Shia and Sunni

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(AN: Oh boy this is a touchy subject but the world needs to know *cough* how stupid this fight is *cough*. *looks at comment box* Enjoy shooting your flames at me I'm ready. *hides in a bomb shelter* *looks up at picture* Really Kilsai really. Kilsai: What it's a political cartoon. Scriptivire:...)

"Muhammad founded this religion with religious tolerance..." The oldest Mullah said to his 2 students, Shia and Sunni respectively.

"So, why is it that you two are so intolerant to each other, if that is a fact?" He continued sighing as the two start glaring at each other and ignoring him.

"WHY? WE ARE ALL PART OF THE SAME RELIGION! WHY DO WE FIGHT!?" He yelled at them at the end of his patience from their bickering, they both stare at him.

"Cause he's not Muslim!" The exclaim simultaneously while pointing at each other, soon another argument started. The oldest Mullah face palmed and muttered.

"I'm too old for this."

Shia and Sunni's fight reached the rest of Islam resulting in the empire to split and the oldest Mullah to retire from life his last words were: "Enjoy forever fighting I rather not deal with you two."

(AN: This turned out to be a little more serious than I thought. Kilsai: At least the picture kinda represents the joke. Scriptivire: *facepalms*)

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