Once Again Tagged by Percabeth2442

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I was tagged by Percabeth2442 again, here I go.

1. Percy or Jason?

Percy. There is no way I could pick Jason over Percy, ever, in a trillion years.

2. Roman or Greek?

Seeing as I'm a son of Hades I'm gonna answer Greek.

3. Reynico or Solangelo?

There is only one answer for this question. Nico is gay so Solangelo is the only answer, plus they are absolutely adorable together.

4. Praetor or head counselor?

I'm Greek so head counselor.

5. Calypso or Rachel?

I'm gonna go with Calypso because the way she's described makes her sound hot. Did I say that out loud? Sorry Leo, I'm not trying to steal your girlfriend.

6. Percabeth or Caleo?

Both. Percabeth was my first ship ever though so if I had to pick one of them then that's what it would be.

7. Frazel or Jasper/Jiper?

Frazel. Not that I don't support Jasper, because I do, but Hazel's my sister so I get to mess with her about it.

8. Blue foods or happy meals?

I'm going to go with blue foods because if I had blue food I could make my own blue happy meal.

9. Argo II or Festus?

Festus, what can I say, dragons are cool.

10. War games or capture the flag?

Capture the flag.

I tag:


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