he felt sad. Immensely sad that tears welled up inside his visor as he looked around at the dead and dry bodies of humans because of the war.
[Everyone....everything is gone...] he thought somberly as he fell to his knees. Everything was dead around him. Not a single sign of life was alive in this war-torn and dead world. There was no hope here, not for the monsters or anyone that would arrive in this place. If they went here, they wouldn't survive another generation. What kept them trapped but safe was the barrier under Mt. Ebott, not letting the harsh conditions inside. Even so, the monster population inside the barrier would soon reach its limit until there would be no room left. And that was a terrible thing to imagine.
This wasn't the place that Jay expected. What happened to cause such terrible war? A war that consumed everything from the world? Was it hatred towards one another? Another race bent on destroying everything living?
There was no exact signs of those, and Jay didn't want to find out. All he knew because of everything that he has seen was proof enough: there was no one or no sight of anything living.
With a heavy and sad heart, Jay flew back to Mt. Ebott and began to search for the cave that led to the barrier among the dust that the wind blew around him. Once there, Jay walked in and searched for any sign of the barrier. It was dark inside, the tunnel stretching into infinite darkness. Jay immediately knew that he needed to reach out instead of simply walking onwards into another part of the mountain.
As he thought so, Jay's hand touched the border of the barrier as its energy became visible in contact. The slot where the core and soul resided opened again in Jay's chest, beginning to supply his body with enough power to open a gap in the barrier.
Jay stepped in and into the room where he left in the first place. In there were King Asgore and Queen Toriel waiting for him.
"Young one! You're back! What happened out...there...?" Toriel said to Jay when she noticed his sad and depressed face. Jay walked towards them with wobbly feet and began to topple forwards. Toriel immediately rushed over and caught him in her arms. "Tell us. What did see?" Toriel asked Jay in a worried tone.
Jay looked up at the king and queen, still with a crushed heart, and said...

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid there is no future for monsterkind up in the surface."

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