Important Info for MTB and FTL Readers

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Hello and welcome to my own personal The Walking Dead Universe!

Let's get right into the info about my two TWD series.

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More Than Blood Series
Yes, I plan on making this more than just one book, in fact I have at least two more in mind as of now.

More Than Blood
This was my first attempt at a The Walking Dead story.
This was my first story to have a cast.
This is an unedited story, however I am definitely gonna go back and edit it eventually.
In MTB we follow Ryan Goldman and Carl Grimes as they (and their apocalyptic family) make their way through the world after the dead started walking.
It is set in the show's timeline (for the most part) and starts halfway through season 4.
I am currently planning on ending the story around season 10 of the show because I feel like it'll be a good point to stop.
Don't worry too much about missing your favorite characters from this story though because they'll be continuing on in the series (some of them at least).

We Are The Walking Dead
This will be book two in the MTB series.
In this story we're going to start out away from our good old friends from MTB with a set of fresh, fully original characters.
Here's a list of characters from the two main families that we'll be meeting in the first season of the book:
1. Scott Ellis
2. Kristina Ellis
3. Andrew Ellis
4. Madi Ellis
5. Josef Altmann
6. Dvorah Altmann
7. Sonia Altmann
8. Ezra Altmann
9. Nira Altmann
These are nine of the 32 relatively major characters we'll meet in season one (I know that's a shit load of characters, we aren't gonna focus on every single one of them I promise, that would get way too confusing). They will also be introduced throughout the season, not all at once (so I don't overwhelm y'all with names and relationships).
I'm not doing a cast for this book because I want to try out an idea I'm stealing from BentleyMahaxay (love you dude ❤️) which is making the characters in The Sims 4 and showing you what they look like that way. The only characters that will have faceclaims are the ones that come over from MTB since I will have already given them faceclaims in MTB's cast.
We're gonna start out in Florida, which is a part of the US that hasn't really been explored in the TWD world (it's also where I live so it'll be a bit easier for me lol).
We'll actually be starting out in a very different setting than I've ever seen a TWD story start with (minor spoiler, in the ocean on a cruise ship).
We're gonna get a little bit of pre-apocalypse at the start of the book to set up some characters and relationships.
This story is happening simultaneously to MTB and they will eventually merge (some characters from MTB will continue their stories in this book).
This story will be done in 10 chapter seasons. I have no idea how many seasons I'll do.
Premier date is TBD.

Rise of Safehaven
This may not be the official title, but it's what I'm going with for now.
This is technically gonna be book three in the MTB series, however it could be considered book 1.5 because it will be a sort of epilogue to MTB and prequel to WATWD. The only reason it's not gonna be published between them is that it could spoil stuff for WATWD.
I haven't planned much at all for this book yet other than the general idea, where it fits in the series, and some of the major characters that will be continuing on from MTB.
This story may or may not get a cast, I haven't decided yet. After I try out the Sims 4 thing I'll make my decision between finding a cast or making the characters in The Sims 4.
It will be a shorter story than both MTB and WATWD, probably about 2-3 seasons at most (this is because it's just going to show how a community that will play a pretty pivotal role in WATWD forms and gets more powerful).
Just like WATWD, this is going to be done in 10 chapter seasons (and like I said, will probably be about 2-3 seasons at most).
Premier date is TBD.

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Fight To Live Series
Yes, this is ALSO gonna be more than just one book. I haven't told y'all anything about the future of this series yet, until now.

Fight To Live
This was my second attempt at a The Walking Dead Story.
Just like MTB, this is an unedited story that I will definitely revisit and edit eventually.
In FTL we follow Ethan Barton and Carl Grimes as they (and their apocalyptic family) make their way through the world after the dead started walking.
Other than one exception (season 1, which was unintentionally 12 chapters) this has been done in 10 chapter seasons. I'm planning on doing an 8 chapter season to even things out, this will likely be season 5.
I don't know exactly when this story will end. It will be something like 8-10 seasons depending on how my ideas flow, how I want to organize them, and if I want to save some of them for stories that will take place in the FTL series after FTL is over.
This story is where I started doing things like extra "behind the scenes" info and character polls. I don't know if I'll do these things in every story, this was kinda just a test to see if I liked the idea for my stories.

Untitled prequel
Will be a short story focusing on Archer's, Talia's, and Damian's stories pre-FTL. While I know that this part of the FTL world has been talked about in the main story already I want to go more in depth into it
I don't know if there will be a cast for this story, I haven't decided yet.
Before I start this book I will have a pretty simple character contest which will have two winners who will get to create characters to put in this story. There will be more info on this when the time comes for the contest to start.
Premier date is TBD.

Untitled prequel
Will be a short story focusing on Ethan's, Jen's, and Tony's stories pre-FTL. While I know that this part of the FTL world has been talked about in the main story already I want to go more in depth into it
I don't know if there will be a cast for this story, I haven't decided yet.
Before I start this book I will have a pretty simple character contest which will have two winners who will get to create characters to put in this story. There will be more info on this when the time comes for the contest to start.
Premier date is TBD.

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Anyway, that's just the TWD stuff I've got planned right now so I hope you're all looking forward to my account's expanded TWD universe! I know I am.

I will have a chapter for FTL out later tonight. A chapter for MTB will also be coming out soon (within the next couple days, I don't know when exactly).

I will be finishing both MTB and FTL some time in 2020! (Or at least that's my plan lmao)

After MTB and FTL are over I'll be taking a little break from TWD stories so that I can work on some other stuff (stories I already have posted but have put on hiatus and a couple new ones that I want to start).

Ok, I thinks that's just about all the info I have for y'all for now. If more comes up I'll either post a new part or update this one and let y'all know that there is more info for you to read here if you're interested.

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