Chapter 4

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It had been 2 moons since the dreadful badger attack, and since they were banished. Greenleaf was coming to an end. Stormfall padded away from the Medicine den after getting her wounds checked.

She Cloudsound, and Raincloud were finally allowed to go on patrols again. Treekit and Duckkit had reached their fifth moon, and Leopardkit became Leopardpaw, Clawkit became Clawpaw, their mentors being Flameheart and Foxfur. They hadn't even been six moons! Swiftkit hadn't become an apprentice because Hazeleyes thought she wasn't ready. Not ready! Swiftkit had done more than enough to prove she was ready! She sighed, joining the dawn patrol. Raincloud, Stripetail, Goldenpool waited at the entrance of the camp, while Swiftkit pranced around Raincloud.

Swiftkit bounced excitedly underneath Stormfall's raised paw. "Shouldn't you be in the nursery with Hazeleyes?"

Raincloud looked at the kit with admiration. "Since Leopardpaw and Clawpaw are out of the nursery, Hazeleyes started patrols again." Raincloud let out a soft growl as he spoke, "Hazeleyes went on a border patrol, Smallclaw is busy," Raincloud let a snarl too quiet for Swiftkit to hear. "So, Finchstar said I could take Swiftkit out for a patrol." Raincloud puffed his chest in pride.

"She was originally going to be my apprentice anyways." Raincloud beamed.

"I'm going to be a better warrior than Leopardpaw and Clawpaw!" Swiftkit puffed out her chest.

"Just because I didn't have a ceremony means nothing!" Stormfall admired the young cat's positiveness.
Her father and mother had rejected her, her to-be mentor had been banished, her littermates had been made apprentices without her, how did the little she-kit cope?

"Whose leading this patrol?" Stormfall asked, kneading the ground.
"Stripetail." Raincloud answered flicking his thick tail at Stripetail.
"What are we waiting for?" She glanced at Stripetail who was looking at the entrance.
"Finchstar ordered for my patrol to stay put until Smallclaw and his patrol returned. I didn't ask why." She answered.
Why had Finchstar ordered this?

Stormfall heard a rustle come from the thicket before Smallclaw appeared with Pinefall, Flameheart, and Leopardpaw in tow.

Stormfall heard a light snarl come from Smallclaw to Raincloud. Raincloud snarled back, giving no hint of hesitation.

Leopardpaw hissed something into Swiftkit's ear, she tried to listen, but only heard "Sorry, sorry that you aren't good enough!" She hissed. Swiftkit glared at her sister in shock. Pinefall looked at Stripetail with worry.

What was happening to her clan?

"Don't try taking my daughter from me." She heard Smallclaw whisper to Raincloud.
"I won't have to. You've already done it yourself." He retorted.

"Let's go." Stripetail ordered, obviously sensing the tension between the patrols. They padded out of camp, passing Petalear who was standing guard. We climbed the ravine, moving swiftly. When it was Swiftkit's turn, Raincloud dragged her up.

She let out a soft growl. Was that, jealousy? Was she jealous of the attention Swiftkit was getting from Raincloud? Why would she be jealous?

"This is the RiverClan border. Never go here alone. RiverClan doesn't seem happy with ThunderClan right now." Raincloud flicked his tail at Sunningrocks. At the last battle, ThunderClan had lost Sunningrocks, including a brave warrior named Smokeheart. RiverClan may have won Sunningrocks, but they lost two warriors, and an apprentice. Of course, we didn't try to kill them, we only fought like them. Having little prey due to the water's low hight didn't help the RiverClan cats.

"Let's refresh the scent marks." Stripetail ordered.
Raincloud showed Swiftkit by a bush while Stormfall did the same on a large rock. After the patrol finished, Stripetail sent Raincloud and Swiftkit to the sandy clearing to practice a few battle moves while the rest of the patrol hunted by the owl tree.

Scenting a mouse, she stopped. Creeping forward, swiftly and cautiously. When she was only a mouse length away, she pounced.
The mouse ran through her paws, missing her claws by a hair. She scowled. If I can't catch a mouse, what can I catch?

Looking up, she saw Goldenpool stalking a squirrel ready to run up the nearest tree. Stalking up behind it, she flicked her tail tip to let Goldenpool know she was helping.

Goldenpool stalked forward. Stormfall stood behind the tree.

Stormfall stepped forward, again, again, Crunch! She stepped on a leaf! The squirrel darted up the tree.

She sighed, "I'm sorry, Goldenpool. That was my fault. You could've caught it."
Goldenpool started to dig up something. "I already caught something. Its not your fault, Stormfall. The squirrel was skinny anyway."

Goldenpool unearthed a sparrow. Stormfall had caught nothing. "Let's head back. Do we have any extra prey to carry?" Stripetail peered around at the patrol. No one answered. She sighed, "Can I go fetch Raincloud and Swiftkit?" Stripetail nodded. She padded swiftly through the undergrowth unnoticed. She reached the clearing to hear Swiftkit growling.

