Tag 39

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It's been a while since I was tagged, but it has happened again.

1. I was tagged by AmbitchousGrimes

2. I've got a day to go so I'm safe 😂

3. Here we go!

(1) I've probably said some of these facts before but I'm to lazy to go back and see what I've said and what I haven't.
(2) I turned 17 a little over a month ago.
(3) I'm about to be going into my senior year of high school and I don't know how to feel about it.
(4) I play trumpet in both marching and concert band.
(5) I'm currently volunteering as a counselor for a band camp, which is why I haven't updated my stories for a while... sorry.
(6) I'm the physical embodiment of sarcasm and sass.
(7) If you look up procrastinator in the dictionary you see a picture of me.
(8) I have a little sister.
(9) I always thought I was straight, but recently I've started to think I'm bi.
(10) I lived in Texas most of my life, but I moved to Florida right before 6th grade.

I know that's only 14 but as I said earlier, I'm lazy. As always, if any of you don't want to do this you don't have to, and if anyone reads this that I didn't tag feel free to do it anyway.

5. Done. Isn't the title soooooooooooooooooo creative (he said sarcastically)

6. It's a band joke so yeah, sorry if you don't get it.

How many trumpet players does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Five, one to screw it in and four others to say how they could have done it better.

7. Do I have to?




Ok... fine... I'll do it, even though I hate giving out spoilers. This will be a spoiler for my story Fight To Live so if you are reading that and don't want something spoiled for you skip over this.

There are two deaths in the season 3 finale. Damian (fortunately) and Kevin (unfortunately) will both be leaving us very soon. I will also say that there are two more deaths in the season 4 premier, but I'm not gonna say who as I've already spoiled enough for one night, you'll just have to wait and see who is leaving us when the time comes.

8. Already done 😂

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