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"Attention on deck!"

Warlock walked up on deck and onto the podium as we remained at Attention, his eyes circling each of us but landing on me and who I was basically forced to sit next to.

Just my luck.

"Morning. Welcome to your Special Training Detachment. Be seated," I sat down, my eyes hyperfocusing on Warlock so that I didn't even get the chance to glance at Bradshaw.

"I'm Admiral Baits, not a commander. You're all Top Gun graduates - the elite, the best of the best. That was yesterday. The enemies new Fifth Generation Fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box," Hangman looked back at Phoenix, who subtly put her middle finger up at him without getting reprimanded.

I'll have to try that sometime.

"Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader."

Is that why I was brought onto this?

Have they already decided?

I didn't want to assume it was me but bringing in someone who was noted for her Distinguished Acts in the Rangers and not her Aviation makes you question some things.

"The other half will remain in reserve. Your instructor is a Top Gun graduate with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master," He looked down the line as Hangman looked at either me or Bradshaw with a stupid toothpick in his mouth, already deciding in his mind that he was going to leader.

Not a chance in Hell.

"His exploits are legendary. And he's considered one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death," A grin spread across my face as I already knew who Top Gun would choose for this mission. It's reckless, it's unknown and it's never been done before.

Uncle Maverick.

Who else would they call?

"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell. Call sign: Maverick."

He walked up there with the same grin, giving us a nod, "Good morning."

The awkward silence told me that this was definitely the old guy they said they kicked out yesterday, but I felt an unwavering glare.

And it wasn't at me.

Glancing at Bradshaw, he held a hateful gaze at Maverick underneath his lashes before turning to his right.

What the fuck?

Does Bradshaw just hate everyone I know?

"The F-18 natops. Contains everything they want you to know about your Aircraft. I'm assuming you know the book inside and out," He held it up, a thick book I despised learning in the Night Stalkers.

"Damn right."

"Damn straight."

"Yup," I said.

And he threw it away.

"So does your enemy."

Now this is gonna be fun, I thought as I leaned forward on my desk.

"But what your enemy doesn't know is your limits. I intend to find them. Test them. Push beyond. Today we'll start with what you only think you know. You show me what you're made of."

Now the one thing I despised about flying was the uniform. It was fine, a one piece never hurt anybody, but the tactical gear weighed more than my own. It was always a pain in the ass to get on since my gear was usually an all-in-one thing.

"Son of a bitch," I cursed, trying to make it fit my body more so I wouldn't be chewed out by any Admirals.

Or God forbid Hangman.

Fuck me.

"Here," My eyes looked up to meet Bradshaw, who didn't meet my gaze as he grabbed my adjustment straps and started making them tighter. 


He had a few tiny scratches on his cheek with a small bruise to match, and even though he was rough with my straps, I knew he didn't have to do it. He could've just let me get yelled at but he saw me and pitied me.

"You should be all good," He gave them a good yank, and it ended up pulling me closer to him. 

He didn't let go.

"You know how to fly this thing?" 


"Good," And his fingers trailed off of my adjustment strap and started to walk away, back to his own F-18 and I fucking hated it.

He knew that any close proximity to him when we were younger always had me flustered. Sure, I didn't go red like a schoolgirl, but the way he pulled me in and acted like he wasn't basically touching me made my heart race and my blood boil.

He's trying to distract you.

Rather you get sacked off then he apologizes.

"Good morning Aviators. This is your Captain speaking. Welcome to Basic Fighter Maneuvers," Maverick spoke through our intercoms as I flew in toe with Payback.

"As briefed, today's lesson is dog fighting. All guns, no missiles. We do not go below the Hard Deck of five thousand feet. Working as a team, you have to shoot me down or else."

"Or else what, Sir?" Payback asked, his tone cocky.

Ooh they have no idea.

"Or else I shoot back," Maverick mused, "if I shoot either one of you down, you both lose."

"Not a single one of you will get one shot on him. Guaranteed," I spoke up.

"And you think you can, Rampage?" Bradshaw spoke and I looked to see him on my right.