"Grrr, I'll beat you, fox dung ShadowClan!" She saw Swiftkit pounce onto Raincloud. He swiftly turned his entire body, pinning her with a single paw. "Next time you tackle an older apprentice or a warrior alone go for the belly. Here, try this." Swiftkit watched in awe as her mentor shared his knowledge.
Raincloud started to get into the hunters' crouch.

"We're leaving." Stormfall announced, giving away her hiding place.
Raincloud looked up. He got out of his crouch, standing up, he flanked Swiftkit.

"Okay, maybe Finchstar will let me take you hunting tomorrow." Raincloud licked in between Swiftkit's ears affectionatly.

"Let's go, Stripetail's waiting." She said a little harsher than she intended. Raincloud flicked his ears as they headed towards the patrol. The patrol
walked back to the camp silently. Not a word was spoken, except by Swiftkit who kept asking questions.

"Are we going to pass the owl tree?"
"We already did. You'll see it again tomorrow." Raincloud said.

"What was your first prey? Mine was a vole." Swiftkit asked her.
"A dove." Stormfall replied.

"How far is it from here to WindClan? I heard its far."
Stormfall nodded.

"Can I go to the gathering tomorrow?"
Stormfall had forgotten about the gathering! She probably wasn't going anyway, but she could at least help guard camp.

"I'll have to talk to Finchstar about it, but don't get your hopes up, your still a kit." Raincloud answered.

They eventually reached camp.

Flameheart was sharing tongues with
his brother Foxfur by the warriors den.

Leopardpaw and Greenpaw were also sharing tongues by the Apprentices' den.
Cloverpaw and Clawpaw were sharing a skinny piece of prey by the nettles.

The elders lay sprawled outside their den.

Birchbark and Cloudsound were sitting beneath the High rock whispering. Daisyheart padded out of Finchstar's den to sit beside Cloudsound.

Flywing sat outside the nursery half asleep with Treekit and Duckkit playing in the clearing.

Swiftkit immediately bounded over. "I'm Swiftstar, leader of ThunderClan! Get off my territory!" Swiftkit screeched at Treekit.

Stormfall chuckled, kits!
Stripetail headed to speak with Daisyeheart, Goldenpool put her sparrow on the fresh kill pile, Raincloud went to speak with Finchstar in his den.

She had no more patrols, the clan was slimly fed, what else was their? Maybe she'd visit Rainpaw, he did seem to like her company.
She squeezed through the entrance to the medicine cats' den.

Rainpaw was sorting herbs in the back of the den. "Do you need a new layer of poultice?" He asked, not looking up from his work. "Prickleface hasn't mentioned anything unusual about your wounds."

"I'm fine, I just was wondering if I could help with something." She replied, wrinkiling her nose at all the scents.

"Oh, in that case, I do need some help," Rainpaw said, pawing some leaves into a dip in the dirt.
"What could I help with, then?"

"Well, Prickleface wanted me to find some herbs, I suppose you could help. I'll be leaving soon." Stormfall nodded at the offer.

"I'll wait, I'm gonna go see if the clan's been fed before I go." Stormfall made her way through to the elders' den.

Whiskertail and Frosttree lay peacefully asleep outside the den. "Poppystep? Are you in here?" She poked her head into the den. Poppystep lay in a uncomfortable looking position beside her nest.
"Poppystep?" She whispered.
"Poppystep?" She called again, this time frightened.
"Rainpaw!" She yowled, sprinting back into the medicine den.

"Yes?" He answered.

"It's Poppystep! She won't wake up!" Rainpaw sighed, whispering. "I knew this might happen,"

They raced back to the elders' den were Poppystep lay with eyes closed. Rainpaw hurried to Poppystep's side. Rainpaw set his paw gently on Poppystep's throat. He sighed,

"There's no pulse, she's gone to StarClan. There is nothing we can do, except wish her luck on her journey to the stars." Rainpaw let out a soft yowl.
Full of grief, they padded out into the clearing. The camp hadn't seemed any different since she arrived back from her patrol. Leafnose and Weedheart had started to share tongues too in the clearing.
"What's happened?" Raincloud asked softly.
"Poppystep's dead." She looked up, tail drooping. "We should tell Flameheart and Foxfur. They'll want to know." I nodded, padding over to the two brothers. They looked up in confusion. "Is there something wrong?" Foxfur asked.

"Poppystep died, I'm so sorry, I-"

"It's fine. We knew this day would come. No need to blame yourself."
Flameheart interrupted.
"We will miss her." Foxfur stated grief stricken.
"Does anyone else know?" Flameheart asked.
"I don't think so, I think Rainpaw is telling Finchstar." Foxfur and Flameheart stood up. "We wish to sit vigil for her, as well as bury her." Foxfur shook his legs.

