Chapter 2: La chica de cabello de sirena

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I was in Sokovia young. An abusive father and a sick mother. I wasn't always a runaway a chick nobody like before meeting Pietro I lived in a good home. If I wanted anything, I only needed to demand it. My father was Thomas Blackwell the men that did bad to the people. He took for his own gain. He turn me into me.

One day all my fancy dresses were replace with uniforms. My beautiful jewelry with free experiments and procedures. Turns out, he place me under a serum to make me believe I had a live. He made me believe I was somebody when he created his own personal weapon. I didnt care really just made me close off. I was a heartless and coldest being before. I am still effective if I shut off Pietro's signals and attentions. My father left me in Sokovia with Strucker as a security. I was barely 8 by then and my killing history is and was unbelievable by many.

At first, people try to get close. I freely ignore and push them away from me. I was in the alleyways and corners of Sokovia watching snow fall wondering why I didnt feel it or the cold. The older I became the lonely I grown until I didn't feel anything. I was 10 when I met Pietro and Wanda with many of the recruits and volunteers. Strucker brought me or showed me off as The best weapon. I could really careless. Everyone only saw my petite features and confusion. Let's be honest on that, I had lock eyes with Pietro. I actually look at Wanda for too long wondering what girls her age or my age truly do? I was thinking that if things were different we could have been friends going out for lunch or something, right?

Strucker told me to leave and I didn't stop looking at her until I left that room to wonder Sokovia stopping crimes and a reason to punch somebody because I shouldn't think of being friends with anybody. I was a conflicted child before... My own father betrayed me and abandoned me.

I heard kids asking their mom, "Can she come home with us mom?".

The mother looks my way through the shower of gentle snow falling on Sokovia's streets, "No, dear. That's WinterQueen". The town made my name popular as I was call that because my name I didn't want to remember it. I really didn't remember it until later on Pietro read my field because he wanted to find out what was my deal. He learn a hard truth his reality isn't as bad as mine. Going back to the mother and child, "Why?". The kid ask continuously wanting to know why was I alone in New Year's Eve. She said so simple, "Because her parents didn't want her".

The mother thought I was going to retaliate; however, I no longer felt her words or others. I was so lost I didn't even thought I had a heartbeat. If I am complete silent I still can't heard it only when everyone is sleeping. I am able to heard it. a very faint sound of a heart slowly beating. I was so often wanting to disappear just walk away and see the world, but I stayed on the same street under the same street lamp I saw my fathers car drive off. I am waiting for his return at that time or for somebody's return to come back for me.

was I not really important to anybody???

Was it depression? At that time, I didn't know what that was. I knew literature, math, science, etc. I knew codes and computers. I knew deadly techniques and ways to torture a human to submission...

I just didn't know emotions. I just didn't understand that I was a young child ripped of her life. I was denied the idea to learn what was what. I didn't even know what a normal phone was or a selfie. I saw girls doing stuff when Pietro with his abilities took me. I saw the world and sadly got attach to him and him to I.

In my mind, my memories I didn't know what was real or not. I could remember the fake memories from the serum or my own real ones; however, I didn't know what was real. I couldn't keep anything from my past. I didn't know my mom only my father. The man that made me. The father I wanted to love me, but the man that didn't want me.

At first, Pietro hated me because he thought I hated his sister. I didn't listen when he told me to stop. I was out thinking of how Wanda and I would be friends. She reminded me of me when I was under the serum. He and Wanda stick by each other seeing their new life while also seeing me. I didn't know cause in their eyes I didn't like Wanda.

The boys in the class and town tried to push me off the cliff one time for their bad time and my pleasure. I played tag with their bones and pick which ones to break. It was a dance of pain from my part Strucker didn't stop it watching as the weak from the strong were picked off. Everyone saw me as whom I love to be seen as a monster. Their blood covered me as no one was left behind at least not those boys. I, at that age, I didn't know enough. Not knowing gives you a disadvantage with everything around you.

Animals stayed away from me because they could smell death on my scent. Kids told their parents and the Parents kept their children awayy from me. They thought I was uneducated and broken. Maybe I was broken, but I didn't truly know. I thought I was normal because Strucker my sense of father figure approve of my ways.

