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The next day, Maya woke up to her alarm playing the American Dad theme song. With her eyes still closed, she slammed her hand onto her bedside table, groping for her phone. Once she finally grabbed her phone, she removed the band from her bonnet from over her eyes. She was too lazy to get an eye mask when she could easily just use her bonnet.

With blurry eyes from waking up, she fumbled to turn off the alarm, knowing that if she didn't get up, she'd either miss school or her sister would dump a pitcher of water over her, and knowing her  hair, it would stay wet the entire day.

Speaking of her hair…she forgot to do it the night before. Before you come for her, she was too lazy the night before, so she figured that she could just wake up  early enough to do her hair before school. She underestimated her laziness for that too.

Maya forced herself out of her comfortable bed and made it up. Once she was done, she went to take a shower, towards the end just wetting her hair and detangling it, as she didn't need to wash her hair yet (That would take all day),  so she didn't have to do it outside of the shower. She wrapped her hair in a towel and went on with the rest of her morning routine, brushing her teeth, her skincare and picking out her clothes.

She put her hair in a half-up half-down hairstyle with two small buns at the top and the rest of her hair down. She pulled out two strands of hair at the front to complete her look. She decided to go for minimal makeup today. She actually did like makeup, she just didn’t like wearing a full face, she commended the girls who did though. She put on some concealer to cover up some spots and she was in the middle of putting on some mascara when she got a notification on her phone.

It was from Sam. It said ‘I’m on my way. Don't be late this time. Oh and Yasmine is coming with us today.’

Maya’s mood deflated from the mere mention of that walking devil. Why did she have to be there? No matter, she was not going to let that bitch ruin her day.

Maya finished her make up and put on her clothes. She walked to her mirror and took a look at herself. She had on some high waisted baggy mom jeans, a short sleeved collared nude crop top paired with her (Clean) white Nike Air Forces.

Frankly she thought she looked hot.

She got another notification from Sam telling her that she was outside. Damn, did she become part of the Fast and Furious cast on her way here? Maya told her to give her five minutes and she’ll be outside.

Maya then decided that she needed jewelry. She put on some mid sized gold hoop earrings as well as some small diamond studs right next to it. She made sure to have on her crystal rings and beaded bracelets. She paused to put on some of her favorite mango flavored clear lip gloss. Lastly, she quickly put on her gold plated necklace that had ‘Maya’ on it.

She picked up her phone and keys, then turned around to grab her bag that she packed last night for school, as well as her favorite leather jacket in case she got cold and headed downstairs. She stopped by the pantry to grab a bunch of snacks to eat throughout the day. She headed out to Sam's car.

When she sat in the passenger seat, she was greeted by a naturally smiley Sam. “Were you just staring at yourself in the mirror and thinking about how hot you are again, weren’t you?” The brown haired girl asked.

“Oh, Sammy, if I don't boost my own ego and call myself hot, who will?” Maya asked her best friend with a smirk.

“What do you mean, who will? It's obviously going to be me.” Sam told her, pulling out of the driveway, causing both girls to laugh.

After picking up Yasmine (And ignoring her existence) and going through the majority of her classes…and snacks…it was time for lunch. She waited outside the lunchroom for Sam, Moon, and unfortunately Yasmine. Once they arrived, they walked into the cafeteria to grab their food.  She didn't notice the eyes on her and her friends and yasmine as they walked past a certain table.

When they sat down, Yasmine opened her very irritating mouth as she caught sight of the table that held three boys. “Oh, my God, you guys,” She started, making Maya resist the urge to gouge her eyes out with a fork. “You see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower?”

All the girls looked over to the table to see what she was talking about, the only person catching her eye was the boy with tanned skin she had met the other day, a slight smile coming to her face.

“He's literally wearing the ugliest sweater I've ever seen.” The blonde finished. Maya saw Miguel look up and make eye contact with her, his eyes lighting up in excitement, recognizing her.

She almost waved until she heard the girls laugh and Sam speak. “That is so wrong.” She chuckled. Maya’s smile dropped as she lost eye contact with Miguel and looked at Sam, disappointedly. Her stare caused the girl to falter slightly and look away.

Yasmine then turned her sights onto another victim, “Speaking of wrong, check out Fug-lisha. She looks like she ate a picnic table.” They all looked at the darker skinned girl who was wearing a pink t-shirt that read ‘LOVE’ in red letters with a red plaid vest over it.

“Aw.” Yasmine mocked. Moon and Yasmine began laughing. Maya looked over at Sam who said nothing and smiled at Aisha.

Maya sighed, “Y’know I honestly expect this crap from Yasmine because she’s nothing but a cold hearted bitch but I really expect better from you Moon. You too, Sam. we should be defending Aisha, she's our friend.” She glared over at each girl.

Yasmine rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Whatever. Not my fault she looks like that.”

“Yeah, and not my fault you’re probably only going to be good for a trophy wife to a man who’d probably get tired of you within the first month.” She said before picking up her tray and walking over to sit with Aisha.

