Im Sorry, I Really Am

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So, as you've probably noticed, I haven't been on here for a few days now. And that's because I've been super, super busy with a lot of other things going on recently.

And it's probably not going to get better for a while. Starting tomorrow i have band camp from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. I've done the math and that is 65 hours of marching band next week.

Then I have another camp the following week that is six hours a day, which is another 30 hours.

And, the week right after that school starts for me, and I'll have band 3 to 4 days a week after school until some time in November. On top of all my band stuff, I'll also have homework to do, and I'll have to take the SAT, and probably the ACT as well, this year.

I will try to be on here as much as I can, and I will try to find time to write updates for all of my stories. But, I thought I'd let you know that I'll have an absolute shit load of stuff all happening at the same time so that if it takes me longer to update and reply to comments, you know why.

I'm really, really sorry, but this is the hand I've been dealt and I hope you will all understand (which I'm fairly certain you will).

Thank you all for sticking with me.

Goodbye for now.

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