I was unbreakable or so I thought. I was human before and a beautiful blond girl. Strucker send me away to a town to take down an stronghold while infiltrating some important codes. He told me to use my skill to use to gain their trust. A few month later I was send away, I was a 11 year old girl whom played the innocent key so many times as I could. It did not stop me from murdering entire families and every trace of that stronghold. It didn't stop me from punching in until pools of blood were upon me the heads of those girls that thought I was their bffs. It didn't stop the fearful ones from shooting at me when I was 13. I did the mission in 2 years, and I enjoyed it so much. I was addicted. I was requesting more and more until I return back to Sokovia at 18 a whole lot different girl that left. I had found my new getgo. A new look completely I didn't look like the lost girl with lost parents. I look like you fucked with me and I destroy you kind of deal. I walk with confidence and no sound at all. Stealth was my second nature. My nails healthy and long just like a teenager like me loved and blue. My hair blue, my lips blue, my piercings blue, my clothes dark colors but still unnatural more modern styles than Sokovia's old school and protected by laters of winter clothes. I don't feel cold or winter, so I can wear whatever I wanted.

years later, I came to Sokovia I recognize I became what all boys would look at and all girls hated. All parents use me as an example of what not to be and what Pietro without my knowledge dip on to get. He could have had any girl in Sokovia begging for him to be with them; however, I told him I don't need or feel needing a man in my life at that moment.

and quote "I don't need you or your pity, Maximoff. I don't need a kid that can't handle himself in bed".

He blushed at that then I knew Maximoff here is a virgin or he wasn't ready for me to say that. I became much more desirable by the older man crowds because I said that in plain public. The 20 year olds would now hit on me continuously offer me to be the man of my dreams. I roll my eyes catching an eye sight of Pietro with Wanda catching my eyesight and blushing. That night I catch some girl trying to give Pietro a blowjob failing miserably. She sure wasn't qualified and they were both new at it. I came out embarrassing the girl who thought by my voice change it was her father. I came out helping him with his little ecstasy situation with the darkness of the night helping me.

He swore for those nights in that forest it was that other sue girl whom was grounded by her dad for coming home half naked and braless. Every night on that weekend I would teach Pietro something under the night at my favor to hide me. His speed and no time to waste we did things incredibly. He was a fast learner and I enjoy every minute turning him from a boy to a man or so I thought. Sunday of the following month he went to the girls house with a small bouquet. Wanda and him put a lot for that tiny thing. He thought it was sue whom was hiding she was amazing.

The mother open up surprise to see such an eager and handsome boy at her doors, "Is sue home, Ms...?".

"Yes, but she is grounded by my husband".

"Grounded? since when?".

"Well, it seems she was seeing somebody behind my husband back. She came home the past friday would be a month disorganize clothes".

Pietro bear her goodbyes to the woman realizing something very important that Sue might not being the girl he had those amazing experience with. I would see him in town trying to find who could have being never could have he imagine it was me. The girl who supposedly hated his Wanda to death which I didn't. I watch his trouble eye stare at Sue when she came back to the hang out. She couldnt look at Pietro straight because of how she left things. They were dating before like a few hours or days. I dont particularly know either because I dont fancy Sue at all. She has both her parents and a happy life ahead of her; however, she comes to hang with us nonetheless.

I had to reframe myself from following Pietro and Sue when they separated from the group to talk. Instead, I send one of my guys to buy me something close to a store close by at the perfect time.

"Whats your problem pete?". Pietro push him to leave though Pete push back, "Fucks outta my face. I am buying some juice for Ema".

Pietro glance my way taking Pete's chore walking to Ema himself. I zoom out from all the guys around me it was so annoying watching them around me, "Here. Ema".

All of a sudden they werent by me no more. I was seating by a different bench 2 levels above them on some rock. I dont remember getting here a juice on hand with my bag on my shoulders next to Pietro, "Was it you wasnt it?".


"Who scare Sue and took her place".

"What if I was?"

"You have a lot of explanation to do". He moved so close to me I glance down seeing Sue flipping out angrily. She glare while I had the boy every girl in Sokovia desired. I look back at Pietro seeing him breathing heavily waiting for me to go on.

"These means you are mine". I whisper as a joke before our lips crash in his acceptance. His hands hold me steady to him while my right hand hold his hair keeping him in the kiss. He smiles when my tongue enter his mouth. We exchange so much without speaking attraction and desire though I only thought little of it.

There was a groan from his throat reaching my ears while all other sounds below us died down. The guys are angry that the speedster got their conquer while I could feel Sue and every girl wanting Pietro glare my way without a sense of stopping. We pulled back still enough to feel his breath on my features while I breath onto him. A smile of heaven united reach his lips as his eyes stare at mine. He cupped my cheeks lowering his lips to mine once again. This one was soft even if he used his speed to take advantage.

A chuckle left my lips feeling him bringing me closer to him though keeping me from falling. Pietro pulls back again taking deep breaths with such delicious approach, "Hold on, cowboy". Pietro raises an eyebrow first in history waiting to heard what I have got to say, "You have admirers". I pointed to the lower side of the rock formation. Pietro glances back at the group of girls a sigh escapes his lips as he looks back at me, "I dont care. Kiss me".

A smile on my lips crashing his lips to mine. He didnt care they were staring as their boy scoute turn bad by me. The more kisses I gave to Pietro without I knowing the more addicted he became and I to him.

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