Chapter 43

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Livia walked through the halls, heading to see Lady Velmia, Sebek trailing behind her. "Hungry!" She flinched in surprise, a child wearing clothes with a few dirt patches reaching out to her. Other kids peeked out of the room behind the boy, looking fearful of her and Sebek. She stared in alarm, wondering why all the kids looked so dirty and skinny. "Sebek, don't funds get sent to this place.."Livia demands looking at Sebek. "Yes, my grandfather says the royal family themselves fund most of the orphanages here.."Sebek nods looking equally alarmed. Livia narrowed her eyes and entered the childrens room, causing them to scramble back. "BACK OFF!" A boy with brown skin and messy dark brown hair shielded the kids, angry brown eyes staring her down. "You treat them like my mother does and I won't forgive you!!"The boy snaps. Livia pulled out a pouch filled with money and a few jewels, holding it out to the boy. "Sneak out and buy as much food as you can.."Livia orders gently.

"I know you'll be able to carry a lot of food back, Avery"Livia smiled. Avery stared in shock, his eyes wide in alarm. "How do you know my name.."Avery demands. "I'm here to take you away and replace the head of this orphanage"Livia responds smiling. Avery narrowed his eyes and turned to the second eldest. "Kisa, do get food for everyone, be quick"Avery commands. Kisa nodded, and bowed his head in thanks to Livia before rushing out. "I wanna confront my mother, please let me come with you!"Avery says. Livia held her hand out, smiling down at him. The boy stared at her hand, then started to wipe his hand on his clothes. "There's no need for that"Livia smiled. he stared in surprise and took her head, walking with her and Sebek out of the room. "Your hand will get dirty..."Avery comments. "Fine by me.."Livia giggled. Sebek smiled slightly, knowing she had no qualms with getting filthy, since she used to roll around in dirt a lot when she was younger.

The twin doors open, Lady Velmia looking over with a smile. "Lady Velmia"Livia greets. Velmia eyed Avery, narrowing her eyes. "You can leave"Lady Velmia says waving her hand. "I'd actually like for him to stay, considering I'm firing you and taking your son!"Livia beamed. "What, my Lady, you said you wanted to talk business"Lady Velmia flinched. "Have you heard anything at all from Duke Cole and Lord Ciaran about business.."Livia smirked her eyes glowing. "Avery, mind telling us what goes on here?"Livia asks. "She starves me and the orphans and uses the money to buy potion supplies!"Avery says narrowing his eyes looking angry. "She made love potions and gave them to Duke Owen, he had only used two so far!"Avery went on. "When Owen died she used the funds to buy rare items!" Velmia stepped back, her eyes wide in alarm. "YOU INSOLENT!"Lady Velmia yells glaring at her son. A slap filled the air, Livia staring up at the woman, her hand raised.

"Sebek"Livia says. Sebek started to unsheath his sword, but Velmia fell to her knees and bowed her head. "Mercy!" Livia tilted her head to the side, smiling in amusement as her eyes glowed. "Am I the one you should be begging, Velmia..."Livia asks raising her head. Velmia looked at Avery, who turned away. "That's a shame, your own son won't even hear you out"Livia smiled. "You're evil! You're the darkness everyone thought you were!"Lady Velmia spat. "Oh no, I'm not evil.."Livia says. She placed a hand on her knee, her finger twirling some of the womans hair around her finger. "I'm just a Vanrouge, one who gets revenge.."Livia grinned Velmia trembling. "GUARDS!!" Vespin and Galli marched in, their eyes narrowed. A maid trembled, watching with wide eyes. "Ms Annabelle!"Avery smiled. "A-Are you alright?!"Annabelle demands as Avery ran over. "Who's this?"Livia asks. "This is Ms Annabelle, she's the only one who does her job right, she's the best"Avery beamed.

Annabelle trembled, Livia looking at her. "You're the new head, congrats"Livia smiled. "BUT! I-I DON'T KNOW HOW T-"Annabelle starts stepping back as Livia came closer. Livia held her hand up, smiling at her. "Everything is gonna be alright.."Livia smiled taking the womans hands. "Oh by the way, boys"Livia smiled holding the file up. "Plaster these around the town"Livia grinned Vespin taking the file. Vespin opened it, and perked up then smiled slightly. "Very well!"Vespin beamed nodding. He turned and walked away as Galli dragged a stunned Velmia out of the room. "Avery, it's time to go"Livia says holding her hand out to the seven year old boy. He stared up at her, then looked down. "They'll be well cared for, and you can help them more by growing up big and strong.."Livia promised knowing what he was thinking about. "Go ahead big brother Avery!"A small girl beamed. "We'll be fine, Avy!"A small boy beamed. Avery smiled and patted the kids head. "I'll visit!"Avery grinned. He took her offered hand, waving to the beaming kids, Annabelle smiling worriedly as she watched them go. 