As she made her way to the table, she noticed that Miguel was making his way toward the table she had just come from, pausing when he saw that she was walking away. She gave him a bright smile, before continuing to walk. She made the decision to find him later. He stood there for a while, trying to make up his mind.

“Why are you over here instead of with your new friends?” Aisha asked, confused.

“Why would I need new friends, when I have you?” Maya asked.

Aisha laughed, “You are right about that.” She noticed Maya looking at a certain boy. “Who are you looking at?”

Maya glanced at her friend, “Miguel.”

Aisha’s eyes widened. “Miguel? You mean strip mall Miguel? Like the one you would not stop talking about?”

“What other Miguel, Aisha?” Maya responded.

Aisha held up her hands in surrender, laughing. “Jeez, I was just making sure, girl. There could be another Miguel.”

“What other Miguel would I know, Ash?” Maya rolled her eyes playfully as she looked over at the boy who seemed to be staring at the table that contained Sam, Moon, and the devil herself, Yasmine.

“And seems like this cute Miguel you speak of has got his eye on the rich bitches.” Aisha told her.

Maya scoffed, “Yeah, I got that, Aisha.” To which Aisha just shrugged.

“Maybe find him after school and talk to him.” The shorter-haired girl suggested.

Maya kept her eyes on the boys sitting far from them, seeing the dejected look on Miguel’s face after his failed attempt at talking to girls. “You know what, Ash? You're right.”

After she finished all her classes, Maya quickly packed up her things and left the room, hoping to find Miguel before he left. Luckily she saw him at his locker, taking things out and putting them into his bookbag. She made the decision to stand by his locker until he was done. When he was done, he closed his locker and turned towards Maya and was about to walk when she popped up into view with a “Hi.”

Miguel let out a small shriek and looked around him to make sure somebody didn’t hear him. He placed a hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath, “You scared me.”

Maya gave him one of her award winning smiles before speaking to him in a softer tone, “I’m so sorry. That certainly wasn’t my intention.”

It certainly was.

Maya stood up straighter and softened her smile, “Well, now that I’ve gotten your attention, I didn't know you were gonna go to this school.”

Miguel seemed to brighten up, “Yeah well, had I known that you were coming here too, I would’ve started this year with another friend.”

Maya raised an eyebrow, “We’re friends?” She was only playing of course.

Miguel looked like he wanted to throw himself into a brick wall. Of course he assumed a pretty girl like Maya wanted to be associated with him. It was too good to be true. “Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed- I didn’t mean- I just thought that since we’ve met before that you’d wanna be friends with me.”

He then avoided her eyes. Maya chuckled at his behavior, causing him to turn red in embarrassment, “Oh, wow….I was joking. Of course I’ll be your friend, Miguel.” She told him. He looked up at her, instantly becoming a ray of sunshine again.

“Are you going home right now? I could text my sister and ask if you need a ride?” She offered. She was looking forward to having other friends than Sam, Moon and Aisha and whatever Sam called Yasmine.

“Oh, no need. I’m not really going home right now. I’m actually taking karate lessons.” Miguel said proudly, with a smile that showed off his braces.

Maya smirked, “Ah, so you’re a karate man now, huh?”

Miguel nodded, “Yeah. If you want, I could show you my dojo and show you some moves I’ve learned. Maybe I could teach you some, if you’re willing to learn that is.”

Maya folded her arms, “You seem cocky. The question is, can you even throw a punch?”

Miguel copied her, “Of course I can. I can show you if you come with me to my dojo. My sensei is looking for new students anyways.”

They stared at each other for a little while before Maya answered, “Ok.”

Maya had texted her sister to give her an update that she was hanging out with the new kid. Her sister told her to keep her location on incase this turned out to be a plot for kidnapping….you never know.

“Wait, so this dude beat up a bunch of children because they pushed you onto his car, and now he’s your sensei? At the same strip mall he beat the children at? Is he allowed to be around kids right now?” Maya asked as Miguel filled her in on his karate situation

Miguel nodded, “Pretty much. In his and my defense, the dudes were assholes. They poured Pepto Bismol over me.” He tried to justify the actions of his sensei who clearly had anger issues.

“This was over Pepto Bismol?” Maya’s eyes widened.

“Well, like you said, they pushed me into his car, which caused him to get involved.” Miguel tried to make his sensei look better.

“Honestly, he doesn’t look too good in this story since he straight up kicked a kid in the face.” Maya shrugged.

Miguel huffed, “well if it was my car, I wouldn’t let a jerk like Kyler and his friend try to jack it up.”

Maya stopped in her tracks, causing Miguel to stop with her, confused as to why her body language switched up. “Wait, this was Kyler’s group? They did that to you?”

“Yeah, wait, are you friends with them?” Miguel asked hesitantly.

Maya looked offended, “Oh God no. I’d jump off something high before I became friends with them.” Miguel sighed in relief and chuckled before they entered the strip mall.

