Chapter 15

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The sound of quiet crying filled a hallway, Thea sitting behind a pillar, tears falling down her cheeks. She had no escort anymore, her escort used her to make his crush jealous then dumped her when his plan succeeded, she was gonna look like an idiot walking into her debut alone. "Thea?" She flinched, looking up finding three figures standing there. Meleanor looked at her surprised, Revan and Lilia behind them with Jessi not far. "Thea, why aren't you inside?"Revan asks holding scrolls that Nilo assigned him to sort out. "I'll be inside in a moment!"Thea says forcing a smile. "Is there anyone you need me to beat up?"Meleanor asks. "Princess"Jessi scolds. "FINE! FINE! But Thea let me know if there's someone who needs to be burned to a charred unrecognizable crisp"Meleanor says. Jessi nodded to Thea, walking into the debut ball with Meleanor and Revan. "Where's your escort?" She screamed in alarm, Lilia staring down at her expressionless.

Ugh, not this guy, the fae who always hung out with her elder brothers and Ambert. "Your escort, where is he?"Lilia frowned. "He dumped me okay!! Now leave me alone!"Thea cried more tears starting to fall. She turned away, burying her face in her arms. Footsteps echoed, her ears flattening back. A hand patted her head, making her raise her head, Lilia kneeling in front of her with a handkerchief in hand. "I'll escort you inside"Lilia sighed wiping her tears. He stood up, holding his hand out to her. "Lady Thea." She stared at him stunned, her eyes wide in surprise. She reached out, taking his hand, allowing him to pull her to her feet. "Let's go"Lilia says. Thea blinked, walking beside him feeling nervous about the reactions of everyone when she walks in with a different escort. The doors opened, light shining through as the two entered the debut ball. She walked beside the silent fae, all eyes on them as they walked towards the middle of the room.

Her father stared in shock, his eyes wide. Duke and Cobra looked stunned while Ambert laughed and laughed and laughed at everyone's reactions. Lilia threw the laughing jaguar beastman a steely glare, Ambert muffling his laughter. Lilia turned to Thea, bowing his head to her. "Oh.."Thea stared bowing her head to him. A hand grabbed hers, an arm wrapping around her waist. She looked up, Lilia staring down at her a strange emotional aura emitting from the male making her perk up in confusion at what it was since it felt so different than the happy or sad emotions she's sensed from others before. He twirled her around twice, the two moving swiftly across the dance floor. He stepped back, holding her hand as he walked her clockwise, then gently pulled her forward, watching her twirl once. She smiled, grabbing his hand, walking counter clockwise with the elder male.

He gently pulled her forward, Thea twirling twice, her expression softening. "Ah, love at first sight." Ambert and Meleanor looked at each other, before laughing, Revan and Cobra trying to calm them both down before Lilia decided to throw something towards them. Lilia glared at the two, then placed his hands on Thea's waist, lifting her up into the air. "Wh-Huh?!"Thea stared startled. He set her down, smiling smugly down at her. She stared at him, then giggled in amusement, Lilia perking up in surprise. The two stepped back and bowed to the other. "Thea, you were amazing!"Duke beamed hugging her. "Thanks big brother"Thea chuckled. Duke gave Lilia a look, Cobra walking over with Ambert. "You're nineteen"Duke says stubbornly. "I'm giving my blessing, Lilia"Cobra smiled. "What are you talking about"Lilia demands.

"You were making lovey eyes at ma sis!"Duke responds. Lilia's face turned red, looking alarmed. "She's fourteen! You idiot!!! I'm nineteen or did that just now occur to you!!"Lilia snapped furious. He turned and stormed away. "I'll go talk to him"Revan sighed walking after the male. "Thea, you go join the dancing girls, let us handle him before you approach him"Ambert suggests. Meleanor dragged Thea away, alarming the fourteen year old fae jaguar. "Thea, that was amazing." She froze at the voice addressing her, her body trembling. She turned to her former escort, staring at him. "Can I have the next dance?"Aural smiled holding his hand out. "I-I.."Thea stuttered out. A fist flew out of nowhere, punching the male down, Lilia on her ex escort in an instant, punching him. "WOAH BRO!!"Duke gasped Cobra and Revan hauling the angry male off Aural. "You have SOME NERVE going near her after you dumped her!"Lilia spat.