"I'm not saying I can. But none of you have the balls to just do," I made direct eye contact with him, "and not think."

"Alright, Rampage. Sir, let's say we put some skin in the game," Payback suggested as I turned back to my F-18.

"What do you have in mind?" 

"Whoever gets shot down first has to do two hundred push-ups."

"Gosh, that's a lot of push-ups," Maverick said.

Who says gosh?

He's so old.

"Well they don't call it an exercise for nothing, Sir," I could feel Fanboys smirk and decided to play along.

"And if you're not all a bunch of chickens, why don't we add on fifty burpees if he gets you more than once?" 

"I like the way you think, Rampage," Maverick told me.

"I do not miss burpees," Fanboy groaned.

"You got yourself a deal. Fight's on."

I immediately backed up, as I knew he would come from below and watched as the chaos started to unfold.

"Fanboy, anything on the radar?" 

"Nothing. He must be below us-"

Maverick stormed between them, making the F-18s rock to the side.

"Holy shit!" Maverick continued up before heading down towards us.

"Tally, tally, tally! Break left! He's headed right towards us!" 

"Breaking left!" I still wasn't used to the weight of an F-18 and flanked right behind Rooster.

"Get off my ass, Rampage!"

"Watch yourself!" I shouted back, quickly diving as Maverick circled around to make his chase for Payback and Fanboy.

It wasn't even a second.

"Where's your back-up, Fanboy?" Maverick mused on Fanboy as he flanked left to try and shake him off.


"Flank right, I'm on it!" 

Rooster went in, going directly in front of Maverick but not enough for his weapons system to get onto him quick enough.

"Rooster just saved your life, but it's gonna cost him."

"Forget about me, old man?" I retorted, coming up from beneath him going Mach 3. I angled myself enough to wear the push of air made him go up and I barely scraped the bottom, but just enough to throw him off balance.

"Rooster! You're closest! Take the shot!" 

"He's too off balance!"

"Almost like that's the fucking point!" 

"Too late," I heard the buzzer go off as he got both Rooster and I.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Go get your push-ups in," I switched my coms to be between Rooster and I as we went back in.

"What the hell was that?" I demanded.

"He was too off balance. I couldn't take the shot," He gave his excuse.

"That's when he's most vulnerable. You threw it away because you're angry at him for whatever reason you pushed me away," It slipped.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I play nice for this mission. Afterwards, we're done. So fix whatever issues you have with Mav before it gets you sacked," We both landed on the tarmac, him before me and both of our F-18ths slowed down.

"That's none of your business."

"Great! So it shouldn't be that difficult," I spat.

"You're the one who pulled your papers. Not me," I stayed silent as we both got out and made my way towards him, ignoring Hondo as I threw my helmet to the ground.

"I pulled them because you pushed me away."

"Guys," Hondo said.

"Using daddy's last name. You're so lucky and you don't even know it," He chuckled.

"You think I could still look at you after what you did? Train with the guy I was friends with while he ignores me?" He looked confused. He was about to open his mouth to say something but I didn't want to hear anymore lies.

"Oh don't act all confused now-"

"Attention!" Hondo shouted, and as per our training and instincts, I fell in with Bradshaw.

"I don't know what's going on, but both of you better drop that attitude on this tarmac or I'll have you both sacked. Do you understand?" He threatened.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Give me my two hundred. Now," We both got on the floor, doing our two hundred push-ups and despising each other every second of it.

Why was he so confused?

Does he really have that big of an ego that he thought I could still train with him after he hurt me?

But instead of asking, instead of demanding answers that I deserved, I stayed quiet and I let it build. I let my own frustrations and guilt and anger fester inside of me, and pushed it out against the enemy.

After all, that's how Rampage was born.

Rooster thought Leah knew that his papers were pulled and that's why she pulled out, despite the way he treated her. Leah doesn't know what Maverick did.
Also I made a Rampage and Rooster Playlist for anyone that wants to listen, it's rampage and rooster by Lina Lovebug or just click the link:


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