Apparently its International Tag Day

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So I was tagged again, by Athensgeek3 . Here I go again.

1. What's the first cartoon you've ever watched?

I only remember watching one cartoon, Avatar the Last Airbender so that's what I'll put.

2. What's your favorite cartoon?

Same answer as number 1, for the same reason, but it is also really good.

3. Favorite male character?

This really depends on the book/movie, for PJO/HoO my absolute favorite character will always be Nico. If you want to ask about another book/movie ask in the comments, if I've read/watched it then I'll give my favorite male character.

4. Favorite female character?

This is very similar to question 3, for PJO/HoO it is a tie between most of the characters, if I had to pick a favorite though it would probably be Reyna or Thalia because they are extremely badass. Not that the others aren't extremely badass. Once again do the same thing I said in question 3 for this question.

5. What's a cartoon I want to see?

I don't really know, I don't watch a lot of TV in general so yeah.

6. Who is your crush?

As I've said in many tags before this one, I've had a crush on my friend from Texas for a while but I'm shy so I haven't asked her out. (There is also the minor complication of me living in Florida now)

7. Who's your favorite ship?

I can't pick just one to be honest, but if my life depended on me picking one it would be Solangelo because I like seeing Nico happy.

8. Cartoon you don't like?

I've never really watched any other cartoons and I liked Avatar the Last Airbender a lot so I'm gonna go with N/A.

9. Who's your favorite villain?

Once again refer to questions 3 and 4, my favorite PJO/HoO villain is probably Silena Beauregard, if you don't count her as a villain then I will have to go with Luke Castellan.

10. What's your favorite funny scene?

My absolute favorite funny scene is the entire "dam" chapter in The Titans Curse.

11. What's your favorite suspense/shock scene?

So I'm going to tell you a funny story that will answer this question.

I was at school and I was reading Mark of Athena I was almost done with it but I didn't bring the next book to school with me. When the book ended with Percy and Annabeth falling in to Tartarus I actually wanted to skip my last class and run home to read the next book. I didn't end up doing that but the moment I got home I grabbed the book and started reading. I had been extremely scared that Percy and Annabeth were going to die, mainly because that seems like something Rick would do, kill off some characters that I've grown extremely fond of. So yeah, I hope that answered the question.

12. Favorite sad scene?

Oh, this is a tough one. I'm actually going to say when Han Solo gets killed by his son in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I actually died a little inside when that happened.

13. Who's your favorite character?

My favorite character is, and will always be, Nico.

14. What cartoon do you get tired of watching?

N/A for reasons stated above.

15. What's your favorite animal?

I can't pick a favorite, I like all animals.

16. What's a cartoon with the best quality animation?

I'm going to go ahead and say Avatar the Last Airbender because I've never watched any other. (At least not that I can remember)

17. Favorite male and female side characters?

Charles Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard, and possibly Zoë Nightshade.

18. Who's your favorite irrelevant character?

I don't ever consider any character irrelevant, only major or minor.

19. What's a character you don't look like?

A lot of characters.

20. Who's your favorite crazy character?

I have no idea, I've never really thought about it.

21. Favorite main character?

Is Nico considered a main character? If not I would probably have to go with Percy or Leo.

22. Who's the strongest character?

Nico. I'm no even going to argue with anyone because he is extremely powerful, sometimes it's actually kind of scary, like when he sent Bryce Lawrence to the underworld in The Blood of Olympus.

23. Who's the loveliest character?

I've never really thought about this.

24. Who's the most handsome?

I've never really thought about this.

25. Favorite power/skill?

Probably shadow travel, turning into animals, etc.

I tag:


You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

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