Future Story Announcement (Also A Call For Eventual Help)

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Ok, so I have a serious problem guys, but it's a good problem to have.

I'm announcing another story that will be coming to my account eventually!

This is a problem because I haven't finished most of the stories I already have and I have also already announced several new ones I want to do. The blessing and curse of being a writer is the new story ideas that come to you while you already have stories going.

Anyway, onto the story.

It's going to be a fully original story.

It's gonna be a medieval-fantasy story with inspirations drawn from things like Game of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings, The Elder Scrolls game series, etc.

I've had this story idea in my notes for a while now and I've worked on it every now and then since I first jotted the idea down. My original note has now expanded into a full on history of my fictional world and how the story I will be telling is going to fit into that history.

There will be a large handful of your usual fantasy stereotypes like elves, dwarves, IRC's, goblins, magic, etc.
There will be grand cities and castles run by all kinds of different lords, ladies, and other royal beings.
There will be wars and sieges that end in both victories and defeats.

I'm sure you get the general idea after that slightly dramatic explanation 😂

Anyway, I'm definitely gonna be doing this story at some point (more than likely far in the future) but I have one problem.

You know how like every medieval-fantasy/fiction story or series has maps of its world?


Mine doesn't... yet.

I know how I want the map to be but I can't get it to come out how I want it to be on paper (or computer screen).

I've tried to draw it out a million times on paper and it just never comes out how I want, it never looks very good at all. I've tried to use several different map generating and map creating websites but I have the same problem, it just doesn't come out very good at all.

Here is where I send out a call for help.

If any of you are able and willing to make a nice looking map for this fantasy world it would be greatly appreciated. I couldn't exactly pay you for the trouble of making the map, or the trouble of dealing with my likely annoyingly picky requests during the mapmaking process, but you'd absolutely get a shoutout in the story and on my account, and a follow from me (if I'm not already following you).

If you'd be interested in working with me on this shoot me a pm and we can talk about it further.

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