Tag 37

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I was tagged by Little_Miss_Popcorn this time, so here I go.


2. I'm 16 years old.

3. Jacob. My actual first name is Michael but I've always gone by my middle name, hence why my name on here is Jacob.

4. May 18th.

5. I was born in Texas but I currently live in Florida.

6. Ummmmm... I don't really know what my favorite accounts would be.

7. I can't just pick one song, but I just listened to a song called Cloud by Elias, it's actually part of the soundtrack for one of the most heartbreaking episodes of The 100 that I've watched so far. If you want to listen to it I put it at the top, it's a pretty good song.

(Spoiler for the show if you plan on watching it)

Rest In Peace, Linkon kom Trikru.


Ahem... let's get back to the tag now.

8. I honestly don't know what my favorite movie is, I like a lot of them. Last night I watched the new Wonder Woman movie and it was really good so yeah.

9. I adore practically every kind of animal. I've had 6 dogs, 6 lizards/geckos, and 1 cat in my life.

10. Ummm... I don't know, I've had a lot of weird things happen in my life.

11. I don't know. I've had a lot of pretty great times in my life.

12. Um... why does anyone on the internet need , or even want, to know this?

13. Um... why does anyone on the internet need , or even want, to know this?

14. I have several best friends that don't have Wattpad, then I have Imperfect2442 , Athensgeek3 , Little_Miss_Popcorn , and VentrilloWorld .

15. I'm currently in a pretty good mood actually, I'm kind of surprised.

16. Hmmmm... I don't know.

17. I'm straight, so none.

18. Bad things happening to people that I care about.

19. I mean, I'm the only person on my family that likes TWD... does that count.

20. Tattoos. I know so many people who like tattoos, and I can't stand them.

I tag:

You don't have to do this if you don't want too, and if you want to do this but I didn't tag you feel free to do so.


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