"What happened this time?"Meleanor asks. "We spotted Aural talking to Thea and told Lilia this guy was supposed to escort her...he blew a fuse and bolted over here"Ambert explains a hand on his hip as his tail flicked around behind him. Lilia managed to kick Aural right in the jaw, Revan and Cobra trying to calm him. "Calm down buddy"Cobra orders. "She's fine now"Revan sighed. Lilia huffed, the two cautiously releasing him. He whipped around and grabbed Thea's wrist, ignoring the eyes on them as he dragged her away. "Hey!"Thea says making the male stop. Thea flinched when he looked down at her, then reached up taking a black ribbon out of her hair. "H-Here, it's tradition that we give our escorts a ribbon"Thea says. Lilia stared at the ribbon, gently taking it from her and tying his hair up with it. "Thanks, and if he bothers you again, come get me"Lilia huffed. "Okay"Thea giggled.

Lilia opened his eyes and sat up, a black ribbon tied around his wrist. "You're up, at last"Thea giggled nuzzling his cheek. Elikai and Barin laughed as they ran past the opened room door, a yelling Golden chasing after them. "GIVE ME MY BOOK!!" "NEVERRRR!" Thea giggled, before going out to resort the problem. "Boys give Golden back his book"Thea smiled. A knock came from the front door, Lilia getting out of bed. "Duke Bronze, hello! Come in!" "I-Is Lilia here?" "He's in our room." Footsteps echoed, Lilia fixing the ribbon around his wrist as Bronze walked in. "Hey"Lilia greets simply, glancing at the nervous looking man. "Duke Owen spoke to me yesterday, and I wanted to ask you something.."Duke Bronze says nervously. "Spit it out"Lilia sighed already irritated. "Have you ever been unfaithful?"Duke Bronze asks. Lilia walked to the door and slammed it shut, his eyes glowing dangerously as he looked at Bronze. "He told you about Claire and Missy...."Lilia demands.

Livia opened her eyes, finding Silver asleep beside her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, letting out a small yawn. "Lady Livia!" Lilian smiled in relief, walking over. "Nanny"Livia beamed. Lilian looked at her surprised, Livia looking curious now. "Lilian, are you alright?"Livia asks. "D-Do you remember anything that happened earlier?"Lilian asks as Malleus walked in. Livia blinked, looking confused. "Did something happen...?"Livia asks. Malleus grabbed Lilian's arm and shook his head, wanting to keep the incident a secret. "W-Well, let's get you dressed for today"Lilian suggests Silver waking up, rubbing his eyes. "Silver"Livia smiled. "Feeling better"Silver asks touching her head. "Yes, thanks to you!"Livia beamed. He blinked, looking curious until Malleus made a beckon to him not to say anything about what happened with Daniel. The boy nodded, Lilian picking Livia up. "Sleep, you were up all night caring for her"Malleus insists. He poked Silvers head, easily knocking the child out.

"I'll take him home, Thea should still be there with the kids while Lilia is traveling"Malleus says. Lilian nodded, Livia waving to the prince. He smiled and waved back, vanishing into thin air. "Let's get you ready for today!"Lilian beamed. "Yeah!"Livia beamed Lilian picking her up. Laughter filled the room as Livia got prepared for today. She was gonna surprise the queen with Lilian and Talons help. "Ready to head to the kitchen?"Talin asks excitedly. "Yep!"Livia beamed nodding happily. He lifted her up, carrying her on his back, Lilian following them as they left the room. "Whatcha wanna make for her majesty?"Talon asks curiously. "I don't know..."Livia answers honestly. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out when we get there! It'll be the best surprise ever!"Talon promised chuckling. Livia nodded, kicking her legs as they walked down the hall. A sandy brown haired man walked past then froze, looking at the child silently with narrowed eyes.

A figure snarled, tossing a boulder into the rocky wall. Walls surrounded him from all sides, if he continued growing like this he was gonna die! The chains hurt and only scraps of food found their way into his stupid cell. "Lilia, I'll kill you for this!!"The figure snarled. He tugged at his chains, trying to pull them out of the ground. Four years! Four miserable years since Lilia had cursed him to grow until he was too big to fit in this cell and ended up getting his bones crushed. "He didn't understand what I was doing!"Duke snapped coming into the light. "His child has probably been thrown head first off the highest point by now, poor kid..."Duke sighed. He perked up, and reached out hearing someone's mind. "Gran Gran Maleficia is gonna love her gift!! I can't wait to show it to her!" He narrowed his eyes, reaching out into the eyes of a passing servant. Shock appeared on his face when a black haired child popped into his head. "Ah...Lilia your brat is alive~"