Livia sipped tea from her tea cup, sitting with Theo who ate a strawberry tart, Nero yawning as he slept underneath her chair. Arielle took a sip of milk out of her cup, Pia eating a chocolate chip cookie. "Is it good?"Livia giggled looking at Theo. Theo nodded, his eyes sparkling. "H-How do I look?"Avery asks walking in, wearing the outfit Nilo chose for him. "You're such a handsome young man!"Livia gasped beaming at him. Tomorrow she just had to retrieve Gabe and Gazzy, and her job would be done. She could grow up with these kids as a big sister figure and make sure the future where they turn to destruction didn't happen. "SISTER!" Kuro bursted in beaming, Ralph and Lavender behind him. "Hello sister..."Lavender greets. "Hey guys, it's go great to see you all!"Livia beamed smiling at her siblings. "Where's the others?"Livia asks tilting her head to the side. "The younger kids had to stay back"Silver smiled. "Come join us, we were having tea time!"Livia beamed.

Avery took a sip of the mint tea, eyeing Livia's siblings as they joined them. Livia laughed, chatting with Maria the two smiling at one another. Arielle smiled thankfully as Silver poured her some more milk, Pia giggling as Ralph handed her a sugar cookie. "How have you all been?"Livia asks Golden staying silent. "Everything has been great"Lavender smiled. "No, it has not." Golden looked down when everyone looked at him, his eyes narrowed. "Livia, Mother and Father have been arguing.."Golden informs. Livia stared, her eyes widening in surprise. Her parents never argued, they'd always playfully insult one another but they never argued before. What was going on. Why were they arguing. Did something happen over the last few years to start this. "Why were they arguing? Did something happen between them?"Livia asks concerned. " wasn't so much arguing and more Father pleading with Mother to tell him what the problem was..since Mother seemed upset with him lately..."Golden answers. He pursed his lips together and sighed. "Liv..I think Father has been unfaithful.."Golden says.

Livia laid in bed, gripping her blanket, looking worried about what Golden had told her. She hoped it wasn't that, since she's always seen her papa so smitten and cuddly with her mother. It didn't make sense for him to go behind her back, unless something strange had happened to him. She frowned, remembering Avery mentioned the love potions that Velmia gave to Owen. Owen had used two, but when and why and on who. "Kid." She sat up surprised, Nero lifting his head from his bed. Ambert smiled down at her, waving. "Ambert!"Livia beamed. "Hey kiddo, how have you been"Ambert beamed. "Doing good, just a little confused.."Livia says. He sat on her bed, crossing his legs. "Confused about what?"Ambert asks tilting his head to the side. "My brother said Papa was being unfaithful.."Livia responds. Ambert stared, shock and disbelief coming from him. "That doesn't sound like Lilia...he's not the type to do this"Ambert comments narrowing his eyes, looking away thinking about this. 

"I don't wanna believe it.."Livia mutters hugging her knees to her chest. "There..there was one person..but they're dead...they have been for a long time now"Ambert says his hands trembling. "Who?"Livia blinked curious. Ambert went silent, her eyes on him as his mouth moved around trying to figure out how to word it. "Arian." She perked up, Ambert looking back at her. "Arian was a human your father loved....he died though protecting Lilia during a war a long time ago, so It wouldn't be him at all.."Ambert explains. "I remember your father was smitten with both Arian and and Revan would laugh and tease him about it...before Revan disappeared on us so suddenly.."Ambert went on. "Who was Arian?"Livia asks genuinely curious now. "He was the first human who broke past Meleanor's hate for humans, she became friends with him and he was allowed to stay..he became your mothers apprentice and earned his nickname, Goldenrod, we laughed about it which made Lilia whack us"Ambert chuckles smiling softly.

Livia stared, a small smile on her face. "Thea adored Arian, she called him her best apprentice and a great healer..Lilia would allow Arian to braid his hair and put flowers in them..some would say Arian was a beautiful rose that grew in the middle of this war...until that rose ended up snapped.."Ambert finishes. Livia looked down, wishing she could've met Arian even though he was someone that once stood between her mama and papa. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, Ambert smiling at her in amusement. "Tired, kiddo?"Ambert asks tilting his head to the side. She slowly nodded and laid down, her eyes closing. Ambert got off her bed and tucked her in, patting her side. "Ah, you're very much your fathers daughter kiddo"Ambert chuckled. He turned away and walked out onto the balcony, stepping up onto the railing and dropping down. Roses grew in a vase, Arian appearing beside Livia's bed, a small smile on his face. "I wish I could meet you as well, Little Angel.."Arian smiled.

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