"You must speak with Finchstar or Daisyheart about this, I'm not the cat to talk to." She stood up, walking away. Prickleface emerged through the thorn barrier, shaking his ruffled pelt.
"I'm back, Rainpaw, did you get those herbs?" Prickleface mewed slightly annoyed.
Rainpaw shook his head worrily.
"No, I was about to, but, Poppystep died." Prickleface's expression faltered.
He sighed, "What happened?"
Rainpaw explained all the misfortune that had happened while he was away, and how she had discovered Poppystep's still body.
Prickleface sighed again, "Go collect the herbs. I'll deal with the clan. How are Foxfur and Flameheart doing?"

"They're taking it well, they might not feel the shock yet." Rainpaw replied, watching Foxfur and Flameheart drag Poppystep into the clearing.

"Take Stormfall with you, ShadowClan might have crossed the border, their scent seemed awfully strong." Prickleface warned.

"Report that to Daisyheart!" She called over her shoulder as they left. They neared Snakerocks. "What are we doing here? I didn't know there were herbs here." Stormfall wondered out loud. She scented the air, a familiar unlikable scent filled her nose. She shook it off, just my imagination.

A/N: thats because there isn't any herbs here! Rainpaw might have evil plans... JK, or am I? MWAHAHAHA, HA. OK, I'm just joking....?

"Only yarrow grows here," he said while biting off some yellowed leaves on a long stem

"Can I help carry those?" Stormfall asked.

"Yes, could you look for some watermint too? It looks like this." Rainpaw flicked his bushy tail at a leafy green plant. She nodded, looking around for the herb.

"I've found almost everything except marigold. We'll find that near the river," Rainpaw started to treck towards RiverClan. "If there's anything left." He added.

The hot weather must have killed a lot of the herbs,

They reached the river when the sun started to fall. The beautiful sunset gave Stormfall hope and warmth. Maybe being banished won't be so bad after all?

She saw Rainpaw looking around. Perhaps he can't find any?
"What does it look like?" She asked.

"It's a Golden-flower." Rainpaw directed Stormfall.


"Okay," She nodded. She started searching for the flower. They were nowhere to be seen.

"Are you sure it's here?" She asked.

"Normally it is, we can check by the Thunderpath. We better hurry, the sun's setting." Rainpaw and Stormfall raced to the border.

"I'll beat you there!" Stormfall yelled through clenched teeth while carrying the yarrow and watermint. They raced passed the owl tree, heading towards Snackerocks.
She stopped dead in her tracks. She smelled something, something unusual. What was it? ShadowClan!
Rainpaw had stopped beside her, sniffing the air as well.
"ShadowClan!" Rainpaw hissed quietly.

"More cats than a medicine cat and a leader." She snarled. "Get back to camp, tell Finchstar and Daisyheart! Go! I'll follow them!" Rainpaw raced back to camp with a frightened look.

She had already dropped the herbs and buried them in soft soil.

She couldn't risk being seen, she wouldn't be able to fight them all.
She had to figure out how many cats were on the patrol, and who was leading it? She scented a few familiar cats such as Marshscar, Ratfang, Sleekfoot, Needlestep, Cedarpaw, and Silverpaw, the other three she didn't recognize.
She suggested Marshscar was leading to avenge Ripplestar's death. Crunch!
"Shush! WindClan will know we're here!" Needlestep hissed.
"Sorry!" An unfamiliar voice rang out. She ran ahead of the patrol unseen.
How hadn't the clan heard them? StarClan could hear them from Highstones!

Carefully, she raced to camp. Daisyheart was organizing a battle patrol. "Leafnose, Smallclaw, Birchbark and Cloverpaw will be on my patrol. Bushthorn, Greenpaw, Pinefall and Weedheart on Duskhollow's patrol." The patrols started to gather.

"Daisyheart! They're coming! They've almost reached camp!" Stormfall yowled, crossing the clearing.
"Get the queens and elders in the nursery!" Foxfur and Flameheart dragged Poppystep's unburied body into the elders' den, snarling and ready for attack.

Finchstar appeared on the Highrock.
"ShadowClan has come to avenge Ripplestar's death! We must fight to make sure they don't come back!" Yowls of agreement sounded around the camp.

"Cloudsound, Raincloud, Stormfall, Yowlpaw and Whitepelt will guard camp. Lionfang will lead a patrol with Stripetail, Mousefang, Littlescar, and
Rollthump, they will surround the patrol. ThunderClan, stay strong! We will not be defeated today!"

ThunderClan cheered. Daisyheart started to give out orders to Duskhollow and Lionfang.

"Yowlpaw and Cloudsound, guard the nursery, I'll help Prickleface and Rainpaw take injured cats from the battle, Stormfall, stick with Finchstar." Cloudsound and Yowlpaw ran towards the nursery.

"He's on his last life." Raincloud added.
"How do you know?" She asked confused.
"I've kept track." He answered, scurrying to the medicine den.

She hurried to the top of the Highrock to stand beside Finchstar. "Go guard the elders!" He ordered.

"No! I know your on you last life! I'm not leaving your side." She hissed quietly.

Finchstar sighed.

"They're safe in the nursery." She replied.

"ShadowClan, Attack!" Yowled a furious Marshscar.

Man, I love writing cliffhangers. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment, Share, Vote!

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