Livia beamed, running through the halls, carrying a basket. She passed servants that either went the other way or quickly step to the side to avoid her entirely. She opened the door to the queens room, smiling as she walked over. "Gran Gran!" Maleficia's eyes slowly opened, looking over at her. "Meleanor.."Queen Maleficia stared. "Huh?"Livia blinked curious. "Ah, Livia, sorry"Queen Maleficia chuckled. "It's okay, here!"Livia beamed pushing the basket onto the bed. "Happy birthday, breakfast in bed!"Livia smiled her eyes sparkling. "You made all this"Queen Maleficia chuckled looking through the food. "Talon and Lilian helped me! I decorated the cookies!"Livia giggled. "We can go to the garden next and make birthday flower crowns!"Livia suggests excitedly. "Alright, Let's eat then we go to the garden"Queen Maleficia chuckled. "HOORAY!"Livia beamed.

Running feet echoed down the hallway, Livia holding a lollipop as she ran ahead of the walking queen. "Be careful, Meleanor!"Queen Maleficia calls. Livia stopped, looking at the queen making her perk up. "Sorry-"Queen Maleficia started. "Is there someone you're missing?"Livia asks quietly, looking concerned. Maleficia stared silently, Meleanor staring up at her. "Mother?"Meleanor says concerned. Maleficia touched her head and sighed, finding Livia standing before her again. "Gran Gran you go rest! I ask Talon to take me and I'll bring you a flower crown!"Livia insists. "I'm fine, Livia, I assure you"Queen Maleficia smiled. "NOOOOO! YOU REST!"Livia cried trying to push the queen back. The child fell onto her bottom, startling the woman. "Mele-I mean Livia!"Queen Maleficia says. "I don't want Gran Gran to be sick! I don't want that at all!"Livia sniffles tears falling down her cheeks. Maleficia stared at her surprised then smiled in amusement.

"Alright, I'll rest"Queen Maleficia promised wiping the child's tears away. "Now, you go find Talon"Queen Maleficia says. Livia got up, looking hesitant about letting her go alone. "I'll be fine"Queen Maleficia chuckled. Livia stared up at her, but turned slowly walking down the hall, looking back at the queen several times. "Mal." Nilo walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder, looking concerned having saw what happened. "I understand why I enjoy being around Livia so much, she reminds me of Meleanor"Queen Maleficia comments quietly. She stared after Livia, watching as the child hurried down the hallway. Nilo narrowed his eyes, pursing his lips together. Red hair came into view laughter reaching them as Talon took Livia outside. "That I would like to see for myself, Mal...if you dont mind me approaching the young girl..."Nilo says quietly.

Livia smiled, Talon carrying her on his back. "Look butterflies!"Talon chuckled. Footsteps echoed, a sandy brown haired man carrying a few scrolls. "Council Head Nilo!"Talon greets stunned. Nilo nodded in greeting, his eyes landing on Livia. "You're Mister Rat?"Livia asks surprised. The man's eyes widened, his grip on the scrolls tightening shocked. "Did mother send you Mister Rat?"Meleanor asks a green haired guard carrying her on their back. Nilo pinched the bridge of his nose, then looked back up, Meleanor staring at him. "Lollipop?"Meleanor smiled. The man reached up to grab it, but the child snatched it away, dodging his hand. "BAD MISTER RAT!! YOU'LL GIVE ME RABIES!"Meleanor scolds the guard snickering trying not to laugh. Nilo shook his head, finding Livia and Talon back in front of him. "We better go!"Talon gasped hurrying past Nilo. "Bye bye Mister Ratface"Livia waved. Nilo scowled, anger emitting from him making her perk up.

Nilo stood in his office, gripping a scroll. Livia was too much like the princess! That's why he tried to bring Cynthia into the prince's life to get rid of that child before anything like this happened. "DARK STARS AND RED SPIRITS!! THEY'RE TOO ALIKE!!!!"Nilo cursed. He ripped apart his scroll, grabbing others and tearing them apart. "It shouldn't be possible at all for her to be like Meleanor!!"Nilo snapped. "Nilo?" He whirled around, finding Maleficia standing there. The queen eyed the ripped scrolls on the ground, looking surprised since he loved scrolls. She looked at him, noticing his expression. "You miss her as well"Queen Maleficia smiled. "How could I not, I taught the princess myself"Nilo sighed. Maleficia tilted her head, noticing he was eyeing a small stack of scrolls. "You miss Revan more though, he always used to do the tasks you gave him, wanting to please you and become Council Head"Queen Maleficia smiled. Nilo chuckled, a small smile on his face. He stood up straight, looking at Maleficia. "I wish to be the one who gives Livia her lessons from now on"Nilo insists.

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