New Story Idea

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So I had an idea for a story, and potential series, but I want to see what you guys think, would you read it?

Here's a summary of the story.

Some kids get to live happy lives. Some kids get a childhood. Other kids don't have those luxuries.

For years a secret organization has been taking kids away from their lives... taking them to a place where they're trained in the art of death, assassination. The organization calls these kids Phantoms. A trained Phantom can kill anyone without leaving a trace or topple governments before they knew what hit them.

Aidan Colt is a Phantom. He was grabbed when he was seven years old. He's the oldest living Phantom since the start of the Phantom program. Most Phantoms don't live past fifteen, he's almost eighteen. He's the most highly skilled Phantom that the organization has trained. But there is one fault in their plan on using him for their own ends, he remembers what life was like before his training. He remembers happiness, his family, what his abductors did to them.

When a new batch of kids are brought in he decides that enough is enough. He will help them escape, help them get their lives back. He'd tear down the very organization that trained him to tear down organizations.

I already have some plans for it and I'm actually quite interested in writing it, but I want to know if any of you would be interested in reading it.

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