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The cold breeze woke up Hyo from her deep sleep. She had fallen asleep after her mom gave her medicine for her fever. The window was opened and the night air had sneaked into her room. She stood from the bed and closed the window when she turned around she found someone staring at her.

She could see the clock behind him, it marked 3:29 a.m. Something in the boy's face told her that he was the one who opened the window. "Did you open the window?" She asked but the vision in front of her disappeared.

Hyo looked down and sighed. It was ridiculous. She couldn't talk to a ghost in her room, it doesn't make any sense, he doesn't exist.

"You don't exist... It's just the fever- She couldn't finish the sentence when the pair of dark eyes appeared right in front of her.

"You were saying?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest.

"AH!" Hyo shouted in surprise widening her eyes and stumbling as she took some steps backwards and she almost hit the floor if it wasn't for the blurry vision that held her.

She quickly moved away and hugged herself. He was cold.

With widened eyes she stared at him. She wasn't crazy, he was standing in front of her. "Not even a thanks?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Why are we talking at all?" She asked annoyed. It wasn't normal for a person to be talking to a ghost. It was confusing.

"We shouldn't be talking!"He raised an eyebrow demanding better manners from her. She looked at him shocked.

Rolling her eyes she looked away. "Kamsahamnida." She said hesitantly. It was weird to thank a ghost for such a thing. She received a smile from the vision.

"Did you...?" She asked as she pointed to the window, he nodded.


"Why?" She asked confused. She couldn't think about a reason why he would open the window.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." He said giving his back to her. Hyo looked at him bewildered. His attitude was strange, it was almost as if he was a human. After a few seconds of silence he deigned to speak.

"It was getting hot in here." He said casually. She swallowed hard and walked towards her bed slowly.

"This is so weird. I am sure this is a dream anyways."

"It is not." He said offended as he followed her and sat at the edge of the bed. Hyo looked at him and furrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing here then?"

"This is my place." He said looking around her room. Hyo followed his eyes and then her black eyes met her brown orbs. "This is my room." She said crossing her arms on her chest, he copied her.

"It's mine too. So you should get accustomed." He said moving his lips slowly.

Hyo remained silent for a couple of second as she stared at the vision in front of her. She wondered what his genesis was. Where did he come from? How did he appear here? Was this his previous house?

"Why don't you ask all of those questions instead?" Hyo opened her eyes widely and soon felt her hands shaking.

"Did you read my mind?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Ani... But judging by the look on your face, it was pretty obvious that you wanted to ask me something so... Go ahead." He said eagerly as he moved and sat better in front of her.

Hyo blinked twice and shook her head. "Please go. I don't think you should be here." The boy rolled his eyes and leaned back resting his body on his hands.

"You're seriously boring." He complained moving his hand and suddenly the hair brush that was laying on top of Hyo's vanity moved and collapsed on the floor. She turned to look at him in shock.

"I'll have all night and you have plenty stuff... So you decide." He said calmly.

Hyo blinked twice as she clenched her fists. "Fine... - She shook her head – What was your name again?"

He narrowed his eyes. Offended about the fact that she has forgotten his name. "Just call me Tae."

"Tae?" She asked tilting her head.

"Yeah... I can't remember my full name and not that is important right... Now I get to ask a question." He said narrowing his eyes to the ceiling as if he was thinking.

"What are you doing?" Hyo blurted out, Tae looked down at her with a confused expression.

"Thinking about my question?"

"Nobody said about you asking me questions."

"You think you're the only one who has questions? I have mine too, it's nothing but fair so shut up." Hyo frowned and crossed her arms on her chest shaking her head. She thought he was truly annoying.

"Got it... Park Hyo Jin... How old are you?"

"I am 20 and you?" She asked.

He looked down and stood from the bed. "I can't remember... Is that your family downstairs?" His voice was more audible now. Hyo wondered if her mother and sister would listen to him.


"Only them? Don't you have a father or more siblings?"

