The Uzaki-Chan Twitter Drama in a Nutshell.

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A/N: so I got a question, anyone here know of this character here, Uzaki-Chan?

Austin: if you do, you might be aware of the current drama going on Twitter. By that, I mean that a lot of people appear to not like her design (I find it mostly average). Calling it either ugly, bland and generic. They also say this because she doesn't even look like a 19 year old. This went to the point where there were artists on Twitter tried to "fix" her design in their own style. Some ranged from decent to what looks like downgrades.

(And they even go on to insult the artsyle. Because sure. Why not).

And there's even some people who will say that anyone who likes her or her design are pedophiles apparently. 😐

Random Person 1: they look like a kid! They don't look anything like a 19 year old.

Austin: we've had anime series where some characters looked younger when they were actually older. And characters who looked older when they were younger. Where the hell were the complaints when those came out for nearly decades.

Random Person 2: their design looks like any other school girl, there's nothing special about It!

Austin: no shit, it's a design from a slice of life comedy anime. We're you expecting some kind of fucking top tier shonen shit?

Random Person 3: her body proportions and height don't even making sense at all! How does it work?!

Austin: 1. We've had characters in other anime and manga before that who's bodily proportions and height "don't make sense." And 2. There are actually women who exist who have similar height and proportions like Uzaki-Chan. Multiple people have even pointed this out on Twitter, and you still ignored it anyway.

The 3 random people all screeched in anger.

Austin: I get it's one thing to not like a design or the character itself. But what's happening on Twitter over it is another thing. Overall the entire situation and drama over this one simple character and her design is POINTLESS.

Austin's voice echoed across the entire planet when he said pointless.

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