Chapter 41

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Livia smiled, clapping as she watched Arielle curtsey correctly. "Good job, you did so well!"Livia beamed. Today she was going to Lord Ciaran's home and according to Lacey's information he was the one who had Simon the owl beast boy. "Amazing, amazing!"Darcy beamed clapping his hands. She patted the oni childs head, looking amused. "You kids will have new friends arriving soon, I'm having a home being built for you guys!"Livia smiled. "W-Will you come visit us?"Theo asks looking startled. "Of course and if anyone hurts you or your feelings, send me a letter, I'll take care of them"Livia smiled. Theo nodded, Livia holding his hand. "Livia the carriage is ready!" Livia walked out, Sebek bowing his head to her. "Liv." She perked up, Lucien walking over. "How are you?"Lucien asks glancing down at her hand where the marriage mark was. "Doing good! Basen has been avoiding me"Livia giggled looking quite proud of herself. "We can talk later okay?"Livia smiled.

Lucien smiled and nodded, watching her walk down the hall. He walked away, heading down the nearest flight of the stairs, the sound of furious muttering coming from the hall. "How dare she?! I will make her regret rejecting me! She should be grateful!"Basen snapped. Lucein narrowed his eyes, ice coating his finger tips. He tapped the floor with his heel, ice spreading across the ground causing the arrogant prince to slip and fall, the ice spreading up his body to his neck locking him in place. Lucien smiled as a yell of anger came from the male and turned away, walking out the nearest door to the garden. "Ah.." He froze and turned, finding a bruised and beaten Seon laying on the ground holding a pouch. "SEON!??!"Lucien yelled dropping down to one knee. "Give this to Nilo...for the removal poison.."Seon mutters. "What..what happened to you, who did this!"Lucien demands. Seon sighed, falling unconscious, Lucien quickly carrying him inside.

Livia stepped out of the carriage, Sebek helping her step down, her hair draped over her right shoulder. She walked forward, Lord Ciaran beaming when she approached making her wanna slap the smile off his face. She curtsey's him, Sebek doing the same. "We thank you for welcoming us to lunch, my lord"Livia smiled. "Yes, come inside so we can talk business"Lord Ciaran nodded. "Of course"Livia beamed. She walked after him, Sebek behind her. She glanced at him, Sebek easily slipping away down a different hall. "Lord Ciaran, about our business, I was thinking about opening a boutique of my own!"Livia beamed. "That is a great idea!"Lord Ciaran praised impressed. She smiled, feeling irked with this man. Sebek returned, and nodded to her. "My Lady, it feels quite chilly in here"Sebek comments. Lord Ciaran turned to speak but Sebek's sword was aimed at his throat in an instant. "May I ask...why is this part of the house so cold, My Lord"Livia says stepping closer.

"We like to focus on the part of the house me and my family reside in"Lord Ciaran responds too quick for her liking. "L-Lady Livia please ask your guard to lower his weapon." He lied right to her face, the reason this part of the house was cold is because Simon resides in it. The lords rumored illegitimate son, that had been dropped off by his mother when he was a newborn and the lord had no choice but to take him in or somebody would connect the dots. And if it was this cold, that also meant one thing. Mia was here. "Where are they.."Livia demands glad she brought a heating stone with her. "Who, My Lady.."Lord Ciaran asks nervously. She twitched her right ear, turning her super hearing on, listening to the bustling noises in the house. " us, it's so cold." She turned and walked away, narrowing her eyes. "Sit, you lousy dog.."Sebek commands forcing the lord to sit down in the nearest chair. Livia twitched her ears, the quiet mutters getting closer as she reached a door at the end of the hallway.

She grabbed the knob, narrowing her eyes when the door didn't open. She rammed her shoulder into the door, knocking it clean of the hinges. Two kids sat there, their bodies trembling as they gripped each others hands. "We didn't make noise!"Simon yells. "I don't wanna go with Lady Lissa!"Mia cried hugging Simon. "Come." She held her hands out to the two, smiling softly down at them. "You two are going to a safe place where nobody will hurt you"Livia promised. "You'll have other kids to play with too, they're just like you so I know you all will become great friends!" Simon stared up at her, looking stunned, Mia gripping his ragged shirt. "No more cold.."Simon says bandages wrapped tightly around his wings. "No more cold"Livia promises. The two kids hurried over, her arms wrapping around the two, hugging them tight. Simon stared surprised by the warmth that waved off of her. He smiled slightly, gripping her dress. "Come, let's leave this place"Livia says.

Sebek pressed the tip of his sword closer to Lord Ciaran's throat, daring him to move anymore than he already did. "Sebek, come!" He turned away, Livia helping Mia walk. He stared, then took Mia's hand steadying the child. "Let's go..."Livia says. She walked outside, Sebek gently lifting Mia into the carriage. He lifted Simon in next, keeping quiet so he didn't startle them both. A hand grabbed his arm, Livia snatching him out of the way of a sword that nearly stabbed through his heart. He fell on top of her, a yell of pain coming from the girl. Lord Ciaran glared at them both and raised his sword. A hand grabbed his arm, crushing it instantly. Livia stared in shock, Ambert standing there gripping the mans arm. "Who are you, I've never seen a nature fae here before??!"Sebek demands. Livia perked up, surprised Ambert disguised himself at a nature fae, it would've made him stand out more. "Just call me Sammy! I'm a friend of Livia's!"Ambert beamed Livia noticing he had blood coming from the corner of his mouth. Amber kicked Lord Ciaran in the stomach, knocking him over.

"Go, I'll handle him.."Ambert says making a shooing gesture. "Thank you"Livia nods. She took Sebek's hand, getting to her feet. She stepped up into the carriage, Sebek following behind her. The carriage took off at half speed, Livia looking out the window, the wind blowing through her hair. Ambert waved farewell, his hand gripping Ciaran's hair keeping him from escaping. "Who's next?"Sebek asks. "Avery..."Livia responds. She winced and touched her wrist, noticing it was turning red. "I'm sorry." She looked up, Sebek's fists trembling. "You're hurt because I wasn't paying attention. "Sebek.."Livia says. "DON'T!! DON'T SAY IT'S NOT MY FAULT!! IT IS!"Sebek yells looking at her. He covered his face, and sighed. Mia gently patted his leg, startling the boy. He stared down at her and smiled slightly amused. "You're brave.."Sebek comments amused. Mia smiled up at him, a blanket wrapped around her and Simon. "They'd be great council members or soldiers"Livia smiled. "Yeah"Sebek nodded patting Mia's head.

Livia curtsey's Nilo, who stared down at Mia and Simon. "There's more?"Nilo smiled amused. "Three more actually, I'm going to rescue Avery tomorrow"Livia responds. Nilo had figured out what she was doing, and scolded her about it, but he nonetheless allowed her to rescue the kids and bring them here. "Very well, looks like joint classes will have to start so I can make time for all these little rascals.."Nilo sighed. She beamed at him, Nilo chuckling in amusement. "Thank you Nilo, Isabella will get them all washed up and dressed for tomorrow!"Livia beamed. Mia tugged on her hand, getting her attention. "Are we gonna become nobles?"Mia asks Simon looking up curiously. Livia smiled, and leaned down. "Yes, you're all gonna become wonderful young nobles...and you'll learn how fun life can be but also how to be cautious, so just be kids and come to me if anything happens. Alright"Livia smiled. The two kids stared at her, then nodded. "Yes, we understand."

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