They continued walking until a black sign came into view with a fierce king cobra  with his hood up outlined with yellow on it. Cobra Kai it said….that was the name of the Dojo Daniel said terrorized his life. And she was certain this dojo wasn’t there the last time. It made her feel uneasy. She had only heard bad stories of this place, but Miguel didn’t know of any of it, so she gave it the benefit of the doubt. She took a deep breath before walking through the door that Miguel held open for her.

The place was small and needed work. That didn’t surprise Maya, it was new. She looked around and saw on a red wall a bigger version of the logo she had seen on the banner outside. Clearly the color scheme was red and black as it was shown all throughout the place. There was a bunch  of clutter in the back of the dojo. The front of the dojo, however, had the words painted on it. It said Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy.

No Mercy….that made her feel even worse about this place. She was never taught this. She was always taught defense, to block and there is no honor in no mercy. Daniel was the complete opposite of this dojo.

“It’s a cool dojo, don't you think?” Miguel said, gesturing around him with his arms out on either side proudly.

Maya hesitantly met his eyes, “yeah…I guess.” She took off her shoes before stepping on the mat as she had been taught that it was disrespectful and dirty to keep them on.

She took another cautious look around before meeting the excited gaze of her new friend Miguel. She decided to push her feelings to the back of her mind. “So…you said that you would show me some moves if I came with you to your…dojo.”

Miguel nodded and smiled sheepishly, “um, I haven't really-” he began before he was cut off by a voice, causing them both to turn around.

“Diaz! You managed to score a chick? And you brought her here? She’s hot!” The blond man said in surprise, giving the boy a smirk.

Is he allowed to say that?

Maya understood what the man was implying and blushed at the insinuation. She glared at the older man, “He didn’t ‘score’ me. I’m his friend and he said he was gonna show me some karate. You seem very sexist and are you even allowed to be around children right now. From what Miguel has told me, I don’t think you should.” Miguel glanced back and forth between the pretty girl and his sensei as Maya crossed her arms over her chest.

“Hmm, she’s feisty, Diaz. You said she could learn Karate?” Blondie asked, not sparing a glance at his student, but copying Maya’s stance and glaring back at the girl.

Trying to diffuse the tension, Miguel stepped forward and spoke. “Yes, sensei. She could be a new student. You are looking for some.”

Blondie looked at her before looking at Miguel, “I don't teach girls.”

“Excuse me?” Maya asked, feeling offended. What does her being a girl have to do with karate? “What does being a girl have to do with karate?”

The man scoffed, “Girls can’t fight. Your bones are too brittle.”

Maya’s glare became even more deadly, “Well I bet I could take down your student right now with my brittle bones, douchebag.”

Miguel’s eyes widened, “What?”

The man looked at Miguel, “I bet he can take you. Girls won’t last long in a fight. Diaz! Mat, now! You, too, whatever your name is.” He waved his hand dismissively at her.


“Whatever, Malia. Get on the mat.”

“Sensei, are you sure you want me to fight her? She’s new and I don't want to hurt her.”

She rolled her eyes before following the instructions. She looked at Miguel and her face softened a little but went back to its previous state upon hearing the blonde’s voice. “Fight!”

Miguel cringed before speaking, “Sorry.” He attacked first, throwing a punch, but Maya blocked it, grabbing his arm and turning him around, shoving his back to push him away. He stumbled before regaining balance.

She looked at his body language, seeing him rest his weight on his back foot, ready to attack again. And sure enough, Miguel lunged forward, throwing a kick her way. She ducked at the last second, and grabbed a hold of his arms, making him face her. She placed a foot on his abdomen and sat down to roll on her back, using her leg strength to push him up and over her body, making him land on his back with a thud.

She quickly got up and grabbed his arm to roll him onto his stomach and straddled his back, holding one of his arms in the air and using her empty hand to push his face into the floor.

Her victory was met with silence as she leaned her face towards Miguel's, making eye contact with the boy’s sensei with a smirk. “What was that about girl’s not being able to fight, you asshole?”

The blonde was silent for a second, “Well he’s learning. Slowly, but the nerd is learning. Anyways, how did you know how to do all of that? You shouldn’t be able to.”

Maya rolled her eyes, “mhm, yet I could. Should I take a picture for proof?” She let go of Miguel’s arm and pulled out her phone and took a picture and saw a text from her sister saying she’s around the corner.

She patted Miguel’s head, “Cute. Anyways, from here, I could easily dislocate this shoulder by a simple, but hard, push to the joint right there and pulling the arm. As for fighting, I’ve been doing this since I was five.

From the floor, Miguel made his presence known, “Actually, please don’t dislocate my arm. I kinda need it.” He told her sheepishly.

Maya let him go and got off his back and held out a hand to help him up. He accepted it graciously, “The information that you know how to fight would have been helpful before he made me fight you.”

Maya chuckled, “See, then it wouldn’t have been as fun taking you down.” She heard her sister’s car horn. “That's my ride. See you tomorrow, Miguel.” She ignored his sensei’s presence as she put back on her shoes and grabbed her things.

Miguel waved at her, “Next time we spar, I’m going to win.” He said determinedly. 

“In your dreams, Diaz!” She left the dojo with a smile on her face.

Word count: 3226

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