Chapter 22 - Wait!What?

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Unknown Place

"Samprati! Why is the work not done yet! When will I get to hear those golden words. I feel like I have been waiting since eternity, how long? For how long will I have to wait." said a man with an agitated look.

"Apologies ShukaNaresh. Over the past few days, the security arrangements were so tight that it was imposssible for even a mosquito to sting them, let alone kill them. 

"I don't want any excuses. I want ram dead at any cost. Mind it." his  voioce roared in the entire sabha as he moved towards samprati and pointed his finger towards him.

Samprati lowered his head and said in a barely audible voice " As you  wish my majesty."


Shatrughan's POV

I was busy reading the scrolls, sitting in my room. The weather was a bit more  hot according to the normal temperature of Ayodhya and humidity was at its peak. "I hope it rains soon.I always had this personal liking for rainy season. The smell of soil after the first rainshower is a treat.

"Ghana!Ghana!" bharat bhaiya's voice broke my trance as he entered my chamber with a lot of papers in his hands."Have you seen those papers."

"Which ones?" i said turning back noticing lines of worry on his forehead. 

This is how my Bharat Bhaiya is, getting stressed on petty things. And I know very well that the papers he is looking for must be in those bundles only.

"Aaree those papers about the volume  of trade this season. There were some mistakes in it. I have to complete it today only. Where are those papers?" he said giving out a frustrated groan.

"Ohho Bhaiya! Here give them to me, otherwise they will fall." I said rising from the bed and taking all  the papers from his hands and sat on the bed again while he took a glass of water from the bedside table groaning in annoyance.

"They are not in this bundle ghana. You know I am searching for them since past one hour, but they are like after my life, they won't be found this easily. " he said all this with his back facing me while he gulped the entire jug while I sat on the bed , cross legged and smiling.

"Ghana! Why are you not responding. I am saying na they are not here" he said a bit loudly and turned, only to see me smiling. "What?" he asked with a questioning look, while my smirk just widened. "No" he said in a low voice

"Yes" i replied amused



"This is not possible, I literally checked it thrice." bharat bhaiya was shocked. I just swinged the paper in air, which he took from my hand abruptly and stared at it blankly. i just stood there controlling my gigles.

"Okay!Okay!Fine, It happens bhaiya. Not a big deal. Come on we should get going to the Puja hall before we get late, otherwise Mata Kaushalya won't leave us." i stated.


"Aree Bhaiyaa, leave na, let's get going." and I dragged him  forcefully to the Puja hall.

Puja Hall

 Author's POV

"See here come our two monkeys, now only two are left. Where are the other two?" Kaushalya questioned as Bharat and Shatrughan took Guru Vashishth and their blessings respectively.

"Come on didi, Ram is not a monkey." Keikeyi pointed

"Doesn't matter. But where are Ram and Lakshman. They know na, today is Vishnu Pujan, they cannot be late for the puja."

"Why do you worry so much Kaushalya. Have patience, we still have time and they won't be late."

"And Yes mata, I don't know about Ram Bhaiya but yeah Lakshman bhaiya, must be here only fighting or scolding someone." everyone except  Kaushalya laughed.

"You!" she said with fake anger and glare.

" Mata, whether you accept it or not, but your Lakhan lal is half of the time without any reason getting angry on a............" 

"Ahem!Ahem!!" he was cut midway by a voice of someone clearing their throat. Shatrughan's mouth remained open halfway in air listening to that voice.

"aba.......baa......baa...... I was saying my Bhaiya is so nice, he never scolds anyone without any reason and anger, that word is missing from his dictionary."

"Bohot khub chote." Lakshman said coming from behind and placing his hand over shatrughan's shoulder.( Very smart kid)

"Of course Bhaiya , Afterall I am your twin." both the twins gave each other fake smiles, while Laksh gave him a I will see you later look, shatrughan closed his eyes tightly remembering all the God's for help.

"Lakhan, Ram didn't come with you?" Kaushalya questioned.

"What? Ram Bhaiya is not here?" Laksh question petrified as if he had seen a ghost.

" No, we thought both of you would come together." Dashrath replied while Lakshman took everyone's blessings.

"YES! I reached before Ram Bhaiya, now no one can call me lazy." he did a victory dance "one second, but how?" he wondered while others facepalmed at his kiddish act.

"That's exactly What I am thinking" shatrughan blurted under his breath.

"You said something chote?" lakshman faced him and questioned in an oversweet tone.

"Nah. Never"

Bharat's Pov

Lakshman and Shatrughan were busy in their kiddish banters , when Ram Bhaiya came. The whole Praja rejoiced seeing him. This is the  kind of effect , Bhaiya has on them. Everyone in the kingdom loves him like their own kid. 

"Ram! Bacha where were you?" Mata Sumitra questioned when  he reached  her after touching Guru Vashishtha's feet.

"We should have guessed" Mata replied giggling

"Mata, your Mahadev caught me in his talks." Ram Bhaiya replied with his evergreen serene smile, which can light up anyone's day especially mine.

Sumitra Mata's Mahadev temple and Ram Bhaiya, this is some next level bond  which everyone in Ayodhya is aware about, Be it be a kid or an elderly person. Everyone out their knows.

The Vishnu Puja finally began with all the pomp and show, this is a much awaited event, which is organised once a year. On the occasion of Vishnu Pujan, we along with our Praja together pray for the well being of the kingdom. This year it was of even  greater importance as Ram Bhaiya was going to do it.

The Puja ended and Ram Bhaiya came down the stairs with folded hands in order to greet the people. He was standing beneath the grandiose Chandelier and was addressing the people. His aura and charm was such that it binded each and every person in such a spell.

"Ram Bhaiya!" Shatrughan yelled on top of his lungs

At that very moment every heart in the Hall stopped beating for a few minutes. Some screams, some moans and heart wrenching SMASHING sound was heard.

Tears automatically rolled down my eyes when I was surrounded by broken glass shards all around.

"Ram Bhaiya! Ghana!" were the only words my lips formed at that moment.


*Hides* Violence buri baat hai.

Helloooooo Peps!!! So, this was chapter 22.

I hope you like it.

Was it any good? Do give your views.

Any favorite part?

MULAHIZA Buddy,  here comes your birthday gift. Late hai, but late zada aache hote😁. Belated Happy Birthday!

Also, lately two great peps made me realize that I have been unknowingly writing this book completely from third pov. Yes! I didn't realize! *sabko gali dene ka mauka milega, dhaka mukki nhi krna*

Anyways, if you liked the chapter then do vote and comment.

Keep making assumptions about what will happen. Share them with me as well. I love to know your views.


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