"I thought it was my turn." Hyo defiantly said. Tae narrowed his eyes and gave up lifting his hands. "Go ahead."

"Where are you from?" She asked curiously. Judging by his face, he was clueless, he just looked down and shook his head. "I can't remember either."

"Do you remember at least something?" Hyo asked annoyed. He looked at her and for a moment she saw how his eyes became lost. She swallowed hard not knowing what to do.

"I remember water." Hyo looked at him with a clueless expression and just when she was about to say something he disappeared. She looked around the room but she met her clock that marked 3:55 a.m.

It was late after all and she needed to sleep since tomorrow she was returning to college. Quickly she buried her face on the pillow and threw the blanket on top of her and closed her eyes. Tae's eyes popped into her head after she asked the question. She could tell by the look on his face that it had affected him her question. She decided to not give too much importance to it and gave in to the world of dreams.


The deafening sound of the alarm woke up Hyo. She opened her eyes and rushed to unlock her phone to stop the alarm. She returned to the bed and stared at the white ceiling. It was hard for her returning to college after all she's been through.

Quickly she got up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. After taking a cold shower and putting on her uniform, she made her way downstairs and had breakfast with her sister and mother. Sunjin was going to show her the way to the college since it was new for her.

"It's quite easy, you'll get used to in a short time. You're smart like me." Sunjin said winking and pinching Hyo's cheeks. The girl smiled tenderly at her unnie.

"This is your school." Sunjin said after they got off from the subway station and walking two streets down. Hyo eyed the façade and nodded.

"Ne. I think I can return home alone." She said looking to her sister. Sunjin narrowed her eyes. She wasn't sure if this was true.

"Are you sure?" Hyo nodded in answer.

"Okay... You can always call me or mom, okay?" Sunjin asked but Hyo nodded. She was sure she had memorized the way back.

"Go ahead or you'll be late now." Sunjin said smiling to Hyo. She nodded and did her way inside.

The college was big enough for her to get lost in the first day. She liked the fact that it looked clean and organized. She walked through the administration office to get her schedule.

"Ah Park Hyo Jin." The lady behind the counter said cheerfully. Hyo looked at her confused, she didn't understand how she knew her name if this was the first time she was here.

"Excuse me... Have we met before?" She asked. The woman looked nervous and shook her head.

"Ani ani... But your mother came and showed a picture of how you look like... She wanted you to feel welcome the first day and she wanted us to know who you were." She clarified.

Even though the woman tried to look cool, Hyo noticed she was acting weird but she decided to let it go. She received her schedule and said thanks bowing to the ahjumma. She walked through the halls until she found her classroom.

After knocking the door, the teacher opened the door and smiled at her. "Welcome... Please, come in." He said and she followed him. The class has already started so Hyo apologized with the teacher for her late arrival but he seemed to be okay with this since he said there was no problem since this was her first day.

"Okay class pay attention – The teacher started and then turned around to look at Hyo – Can you introduce yourself?" She nodded and turned to look at the eager faces who were staring at her.

She cleared her throat and nodded. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Park Hyo Jin, I am 20 years old and I am from here." She said looking now at the teacher, seeking for approval, he nodded and indicated her seat.

The class was quiet and Hyo felt all eyes on her. She thought it was normal since she got transferred here after they moved, maybe they were all curious about her being the new student but she tried to focus on the subject.

After the first classed finished she grabbed her things and did her way out of the building but when she heard her name she stopped and turned around.

"Park Hyo Jin!" A male voice called her. Her eyes met a pair of brown orbs that seemed to be eagerly happy.

"Ne?" She asked confused since she didn't know the boy's name although his face was familiar for she remembers him from the class.

"Oh... Right – He said clearing his throat - Kim Namjoon? We're together in the class." He said pointing to the school behind them. Hyo nodded.

"Ah yes... Nice to meet you Namjoon." She said bowing and he smiled. She noticed he was considerably tall and had cute dimples.

"I... I noticed you were alone... Were you returning to your house now?" He asked and she nodded. He swallowed hard and smiled.

"Do you want me to escort you to the subway? If it's not too weird for you?" Hyo looked at him confused but she was too taken aback to be reject him so she nodded.

"Let's go." He said walking next to her. They both remained silent walking next to the other. Namjoon would eventually turn around and stare at her but once she realized he'd look away and cursed himself mentally for his lack of touch.

"Uh... So did you like the new school?" He asked once they reached the sub station as they waited for the train.

"I think it's fine... How long have you been attending it?" Hyo asked without looking at him. Namjoon was surprised at the fact that Hyo looked like she wasn't too interested in talking to him so he thought he just had to try harder.

"Only six years... - He started as he scratched the back of his head – My family moved from Goyang six years ago so..." He said and now Hyo looked at him.

"Are you from Goyang?" He nodded.

She remembered her father, he was born and raised in Goyang. Soon her heart filled with sadness as she missed him. Namjoon noticed and he cleared his throat. "Have you visited it perhaps?"

She nodded. "My father was born there." Namjoon nodded. "I am sure he was a great man then." He said smiling tenderly. Hyo nodded as she looked at the floor but then she slowly turned around and looked at him.

"Was?" She asked confused. Namjoon opened his eyes widely and began to stammer. "I – I meant is... I was trying to say "is". He said and Hyo frowned. Suddenly the train arrived and Namjoon breathed in relief once the doors opened. He followed her and sat next to her on the train.

"I am sorry... I am clumsy with words. I didn't mean to offend you nor your family-

"It's okay. He's gone anyways." Hyo said looking away.

"I... I am sorry to hear that...Do you have more family perhaps?" Namjoon asked as he examined Hyo's profile side. He noticed how long her hair was and how soft looked. He couldn't help but blush at Hyo's physical charms.

"I do... Eomma and unnie... And you?" Hyo surprised him looking at her, he jumped in surprised and looked away and then to the floor. He thanked himself for taking a seat otherwise he would have collapsed on the floor since he was pretty sure his knees would have betrayed him.

"I am only child and both parents are working all the time so yes... That's my life." He said and Hyo smiled.

"It seems like you almost hate it?" She asked tilting her head and Namjoon laughed.

"Ani... It's better off that way, they're not breathing on my nape all the time because they're don't have time." He joked but Hyo only smiled. She thought he didn't know how lucky he was to have both parents alive.

"This is my stop." Hyo said once she heard the lady's voice announcing they had arrived her destiny. Namjoon nodded and stood with her at the same time, Hyo eyed him a bit confused.

"It's mine too." Namjoon said with a nervous laugh. Hyo tilted her head and narrowed her eyes.

"Okay...?" She said as she walked next to him. They both made their way out of the subway and began to walk. She noticed how Namjoon looked so sure about these streets and she thought maybe he was telling the truth.

"So where do you live?" She asked.

"Five streets up... And you?" He asked looking at her.

"Only two.... We live relatively close." She said and he smiled. "I think that's good... Maybe we can be friends." He said and Hyo stopped walking. Namjoon widened his eyes, he was terrified that his suggestion had upset her.

"I – I am s-sorry... I didn't mean that- way... I mean I am stupid, I am so so-sorry." He said closing his eyes and Hyo chuckled.

"This is my house." Hyo said and he stopped his dramatic burst and looked at the house behind her.

"Ahh... Right – He smiled and the dimples moved – Your house... You have a pretty house." He said placing his hands on his pockets.

"Thanks... I guess I'll see you around Kim Namjoon." She spoke softly and he nodded.

"Ne... Park Hyo Jin." He replied. She smiled and turned around walking to her house. Namjoon looked at the house and then at her back. He waited for her to come inside and noticed her mother waiting for her on the door. He smiled and waved at the lady and she did the same.

"Who was that?" She asked to Hyo once she arrived the door.

"Just... Some weird guy from school... Apparently he lives in the same street." She said closing the door behind her and making her way to the kitchen.

"Hyo yah he looks quite nice... He's really tall and handsome." The mother giggled.

"Eomma I just met him today." She scolded her mother and Cha Sunjeon rolled her eyes as she poured juice in a glass for her daughter.

"Still... He's so polite to escort you to your house-

"Eomma it was just pure coincidence." Hyo said taking the whole juice as a single shot and standing from the table.

"Geurae... How was your first day then?" The mother asked following Hyo to the living room.

"It was okay, everyone was nice and the lady on the administration already knew me." She said laughing.

The mother opened her eyes widely and smiled nervously. "Ah yes... I showed her a picture of you so she could recognized you the first day."

"She was pretty good memory then, kamsahamnida eomma." She said kissing her mother's cheeks and making her way upstairs.

The second floor was quiet and a bit colder than the one downstairs. She walked carelessly through the hall and stopped in front of her door, she grabbed the latch and turned it around but when she pushed the door it was locked from inside. She took a step back and frowned. Soon she realized down in the space between the door and the floor, she saw a shadow moving.

She sighed and closed her eyes as she tried again to open the door. She tried several times and pushed the door but it remained closed. The mother heard the noises and came upstairs.

"Hyo yah what's going on?" She asked as she saw her daughter pushing the door open.

"The door won't open- Hyo stopped talking when she noticed the door was open now in front of her. The mother frowned and shook her head as she mumbled something and returned downstairs.

Hyo turned around and stood on the door frame and looked around but there was no one. She walked in and closed the door behind her. She stood still in the middle of the room, looking everywhere until she stopped and sat at the edge of her bed.

She was removing her shoes when one was thrown at her. "Ouch!" She complained once the pain became present. Soon Tae appeared in front of her.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She exclaimed as she stood from the bed and faced him. Her fists were clenched and her face had a big frown. He remained silent as he looked at her with an angry face.

"Throwing a shoe at you, it's pretty obvious." He replied.

"YAH!" Hyo exclaimed crossing her arms on her chest. She thought this was ridiculous, she was pissed at a ghost. Shaking her head she grabbed the shoes from the floor and took them to the walk-in closet when she turned around to return to her room, the door was shut violently in her face.

She tripped with the shoes and fell sitting on the floor. She groaned in frustration and felt how her eyes filled with tears. After a few seconds she stood from the floor and tried to open the door but it was locked from outside.

"Yah you! Let me out now!" She exclaimed annoyed but the room was silent. She sighed loudly and leaned her forehead on the door. The situation was extremely ridiculous, she thought about telling to her mother again but she was sure no one will believe her.

"For how long are you going to keep me here? This isn't right! Yah!" She exclaimed knocking the door but no one replied. She sighed heavily again and closed her eyes.

After a few minutes of silence she finally heard the voice. "Who was that?" Hyo lifted her head and looked at the door as if it had grown three heads.

"What?" Confusion in her voice made him realized she had no clue of what he was talking about. He groaned quietly and came closer to the door. She felt a cold breeze coming from the other side of the door.

"That guy... Outside." He whispered. She frowned and took a step backwards.

"A classmate, wae?" He looked away and unlocked the door. Hyo looked how the door opened itself and noticed how Tae was now sitting on the vanity's chair.

He only shrugged and remained silent. Hyo walked outside the closet and stood in front of him with her hands on her waist. "Why did you lock me inside? That wasn't very nice of you!"

"Who said I was nice in the first place?" He asked facing her with mischievous eyes. Hyo felt Goosebumps running through her body as she swallowed hard. His look was quite scary now so she began to walk backwards when he stood from the chair and walked towards her.

"Don't get mistaken... Just because I wanted to know your name and age doesn't mean we're friends." He said cornering her against the wall, she just nodded as an answer.

He blinked twice and disappeared. Hyo closed her eyes and sighed heavily.

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